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Super Mario 3D World (Nov 29th)


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FPS and racing games are very well suited to online netcode and that has been very much a "solved problem" for years now. There is a reason why every Mario Kart since 2005 has been playable online...


Getting Mario to work online is more like trying to get a 4 player game of Street Fighter online though (only worse since you have stage hazards and enemies, with various amounts of health, to keep track of too). Developers have only just about managed to get 2 player 2D fighters to work online (and even then, just barely), while nobody has ever managed to get a 4 player fighter or platformer to work (just look at the total mess that Brawl is online, for the kind of experience you might expect!)


But I've been saying this for years and still nobody wants to listen, so why bother? Obviously Ubisoft were just lazy with Rayman Origins & Legends and can't get a game to work online for toffee :p


Street Fighter X Tekken has fully functioning 4 player online multiplayer. It uses something similar to GGPO netcode where there is no input lag at all, if someone has a bad connection instead of having everyone's game slow down or having their inputs delayed the person with poor connection will simply teleport about just like in Mario Kart. They could easily use this kind of netcode for platforming games, in fact they should use it for more games but I don't know why no one does. Still at the end of the day if someone has poor internet no type of netcode can fix that, they have to face the facts and get better internet or play offline.

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Everyone has the right to be pissed off this isn't online, but everyone (including me) will buy it anyway and essentially enable to Nintendo to continue their extremely dated ways. The cycle continues.


Not me! If it had online maybe, but without it I won't be getting it any time soon.


So, if this cannot be done well, something that most of us simply will not agree on so don't harp on about it, then why not come out and just say that it can't be done? Why bother with the smoke and mirrors if it's such a standard in the industry where no one can pull it off?


I don't think it's smoke and mirrors, I think some people are being delusional. I still had some very good experiences with Brawl online, and that didn't need extrapolation. I think it IS possible, but people wish to jump to speculative defenses.

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Not me! If it had online maybe, but without it I won't be getting it any time soon.


Out of principle because there's no online or because you're not interested in single player Mario?


Either way I think you're going to be missing out big time whilst the rest of us are gushing about this glorious game :)

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Because I just don't think it'll offer me a worthwhile experience. Single player mario hasn't been blowing my mind recently, but I also know that at the moment multiplayer local just isn't all that feasible for me either. If it had online, I'd buy it. I'd likely have gotten NSMBU if that had it too.

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If you don't play this in multiplayer you won't be missing much. The game looks beautiful and just running around the levels gives you glimpse of tonnes of secrets, challenges and little touches that make Mario games timeless.


However with four players it's chaos, more so than NSMB in 4 player. I found it was just too chaotic for my liking and if one player races ahead everyone is dragged with him leaving no time for exploration, it just ends up like a confused crazy race to the flagpole.


I'll be enjoying this as a single player game. Even if it was online I doubt I'd have played it much, maybe a couple of plays with seasoned gamers. There are games far more suited to multiplayer like COD and Mario Kart.

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Single player mode is all fine and good, but its very much been-there-done-that (we've been over-saturated with this type of Mario game lately) that I could understand why Rummy would only want it if he can play multiplayer. It's still the same game, obviously, but playing with others adds a bit of freshness.


tl;dr some people want it, some people don't. Let's just live and love.

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The point about whether or not a multiplayer suits the game or not is completely the wrong way of grappling with this problem. The problem is with Nintendo's mindset and how they're actively looking for ways to NOT include an online multiplayer.


Would an online multiplayer harm the game in any way? No. Would it improve the game? Obviously, yes, as there are lots of people who can't get people around for a local player meet-up. They are alienating a lot of their audience by doing this.


It annoys the shit out of me because it just shows that they're not adapting to the times. This is what annoys me the most.

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The point about whether or not a multiplayer suits the game or not is completely the wrong way of grappling with this problem. The problem is with Nintendo's mindset and how they're actively looking for ways to NOT include an online multiplayer.


Would an online multiplayer harm the game in any way? No. Would it improve the game? Obviously, yes, as there are lots of people who can't get people around for a local player meet-up. They are alienating a lot of their audience by doing this.


It annoys the shit out of me because it just shows that they're not adapting to the times. This is what annoys me the most.


I am definitely in agreement with you. Online multiplayer should have be in the game. The same is true for Pikmin and Nintendo Land.


However I feel more aggrieved with the omission of online in the later two titles because I feel multiplayer fits those games far better than it does SM3DW. I have spent a good few hours doing the co-op missions in Pikmin 3 and they are wonderful, I would certainly have spent many many more had it been online.


All I was trying to say was that I didn't really enjoy SM3DW in multiplayer and as such I am not personally so bothered by the omission of online. But I obviously acknowledge that the game would be better for the inclusion and it would please people who do like the multiplayer.

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I am definitely in agreement with you. Online multiplayer should have be in the game. The same is true for Pikmin and Nintendo Land.


However I feel more aggrieved with the omission of online in the later two titles because I feel multiplayer fits those games far better than it does SM3DW. I have spent a good few hours doing the co-op missions in Pikmin 3 and they are wonderful, I would certainly have spent many many more had it been online.


All I was trying to say was that I didn't really enjoy SM3DW in multiplayer and as such I am not personally so bothered by the omission of online. But I obviously acknowledge that the game would be better for the inclusion and it would please people who do like the multiplayer.


No question about it, all three should have had online. Not having Nintendoland online at the start was just a sign of things to come. It's a pity. I love Nintendo because they do come up with some great ideas in isolation, but I'm finding more and more that they don't run away with these ideas and truly explore every aspect of it. Pikmin 3 could have been colossal online...

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Yeah I'm with this on all accounts, Nintendo DO seem to be making SOME headway, but they need to speed up, online in Kid Icarus and Luigis Mansion is far more bizarre then nintendoland and mario. And yeah pikmin is frustrating, the mission mode is absolutely incredible and yesterday I played bingo battle for the first time, what a genius mode that is. I'd play that so much if it was online. Now I have to wait for very specific friends to come over as it's not wii sports in accessibility is it.


What's also weird, Wii Party tracks game ratings online in the game. How does this make more sense then high score tracking in Nintendoland?!


And if Nintendo really are all about people being friends and face to face and all that; why would they do worldwide only scores on pikmin and not friends?

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Multiplayer is the only way to play this. It's so dull in single player. I think three players is optimal, not too chaotic.


Completed it yesterday with Ashley. Apart from the last level where the camera became absolutely infuriating, it's a good game. I think way too short overall considering how bite-size the levels feel but if you aren't bothered by that (and I wasn't because my attention span is lacking) it a worthy purchase.

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Single player mode is all fine and good, but its very much been-there-done-that (we've been over-saturated with this type of Mario game lately) that I could understand why Rummy would only want it if he can play multiplayer. It's still the same game, obviously, but playing with others adds a bit of freshness.


tl;dr some people want it, some people don't. Let's just live and love.


Yeah, I mean I enjoyed SM3DL but it didn't blow my mind or anything. NSMB originally was nice and fresh, the step up with new items, a slight 3d look etc that I found fun(and even then the multiplayer battle mode was a right chuckle on top of it). I haven't picked up NSMBWii, NSMB2(tho was almost tempted), nor NSMBU because I just don't find the same old stuff worth that high/full price tag for me. I'm sure I'd like and enjoy this single-player, but not for more than £30 if that. I think I'm additionally spoilt by generally being able to get most games sub-£35 new, and even less after a while. However online multiplayer with some voicechat could be a giggle, as well as local, it's just tricky to get my bros all together for it! Hell, we originally started Four Swords adventures 8 years ago and still haven't bloody finished it(though we were a little less dedicated and we've got a new crew rolling on it now).


Long story short, I'm sure it's going to be a lovely game; but for me it just isn't enough for the price. Yes, it's an entirely personal choice. Yes, some will disagree. It's how I feel for it though and I think it's important to note that if it had online multiplayer, it would be at least one more sale they'd have(maybe more as I'd probably bug fellow Wii U-ers to get it too!)


No question about it, all three should have had online. Not having Nintendoland online at the start was just a sign of things to come. It's a pity. I love Nintendo because they do come up with some great ideas in isolation, but I'm finding more and more that they don't run away with these ideas and truly explore every aspect of it. Pikmin 3 could have been colossal online...


Def agree with your two posts on the matter. It's frustrating to see as, realistically, it doesn't particularly detract from the game as it's an additional function, not an alternative.


Rummy come to mine and we can Mario :p


But life is so haaaaaaaaard! I swear I can't get anything I want done when I want to. 2 days ago I had nothing going on, now I'm almost doing something every day til next week. There needs to be an extra day in the week just for socialising and games!

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I've still not finished 3D Land. So I don't think I'll be getting this.


It's weird, the "proper" 3D Mario games, you had to tear me away from them. I almost didn't want to finish them because I knew it would be over. These and the NSMB ones leave me cold. I do a level, have a reasonable amount of fun, but then I stop playing because I can't be bothered anymore.


Don't know what it is. They're not bad games by any stretch. But they never pull me in and keep me playing.

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Single player mode is all fine and good, but its very much been-there-done-that (we've been over-saturated with this type of Mario game lately) that I could understand why Rummy would only want it if he can play multiplayer. It's still the same game, obviously, but playing with others adds a bit of freshness.


tl;dr some people want it, some people don't. Let's just live and love.


If this is the case (very much been there, done that) then I hope that it will be reflected in the review of the game when it comes out. Galaxy and galaxy 2 both avoided that by have genuinely new things in each level that made you go wow. I had hoped that this would be the same.

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Super Mario 3D World Will Feature Live Orchestral Music


Live orchestral music often gets our heart rates pumping, no matter what’s on the game screen in front of us. It’s natural to assume, then, that Super Mario 3D World*for the Wii U would tap the same musical path that the Super Mario Galaxy games took in previous years. Luckily, confirmation that a live orchestra features in Mario’s latest outing has surfaced, where lead composer*Mahito Yokota told Destructoid that many of the tracks have that “big-band feel” for a splash of colourful drama.


“There are naturally a lot of tracks performed live. We’re arranging the music with a big-band feel, taking advantage of a full horn section with trumpets and saxophones.” – Mahito Yokota




I expected this after Galaxy anything less will be seen as a letdown.

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I've still not finished 3D Land. So I don't think I'll be getting this.


It's weird, the "proper" 3D Mario games, you had to tear me away from them. I almost didn't want to finish them because I knew it would be over. These and the NSMB ones leave me cold. I do a level, have a reasonable amount of fun, but then I stop playing because I can't be bothered anymore.


Don't know what it is. They're not bad games by any stretch. But they never pull me in and keep me playing.


When you say finished how do you class finished? I think I was similar with 3DL, I definitely enjoyed it and I might even have done all the extra levels to at least completion - but I didn't get ALL of the star coins, gold poles with mario, gold poles with luigi etc. Towards the end of the extra levels I started feeling a little fatigued, as if I was pushing on just for the sake of it.

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When you say finished how do you class finished? I think I was similar with 3DL, I definitely enjoyed it and I might even have done all the extra levels to at least completion - but I didn't get ALL of the star coins, gold poles with mario, gold poles with luigi etc. Towards the end of the extra levels I started feeling a little fatigued, as if I was pushing on just for the sake of it.


I've not even finished the story mode. Think I'm on World 8. Will never bother to get all flagpoles and coins. To be honest, I don't like the controls. Don't like that there's a run button, don't like that you have to charge up a backflip (I mean, what's the point of that?) Galaxy Mario controls like a dream. This feels like a step backwards.

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