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Yeah Serebii. Time to take some of your own advice and chill...


It's only a couple of days until the Investor's Meeting anyway. Just don't feed the trolls until then at least ;)


They should release a Nintendo Direct/Video app. They would be able to get the latest Nintendo news directly to the masses. Only problem is, are the masses bothered enough to actually download such a thing?


I'm 90% sure that they're gonna do just that. But I get the feeling that it won't just be Nintendo Direct, but rather an all encompassing "Nintendo" App that also includes the app versions of Miiverse and the eShop, as well as little minigames/trivia/etc that keep enticing smartphone owners to keep checking back for more (the idea being that they read up on upcoming games while they're inside the app).

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So why don't you just relax and wait instead of getting wound up by randomers on the internet?


Also, most people on GAF and twitter seem to be taking this as I am; that Nintendo aren't going to put ANY games on touch devices but instead put videos on them.


Of course, not long until we find out.

Because I can't stand idiocy being unchallenged. :(


I hope this isn't the plan. Won't do anything to drive hardware or software sales.

Yeah. This strange thing called marketing never works...

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I'm 90% sure that they're gonna do just that. But I get the feeling that it won't just be Nintendo Direct, but rather an all encompassing "Nintendo" App that also includes the app versions of Miiverse and the eShop, as well as little minigames and trivia that keep enticing smartphone owners to keep checking back for more (the idea being that they read up on upcoming games while they're inside the app).


Yup. Pretty much what I'm thinking.

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I think using mobiles for marketing purposes cant be a bad thing.


It may not drive hardware sales but its good that they are trying something different.


This was the only thing they were ever gonna do so why are people acting surprised or going crazy over this.


Nintendo are not going to release games on smartphones!!


They have said this over and over again.


I personally think they should release some low budget free running games as they make money. They wont make people buy console versions but a mario themed runner would give nintendo a nice revenue stream.

Edited by khilafah
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Wii U Lite coming up with purely aesthetic changes :p


Drops Gamepad support, comes in fresh new white model, backwards compatible as big feature including added gamecube support, drops U from name, can't play new games.


They should release a Nintendo Direct/Video app. They would be able to get the latest Nintendo news directly to the masses. Only problem is, are the masses bothered enough to actually download such a thing?


How much work would it take? I reckon it could work and be worth it, cos as far as I recall I tend to be at work when all these NDs take place! Adds a bit more to the whole smartphone presence too, I guess.


It's done wonders for them so far. :D


Bread...AND butter!

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I think using mobiles for marketing purposes cant be a bad thing.


It may not drive hardware sales but its good that they are trying something different.


This was the only thing they were ever gonna do so why are people acting surprised or going crazy over this.


Nintendo are not going to release games on smartphones!!


This. The day Nintendo starts releasing games on touch screen tablets and phones is the day it should just pack up. It'd be f-ing horrible, and when surrounded by all the godawful freemium titles with IAP it wouldn't be great business.


A marketing tool on iOS and Android sounds like a great idea though. Mini games, videos etc sounds good.

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So that clearly means they should never market again. The more you know!


I never said that. As has been said many a time marketing is simple but that's not what counts. It's all about the right marketing and Nintendo so far have shown they have been pretty clueless on that front.

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This. The day Nintendo starts releasing games on touch screen tablets and phones is the day it should just pack up. It'd be f-ing horrible, and when surrounded by all the godawful freemium titles with IAP it wouldn't be great business.


How so? Having Gravity Rush, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet Karting, Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank on mobile devices hasn't harmed Sony in any way.

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Nintendo? Making games for other hardware? Not so fast. Nikkei's widely reported tale of Mario et al. coming to a smartphone near you is unlikely to happen -- at least in the way we were all half-hoping for. The company has told Engadget that it has no plans to offer "mini-games" on smartphone platforms, reiterating its CEO's statements in prior financial reports that touched on using smart devices to better promote its games, characters and hardware. You'll just have to wait for that briefing from Iwata-san, later this week, to discover exactly how the company plans to grab a few more coins. The full statement follows below:


"Nikkei's article contains information previously stated by Mr Iwata during past press conferences, including statements which relate to Nintendo's willingness to make use of smart devices to promote our products.


However during such past announcements Mr Iwata has also stated that Nintendo's intention is not to make Nintendo software available on smart devices and as such, we can confirm that there are no plans to offer minigames on smartphone devices. "

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How so? Having Gravity Rush, inFamous, LittleBigPlanet Karting, Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank on mobile devices hasn't harmed Sony in any way.


Not sure thats the same situation. Nintendo have IP's that sell handheld alone. They have to be very very careful on making sure the experience you find on the handheld can not be in anyway replicated on a smartphone.


Nintendo? Making games for other hardware? Not so fast. Nikkei's widely reported tale of Mario et al. coming to a smartphone near you is unlikely to happen -- at least in the way we were all half-hoping for. The company has told Engadget that it has no plans to offer "mini-games" on smartphone platforms, reiterating its CEO's statements in prior financial reports that touched on using smart devices to better promote its games, characters and hardware. You'll just have to wait for that briefing from Iwata-san, later this week, to discover exactly how the company plans to grab a few more coins. The full statement follows below:


"Nikkei's article contains information previously stated by Mr Iwata during past press conferences, including statements which relate to Nintendo's willingness to make use of smart devices to promote our products.


However during such past announcements Mr Iwata has also stated that Nintendo's intention is not to make Nintendo software available on smart devices and as such, we can confirm that there are no plans to offer minigames on smartphone devices. "


Would be interesting to see how they weigh this up.


On the one hand you could look at a Mario runner as basically pure revenue even though it wouldnt really make people then go and buy a 3DS but on the flip side I can them worrying that it would devalue the brand of Mario.


I have a feeling Nintendo think once you step into that world of smartphone games there is no getting out.

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Have I stepped into bizzaroworld? Nintendo commenting on rumours and speculation!? Has it started raining Nintendogs & cats!? :o


Watch everyone start taking it as confirmation that they'll be putting full games on mobiles instead of "minigames" :laughing:


I take it there will be no ND tomorrow then? Usually they would have announced it by now. Thursday is that investors meeting, right? So no ND there either. Friday?


If we get an ND this week, I'd imagine that it'll come before or around the same time as the investors meeting on Thursday...

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I take it there will be no ND tomorrow then? Usually they would have announced it by now. Thursday is that investors meeting, right? So no ND there either. Friday?


Well the ND will be prerecorded (if we even get one). Announcement will go up tomorrow (or Thursday if the ND will be Friday). I don't see why the investor meeting and ND can't be on the same day.

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I wouldn't have a problem with a virtual console service for Android or IOS devices. There are already (illegal) emulators for GBA and SNES games for those platforms, so an official one would at least make some money for nintendo.


Nintendo can't even get the VC games out in a timely fashion on their own consoles, never mind on smartphones.


Has it been nearly a year since they mentioned bringing the GBA and N64 to the Wii U? Crazy.


Well the ND will be prerecorded (if we even get one). Announcement will go up tomorrow (or Thursday if the ND will be Friday). I don't see why the investor meeting and ND can't be on the same day.


Just figured they wouldn't due to the attention being split.

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