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So I've actually been playing my Wii U a bit more recently(read:Kirby Superstar on VC) but man is it slow. Just...wow. I counted about 30 seconds for a transition, which is a bit ridiculous really.


Another annoying thing - gave my mate Superstar to play(with the gamepad) then thought I'd jump in with the Pro pad(as, under my previous 'testing' the night before I'd been told it wouldn't work with Wiimote) - what they neglected to mention to me is that it won't fucking work straight off with a spontaneous extra controller either, rather it'd sync the 'Pro' pad as player one, meaning it was totally sharing, and interrupting, my mate's gameplay with the gamepad! How can you seriously justify that bullshit. In the end had to savestate, reset, synch, launch, restore. What a bunch of jokers.


You can change that from the VC menu. There's an option to make the Gamepad the controller for player 2.


Any other controller that connects will always default to being player 1, but the Gamepad can be swapped between controlling player 1 or 2.

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One thing I loved about my gamecube was how fast it was to load games. I really wish it was true of the Wii U. I never finished Lego city because those load screens were ridiculous - it felt like you actually had time to go have a cup of tea and a biscuit during a lot of the load screens : / it's a real disincentive.


It was the first game I played (it came bundled with the console) and it did worry me for the future.


On the VC - totally, there MAY be work arounds... but there shouldn't need to be work arounds, it should literally be a case of plug in a controller, automatically becomes player 2 OR a pop up says a second controller has been detected, do you want it to be player 1/2. under no circumstances should there be TWO player one controllers. It's just common sense, surely!

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One thing I loved about my gamecube was how fast it was to load games. I really wish it was true of the Wii U. I never finished Lego city because those load screens were ridiculous - it felt like you actually had time to go have a cup of tea and a biscuit during a lot of the load screens : / it's a real disincentive.


Whilst I agree with what you're saying, Lego City is an extreme example. I made the mistake of trying this game out on a demo booth (think it was a gamestore in Belgium...Antwerp, I think) and it actually put me off the game. By the time the game came on, I had lost interest.

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Whilst I agree with what you're saying, Lego City is an extreme example. I made the mistake of trying this game out on a demo booth (think it was a gamestore in Belgium...Antwerp, I think) and it actually put me off the game. By the time the game came on, I had lost interest.


I know - but imagine my horror at the thought that ALL games would be like that on the Wii U :D

Fortunately the bundle also came with rayman legends, which was quite tolerable in regards to load screens.

It's a shame the load screens put you off altogether though, I quite enjoyed the game, load screens aside! But now I've completed the story I don't really want to go back and 100% it because of the load screens :(


But back on topic, while LC is extreme, load times are pretty poor on the Wii U, apparently that update improved the situation for some people, but personally my Wii U has always been a bit slow!


Still like it though, especially now I've got a reasonable library of games :)

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I know - but imagine my horror at the thought that ALL games would be like that on the Wii U :D

Fortunately the bundle also came with rayman legends, which was quite tolerable in regards to load screens.

It's a shame the load screens put you off altogether though, I quite enjoyed the game, load screens aside! But now I've completed the story I don't really want to go back and 100% it because of the load screens :(


But back on topic, while LC is extreme, load times are pretty poor on the Wii U, apparently that update improved the situation for some people, but personally my Wii U has always been a bit slow!


Still like it though, especially now I've got a reasonable library of games :)


I know, I wanted the game but the price also seems to be very high for it. I went through a phase where I would look for a good deal for the game and it just didn't seem to fall under the 30 quid category.


I've missed the boat on that one, tbh. A bit of a shame, but it's more of a game that I thought would be "nice" to play rather than one that I had desperately wanted to play.

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It is not just the Wii U with poor load times. The PS4 is equally as bad!


The ones on Destiny are pretty bad. Given what it's trying to pull off though I can let it slide.


The One also has some terrible loading times. Forza 5, Ryse and Dead Rising 3 took an age to load, with Ryse being the worst offender.


Another Wii U game that has awful loading times is Splinter Cell. You could go make a sandwich and still the mission would be loading up.


Nintendo's own games are usually pretty good. I think there's only DKC:TF that has loading time issues on the Wii U.

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Naturally the loading times are going to depend on the game itself. In theory, the average loading time for a Wii U game should be significantly shorter than a PS4/Xbone game because there's less RAM to fill (1GB VS 4.5GB) and the hard drive speeds aren't so much faster than the Wii U's BD Drive/USB2 HDD to be able to compensate, but ultimately it's not what you have, but rather how you use it.


Hero-of-Time rightfully pointed out that the load times in Nintendo's own games are all really short, to the point where they're practically invisible in all games not called Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Sonic Lost World is another game that has nearly instantaneous load times (pretty remarkable actually, when you consider the other games that run on the same engine that take a long time to load on other consoles like Sonic Generations and Sonic Unleashed!).


On the VC - totally, there MAY be work arounds... but there shouldn't need to be work arounds, it should literally be a case of plug in a controller, automatically becomes player 2 OR a pop up says a second controller has been detected, do you want it to be player 1/2. under no circumstances should there be TWO player one controllers. It's just common sense, surely!


It comes in handy for GBA games that have 2-4 player modes though ;) (and it's pretty fun to play single player games with two people controlling the same character - Mario & Luigi SS in "co-op" with one person controlling each bro is a great laugh :laughing: )

Edited by Dcubed
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maybe, but load times are just something I have little patience with. I use the GC as a good example, but actually I recall even finding super monkey ball a bit on the long side to get into the actual gameplay! I think load times are something I expected to get shorter as technology progressed, not lengthened. I appreciate the reasons that isn't the case (it's easier to sell impressive gameplay than lightening fast load times) but just wish it wasn't! Who knows, maybe next gen they'll sort it. Sadly I doubt it :(

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Load times on Lego City are unbearable but gameplay of a game makes up for that.


Its a problem on the software side not on the WiiU side as @Dcubed mentioned some games are almost instantainous, and the PS4 really is no better, Destiny is an awesome game, but sometimes i can nip to the loo and back before i'm in an area, Watchdogs is equally as bad....wonder what the WiiU versions loading will be like

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Load times on Lego City are unbearable but gameplay of a game makes up for that.


Its a problem on the software side not on the WiiU side as @Dcubed mentioned some games are almost instantainous, and the PS4 really is no better, Destiny is an awesome game, but sometimes i can nip to the loo and back before i'm in an area, Watchdogs is equally as bad....wonder what the WiiU versions loading will be like


Judging by Ubisoft's past efforts... I wouldn't hold your breath, cause you'll probably die from asphyxiation before it finishes loading :laughing:

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Load times on Lego City are unbearable but gameplay of a game makes up for that.


Its a problem on the software side not on the WiiU side as @Dcubed mentioned some games are almost instantaneous, and the PS4 really is no better, Destiny is an awesome game, but sometimes I can nip to the loo and back before I'm in an area, Watchdogs is equally as bad....wonder what the WiiU versions loading will be like


True about it being a software issue, which I suppose invalidates my comparison to the GC really. I still hate the load times and wish they weren't anywhere near as long! :D


I'm curious to see what WD looks like on the Wii U, load times, graphics etc. I anticipate disappointment!

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True about it being a software issue, which I suppose invalidates my comparison to the GC really. I still hate the load times and wish they weren't anywhere near as long! :D


I'm curious to see what WD looks like on the Wii U, load times, graphics etc. I anticipate disappointment!


I can see where you're coming from, I'm used to it now but after being brought up on seemingly instant loading screens from the N64/GC/Wii (bar a few exceptions like MYSIMS which was awful in that regard) it was a hard pill to swallow :p


Did you ever experience a Wii pre the first speed update, it was SO bad. I remember loading up the Mii Channel when I first got it, screen froze for about 10 seconds, went black for another 5-10 and then had the actual Mii loading screen for about another 10, not even over exaggerating. Returning to the home menu after anything also took forever, would have probably been quicker just to turn the damn thing off and on again :p

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Aha! That's why they don't do voice-chat, they're old and deaf, they'd not be able to hear anyway so what's the point?!

So old and yet they resist maturing!


But still, happy birthday Ninty, the gaming landscape wouldn't be as it is without them!

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Aha! That's why they don't do voice-chat, they're old and deaf, they'd not be able to hear anyway so what's the point?!

So old and yet they resist maturing!


But still, happy birthday Ninty, the gaming landscape wouldn't be as it is without them!


Look, I'm sick of this talk of voice chat!


Nintendo don't do voice chat because it's more cinematic that way. After all, you're not allowed to talk in the cinema! I'm all for that cinematic feeling.

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On the VC - totally, there MAY be work arounds... but there shouldn't need to be work arounds, it should literally be a case of plug in a controller, automatically becomes player 2 OR a pop up says a second controller has been detected, do you want it to be player 1/2. under no circumstances should there be TWO player one controllers. It's just common sense, surely!


Exactly my thoughts/issue. I also wanted my mate to keep playing as player 1(kirby) and with the gamepad, so setting its default to player 2 wouldn't help at all!


Another loading time annoyance I noticed was me accidentally closing the eShop the other day, think about 40ish seconds to close and relaunch it so I was in it - just feels a bit bloody ridiculous given how fast so many technical devices are these days.

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