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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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Other than the lack of gravity mechanics and added multiplayer, what makes Mario Galaxy 2 suddenly better?


I never played Galaxy 2, nor did I say that 3D World is better or worse. I just don't like the style of Mario game it is.


I want something in a similar vein to Super Mario 64 (i.e. open, explorable levels), but with new ideas too. Bigger levels. Hell, do a single massive open world (with some kind of unlockable teleport system) filled with lots of themes, exploration, unlockable moves (which unlocks new paths and collectibles) and lots of stuff to find.

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Aside from the site, who has been published near monthly for the last 3 years?


Oh right..that's me :p Sorry bud, but I am :)



Agreed. I like Kotaku's way of doing it. Concise review and ends with a "Yes" or a "No".


I think you're more Pokemon meets Rain Man than journalist brah.


Why is N-E a banned GAF site?

They linked the review but said it was banned?


This came up recently, apparently N-E blogged something that wasn't necessarily the case...but later turned out to be sorta true. Some weird snub like that.

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I wouldn't trust a site that doesn't have consistent capitalisation :heh:


Anyway, ours is up: http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/super-mario-3d-world Serebii is going to hate it.


Thanks for the review Ashley. I was worried that the review would have too high a score based on your comments in this thread (about how the game us very been there done that) and your statement that the game would get a great score but I think that eight works with both comments. :grin:


Thing is, having read the review, I am glad there is a score because with just the text I don't think I could tell the difference between it and a six out of ten review.

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I'm kind of surprised at all the perfect scores. People say it's 'Nintendo Magic' but it feels more like the gaming version of Hollywood/Oscars' Holocaust award guilt. It's a great game but it doesn't do anything even remotely surprising.

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First reveal I was disappointed. 2nd trailer I believed. The reviews are immense and the Eurogamer review is amazing!! Should never of doubted EAD, they always deliver.


I dont see how anyone can deny that the creativity and imagination found in 1 game from these guys outweighs what many do in there whole life of work.


Cant wait to play this game!!!

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In what way am I not a journalist? Why do you seem at odds with me for saying so? We're not in competition and we have known eachother for over a decade. Please explain as I do not understand.


For a couple of reasons - none of those are sourced definitions of a journalist.




a person who writes for newspapers or magazines or prepares news to be broadcast on radio or television: foreign journalists had been expelled from the area he was a seasoned TV journalist

- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/journalist


Most importantly because of the ways you try to use it;




When it's just as bullshit as your shitty sisco qualification that you think makes you qualified to talk from false authority in matters of online with such an arrogant air to actually dismiss forum members' actual experiences as if they're still wrong with your ever so solid theoretical base.


Fact is, despite whatever adequate or numerous explanations given to you, I genuinely wonder if you will ever understand. Then again, with all the unsourced and biased crap you write and post - maybe you really ARE a journalist!




Actually quite a nice review/read. Would consider it if and when I know I have my own place and can get some company involved. It still irks me it didn't have online with voicechat, as I know I'd get some chucklesome sessions on with folks here if it did.


And I'm a heartless bastard who hates that these reviews are so high as it might encourage Nintendo to make another one instead of a fully fledged 3D Mario collectathon.


I do worry this can be the future, and has been the recent past. I can't be 100% on what should be the way forward, but really it needs to be back to something feeling actually three dimensional like SM64 was. I still feel like SM3DW isn't that, and nor was Galaxy on its linear star paths.


You realise I'm winding you up right? A bit of the old rhythmic back and forth that keeps people tuning in every season?


Now when you mention seasons.....;)

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I'm kind of surprised at all the perfect scores. People say it's 'Nintendo Magic' but it feels more like the gaming version of Hollywood/Oscars' Holocaust award guilt. It's a great game but it doesn't do anything even remotely surprising.


C'mon man give the game some props. Its getting great scores from a wide number of reviewers and unless there is some underhand agreement in place its fair to say the game has impressed the gaming media. Of course each to there own and you may feel different but I can only go with what I read and the scores seems well deserved.

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For a couple of reasons - none of those are sourced definitions of a journalist.


- http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/journalist


Most importantly because of the ways you try to use it;




When it's just as bullshit as your shitty sisco qualification that you think makes you qualified to talk from false authority in matters of online with such an arrogant air to actually dismiss forum members' actual experiences as if they're still wrong with your ever so solid theoretical base.


Fact is, despite whatever adequate or numerous explanations given to you, I genuinely wonder if you will ever understand. Then again, with all the unsourced and biased crap you write and post - maybe you really ARE a journalist!




Well that definition describes me also, so your point is flawed.

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I find it quite interesting that N-E, a specialist Nintendo site, has actually marked both Zelda and Mario lower than the consensus from the mainstream press. Maybe both me and Ashley were looking for something different - I don't think either of us thought that either Mario or Zelda weren't great games that are worth buying - but our praise wasn't quite as universal.


What I conclude from this, is really, I'm not really going to take any more notice to review scores. It's the content of a review (and the game itself) that matters, not a number that's assigned to it. Zelda was one of my favourite games this year, but that didn't stop me having criticisms of it.


TLDR Review scores receive too much attention, people should read more, recent Nintendo games are great despite some flaws,

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I find it quite interesting that N-E, a specialist Nintendo site, has actually marked both Zelda and Mario lower than the consensus from the mainstream press. Maybe both me and Ashley were looking for something different - I don't think either of us thought that either Mario or Zelda weren't great games that are worth buying - but our praise wasn't quite as universal.


What I conclude from this, is really, I'm not really going to take any more notice to review scores. It's the content of a review (and the game itself) that matters, not a number that's assigned to it. Zelda was one of my favourite games this year, but that didn't stop me having criticisms of it.


TLDR Review scores receive too much attention, people should read more, recent Nintendo games are great despite some flaws,


Everyone should read the reviews and not just the number. I dont know why people look at a number and then just go with that.

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