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Then again, the Wii U should be doing better :/




Nintendo are "third place" because they're not edgy or "cool".


Remember, a developer said, when the Wii was popular, that they couldn't compete with Nintendo titles. Now they say that there isn't a userbase. No matter what Nintendo do, they won't have a console that has third party support.


Nintendo being great is their own weakness.


Actually the Gamecube had great 3rd party support in the first 6-12 months but unfortunately Nintendo weren't able to cultivate the right audience for 3rd parties to succeed with and they bailed soon after. Dropping the FPS market in the West hurt them and once Iwata got rid of most of their Western development teams most 3rd parties went to MS because they knew their games would sell there (as well as PS2 obv). Games aimed at kids still sold well on the console though.



You seem to have misunderstood the context of the Wii comment. With the Wii there were predominately 2 catorgories of owners:

1. Nintendo fans who don't really buy 3rd party games/will buy them on other systems.

2. Uber Casuals, who are very hard to understand as they are so diverse. In general, they purchased the console for a gimmick and so would buy the console for games like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort and Mario Kart as they were advertised as the next 'big' Wii game to get.


The problem with the Wii was simply the audience. Even Nintendo didn't understand that audience and now look at them.


Can we drop the '3rd parties will never succeed on Nintendo consoles' bullsh*t? If the audience who buy 3rd party games actually purchased a Nintendo console, 3rd party games would sell truck loads. Microsoft didn't get 3rd parties with some divine magic; they got them because they aimed the console at those willing to buy 3rd party games whilst Sony ruined the PS3 in the early days. Watch any TV spot for the 360 around 2005-2006 and see for yourself.

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Actually the Gamecube had great 3rd party support in the first 6-12 months but unfortunately Nintendo weren't able to cultivate the right audience for 3rd parties to succeed with and they bailed soon after. Dropping the FPS market in the West hurt them and once Iwata got rid of most of their Western development teams most 3rd parties went to MS because they knew their games would sell there (as well as PS2 obv). Games aimed at kids still sold well on the console though.



You seem to have misunderstood the context of the Wii comment. With the Wii there were predominately 2 catorgories of owners:

1. Nintendo fans who don't really buy 3rd party games/will buy them on other systems.

2. Uber Casuals, who are very hard to understand as they are so diverse. In general, they purchased the console for a gimmick and so would buy the console for games like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort and Mario Kart as they were advertised as the next 'big' Wii game to get.


The problem with the Wii was simply the audience. Even Nintendo didn't understand that audience and now look at them.


Can we drop the '3rd parties will never succeed on Nintendo consoles' bullsh*t? If the audience who buy 3rd party games actually purchased a Nintendo console, 3rd party games would sell truck loads. Microsoft didn't get 3rd parties with some divine magic; they got them because they aimed the console at those willing to buy 3rd party games whilst Sony ruined the PS3 in the early days. Watch any TV spot for the 360 around 2005-2006 and see for yourself.

I completely disagree. I truly believe that Nintendo consoles will not have good third party support. Even if they made a console which was identical to the PS4 to the point that developers can literally copy/paste code and it works, just having to update UI features, most third party games would still miss the console.


You'll see.


Also, what "western" development teams did Iwata "get rid of"?

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Also, what "western" development teams did Iwata "get rid of"?


Rare, Left Field, Silicon Knights & Factor 5.


Rare were sold and SK & F5 jumped ship when they saw the specs for the Wii.


What happened to Left Field?


I wouldn't say he got rid of them, more he didn't do enough to keep them.

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Rare, Left Field, Silicon Knights & Factor 5.


Rare were sold and SK & F5 jumped ship when they saw the specs for the Wii.


What happened to Left Field?


I wouldn't say he got rid of them, more he didn't do enough to keep them.

Rare & Left Field were second party, so yes I'll give you that, but their sales were so close to Iwata's taking over that it's impossible for them not to have been in the works already.

Silicon Knights & Factor 5 were third party, not second party

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Rare & Left Field were second party, so yes I'll give you that, but their sales were so close to Iwata's taking over that it's impossible for them not to have been in the works already.

Silicon Knights & Factor 5 were third party, not second party


Iwata could have put a halt to the sales of those two, same with Silicon Knights & Factor 5 ending their exclusivity deal.


I'm sure Silicon Knights were second party via the exclusivity agreement that was put in place before Iwata. Checkhere.

Edited by lostmario
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Sorry, I'm going to call bullshit. Nobody gave a shit about that when we were all busy loving our GameCubes and SNESs. Nobody moaned about having three identical consoles then.


Have to disagree here a little, I was bored of gaming as a whole in the gamecube era and just thought I was falling out of love with it. It was the DS and even more so the Wii that brought me back to loving the medium more than ever. BECAUSE of their gimmicks, it felt fresh. SNES was different because the industry was still new so of course it didn't really need it, hardware increases were HUGE then so it felt unbelievable each jump. I mean, the PS4 really isn't much of a jump from last gen, it's certainly not an impressive one; some of the services and social stuff can be considered the big leaps; it feels a tad stale to me.


Saying this, I wouldn't object to Nintendo just making a straight console with hardware at parity either; I love their games, I love indie games I'd take it. But I also think the gamepad is a fantastic device, I really do, I love off tv, I love miiverse with it, I love the few but excellent uses of it, Nintendoland is an incredible local multiplayer game purely because of it. So I'm glad they did it. I think the power issue is what's fucked them, and image.


But these arguments we've had countless times. It's interesting to see what Nintendo do now. They're in a dire situation, and I'm beginning to think they have given up on Wii U. But hope not for toys, or qol, and instead their future gaming hardware.


I'm not saying it's the best solution, but I really think Nintendo have to try one of two things. 1. Create the hybrid, portable, home console; that way it'd get more support, it'd get a better flow of games released, make it REALLy work with the current wii U eshop and VC and even backwards compatible and it could be absolutely perfect for what nintendo is today.

Or 2. try and fight again. The above scenario means it won't be powerful at all to make it portable friendly. But actually create a powerhouse. It's a huge shame there isn't a cheaper family friendly option, but so be it. Make it easy to port to and give 3rd parties no reason to avoid it, and see what happens. They've tried, it hasn't quite worked, but if they get amazing digital and social services, sort online, get the support and create an amazing flow of software it has a chance.


I don't know. It's fascinating. But nintendo are in big big trouble.

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I completely disagree. I truly believe that Nintendo consoles will not have good third party support. Even if they made a console which was identical to the PS4 to the point that developers can literally copy/paste code and it works, just having to update UI features, most third party games would still miss the console.


You'll see.


Also, what "western" development teams did Iwata "get rid of"?



1. If you read my post, I actually pointed out to you that it's not just about the console, it's about the audience. Jeez.


2. ''From 1990-2000. Nintendo of America had production and management autonomy from Japan. NOA basically culminated its own production team, along a few co-designers, and started funding and producing games with developers.


DMA Design: Uni Racers, Body Harvest (Nintendo dropped it in 1997, Midway took it)

Angel Studios: Ken Griffey Baseball, Buggie Boogie (canceled)

Bits Studios: Warlocked, Riqa (canceled)

Rare: Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark

Software Creations: Ken Griffey Baseball, Tin Star

Silicon Knights: Eternal Darkness (N64 version)

Left Field Productions: Kobey Bryant in NBA Courtside, Excitebike 64

Looking Glass Studio: Mini Racers (canceled)

Mass Media: Star Craft 64

H20: Tetrisphere

Saffire Corp: Nester's Funky Bowling, James Bond 007

Midway: Cruisn Series


Nintendo of America also procured the Ken Griffey and MLBPA license, NHL License, Kobe Bryant and NBA license, PGA license, Disney license, James Bond license, StarCraft license. Star Wars Episode I license. They were producing their own first-party games separate from Nintendo of Japan.


That all changed when Iwata transitioned from Global Marketing Chief to President. NOA Production was killed, and Nintendo of Japan's SPD Department took over all Western development (Star Fox Adventures, Geist, Eternal Darkness GC).


Henry Sterchi, Brian Ullrich, Ken Lobb, Ed Ridgeway, Jeff Hutt, Faran Thomason, and the whole crew left NOA to Microsoft and other developers. Since then, we've seen the Western model we have today. Western developers reporting directly to Japanese management, and pretty much making B/C sequels to Nintendo IPs.''

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I'm not buying that no matter what Nintendo do third parties would stay away. That's an easy get out for Nintendo's own incompetence in firstly not producing hardware that third parties actually want and secondly not cultivating there own audience into being accustomed to the kind of games third parties develop so they will go and purchase such games.


It's up to Nintendo to change the situation with third parties and to think they should just give up is simply absurd. Hardware developers need third parties, its a simple as that. Nintendo are no different the competition. No third parties on board only hurts the company so Nintendo should be doing all they can to make sure next time around they have third parties ready to make content for their platform.


Do I believe that's the case? Of course not. I seriously doubt Nintendo has done anything to address the needs of third parties and will carry along doing what they think is best regardless. It's a crazy attitude!!

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I completely disagree. I truly believe that Nintendo consoles will not have good third party support. Even if they made a console which was identical to the PS4 to the point that developers can literally copy/paste code and it works, just having to update UI features, most third party games would still miss the console.


You'll see.


"You'll see" is a terrible way of trying to end an argument.


What will we see? Do you somehow know what the future holds?


And while we're at it; correct me if I'm wrong but we're supposed to be happy with the following?


- Nintendo will never have strong third party support, regardless of what they do

- Nintendo will not try and plug the gaps that leaves behind (you may not like them, but FPSes and realistic racing sims are popular, and Splatoon is not going to fill that gap)

- Nintendo will not try and compete on the same level as other companies

Edited by Ashley
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If third party publishers believe they can make money on nintendo platforms they games will come.


There is no conspiracy against Nintendo by the industry to all just agree to never support a nintendo platform no matter what.


That really is a ridiculous theory.

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Have to disagree here a little, I was bored of gaming as a whole in the gamecube era and just thought I was falling out of love with it. It was the DS and even more so the Wii that brought me back to loving the medium more than ever. BECAUSE of their gimmicks, it felt fresh. SNES was different because the industry was still new so of course it didn't really need it, hardware increases were HUGE then so it felt unbelievable each jump. I mean, the PS4 really isn't much of a jump from last gen, it's certainly not an impressive one; some of the services and social stuff can be considered the big leaps; it feels a tad stale to me.


Out of curiosity, when did you fall out of love with the GC era? Was it right from the beginning or towards the middle/end? Imo, it started off really, really well and had a great first year or two. It stagnated after it certain point and Nintendo couldn't keep it going. There was the odd release here and there (RE4) which kept it going.


As for the PS4 bit, it'll get better as more games come for the system. The beginning of a generation is always a bit slow. It happened the opposite way around for the Cube almost, it was perhaps stronger at the start than the middle/End. I fear that this will happen to the WiiU, there's been some great titles already (Pikmin, W101, ZombiU) but I can't see that maintaining.


Saying this, I wouldn't object to Nintendo just making a straight console with hardware at parity either; I love their games, I love indie games I'd take it. But I also think the gamepad is a fantastic device, I really do, I love off tv, I love miiverse with it, I love the few but excellent uses of it, Nintendoland is an incredible local multiplayer game purely because of it. So I'm glad they did it. I think the power issue is what's fucked them, and image.


But these arguments we've had countless times. It's interesting to see what Nintendo do now. They're in a dire situation, and I'm beginning to think they have given up on Wii U. But hope not for toys, or qol, and instead their future gaming hardware.


I'm not saying it's the best solution, but I really think Nintendo have to try one of two things. 1. Create the hybrid, portable, home console; that way it'd get more support, it'd get a better flow of games released, make it REALLy work with the current wii U eshop and VC and even backwards compatible and it could be absolutely perfect for what nintendo is today.

Or 2. try and fight again. The above scenario means it won't be powerful at all to make it portable friendly. But actually create a powerhouse. It's a huge shame there isn't a cheaper family friendly option, but so be it. Make it easy to port to and give 3rd parties no reason to avoid it, and see what happens. They've tried, it hasn't quite worked, but if they get amazing digital and social services, sort online, get the support and create an amazing flow of software it has a chance.


I don't know. It's fascinating. But nintendo are in big big trouble.


It is a fascinating time, and I do think it's more and more likely that we'll have some sort of hybrid console. I don't really know how I feel about that as I'm not really a fan of handheld games. For me, the problem is that we're relying on Nintendo to sort out a multitude of problems at once and they're quite inconsistent with that. There's quite a lot that needs to change before the next system. But, Nintendo surprise us in lots of ways, so maybe we can expect to be pleasantly surprised in this regard in future. I live in hope. :D

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1. If you read my post, I actually pointed out to you that it's not just about the console, it's about the audience. Jeez.


2. ''From 1990-2000. Nintendo of America had production and management autonomy from Japan. NOA basically culminated its own production team, along a few co-designers, and started funding and producing games with developers.


DMA Design: Uni Racers, Body Harvest (Nintendo dropped it in 1997, Midway took it)

Angel Studios: Ken Griffey Baseball, Buggie Boogie (canceled)

Bits Studios: Warlocked, Riqa (canceled)

Rare: Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct, Goldeneye 007, Perfect Dark

Software Creations: Ken Griffey Baseball, Tin Star

Silicon Knights: Eternal Darkness (N64 version)

Left Field Productions: Kobey Bryant in NBA Courtside, Excitebike 64

Looking Glass Studio: Mini Racers (canceled)

Mass Media: Star Craft 64

H20: Tetrisphere

Saffire Corp: Nester's Funky Bowling, James Bond 007

Midway: Cruisn Series


Nintendo of America also procured the Ken Griffey and MLBPA license, NHL License, Kobe Bryant and NBA license, PGA license, Disney license, James Bond license, StarCraft license. Star Wars Episode I license. They were producing their own first-party games separate from Nintendo of Japan.


That all changed when Iwata transitioned from Global Marketing Chief to President. NOA Production was killed, and Nintendo of Japan's SPD Department took over all Western development (Star Fox Adventures, Geist, Eternal Darkness GC).


Henry Sterchi, Brian Ullrich, Ken Lobb, Ed Ridgeway, Jeff Hutt, Faran Thomason, and the whole crew left NOA to Microsoft and other developers. Since then, we've seen the Western model we have today. Western developers reporting directly to Japanese management, and pretty much making B/C sequels to Nintendo IPs.''


Most were just third parties though, not Nintendo developers that they let go. They were just Nintendo funded titles, but I do see your point, even though the timing is a bit skewed in some cases.


"You'll see" is a terrible way of trying to end an argument.


What will we see? Do you somehow know what the future holds?


And while we're at it; correct me if I'm wrong but we're supposed to be happy with the following?


- Nintendo will never have strong third party support, regardless of what they do

- Nintendo will not try and plug the gaps that leaves behind (you may not like them, but FPSes and realistic racing sims are popular, and Splatoon is not going to fill that gap)

- Nintendo will not try and compete on the same level as other companies


Never said we're supposed to be happy with it.

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It is a fascinating time, and I do think it's more and more likely that we'll have some sort of hybrid console. I don't really know how I feel about that as I'm not really a fan of handheld games. For me, the problem is that we're relying on Nintendo to sort out a multitude of problems at once and they're quite inconsistent with that. There's quite a lot that needs to change before the next system. But, Nintendo surprise us in lots of ways, so maybe we can expect to be pleasantly surprised in this regard in future. I live in hope. :D


We are getting a hybrid...of sorts. Nintendo has outlined their next platform to us. The platform is the OS. There will be a handheld and a home console. Different specs. The OS, which is tied with your NNID, is across both platforms, which have similar architectures to allow for easier development as well as easier asset sharing.


They also say it will absorb architecture of the Wii U, so all then-available Virtual Console games etc. on Wii U will be there day 1

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Out of curiosity, when did you fall out of love with the GC era? Was it right from the beginning or towards the middle/end? Imo, it started off really, really well and had a great first year or two. It stagnated after it certain point and Nintendo couldn't keep it going. There was the odd release here and there (RE4) which kept it going.


As for the PS4 bit, it'll get better as more games come for the system. The beginning of a generation is always a bit slow. It happened the opposite way around for the Cube almost, it was perhaps stronger at the start than the middle/End. I fear that this will happen to the WiiU, there's been some great titles already (Pikmin, W101, ZombiU) but I can't see that maintaining.


It is a fascinating time, and I do think it's more and more likely that we'll have some sort of hybrid console. I don't really know how I feel about that as I'm not really a fan of handheld games. For me, the problem is that we're relying on Nintendo to sort out a multitude of problems at once and they're quite inconsistent with that. There's quite a lot that needs to change before the next system. But, Nintendo surprise us in lots of ways, so maybe we can expect to be pleasantly surprised in this regard in future. I live in hope. :D


Definitely not at first, I imported the spiced orange GameCube from Japan and was very excited, needed a new tele too as the GameCube displayed in black and white... I played it a lot and such, but I don't know, just wasn't as in to games (still bought an insane amount)... Then the ds came out and I was invigorated again.


Yeah I think the ps4 will get loads better - alien is exciting, uncharted, some of the indies, I'm looking forward to it. But no one gives me gaming joy like nintendos games, and even them "trying" new things I find quite inspiring, whether they're successful or not.


Nope. It seems that they wiped the console and just sent it back...


Surely there's a way to sort this... Surely!

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Got my Wii U back today!!!


Went to put it on...went to enter my NNID....


"This Nintendo Network ID cannot be linked as it has already been linked on another Wii U console".




Dat account system. :D


Seriously though, have you lost all of your VC stuff or are you just locked out of it?

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The incompetence at Nintendo continues...


I called their contact centre. They said that I should have been able to log in without any problems.


Eventually transpires that they actually don't have a clue what's happened. They say it could be the following...


1. We have given you the wrong console

2. We need to find out more.


They are going to contact their technicians to find out what has actually happened. I was told I would receive a call back "some time next week"


It is at this point I kicked off. I've had a shit morning anyway but that just wound me up. I am now going to get a call back within 48 hours. Still not good enough. I will call them tomorrow morning.


I'm completely pissed off. I'd hate to be one of my colleagues today. What a fucking joke of a company!!

Edited by Blade
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The incompetence at Nintendo continues...


I called their contact centre. They said that I should have been able to log in without any problems.


Eventually transpires that they actually don't have a clue what's happened. They say it could be the following...


1. We have given you the wrong console

2. We need to find out more.


They are going to contact their technicians to find out what has actually happened. I was told I would receive a call back "some time next week"


It is at this point I kicked off. I've had a shit morning anyway but that just wound me up. I am now going to get a call back within 48 hours. Still not good enough. I will call them tomorrow morning.


I'm completely pissed off. I'd hate to be one of my colleagues today. What a fucking joke of a company!!




Sorry to hear that, bud. The fact that they dunno what's happened or how to fix it is appalling.

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