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Jeez. Sounds more like your connection sucks


Not true. My connection was decent and it still took ages as well. Can you explain why installing not downloading it took just as long? It was painful but thankfully it's not something we have to do very often. I did mention before that I went from v4.1 to v5.0 so maybe that had a part to play in why it took so long.

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I'm still confused as to why they didn't focus on releasing their system sellers at the front end of the Wii U's lifecycle, just as they did with the Wii. A single player 3D Mario, Metroid, Zelda and other core I.P (and maybe a game that really shows the Gamepad as a game changer, just as Wii Sports did for the Wii) would have got people off their backsides. It's odd that they went down the route of releasing games with high attach ratio's first (i.e. the types of games that you buy if you already own the system, but wouldn't necessarily buy a system for), especially as the multiplayer Mario games and Donkey Kong would have sold equally well, if not better 2 years or so into the Wii U's lifespan.


Their strategy for the Wii worked very well; release the system sellers asap (Mario Galaxy, Metroid and Zelda were all out within 12 months I believe, and Wii Sports was at launch) and then they supplemented those games with the 'high attach rate' games later in the lifespan, hence the incredible sales of titles like NSMB Wii. There weren't many core gamers complaining about the Wii back in 07; it was well after that before people flocked to the other consoles.


Because they are now a bunch of headless chickens who don't have a clue what they're doing.


They couldn't run a piss up in a brewery - as evidenced by the fact the whole system is the OPPOSITE of what the Wii was. They literally created one of the greatest, most affordable, most accessible consoles of all time and then followed it up with the opposite.


They have done the same with software too. They are clueless.


If I created something that sold 100 million units, I'd look at it and learn from it. Take what people liked, follow that path again. I wouldn't try and reinvent the wheel - or worse still push the aborted child of their failed GBA/GC project upon the public.


It's like everyone at Nintendo HQ lives in a bubble and doesn't understand the world around them.


A Wii 2, in HD, for £175, with Wii Sports HD, a Wii Remote+, a strong marketing campaign and they would have flown off the shelves. The affordable, accessible sequel to the console everyone loved - with all your classic Nintendo franchises and the ability to play online for free and fully compatible with all the old games!! It's a winner...


Instead, we got the Wii U!

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Japanese news publication The Nikkei reports that Nintendo worldwide hardware sales have fallen by 31% to 16.31 million. The Nikkei also says that Sony has topped the worldwide console sales for first time since 2006. Sony has sold 18.7 million PlayStation 4 consoles and other game consoles for the fiscal year to March. Microsoft sales rose 16 percent to 11.6 million thanks to the Xbox One.


“Nintendo’s console sales slid 31 percent as the portable 3DS system failed to entice gamers while the new Wii U also fared poorly, it added.”






Nintendo Europe has announced that it has decided to close one of their two premises in Germany. The company says that Grossostheim premise will be shut down and sold. Some of those people working at Grossostheim will be relocated to the new European headquarters in Frankfurt. Sadly, it’s been reported that around 130 people will be sacked. Here’s a translated statement from Nintendo regarding the news.


“Nintendo of Europe has started a consultation process with respect to several changes in its organizational structure. The long term goal of these changes is that they should allow the company to better adapt to a rapidly changing market. These changes include the merging of the two sites Frankfurt am Main and Großostheim – Frankfurt would then become the new European headquarters of the company – the closure of the warehouse and the office location Großostheim, as well as outsourcing and reorganization of other functional areas. The decision to give this change measures in the consultation process was not taken lightly. Rather are their comprehensive analysis and conscientious considerations based. Unfortunately, these measures have for some of the employees in Großostheim direct consequences, as around 130 permanent employees would lose their jobs.”




This is what happens when Wii U is flopping harder than a fish out of water.

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Because they are now a bunch of headless chickens who don't have a clue what they're doing.


They couldn't run a piss up in a brewery - as evidenced by the fact the whole system is the OPPOSITE of what the Wii was. They literally created one of the greatest, most affordable, most accessible consoles of all time and then followed it up with the opposite.


They have done the same with software too. They are clueless.


If I created something that sold 100 million units, I'd look at it and learn from it. Take what people liked, follow that path again. I wouldn't try and reinvent the wheel - or worse still push the aborted child of their failed GBA/GC project upon the public.


It's like everyone at Nintendo HQ lives in a bubble and doesn't understand the world around them.


A Wii 2, in HD, for £175, with Wii Sports HD, a Wii Remote+, a strong marketing campaign and they would have flown off the shelves. The affordable, accessible sequel to the console everyone loved - with all your classic Nintendo franchises and the ability to play online for free and fully compatible with all the old games!! It's a winner...


Instead, we got the Wii U!


no doubt I think the gamepad was a huge mistake but I am not buying this Wii 2 in HD would have been a success.


That Wii casual crowd moved on long time ago. Wii 2 in HD wouldnt have brought them back.

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Interesting stuff. If the Wii U sold 15k though - does that mean the previous week was only 2.2k? By the whole 666% thing? If 82% of MK sales were those bundles that make the 12k, then MK sold what - 14.6k? I thought it was all much more than that really, so I'm sure I must be missing something?


How do you get to the 14.6k? We know from various Watch_Dogs figures that Mario Kart sold at least 51k in the UK. From what I can find, MK7 was the previous second biggest launch and was 54k, so it should be higher than that.

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So a news piece about sales numbers we've known about for a while, and then Nintendo of Europe restructuring.




Why is it Nintendo is restructuring while Sony is in deep trouble and "circling the drain"?

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Why is it Nintendo is restructuring while Sony is in deep trouble and "circling the drain"?

Because this is Nintendo in Germany only restructuring. It's not a big whole deal. It's not them selling off assets to stay afloat. It's them removing redundancies in their operation.

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This may or may not be entirely irrelevant, but


In Europe, while the individual markets showed different results, France was the only market in which we experienced relatively strong sales, and we failed to attain our initial sales levels by a large margin in other countries.



Of the 3 major markets in Europe, Germany is performing the worst, While France almost sells half as many hardware units again as it's German counterparts.

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Because they are now a bunch of headless chickens who don't have a clue what they're doing.


They couldn't run a piss up in a brewery - as evidenced by the fact the whole system is the OPPOSITE of what the Wii was. They literally created one of the greatest, most affordable, most accessible consoles of all time and then followed it up with the opposite.


They have done the same with software too. They are clueless.


If I created something that sold 100 million units, I'd look at it and learn from it. Take what people liked, follow that path again. I wouldn't try and reinvent the wheel - or worse still push the aborted child of their failed GBA/GC project upon the public.


It's like everyone at Nintendo HQ lives in a bubble and doesn't understand the world around them.


A Wii 2, in HD, for £175, with Wii Sports HD, a Wii Remote+, a strong marketing campaign and they would have flown off the shelves. The affordable, accessible sequel to the console everyone loved - with all your classic Nintendo franchises and the ability to play online for free and fully compatible with all the old games!! It's a winner...


Instead, we got the Wii U!


I dont think a Wii 2 at £175 would of done much either. Lets be honest who was still playing the Wii by the time the Wii U was released. It may of sold 100 mil units but by 2012 it was well and truly done and people moved on. A fickle audience moved onto smartphones and tablets way before the Wii U was even announced and another a Wii HD wouldnt of brought them back.


Nintendo should of realised that the Wii Brand was done, that audience was gone and it was time for something else.

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Whether a "Wii 2" (motion control) would have been successful, I don't know, but I'm glad they didn't do it. I wouldn't say the Wii U is the opposite of the Wii though - more like in the middle - and that's exactly the problem. To put it simply, it's not as "casual" as the Wii or quite as "hardcore" as the GameCube, thus only the most devoted fans have bought it.


In fact, I'd say the stumbled start came from trying to keep hold of the Wii so much. Look at Nintendoland... one player uses the GamePad, the others use the Wii remotes. I'm sorry, but I can't be bothered with all that. The Wii remotes were for the Wii and I'd rather leave them there. It could be argued the Wii U is gaining slightly more success the more traditional it's becoming, as games start to drop motion control and GamePad-specific usage, and start to pretty much resemble what would have happened if the GameCube philosophy had been continued.


Anyway, those are my thoughts on the matter. I'm happy with mine. It's a good machine with great graphics, decent controls and the potential for some amazing games until Nintendo decides what its next console will be like.

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Because this is Nintendo in Germany only restructuring. It's not a big whole deal. It's not them selling off assets to stay afloat. It's them removing redundancies in their operation.


But on numerous occasions you've pedestalised Nintendo for being a more fuzzy and caring company as if they care more about their employees and put relations before business. At the end of the day they're all alike and layoffs will happen when things get tough.


It just feels like you're quick to stick the boot in about other companies and yet downplay it when it happens to Nintendo.

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But on numerous occasions you've pedestalised Nintendo for being a more fuzzy and caring company as if they care more about their employees and put relations before business. At the end of the day they're all alike and layoffs will happen when things get tough.


It just feels like you're quick to stick the boot in about other companies and yet downplay it when it happens to Nintendo.

If it was Nintendo Japan doing it, then yes you'd have a point.

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Lets be honest who was still playing the Wii by the time the Wii U was released?


I took the liberty of correcting the grammatical error. :) To answer your question, I was right up to and well after the Wii U release. I only recently packed the Wii away. I think the impending closure of the servers at the time made me say goodbye for now.

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Just about to watch this...



I listened to it the other day. I love these guys. Both this and NWR are my go to Nintendo podcasts.


Let me know what you think about the discussions made.


- Yep I agree with them that we'll see some form of new hardware at E3, whether it be a redesigned Gamepad, or a new version of the 3DS. What was a good point, is Smash on 3DS. I think everyone has wondered how that version will play with either the circle pad or d-pad for a while. Although said jokingly (although with some wishful thinking behind it), some sort of Gamecube controller integration into a Smash Bros 3DS redesign could be important for that game to be taken seriously.


- Personally I don't think Nintendo Quality of Life will be at E3.


- Have to say I'd also noticed about Third Parties falling away from 3DS somewhat (whist everyone focuses on Wii U). What big Third Party games (apart from Monster Hunter) have been out on it recently/are scheduled for it? Wonder if we'll see a sequel to Revelations or anything at E3?


- Apps. I wish Nintendo supported mobile more, with endless runner games, like a NES Mario Bros level, DK Mine Kart etc...


- The statistic that the WatchDogs App has been downloaded 1million times, a 1 in 4 attach rate is huge! Nintendo CANNOT ignore this anymore.


- The idea that Nintendo could try and target the Western market with more games like Brain Training etc... is a depressing one. I really hope Nintendo just realise that market doesn't care about the Wii U, and if they're going to try it again, at least wait until you have a successful launch and a successful message with their next console.


- I think Nintendo do just have to look at the Wii U as a box for their hardcore fans now. NFC might be their way to expand outside of this, but other than that. I really miss the deals Nintendo were even able to strike with Third Parties during the Gamecube era, especially SEGA with Monkey Ball, Billy Hatcher, and Capcom with Viewtiful Joe, Resi 4 etc...


- I was thinking the other day Nintendo could really do with surprising everyone with a FPS, but they'd need serious help with it! Particularly the online, so actually maybe best to just stay away and leave it up to a deal with another developer. Has to be something more mass market appealing than Geist though, which barely even appealed to the hardcore.


- Luigi's Creed! :D


- That's a good point. There really is no incentive for any Third Party studio other than SEGA to really pair up with Nintendo anymore; they get too much success with their franchises on the other consoles to take resources off those projects. 3DS probably has more of a chance of it, hence the occasional exclusive like Revelations. I would love Resi 7 to be a Wii U exclusive though :p


- Yep I think we'll get a 1min Conan music Zelda reveal trailer, nothing more.


- Can totally see Animal Crossing Wii U happening, especially after the Animal Crossing Plaza, seems a bit like how they practiced Zelda with Wind Waker. And yep can see it being one of their NFC projects and tying other Nintendo characters in with it through themes etc...


- The Balance Board was also something that was meant to work across multiple games surely and didn't really. Nintendo always do this. So yeah they need a much bigger plan for NFC. Don't just start something and leave it up to everyone else to finish like always, because third parties are no longer there to do that.


- It is about time for another Mario Party :p


- Smash could be used to launch a new Wii U Megaman game!


- The secret 3DS game wont be Advance Wars because everyone already knows how that game plays. Not to say a new Advance Wars wont get announced. Why isn't their a Wii U Battalion Wars!! using the Gamepad for strategy!


- Majora's Mask. "You don't know what he meant".

I'm with Brian though, I don't really get the big deal with that game :p

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