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Those Download Codes work on any Pal WiiU right?




Also, is this waterproof as in they won't back track and say that you have to pay more?


Edit: O, apparently people are saying WiiU Codes only work on UK WiiUs...


Welp, seems like that's over.....


Congratulations to those who were able to get these awesome games!

Edited by Fused King
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HUGE pricing error on the Nintendo website...digital codes for many games (including Pikmin and TheW101 for only £8). Get on it!


Just ordered 3 games myself for £20 :D




LEGEND, Cheers man, got Pikmin 3 and W101 looks like the costs have now gone back to £39.99 each

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Oh man, if only I was a bit earlier! I have 101 and Pikmin but would have been tempted by Mario and Luigi at those prices!


Also, I'm shocked that Nintendo actually acknowledged Nintendo Tvii, I thought they were just going to quietly let it die, I guess maybe there is hope after all. But man are they bad at this kind of thing. More than a year later were still waiting for something that should have been available at launch :p


I guess with that kind of thing though, it's always with America in mind, and then we get it afterwards. Heck, I remember the wait for netflix to release over here, but my god, when it did, I barely left my chair for a month.

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What is TVii anyway?



I guess for example bbc only allow uk users to watch certain content. Assuming its like that across Europe, I imagine a LOT of red tape. Plus with the lower install base that brings a few issues of it's own.


What would be cool would be getting other countries content, though I imagine that won't be possible :(

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I can imagine the UK bit was easy to deal with as BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky are eager to do all these things and implement their OD services, among other things, on as many platforms as possible. I mean hell, iPlayer was most popular on the Wii for a very, very, long time


My gut is telling me that it's the rest of Europe holding this back and they stupidly want to give it to all of Europe at once.

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I can imagine the UK bit was easy to deal with as BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky are eager to do all these things and implement their OD services, among other things, on as many platforms as possible. I mean hell, iPlayer was most popular on the Wii for a very, very, long time


My gut is telling me that it's the rest of Europe holding this back and they stupidly want to give it to all of Europe at once.


yeah, if they can get it up in 1 country that would make sense, rather than waiting for simultaneous release. Assuming that is the delay.

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You could watch the video in silent, it has no voice over, just generic music.


And man, is the text in that video slow. But yeah, the sports stuff with twitter and miiverse integration looks amazing, I'd be impressed if they managed to pull that off.

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And does it actually work that way in the states?


If this is what NINTENDOTVii is all about, I don't care whatsoever that it's not coming over here.


I thought it would have things game-related on it, like the Pikmin mini-series, and developers speaking about their games and whatnot. Actual insider info on what it looks like to be working for NINTENDO, 'A Day in the Shoes of Hideki Konno/Sakurai/Sakamoto/Aonuma, etc..' or 'A Look at Retro Studios/Platinum Games etc...'. Sort of like a more visual Iwata Asks.

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Nah, that's not it at all. Pretty much just an all-in-one app for your different streaming services like Netflix, LoveFiLM and, maybe, and probably what is holding it back, channels and on demand shows from whatever cable company you're with.

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I can imagine the UK bit was easy to deal with as BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky are eager to do all these things and implement their OD services, among other things, on as many platforms as possible. I mean hell, iPlayer was most popular on the Wii for a very, very, long time


My gut is telling me that it's the rest of Europe holding this back and they stupidly want to give it to all of Europe at once.


Given how German laws affected the eshop selling of 18+ content i'dsay thats probably spot on.....but the silence on the topic has been deafening

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