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Mario Kart 8


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200cc mode really is impressive. icon14.gif Nintendo could've simply increased the speed at which the game runs, meaning it'd play exactly the same as before just at a quicker pace. But instead they completely reworked the gameplay, obviously resulting in certain corners now requiring you to break and some boost/ramp combos launching you much higher than before, which can produce some unexpected results. :heh:


Here's a perfect (and funny) example of that:


You can never reach that kind of height on 50, 100 or 150cc. Likewise there are lots of new shortcuts and areas that can be explored on the pre-200cc courses at the new speed. On Melody Motorway it's actually possible to fly up outside of the section with the giant musical notes! :D


Here's another example of 200cc altering gameplay:


Although it is possible to maintain a charged powerslide through those mud patches outside of 200cc, it's heavily dependent on character/vehicle setup. But in 200cc it looks like it can be done using any combination, all of the time, because of the additional engine power. ;)


And one more:

On 150cc or lower, in order to avoid getting bitten by a Piranha Plant when driving that close to it, you'd need to either be shroom boosting, or releasing a drift boost at just the right moment. But in 200cc, regular acceleration will get you past safely every time, as the reaction speed of the Piranha Plant hasn't been modified. :hehe:


So yeah, all of this strongly suggests that the 200cc DLC (and therefore probably all of the extra content) genuinely was unplanned and developed entirely after MK8 was released. Of course there's no way to know this for sure, but if that is indeed the case then it's all the more impressive seeing as they've had to incorporate the new gameplay mechanics into courses that were never initially designed for them. :awesome:

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Hands down the worst track is Neo Bowser City..


I was never a huge fan of it on 3DS, often ruining my chances of obtaining 3 stars, but it was certainly fun last night :hehe:


I remember being in the lead on the first lap last night before falling off the edge at a sharp right turn due to the pace of 200cc.. and it actually made me laugh as I knew everyone behind me would probably be about to do exactly the same thing :grin:


I had a rough time in Wild Woods due to continuously clipping items that everyone else was carrying behind and around them, but it was actually the track that gave me the most exhilaration :smile: I had a period in lap 3 where I felt like I was racing round the track like an absolute pro, nailing every twist and turn at frightening pace. Unfortunately, my ascent up the ranks was once again cut short from clipping someone's item. The moments leading up to that felt so good, though :yay:

Mario Kart 8 is absolutely outstanding and I just keep wanting more tracks, battle courses and perhaps even challenges and a 'Double Dash' mode :yay:


It would be a shame if this was the end of the glorious DLC!

Edited by nekunando
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Talking Point: Mario Kart 8 DLC is a Winning Formula for Nintendo, But It Can Go Further


A real Battle Mode, Challenges and more


We suspect that the online multiplayer servers for Mario Kart 8 saw a handsome spike this week, with the launch of DLC Pack 2 and an update that includes the 200cc race class. It's a title that just keeps growing, and as we argued recently the arrival of non-Mario franchises points to a potential future for the racer as a 'platform' in its own right.


As we said in that feature, indications are that the MK8 DLC has performed well for Nintendo, bringing success critically but also commercially. Though the company is unlikely to give figures, we suspect that the attach rate of game owners that have picked up the DLC is rather high, especially considering the excellent value of the 'Season Pass'.


In light of Nintendo's early challenges transitioning to HD development in the Wii U age, the easy win of keeping a team dedicated to updating and broadening Mario Kart 8 must be under consideration. At last count (at the end of 2014) the kart racer was the best-selling Wii U game with 4.77 million sales - from a user base of just 9.2 million Wii U units, that's mighty impressive. It's the ultimate winner on a struggling system, and as close to a sure-thing that Nintendo will find on the platform.


If Nintendo is to keep the Mario Kart 8 DLC hype train going later in 2015 and beyond, though, what content should it deliver? More tracks, clearly, and we've made our daft predictions in the past, but there's more that Nintendo can do to freshen up the experience.


More Tracks and IP Crossovers


This is certainly the most obvious addition in the future, simply a continuation of the content we've seen to date. The Legend of Zelda, F-Zero and Animal Crossing have all been prominent, while other franchise candidate could be those such as Kirby, while a Star Fox-themed outer-space stage - Rainbow Road has already gone to the stars on multiple occasions - would be an ideal tie-in with the Wii U game due this year. All fans will have their favourites, though we'd anticipate that characters and track themes will stick to basics and possibly serve as cross-promotion for other franchises trying to sell units on the console.


The challenge for Nintendo is gauging whether it's hit the sweet spot in terms of track content already, or whether there's still room for more of the same. "We want more" is often the refrain from fans, naturally, but the game designers will surely be thinking about balancing, not to mention the fact that the prospective Mario Kart 9 will need some ideas and exciting features of its own in years to come. It's not always wise to splurge all smart ideas in one project.


A Proper Battle Mode


As this writer wrote our Mario Kart 8 review, it can be said with confidence that the phoned-in Battle Mode of the latest entry dented its chances of a perfect 10 - our 9 also reflected some disappointment in GamePad implementation. A fabulous racer, possibly the best in the series in terms of mechanics and sheer joy of gameplay, still has a Battle Mode that's not good enough to have us roll out of bed. There may be attempts to claim that it was shaking up the formula to have racers go around Grand Prix tracks for battles, but it smacked of a compromise to get the game out in May 2014 rather than delay further.


Battle Mode isn't the main pastime for many, admittedly, but a real set of arenas for old fashioned battles would be a nice nod to series veterans; perhaps throw in some other game options for battles, too, such as Shine Sprite. Even if they're all HD upscales of existing arenas that'd be fine, we'd simply like the option. Due to the niche factor it may be an individual purchase kept out of a future 'season pass', but we'd like it to happen.


Oh, and a Splatoon themed Battle Arena would be swell.


A Return for Challenges / Missions


Considering Nintendo's fondness for stamps, snippets of proper achievements in Hyrule Warriors - admittedly a Koei Tecmo project - and the use of Miiverse in various games, Challenges would be a nice way to tap into those areas.


They made their début as Missions in Mario Kart DS, and provided quirky twists on the core play, either on tracks or in Battle arenas. Though they could be as simple as driving through checkpoints, others would reverse controls or throw up boss encounters, shaking up how we played and testing our range of skills. Above we alluded to Nintendo's potential challenge in keeping DLC fresh, and Challenges are ideal in shaking up the current MK8 structure.


Another perspective could be weekly challenges set by Nintendo itself, an expansion of the 'Mario Kart Channel' on the Wii. This could be part of a broader Challenges mode or, as an easier option, simply bolt into the current Time Trials and Grand Prix modes. Get in the top 10,000 places and receive a new colour variation for a roster character, for example.


Easy Freebies - 200cc Mirror and More amiibo Outfits


Beyond the excellent value of the paid-DLC, Nintendo's also been rather generous with its free updates. Initially we had unlockable amiibo Mii outfits, and the recent addition of the 200cc class has added a lot of legs to existing cups and the latest DLC tracks. The super-fast mode certainly changes how we play, not to mention providing a stiff challenge for those that like three shiny gold stars next to each Cup.


200cc Mirror, then, would be a logical future inclusion, while there are plenty of amiibo figures - out now and on the way - that could also make rather handsome Mii costume outfits. Even if the freebies have ended, though, we'd argue that the big N's been pretty generous already.




I'd like to see Battle Mode fixed.


Nintendo UK Live #1: Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 + 200cc Mode



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Only got round to playing through this tonight.


There are no words for just how good this DLC has been from Nintendo.

But I'll say some anyway!


There is not a bad track in the mix. At first I wasn't massively pleased to see Neo Bowser City being remade but it looks so good and plays much better than the 3DS version that my initial negative response was reversed.

It now feels like the course that it should have always been.


Baby Park (which was never my favourite race course) is just mind blowingly brilliant. :o

It's not just how good this game plays its the sheer attention to detail that goes into the tracks which is what is so impressive. I honestly never thought they could make a simple track like Baby Park look like that.

Same with the Ribbon Road one. I thought it was a Toy Story cross over at first! :heh:


I've not played my Wii U all year hardly, been solely playing my Xbone and a little bit of 3DS.

But it isn't until I come back to a game like this that I realise how good Nintendo actually can be. As far as I'm concerned nothing on the other consoles I own comes close to this game. For sheer enjoyment factor more than anything else.


I played as Isabelle (what a fucking dream she is) and I love her! :love:

Her and her cheerful babble as she got twatted with yet another item :laughing: - just brilliant.

I am absolutely loving that Nintendo seem to be crossing over with their characters and game series with this DLC too.

I think it's something they could absolutely do more of and would love to see the likes of Kirby get some loving and a character slot.


I tried 200cc and ended up getting 3 stars on my first GP! Bear in mind though I played with a 'light' character in Isabelle and picked a cart with good handling so it wasn't mammoth speeds like it could have been. I also chose the first cup too so knew the tracks really well. Can't see getting 3 stars on all of them being as simple! :awesome:


All in all it has made the best game of last year (my opinion, must be stated that it is just my opinion so calm down…!) even better so no more need be said!

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3 starring cups on 200cc without using the brake


You all said it couldn't be done...bwahahahahah

I 3 stared the lot without breaking 99% of the time :hehe::

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There are some courses at 200cc where you have no choice but to decelerate/break though, like Rainbow Road, Dragon Driftway, 3DS Koopa City, etc...
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I don't get the hate for Neo Bowser City, it's one of my favourite levels, such tight roads and sharp corners make it a great change from the usual wide open spaces we've been getting with recent MK levels. I also love the music and the whole visual style of the level, it reminds me massively of Star City from Diddy Kong Racing.

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3 starring cups on 200cc without using the brake


You all said it couldn't be done...bwahahahahah


Who said? You beat computer AI, congratulations. The very first time I played it, I did a GP on 200cc, I got gold and 2 starred it, only denied 3 stars by one sneaky second place. Played the league night that evening and got destroyed. Big difference. It may also depend on your setup how much you need to brake.

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I'm beginning to get the hang of 200cc now. Found a good kart combination that I like. Whilst a lot of the time you can get by without breaking, I do find that simple quick touches of the brake as you enter sharp corners really do help out. Just need to line up the corner for the exit.

Got gold on all 200cc and 3 starred a number of them too.

There are so many great touches on the new courses that I keep noticing. And many of the old courses are opening up shortcuts that you couldn't take before. Cutting corners is easier too, with a jump you can cut a few corners that couldn't be done at lower speeds.

I do hope we get to see more DLC for this game as these two have been top notch.

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Managed to download the DLC yesterday and it's just as good as the last lot. I really hope this isn't the last DLC we see for Mario Kart this generation.


That Animal Crossing track is lush - and also makes me want a fully realised 3D Animal Crossing for WiiU. A lovely huge town with meadows, woods, and beaches, would be great!

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Great post until this bit :)


I LOVE Baby Park, it's just utterly mental from start to finish, aided by the permanent antigrav on it. The league last night, 12 human players, utter carnage! I love it because its so different to every other track on there!!


I will say that 200cc is making previously boring tracks awesome - the desert tracks, toads turnpike, I bet it even makes Piranha plantway bearable!


This game is immense, really hope they keep on going with the DLC.


I take back what I said about Baby Park. It's boring in single player, but with 12 racers online it is incredible fun! Love it.


I started off being luke warm about this Mario Kart, but as time has gone on, I've loved it more and more and with this latest DLC and updates, I'm actually bordering on thinking it may be one of my favourite Mario Karts ever!

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I take back what I said about Baby Park. It's boring in single player, but with 12 racers online it is incredible fun! Love it.


I started off being luke warm about this Mario Kart, but as time has gone on, I've loved it more and more and with this latest DLC and updates, I'm actually bordering on thinking it may be one of my favourite Mario Karts ever!


It's always hard to look past the ones that had an impact as a kid/teenager - Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 for me, but I I think Mario Kart 8 is the series best. With their constant updates (and they did call this the latest update, not the final) then if they sorted out Battle Mode, even threw in in race voice chat then i think it's borderline perfect!

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It's always hard to look past the ones that had an impact as a kid/teenager - Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 for me, but I I think Mario Kart 8 is the series best. With their constant updates (and they did call this the latest update, not the final) then if they sorted out Battle Mode, even threw in in race voice chat then i think it's borderline perfect!


If they sorted those issues I'd agree it'd be as good as perfect but until they do so I wouldn't give the game any award. To be greeted by this every time you go online.


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You've a choice of 2 modes and 1 of them is a complete shambolic broken mess, that cannot and should not be ignored.

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Now this is intriguing...




I had a look through this table (Yes, I know that's kinda sad) and it appears that the two villagers actually have different stats.

Female Villager is a bit lighter than Male Villager. And both of them occupy two new weight classes along with Cat Peach and Tanooki Mario.


Also there's a hidden Mini turbo stat that lighter vehicles and characters excel in.

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If they sorted those issues I'd agree it'd be as good as perfect but until they do so I wouldn't give the game any award. To be greeted by this every time you go online.


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You've a choice of 2 modes and 1 of them is a complete shambolic broken mess, that cannot and should not be ignored.


A bit over the top. I actually don't hate the battlemode, I enjoy it. But the arenas just need to be smaller (or actual arenas) and there needs to a STOCK option.

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A bit over the top. I actually don't hate the battlemode, I enjoy it. But the arenas just need to be smaller (or actual arenas) and there needs to a STOCK option.


I don't think it is OTT. There's no options for the mode and it's just dumped onto existing tracks. There was no effort put into it whatsoever. I may be wrong, I've owned and played all the console games and some of the handheld versions. But is this the first game without dedicated BM arenas? There's not even 1 arena.

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I don't think it is OTT. There's no options for the mode and it's just dumped onto existing tracks. There was no effort put into it whatsoever. I may be wrong, I've owned and played all the console games and some of the handheld versions. But is this the first game without dedicated BM arenas? There's not even 1 arena.


No, you're right. It is the first to not have arenas.


Unless you count the 2 arcade games.

I've never been a big fan of Battle mode, but even I have to admit 8's is incredibly lazy.

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It's always hard to look past the ones that had an impact as a kid/teenager - Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 for me, but I I think Mario Kart 8 is the series best. With their constant updates (and they did call this the latest update, not the final) then if they sorted out Battle Mode, even threw in in race voice chat then i think it's borderline perfect!


I've actually been thinking very similarly to this recently :smile:


Super Mario Kart and Mario Kart 64 have always been my favourites in the series but Mario Kart 8 is just so good that it's difficult for me not to consider it to be the best :eek:


The Battle Mode is a blemish, of course, but I actually believe that Nintendo will address this, perhaps even by the end of this year. I'm desperate for an updated Block Fort with the lower portion submerged in water that you can glide down into from the tops of the buildings. Imagine an opponent suddenly crashing through the surface of the water above you ready to obliterate you with a shell. I want it :love:


I played a Grand Prix in Double Dash the other night and I found it to be a bit of a nightmare to control. I'm sure I'd adapt to it again but it made me appreciate just how well Nintendo have done in nailing the handling and overall gameplay of Mario Kart 8 :hehe:

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3D the SNES Super Mario Kart courses and I'd be happy. It would take little effort, though you'd be missing the feather. Don't see why that couldn't be added easily. I loved Battle Mode as much as the racing on the SNES. It was so much fun with friends and family.

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