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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze


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Yeah I have to admit I'm a bit platformed out :( There's still Yarn Yoshi and the Yoshi Island game coming too!


I'm feeling exactly the same.


Ive got to finish SM3DW as i'm only half way through. Ive yet to buy Sonic and Rayman yet aswell. I've also got to finish the original one on 3DS.


Looking like i'm not going to get this on release. In my opinion it's pointless buying it when it will just sit there not being played. I will definitely buy it but probably not on release. Looks amazing though!!

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Not sure if I'm getting this on release, but I may well be getting it before Mario 3d world. Getting into a good position of having more games I want to buy than I'm allowing myself.


Also glad to hear the off tv play. I like game pad "features" but I prefer they be optional, to allow for off tv play.One of favourite games on my WiiU is actually lego city, but I don't really play it anymore because there is no off tv play. Infact, I haven't played it at all this month.

I appreciate the idea with the pad, but if they had off screen play, and the pad became "clunky" (ie you couldn't keep playing while receiving calls) I would be loving the game a lot more. Oh... and if they killed the load times a bit :D


but yeah, off screen play and it looks like a solid game, definitely in my wish list!

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Some interesting rumours, apparently from ONM


The article describes some of the first parts of the game.

It says that most levels take around 10 minutes to complete on your first attempt.

Stage 3-3 Frantic Field is set against a hurricane, with small tornadoes, and lightning as obstacles. Eventually you reach the eye of the storm.

The stage after is set in a forest, with sections on fire due to the previous levels lightning. You need to use watery fruit to put out vine fires in order to progress.

It says there are tag barrels ala Donkey Kong 64, to switch between Kongs. It may just mean the DK barrels though.

There are multiple routes to take in levels.

There are three secret levels per world.

Time Attack returns, but you can select which character's DK barrels will appear.

Hot damn, players can upload times and full replays to show friends, and to help other players improve their own times.

There seems to be more emphasis on the background, which is constantly moving, which makes the world feel alive, and sometimes provides hints to what you're going to encounter next.


There is an interview with Michael Kelbaugh, and Kensuke Tanabe.

When asked if there was anything the felt was missing from the game Tanabe said that he wishes they could have done more with the animal buddies.

He also mentions that there is something from A Link to the Past that he want to do, couldn't, and used it in Link's Awakening instead. Which was the ending of LA when the egg opens.

Kelnaugh mentions three of his favourite levels; 6-6 Cliffside Slide, "like jumping right into the middle of an action movie", it's a silhouette level. 4-4 Irate Eight, and underwater level which sounds like the giant octopus from DKCR is back. 3-3 Frantic Fields, which is challenging, but with a bit of comedy.

Tanabe mentions that World 4 is made of only underwater levels.

He also mentions that he likes 4-4, and 3-6 Cannon Canyon, because of the dynamic 3D camera movement.

Kelbaugh said that the animation quality is improved over DKCR, and with David Wise, Kenji Yamamoto, and Scott Petersen, they have an amazing soundtrack, and special effects effort.

Tanabe was surprise that so few people in DKCR didn't want to use the Super Guide once it appeared. He said that the difficulty of TF hasn't been lowered, but that they have added some features that will give casual players an easier time. (Probably the items in Funky's shop, which I think are carried over from DKCR3D.)

They both say that the difficulty hasn't been lowered, but the new items, and Kong POW allow you to change the difficulty of the levels somewhat.

Miyamoto told Retro, when first working on DKCR: "This is my baby. Don't mess it up."

Kelbaugh and Tanabe both worked on DKC, with Tanabe on the Japanese localisation, but never met.

Ten years later Tanabe met Kelbaugh, when he became president of Retro. He saw that Kelbaugh had a DKC jacket, and they learned that they both worked on DKC.

A few years after that they both started on DKCR, so Michael gave DKCR the codename F8 - fate.

Retro was working on Mario Kart 7, and TF at the same time.

Tanabe, and his team at SPD is Retro's primary contact at Nintendo, but the games are a collaborative effort throughout Nintendo.

If they found themselves on Kong Island Kelbaugh would team up with Diddy, and Tanabe with Donkey Kong, so that he could be carried around.


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I hope that Tanabe's comment doesn't mean that there are no animal buddies at all in DKCTF... The one thing (other than underwater levels) that I felt that was really missing from DKCR was the animal buddies, so I was really hoping to see some more of them (other than Rambi) this time around...


The rest all sounds great! Wasn't expecting online leaderboards for the time trials, so that comes as a nice surprise :) The comment about the difficulty being kept high like in DKCR is also much appreciated :)


Speaking of which, I just realised that it's one of the few Nintendo made games that doesn't seem to be using Miiverse from what we've seen so far. I wonder if there's some Miiverse stuff we haven't seen yet...

Edited by Dcubed
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I hope that Tanabe's comment doesn't mean that there are no animal buddies at all in DKCTF... The one thing (other than underwater levels) that I felt that was really missing from DKCR was the animal buddies, so I was really hoping to see some more of them (other than Rambi) this time around...

I think that was a mis-type and that they meant it was a regret with DKCR that is rectified here

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I think that was a mis-type and that they meant it was a regret with DKCR that is rectified here


Yeah I hope so. Would be a crime not to see at least Enguarde now that we have underwater levels back!


Hopefully some new ones will follow on from him too!

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Yeah the upload thing sounds great. Mario has a basic version so I don't see why not. More stuff like this will be good. Wasn't Nintendo supposed to put this in pikmkn too? I'm sure they said you cans end your friends your runs in pikmin at e3....


Anyways, more and more online features ready for the explosion of all feature explosions in mario kart 8.

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Yeah the upload thing sounds great. Mario has a basic version so I don't see why not. More stuff like this will be good. Wasn't Nintendo supposed to put this in pikmkn too? I'm sure they said you cans end your friends your runs in pikmin at e3....


Anyways, more and more online features ready for the explosion of all feature explosions in mario kart 8.


Pikmin 3 does have online leaderboards. Though no friend specific ones for some silly reason :blank:

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