Blade Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Serebii said: If it was broken, then it'd be disconnecting left, right & centre; you couldn't match up with friends or have any option in what you do; have lag up the wazoo. That's a broken online. This is not. Here you have friend lobbies, ability to set whatever you want, tournament options, ability to join friends in race, rankings etc. Yes, it would have been nice to be able to buddy up and then go on global, but I can overlook that because everything else works so well. I have no issues with the online and have spent many hours on it already. For me personally I don't like the online. It has ruined the game for me. I was really liking the game as a whole until trying the online with @Zechs Merquise. So so disappointing. I was expecting to be able to freely game with my mates. Sadly Nintendo has basically have made things difficult. Why couldn't they do it like CoD and have a system whereby you "invite" friends and form a party and then join a lobby? Why don't Nintendo just understand! Please understand!!
Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 @Blade I was also waiting to join that game and then got disconnected. I had to sit and watch two races and then got disconnected. Zechs was robbed in that race in the haunted mansion.
Blade Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Hero-of-Time said: @Blade I was also waiting to join that game and then got disconnected. I had to sit and watch two races and then got disconnected. Zechs was robbed in that race in the haunted mansion. Haha I was on the phone to him. He was fuming.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Blade said: Haha I was on the phone to him. He was fuming. The lightning bolt was bad enough but to get stuck on the fountain....
lostmario Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 kav82 said: I definitely won't be joining the MK League. WOOPIDOO! Had some great online games this afternoon with Redshell, f00had and HoT. No connection errors or anything. Loving this game.
Serebii Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 lostmario said: WOOPIDOO! Had some great online games this afternoon with Redshell, f00had and HoT. No connection errors or anything. Loving this game. Just spent the evening playing with some of my site staff, and @Mr\-Paul & @\-Dem0\- among others at various points in the evening. Also no connection errors or issues Was great fun, even though I got destroyed by items a lot :p
Retro_Link Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Serebii said: and the mini-map does you have to answer everything so literally? You know exactly what he means.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Just had some cracking races with Tales, Clownferret, Dazzybee and David. Some really close calls there, with plenty of destruction going off left and right. Despite me enjoying the online it's certainly not without issues. The lack of creating a friends lobby is a glaring mistake. The join option shouldn't be available if you can't actually join the race and the way the server doesn't fill races up to the maximum is annoying.
Sprout Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Sprout. I remember it like it was yesterday, but it was actually a few days ago said: Might post more in-depth impressions later, but for now I'll just say that I like this game! Which, y'know, was kind of expected. Now that I've completed all of the cups, I've decided to actually commit to this comment I made! Usually when I have thoughts about a game I either don’t share it, or by the time I do share it people have usually moved on to something else. But not this time. I'm tackling this whilst it's still hot. And you're gonna sit here and read it! Or you could just click a different page or scroll down and skip it but c'mon be nice it took a lot for me to get the courage to write something and post it so you'd be a mean person if you did that. Like, just the meanest. My impressions of Mario Kart 8, then! Yaaay! Minor Niggles Mario sounds so excited and he just can’t hide it “WAHOOO!” When this guy gets boosts and makes fancy jumps his voice becomes so high pitched sometimes, to the point where he almost doesn't sound like Mario. Mario, calm down. You're hurting my ears and scaring my cat. And when my cat gets scared whilst lying on my lap she hurts me with her claws, which makes you hurt me even more by association. Why would you hurt me, Mario? I've shown you nothing but love for over 20 years. I will leave Mii helmet on I'm assuming the staff didn't want to animate all those different hairstyles flowing in the wind and upside down, but with a helmet on its noggin, I feel Miis are less recognisable. Take that thing off! You can't be that concerned for your safety if you’re wearing a helmet but not a seatbelt. You may keep the neckerchief or whatever it is, though. I still want to feel a little like a demon on wheels ha ha. There are a couple of other minor things I could nitpick, like the map or a lack of a "Thanks for Playing!" screen, but a lot of it has been discussed at length, whilst others are just sooo minor (why don't you let Luma come to the races anymore, Rosalina?). Oh, but in regards to the choice of characters... I actually kind of like Baby Rosalina. But I hate myself for liking her. I hate myself so very much. Minor Kudos Wii Wheely appreciate the change (oh God please stop this bad writing I beg you) Judging by the online races I had with some of you the other night, I don't think there are many people using the Wii Wheel, so mentioning this feels a little redundant. But the other day I learnt that, unlike Mario Kart Wii, you can now do tricks with the 1 button instead of shaking it. My arms ache so much less now. And with a Wii Wheel, I'm not destroying any analogue sticks either! =P Moderate Niggle Mario Kart TV thinks it knows what I want to see …Actually, I'm ok with this shot. This was a bad example. There are times where I do something in a race and think, “That was a pretty cool moment.” But Mario Kart TV often thinks otherwise. Or maybe it will show part of that moment you liked in the highlight reel, but not the part of it that you liked the most. Or maybe it will show the full moment, but at an angle where you can't really see it very well. Whilst I understand they wanted editing of these highlight reels to be simple, being unable to pick your own highlights is annoying. It's clear that the game records every driver for the entire race, so let me pick out the moments I like for myself if I want to! Failure in this regard means that I doubt I'll be using this feature as much as I would have liked. However, I will say that when it does capture those moments you want, or captures a certain moment at just the perfect angle, it feels sooo satisfying to watch. Sometimes, even moments that don't feel very spectacular during a race or battle can look amusing when watching it back. Also I'm not very good at making GIFs. By the way, not sure if this has been brought up already, but I found out the other day that certain things, like a Green Shell breaking apart, will continue its animation normally even when you rewind during replays. Meaning you can make screenshots such as this: Poor Rosalina has been hit by the same Green Shell about thirty times! Shells aren't the only thing you can abuse. Take this bubble effect around Mario… …And take it to fabulous extremes! Moderate Pat on the Back, whilst I whisper softly into your ear, “You did good, son. You did good.” I like the item balance this time (mostly) The Coin item can be hit and miss, but other than that, I like the balance this time round. Perhaps it's not so much the items themselves, but more that you can't carry two items at once. My number one grievance before was that the player in first could have an item in reserve to protect them in addition to the item they're already using to protect themselves most of the time, and the player in second couldn't really do much about it. Now that first place is a little more vulnerable with only one item to protect them at a time, I feel that second place has a bit more of a fighting chance. I do miss the Super Leaf, though. But then you say to me, “I think you mean ‘You did well’.” To which I reply “Being clever whilst I give you some praise, are you? Congratulations, son, your pat on the back has just been upgraded to five across your backside!” In other words, a Major Niggle. Battle Mode needs arenas! Battle Mode changed in Mario Kart Wii to some kind of team score attack mode with a time limit. And like the race courses in that game, the maps for Battle Mode accommodated for the increased player count a bit too much, resulting in areas that were just too large. It wasn't as bad in Mario Kart 7 as the team aspect at least became optional, but it was still a far cry from the Battle Mode of old. Then along struts in Mario Kart 8, and it says to us, “Look, folks, we need to keep the timer on. And it's still gonna be based on score. And we're dropping the Coin Runners Mode, because if there is something that Mario Kart's Battle Mode needs, it's even less content. But hey, when you lose your balloons you actually don’t just get another three this time! Just like before!” “Well, uh, that last part isn't so bad,” we reply. “What about the arenas? What are they like?” “Whoops, knew we forgot something,” stutters Mario Kart 8. “Whatever! Just have some of the race courses. You liked big arenas anyway, so have something even bigger! Good luck trying to hit anybody when there's only a few of you left.” “I bet you wish players came back with three more balloons, now!” It's actually not that bad, but I don't think it's a good replacement for arenas. The only race course that would arguably work is GCN Baby Park, which isn't in this game. But I don't want Baby Park (okay maybe I want Baby Park a little bit). I want arenas! Give them to meeee! And Bob-omb Blast! The proper kind, where you can hold up to five of those things with one driver. Oh, and in Mario Kart 8, you don't have much invincibility after getting hit. We're talking less than a second's worth after taking a tumble, here. Not so problematic when racing, but in Battle Mode it can be pretty deadly if the person hitting you has something like a Fire Flower or Triple Green Shells… Strike One! Strike Two! Strike Three! You're Out! If you're on the receiving end, there's not much you can really do about it. Maaaybe something that should be looked at. The Mother of all Niggles Peach's Castle Lockdown I've been wanting Royal Raceway to be a retro course since retro courses were a thing, and solely for one reason. Not because it's a pretty good course, but because in Mario Kart 64 I could drive in Peach's Castle Courtyard, which looked pretty much exactly like it did in Super Mario 64. But the castle now stands on elevated ground, and the gates are shut tight. “Let me in,” I cry, “and allow me to see my childhood memories in that shiny newfangled HD I hear so many folks yammer on about! Let me have all of the feels!” “No,” replies Mario Kart 8, coldly. “You shall race your three laps with no distractions, and you will like it. No Super Mario 64 HD tease for you.” And the Toads look at me and my miserable kart from the impossible to traverse higher ground and the castle walls. And they laugh at me. They laugh at me and mock me with their faces of glee and sounds of cheer. “Look at how much fun we're having here at the castle,” they say in unison. “Bet you wish you could join us!” “Yes,” I sob to myself, pathetically. “Yes, I do…” Whyyyyyyyy?! This is actually just a minor niggle. Also, I bet that area would have made a great arena, too, Battle Mode. >=( Major Thumbs Up of Approval. Seriously, it's, like, pointing directly upwards. You can't really get more up than that. Ah heck, I'll give you two thumbs up. I look a bit silly now, but you deserve it. Just about everything else about the game The, music, the presentation, the track design… much of Mario Kart 8 is phenomenal right from when you start the game up. Whilst I miss the garage they used for the character select in Mario Kart 7, the absence of this is made up for the fact that everything in the menus sparkle! Ohhh the sparkles, how they grab my attention. I could be transfixed with you sparkles forever, but I must go now to where the races are. I will be back, though. Yes. One thing that has kind of stuck with me throughout Mario Kart's many iterations is that I often find its locales just as interesting as Mario's main titles, or on some occasions, even more interesting. I look at my surroundings as I cruise along the likes of Thwomp Ruins, Toad Harbour and Shy Guy Falls and I have a huge desire to escape from the confines of my kart and explore this wonderful world that Mario and his friends exist in. The retro courses (of which there is a pretty good selection this time round) spark the same feeling, reigniting the passion I have for older titles. And that includes Royal Raceway, even if I did criticise it earlier. After playing Mario Kart 8, would I like to see a Super Mario 64 HD? I certainly wouldn't say no to it. Would I like to see a brand new title in the same vein as Super Mario 64 with a world as alive as Mario Kart 8's? Hnnngh! Truth time: I've only been adding these images to make this post look less like a long wall of text. I don't think it worked very well. But at least it's pretty! Extra truth time: I only told you that because I couldn't think of a caption for this image. And so many little touches! Spectators are everywhere. Flags wave about with team logos such as Yoshi Runners and Luigi Gusters. Adverts from in-game sponsors can be seen wherever you look, from Burning DK to Galaxy Air. Shy Guys can be seen working the mines on Shy Guy Falls, sounding off in rhythm with the music as you pass. Toad Harbour is full of different shops. On Rainbow Road 64 on an island just outside the city below you can catch a glimpse of a statue of Princess Peach holding a star illuminating the night sky when you begin the race, a nod to the Statue of Liberty. I could go on, but it feels like it would take forever to list everything. Nintendo has a knack for putting in such little details in their titles, and Mario Kart 8 is no exception. …This got pretty lengthy. Overall, whilst not without its blemishes, the positives from my time with the game so far outweigh the cons. Like Super Smash Bros. can be seen as a celebration of Nintendo as a whole, the Mario Kart series can be seen a celebration of the Mario series as a whole. Though some big names didn't get an invitation to the occasion this time, it's still bloody good fun. Both Nintendo and Mario have been getting their fair share of criticism over the past couple of years, some of it certainly justified. But no matter how critical myself or others may be, when I step into Mario's world in titles like Mario Kart 8, all of that melts away, and I think to myself, “Mario and this world of his still feels like a pretty special thing to be a part of.” So, I guess to summarise, it's a good game and I like it? Hm... maybe I should have just stuck with saying that instead writing that long post. And most of what I said has probably been mentioned by plenty of others, already. … Welp! Audio "Hey, you very good! See you next time!"
Tales Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 So when you get one stars or more on all GPs it shows on your online profile right? Does it include mirror cup? Just got one stars or more on all cups, but I can't see my own nickname in a race. Think I have 5 150cc cups to get three stars on.
Blade Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Also i'm currently in a lobby that contains my Wii U friends. Why can't I voice chat in the lobby!?
Serebii Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Retro_Link said: do you have to answer everything so literally? You know exactly what he means. Yes. Yes I do. Blade said: Also i'm currently in a lobby that contains my Wii U friends. Why can't I voice chat in the lobby!? If it's a friend lobby, you can...
Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Tales said: So when you get one stars or more on all GPs it shows on your online profile right? Does it include mirror cup? Just got one stars or more on all cups, but I can't see my own nickname in a race. Think I have 5 150cc cups to get three stars on. Unfortunately it doesn't show up anymore. Blade said: Also i'm currently in a lobby that contains my Wii U friends. Why can't I voice chat in the lobby!? Not worth it anyway, mate. It lasts about 20 seconds and I don't think the headset actually works. You can put it on but I think it still just uses the GamePad.
Serebii Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Retro_Link said: Well it's annoying. If people don't mean the absolute, they shouldn't say the absolute...
Tales Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Having a blast online now. I think half of us are N-E members now in a 12 player race. @Hero\-of\-Time, @Clownferret, @Blade and @RedShell.
Hero-of-Time Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Tales said: Having a blast online now. I think half of us are N-E members now in a 12 player race. @Hero\-of\-Time, @Clownferret, @Blade and @RedShell. Yeah, it was great but it's my bedtime now. I had a laughing fit on one of the races. Tales just crossed the finish line and Dazzy was 2nd but Tales fired a green shell backwards and knocked Dazzy into a spin allowing me to overtake. That's karma for the other day, @dazzybee.
dazzybee Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Hero-of-Time said: Yeah, it was great but it's my bedtime now. I had a laughing fit on one of the races. Tales just crossed the finish line and Dazzy was 2nd but Tales fired a green shell backwards and knocked Dazzy into a spin allowing me to overtake. That's karma for the other day, @Hero\-of\-Time, @Clownferret, @Blade and @RedShell. Cheers...
Mr-Paul Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Serebii said: Some of our matches were absolute carnage lol Had to run off and go to the cinema, but that one on Royal Raceway - me, you and Demo fighting it out right at the end! I was given the win but I'm sure one of you actually nicked it! Likewise on Bowser's Castle, I pipped Demo but he was given the win! gonna check out some of the replays in the morning!
dazzybee Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Also, battle mode ISNT the same, it isn't last person standing rules. It's almost like death match rules. I want last person standing rules.
Cube Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 dazzybee said: Also, battle mode ISNT the same, it isn't last person standing rules. It's almost like death match rules. I want last person standing rules. Last person standing with bob-omb kart after death was perfect.
RedShell Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 Sprout said: Now that I've completed all of the cups, I've decided to actually commit to this comment I made! Usually when I have thoughts about a game I either don’t share it, or by the time I do share it people have usually moved on to something else. But not this time. I'm tackling this whilst it's still hot. And you're gonna sit here and read it! Or you could just click a different page or scroll down and skip it but c'mon be nice it took a lot for me to get the courage to write something and post it so you'd be a mean person if you did that. Like, just the meanest. My impressions of Mario Kart 8, then! Yaaay! Minor Niggles Mario sounds so excited and he just can’t hide it “WAHOOO!” When this guy gets boosts and makes fancy jumps his voice becomes so high pitched sometimes, to the point where he almost doesn't sound like Mario. Mario, calm down. You're hurting my ears and scaring my cat. And when my cat gets scared whilst lying on my lap she hurts me with her claws, which makes you hurt me even more by association. Why would you hurt me, Mario? I've shown you nothing but love for over 20 years. I will leave Mii helmet on I'm assuming the staff didn't want to animate all those different hairstyles flowing in the wind and upside down, but with a helmet on its noggin, I feel Miis are less recognisable. Take that thing off! You can't be that concerned for your safety if you’re wearing a helmet but not a seatbelt. You may keep the neckerchief or whatever it is, though. I still want to feel a little like a demon on wheels ha ha. There are a couple of other minor things I could nitpick, like the map or a lack of a "Thanks for Playing!" screen, but a lot of it has been discussed at length, whilst others are just sooo minor (why don't you let Luma come to the races anymore, Rosalina?). Oh, but in regards to the choice of characters... I actually kind of like Baby Rosalina. But I hate myself for liking her. I hate myself so very much. Minor Kudos Wii Wheely appreciate the change (oh God please stop this bad writing I beg you) Judging by the online races I had with some of you the other night, I don't think there are many people using the Wii Wheel, so mentioning this feels a little redundant. But the other day I learnt that, unlike Mario Kart Wii, you can now do tricks with the 1 button instead of shaking it. My arms ache so much less now. And with a Wii Wheel, I'm not destroying any analogue sticks either! =P Moderate Niggle Mario Kart TV thinks it knows what I want to see …Actually, I'm ok with this shot. This was a bad example. There are times where I do something in a race and think, “That was a pretty cool moment.” But Mario Kart TV often thinks otherwise. Or maybe it will show part of that moment you liked in the highlight reel, but not the part of it that you liked the most. Or maybe it will show the full moment, but at an angle where you can't really see it very well. Whilst I understand they wanted editing of these highlight reels to be simple, being unable to pick your own highlights is annoying. It's clear that the game records every driver for the entire race, so let me pick out the moments I like for myself if I want to! Failure in this regard means that I doubt I'll be using this feature as much as I would have liked. However, I will say that when it does capture those moments you want, or captures a certain moment at just the perfect angle, it feels sooo satisfying to watch. Sometimes, even moments that don't feel very spectacular during a race or battle can look amusing when watching it back. Also I'm not very good at making GIFs. By the way, not sure if this has been brought up already, but I found out the other day that certain things, like a Green Shell breaking apart, will continue its animation normally even when you rewind during replays. Meaning you can make screenshots such as this: Poor Rosalina has been hit by the same Green Shell about thirty times! Shells aren't the only thing you can abuse. Take this bubble effect around Mario… …And take it to fabulous extremes! Moderate Pat on the Back, whilst I whisper softly into your ear, “You did good, son. You did good.” I like the item balance this time (mostly) The Coin item can be hit and miss, but other than that, I like the balance this time round. Perhaps it's not so much the items themselves, but more that you can't carry two items at once. My number one grievance before was that the player in first could have an item in reserve to protect them in addition to the item they're already using to protect themselves most of the time, and the player in second couldn't really do much about it. Now that first place is a little more vulnerable with only one item to protect them at a time, I feel that second place has a bit more of a fighting chance. I do miss the Super Leaf, though. But then you say to me, “I think you mean ‘You did well’.” To which I reply “Being clever whilst I give you some praise, are you? Congratulations, son, your pat on the back has just been upgraded to five across your backside!” In other words, a Major Niggle. Battle Mode needs arenas! Battle Mode changed in Mario Kart Wii to some kind of team score attack mode with a time limit. And like the race courses in that game, the maps for Battle Mode accommodated for the increased player count a bit too much, resulting in areas that were just too large. It wasn't as bad in Mario Kart 7 as the team aspect at least became optional, but it was still a far cry from the Battle Mode of old. Then along struts in Mario Kart 8, and it says to us, “Look, folks, we need to keep the timer on. And it's still gonna be based on score. And we're dropping the Coin Runners Mode, because if there is something that Mario Kart's Battle Mode needs, it's even less content. But hey, when you lose your balloons you actually don’t just get another three this time! Just like before!” “Well, uh, that last part isn't so bad,” we reply. “What about the arenas? What are they like?” “Whoops, knew we forgot something,” stutters Mario Kart 8. “Whatever! Just have some of the race courses. You liked big arenas anyway, so have something even bigger! Good luck trying to hit anybody when there's only a few of you left.” “I bet you wish players came back with three more balloons, now!” It's actually not that bad, but I don't think it's a good replacement for arenas. The only race course that would arguably work is GCN Baby Park, which isn't in this game. But I don't want Baby Park (okay maybe I want Baby Park a little bit). I want arenas! Give them to meeee! And Bob-omb Blast! The proper kind, where you can hold up to five of those things with one driver. Oh, and in Mario Kart 8, you don't have much invincibility after getting hit. We're talking less than a second's worth after taking a tumble, here. Not so problematic when racing, but in Battle Mode it can be pretty deadly if the person hitting you has something like a Fire Flower or Triple Green Shells… Strike One! Strike Two! Strike Three! You're Out! If you're on the receiving end, there's not much you can really do about it. Maaaybe something that should be looked at. The Mother of all Niggles Peach's Castle Lockdown I've been wanting Royal Raceway to be a retro course since retro courses were a thing, and solely for one reason. Not because it's a pretty good course, but because in Mario Kart 64 I could drive in Peach's Castle Courtyard, which looked pretty much exactly like it did in Super Mario 64. But the castle now stands on elevated ground, and the gates are shut tight. “Let me in,” I cry, “and allow me to see my childhood memories in that shiny newfangled HD I hear so many folks yammer on about! Let me have all of the feels!” “No,” replies Mario Kart 8, coldly. “You shall race your three laps with no distractions, and you will like it. No Super Mario 64 HD tease for you.” And the Toads look at me and my miserable kart from the impossible to traverse higher ground and the castle walls. And they laugh at me. They laugh at me and mock me with their faces of glee and sounds of cheer. “Look at how much fun we're having here at the castle,” they say in unison. “Bet you wish you could join us!” “Yes,” I sob to myself, pathetically. “Yes, I do…” Whyyyyyyyy?! This is actually just a minor niggle. Also, I bet that area would have made a great arena, too, Battle Mode. >=( Major Thumbs Up of Approval. Seriously, it's, like, pointing directly upwards. You can't really get more up than that. Ah heck, I'll give you two thumbs up. I look a bit silly now, but you deserve it. Just about everything else about the game The, music, the presentation, the track design… much of Mario Kart 8 is phenomenal right from when you start the game up. Whilst I miss the garage they used for the character select in Mario Kart 7, the absence of this is made up for the fact that everything in the menus sparkle! Ohhh the sparkles, how they grab my attention. I could be transfixed with you sparkles forever, but I must go now to where the races are. I will be back, though. Yes. One thing that has kind of stuck with me throughout Mario Kart's many iterations is that I often find its locales just as interesting as Mario's main titles, or on some occasions, even more interesting. I look at my surroundings as I cruise along the likes of Thwomp Ruins, Toad Harbour and Shy Guy Falls and I have a huge desire to escape from the confines of my kart and explore this wonderful world that Mario and his friends exist in. The retro courses (of which there is a pretty good selection this time round) spark the same feeling, reigniting the passion I have for older titles. And that includes Royal Raceway, even if I did criticise it earlier. After playing Mario Kart 8, would I like to see a Super Mario 64 HD? I certainly wouldn't say no to it. Would I like to see a brand new title in the same vein as Super Mario 64 with a world as alive as Mario Kart 8's? Hnnngh! Truth time: I've only been adding these images to make this post look less like a long wall of text. I don't think it worked very well. But at least it's pretty! Extra truth time: I only told you that because I couldn't think of a caption for this image. And so many little touches! Spectators are everywhere. Flags wave about with team logos such as Yoshi Runners and Luigi Gusters. Adverts from in-game sponsors can be seen wherever you look, from Burning DK to Galaxy Air. Shy Guys can be seen working the mines on Shy Guy Falls, sounding off in rhythm with the music as you pass. Toad Harbour is full of different shops. On Rainbow Road 64 on an island just outside the city below you can catch a glimpse of a statue of Princess Peach holding a star illuminating the night sky when you begin the race, a nod to the Statue of Liberty. I could go on, but it feels like it would take forever to list everything. Nintendo has a knack for putting in such little details in their titles, and Mario Kart 8 is no exception. …This got pretty lengthy. Overall, whilst not without its blemishes, the positives from my time with the game so far outweigh the cons. Like Super Smash Bros. can be seen as a celebration of Nintendo as a whole, the Mario Kart series can be seen a celebration of the Mario series as a whole. Though some big names didn't get an invitation to the occasion this time, it's still bloody good fun. Both Nintendo and Mario have been getting their fair share of criticism over the past couple of years, some of it certainly justified. But no matter how critical myself or others may be, when I step into Mario's world in titles like Mario Kart 8, all of that melts away, and I think to myself, “Mario and this world of his still feels like a pretty special thing to be a part of.” So, I guess to summarise, it's a good game and I like it? Hm... maybe I should have just stuck with saying that instead writing that long post. And most of what I said has probably been mentioned by plenty of others, already. … Welp! Audio "Hey, you very good! See you next time!" Amazing post. And you're right about Mario's voice, he's definitely extra excited in MK8. I'll tell you what some of my minor niggles with the audio are, the sound your kart makes when cornering in anti-gravity... it's so much like the sound of a red/green shell spinning towards you. Another one is the sound of coins being thrown to the road on tracks like Dry Dunes and N64 Rainbow Road, always makes me think a Bob-omb is being thrown instead. BTW, I didn't know about the rewind duplication thingy in MKTV, but have just been messing about with it and it's so much fun. And in doing so I also discovered that you shouldn't play any replays from Twisted Mansion in reverse. Scary stuff... 666% scary.
Phube Posted June 3, 2014 Posted June 3, 2014 There's hardly ever anyone from here online when I play... 11-12pm ish...
EEVILMURRAY Posted June 4, 2014 Posted June 4, 2014 (edited) There were a few of us on some race between 11-11.30 before everyone had a connection error (everyone froze whilst I blazed into first and just before I was about to cross the finish line it cut me off). Pretty sure I shat on Jordan [forgot member name on here] a few times. Edited June 4, 2014 by EEVILMURRAY
Clownferret Posted June 4, 2014 Posted June 4, 2014 some brilliant races last night @dazzybee SORRY! I must have taken you out on the final bend about 4 times in the space of 6 or 7 race. It cracks me up after that in the lobby when "so unfair" pops up when we know you really want to say something a little bit stronger. I won a few races last night and realised how @lostmario does it. If you can get in front with a blocking weapon it's actually quite easy to hold on to your lead and then you start the next race at the front so you can rinse and repeat, BUT the moment you get dragged into the middle order it's carnage. Lastly, @Blade owned you last night son!
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