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Is there actually going to be a Nintendo Direct or are people just guessing?

We have Nintendo's big investor meeting where they're going to reveal a lot of their big gamechanging plans. Logic dictates that there will be a revelation to the public of these plans, not just to investors.

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Seems odd to have no Wii U releases OR 3DS releases in the same week... Are we meant to be Mario Deluxe this week because even that wasn't mentioned if we are?

Na, that's Feb 13th.


The fact that both are lacking it is what makes me think it's a Direct. If it were just 3DS or just Wii U, then fine...but both?

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Nintendos mobile plans revealed?


Japanese newspaper The Nikkei just reported on its website (2am Tuesday JST) that Nintendo is finally going mobile within this year.


According to the country’s biggest business publication, Nintendo will make such an announcement this Thursday, the day it holds a briefing for investors.


But Nintendo will not simply put Mario, Pokemon or other games on smartphones. According to the report, Nintendo plans to use Android and/or iOS devices (not confirmed at this point) to market its console games.


To be more concrete, The Nikkei writes that Nintendo wants to use smartphones to expand its potential user base by spreading information about new game releases, i.e. by using video to introduce future titles. (This will probably happen through some kind of official Nintendo app.)


In addition, Nintendo is said to be planning to put so-called “mini games” on smartphones, playable demos of console games – content that can only be purchased in full on Nintendo hardware. The reasoning here is to give smartphone-only players a taste of the experience without making the actual game available on non-Nintendo devices and convert these users into Nintendo customers.


According to The Nikkei, this content will be entirely free, and Nintendo is not planning to offer paid or freemium games on smartphones at the moment.


To make it clear again: this information is not coming from Nintendo itself. Expect further details during the company’s briefing on Thursday.

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Nintendos mobile plans revealed?


That's all in-line with what Iwata has already said he plans to do. The "playable demo" part will not happen in the sense of what most people think (actual ported versions of games on smartphones in demo or full form) of course, but everything else all fits in with what Iwata has said he wants to do on numerous occasions. They want to use smartphones as a marketing tool for their own games and devices.


There's also an official Miiverse app due and an eShop app due too (there's also supposedly a web version of the eShop store due too - but that seems to be well past its due date as that was mentioned a LONG time ago...)

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Basically everything Iwata and Reggie have said is coming over the past few months.


Love how the internet is already over-reacting and saying Nintendo are doomed for not putting their games on smartphones


Well if that is what they are doing, it's pretty stupid and clearly not addressing the fact that people aren't growing up playing Nintendo games anymore. Getting them to 'watch movies' of upcoming games doesn't help when those games aren't available for that device.

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Well if that is what they are doing, it's pretty stupid and clearly not addressing the fact that people aren't growing up playing Nintendo games anymore. Getting them to 'watch movies' of upcoming games doesn't help when those games aren't available for that device.

How about we wait for them to actually reveal what is happening before we bitch about them screwing up?

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How about we wait for them to actually reveal what is happening before we bitch about them screwing up?


I was referring to the link that you replied to.......In fact I even made that pretty obvious.


How about you wait for Nintendo to announce their plans before you over react to people on GAF? :)

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I was referring to the link that you replied to.......In fact I even made that pretty obvious.


How about you wait for Nintendo to announce their plans before you over react to people on GAF? :)

Well they're over-reacting now, acting like this means Nintendo are putting their games completely on it.

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Well they're over-reacting now, acting like this means Nintendo are putting their games completely on it.


So why don't you just relax and wait instead of getting wound up by randomers on the internet?


Also, most people on GAF and twitter seem to be taking this as I am; that Nintendo aren't going to put ANY games on touch devices but instead put videos on them.


Of course, not long until we find out.

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