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The key concept for Nintendoland and the Wii U itself was all about asymmetrical game play and that's only possible with local muliplayer. It's a shame it's not online but you can understand why they wanted to concentrate on local fun and not confuse the message.


Well, that's not exactly true. Think of the Luigi's Mansion game where you had player one as the ghost and every else trying to catch him. That could also work online, just instead of having people in the same room, you could have people in different locations. You'd still have player 1 seeing both himself on screen and seeing what others see on the tv screen, whilst of course the other players wouldn't be able to see the ghost. So...it would be exactly the same. One person would be getting a different experience to the other/s.


(it would also eliminate people who "screen cheat" by trying to look at your screen during gameplay if you were the ghost)




So, "I don't play fantastic games because I can't chat to my mates". You have to ask yourself if you actually enjoy games with an attitude like that. Seems a very strange view to have IMO. Why not enjoy the games themselves? There's a reason why most of Nintendo's first party efforts score in the 9's and over, they're fantastic.


Communication is important in multiplayer or co-op games. That's part of the reason why you're doing it and not just playing a single player game because you want to have that interaction with another person or group of people. Nintendoland itself is fun in multiplayer and part of the reason for that is because you're with your mates and are having a good time, a laugh and a joke together.


@kav82's example is correct; you wouldn't play a local multiplayer game and sit in silence, so why would you consider this fine for online?

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Nintendoland was intended to be local only. Packman 3 has too many characters on a screen. Mario 3D world is to process in it's controls to work. Mario Kart 8 would have lag during races. Smash would have lag....


Excuses all the time. They fuck up all their online games barring maybe Mario Kart Wii. Smash is the only one I can kind of see why. But Nintendo are frightening in their attitudes. So so so painfully clueless. Same with friend codes, their argument was always better protection for kids, always a bullshit reason... well now they don't have friend codes, are they better or worse protected?! The same you say. Funny that....


Splatoon will be the next big test. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for it not to have voice chat - technically it can do it with ease, the game NEEDS to be played effectively and the general community want it. Let's see if they understand.

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Well, that's not exactly true. Think of the Luigi's Mansion game where you had player one as the ghost and every else trying to catch him. That could also work online, just instead of having people in the same room, you could have people in different locations. You'd still have player 1 seeing both himself on screen and seeing what others see on the tv screen, whilst of course the other players wouldn't be able to see the ghost. So...it would be exactly the same. One person would be getting a different experience to the other/s.


I know it would work, it just wouldn't work as well. It's a big laugh scaring the shit out of someone if they're sat right next to you than on the other side of the world.

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I know it would work, it just wouldn't work as well. It's a big laugh scaring the shit out of someone if they're sat right next to you than on the other side of the world.


True, but at least you'd be able to hear their reaction over voice chat.

I don't think online play is ever as good as sitting next to someone, but that's not a good enough reason to omit it.

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I know it would work, it just wouldn't work as well. It's a big laugh scaring the shit out of someone if they're sat right next to you than on the other side of the world.


Of course it's always ideal to have your friends at hand so you can play a few games together. However, it's not always an option. Having the online modes gives you another option and it's just better choice for the gamer.


People change and so do their circumstances. They move away to study or move to a different area away from people that they know. If you're able to play games with them through the internet, it's another way to carry on having a good time with them and keeping that friendship going. If you have children in the house or an intensive job, maybe it's not always possible to invite friends over during the week or for certain periods of time. There's lots of reasons.


We've had quite a good following on here taking part in the Pro Clubs on Fifa and it wouldn't be anywhere near as good if you're not able to communicate with them. Giving more options to the gamer is never a bad thing, even if you never use them yourself. I never used the co-op in 3D world for example and mainly played the game in singleplayer, but I was grateful that it was there to begin with. (would've played it more had it been online, but that's for another thread entirely)

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Same with friend codes, their argument was always better protection for kids, always a bullshit reason... well now they don't have friend codes, are they better or worse protected?! The same you say. Funny that....


firstly, I am not saying friend codes were great or good BUT..


Nintendo were being cautious. I prefer that approach rather than a reckless approach and all that could entail.

It is feasible, in my mind, that since the introduction of the friend code system they have accrued enough experience to find more effective ways of achieving the same level of security without inconveniencing everybody.


Having skipped online (in any meaningful way) on the GC basically put them a generation behind, while threats didn't remain static. With the Wii/DS they had to navigate modern issues with nearly generation old infrastructure. I think that gap is closing now, despite all the complaints, but I don't think it will be fully closed by 2017. It will probably be the next-next-gen Nintendo console before the online infrastructure is on par with the competition.


As for cutting your noses to spite your faces (I refuse to enjoy this game until condition x is acheived)... your loss not ours :D

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I know it would work, it just wouldn't work as well. It's a big laugh scaring the shit out of someone if they're sat right next to you than on the other side of the world.


But Mario kart and small are better with people right next to you, it doesn't stop online also being fun!!! Having online doesn't mean they'll take out local.

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Well this is how I see it:






Classic, fun but a bit old school.





Moving with the times and technology.


Yes they were enjoyable but should we still be watching silent, black and white movies or should we embrace the latest technology?

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Well this is how I see it:






Classic, fun but a bit old school.





Moving with the times and technology.


Yes they were enjoyable but should we still be watching silent, black and white movies or should we embrace the latest technology?

If we're going to be ridiculous and insulting, then I'd say the comparison would be


Nintendo: Star Wars Original Trilogy. Good fun, tech's a bit out of date but is boosted every so often

MS/Sony: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Too much focus on visuals. Some decent stuff here and there but overall soulless and buggy.

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...As for cutting your noses to spite your faces (I refuse to enjoy this game until condition x is acheived)... your loss not ours :D


It's not "I refuse to enjoy" it's "I don't enjoy". That's not cutting your nose off to spite your face.

I've played many online games, both with and without voice-chat. This, I can certainly say, all those with voice-chat I have enjoyed more than those without.


For arguments sake: if Nintendoland had online and voice-chat, I'd rather play that with mates than play MK8 with them but without voice-chat, even though I think MK8 is better.

At least on Nintendoland we could have a laugh and joke together which would make it more fun than MK8.


If we're going to be ridiculous and insulting, then I'd say the comparison would be


Nintendo: Star Wars Original Trilogy. Good fun, tech's a bit out of date but is boosted every so often

MS/Sony: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Too much focus on visuals. Some decent stuff here and there but overall soulless and buggy.


The only thing is, with Nintendo you'd have to watch the original trilogy without sound.

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Well @Wii you make that point

Yes they were enjoyable but should we still be watching silent, black and white movies or should we embrace the latest technology?

and then in the past I've read you saying you have no intention of buying what else is on offer despite you consistently berating Nintendo for not catering to your needs.


Which is it?


FWIW, I have always bought Nintendo consoles and it doesn't bother me that these things aren't there like voice chat, superb multiplayer etc, because the games are still enjoyable for me and I'm more of a lone gamer anyway. But owning a One and playing games like Forza with a mate and chatting about how best to tackle a mission we were doing is also brilliant fun.

As others have said, Nintendo need to get their shit together, but even when they do - if you class yourself as a hardcore gamer, the optimum set up is to have either the PS4 / One AND a Wii U too. Pricey, but worth it IMO.


Or be greedy like me and have all 3. :heh:

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The only thing is, with Nintendo you'd have to watch the original trilogy without sound.


OK, that's just silly.


It's more like not having the option to listen to the commentary. Voice Chat isn't so important that the lack of it ruins the entire point.

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OK, that's just silly.


It's more like not having the option to listen to the commentary. Voice Chat isn't so important that the lack of it ruins the entire point.


True but I was just being a cheeky git, mainly because I don't think the comparison fits.

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If we're going to be ridiculous and insulting, then I'd say the comparison would be


Nintendo: Star Wars Original Trilogy. Good fun, tech's a bit out of date but is boosted every so often

MS/Sony: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Too much focus on visuals. Some decent stuff here and there but overall soulless and buggy.


It's not ridiculous or insulting. They refuse to embrace online fully and they won't put voice chat in-game. The last 2 generations they've used outdated technology compared to the competition. It's just an analogy. We sit in silence while others are laughing.

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If we're going to make arbitrary analogies to media then let's just agree that the Wii U is this:




This is all verging into that dangerous territory where people can't see anything outside of their own personal viewpoint and it turns into an increasingly aggressive shouting/insulting match. Let's try and keep it civil please.

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It's not ridiculous or insulting. They refuse to embrace online fully and they won't put voice chat in-game. The last 2 generations they've used outdated technology compared to the competition. It's just an analogy. We sit in silence while others are laughing.

I argue that they embrace online quite well. Yes it's not shoehorned into every title and there still are things that need ironing out, but to say they are backwards and behind is erroneous.

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Nintendo don't put voice chat in games because they don't want kids/families being exposed to obscene language, it has nothing to do with technical capabilities or being out of touch.


And as a gamer and a parent of a young gamer I can completely understand it. Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up and there is the great irony... Nintendo consoles aimed at kids piss of the adults who are too immature to play them.

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Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up


This is the only reason I don't care about voice chat.


I would be happy with friends-only voice chat during actual gameplay. I'd hate to have voice chat with random people.


EDIT: @Mandalore below puts it better.

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If I want to call my friend a cunt because they're acting like a cunt then I should be able to do it in my opinion and as Mandalore says, there are ways to ensure I don't say this to some kiddies. We've all learnt from The Onion that's never a good idea.

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Nintendo don't put voice chat in games because they don't want kids/families being exposed to obscene language, it has nothing to do with technical capabilities or being out of touch.


And as a gamer and a parent of a young gamer I can completely understand it. Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up and there is the great irony... Nintendo consoles aimed at kids piss of the adults who are too immature to play them.


They could still add voice chat for private matches between friends?


This is where party chat comes into play!


I dont think you'll find anyone on here kicking off about not being able to talk to randoms, it's simply people we know or on our friends list that we want the banter with.


Protecting the kiddies is a hilarious excuse. There's a bunch of ways to get around this, as we've discussed MANY times on here. All they need to do is restrict it to party chat with friends and jobs done.

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Well @Wii you make that point and then in the past I've read you saying you have no intention of buying what else is on offer despite you consistently berating Nintendo for not catering to your needs.


Which is it?


FWIW, I have always bought Nintendo consoles and it doesn't bother me that these things aren't there like voice chat, superb multiplayer etc, because the games are still enjoyable for me and I'm more of a lone gamer anyway. But owning a One and playing games like Forza with a mate and chatting about how best to tackle a mission we were doing is also brilliant fun.

As others have said, Nintendo need to get their shit together, but even when they do - if you class yourself as a hardcore gamer, the optimum set up is to have either the PS4 / One AND a Wii U too. Pricey, but worth it IMO.


Or be greedy like me and have all 3. :heh:


I'm not buying another console. I shouldn't have to. I always buy Nintendo but I want 3rd party games as well. I buy most of their games but if things can be improved which they can then why not say it? I said before buying MK8 and Smash that I'm not happy with the voice chat situation but they've got my money so why should they care or change? I've been through this before extensively so I'm not going over it again.


If we're going to make arbitrary analogies to media then let's just agree that the Wii U is this:




This is all verging into that dangerous territory where people can't see anything outside of their own personal viewpoint and it turns into an increasingly aggressive shouting/insulting match. Let's try and keep it civil please.


It's not arbitrary. It's very relevant. Nintendo won't embrace voice chat fully and use better technology. Just because something was the norm back then doesn't mean we should keep the status quo.


Nintendo don't put voice chat in games because they don't want kids/families being exposed to obscene language, it has nothing to do with technical capabilities or being out of touch.


And as a gamer and a parent of a young gamer I can completely understand it. Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up and there is the great irony... Nintendo consoles aimed at kids piss of the adults who are too immature to play them.


You're most likely right, that is probably the main reason but then I've said before what is the point of parental controls on the console if you don't use them?

Edited by Wii
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Nintendo don't put voice chat in games because they don't want kids/families being exposed to obscene language, it has nothing to do with technical capabilities or being out of touch.


And as a gamer and a parent of a young gamer I can completely understand it. Voice chat on Mario Kart would be just be two and a half minutes of f-bombs and c-bombs and people who get pissed off because they can't call somebody a cunt in-game should grow up and there is the great irony... Nintendo consoles aimed at kids piss of the adults who are too immature to play them.


That is out of touch because that's not the way to deal with the issue. There are many ways to tackle that problem. Only having the chat option available to those on your friend list/some form of party chat feature, having the mute feature, parental controls to limit which modes they can turn off (would be a great idea), these are some of the ways to deal with it.


Nintendo are supposedly a company who caters to all, so they should aim to do just that. By not including such features as voice chat (or not even putting the online features in in the first place ala Nintendoland, 3D World), they are alienating a significant portion of their audience.


It also affects their image to a certain extent. They've had the kiddy-console maker label for years and doing things like that would just serve to further that notion.

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