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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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Got some of the diagrams but now getting a little bored as it's not giving me any EXP.

Changed my mind on this. Got all the other diagrams I had quests for. Thought I'd go for a silver sword first as I seem to use it alot more than the steel. However the only silver sword which beat my current one in attack power (it has green stats in the sub areas, but I like main power) was the Mastercrafted Ursine sword. However I'm a few ingredients off crafting the... Superior one I think, and now can't be bothered to find someone with the diagram to craft those ingredients. The guides I've checked have been wrong, moreso in the sense that I haven't managed to do something prior.


So until I get my mind changed again - fuck it.

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Check the master forges. They might have the materials to buy instead. They're also the only places where you can forge high level gear as well. The blacksmith is in Novigrad and the armourer in Bloody Baron's village. Both have quests needed to unlock them.

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I've unlocked them both already, but I don't think either has the ingredients I require. Shall check later.



[Which I know someone made in this thread earlier]


I thought I would take in the question mark sights of Skellige, however after approximately 10 visits and them all being either:

Hidden Treasure

Guarded Treasure

Spoils of War

Smugglers Cache


And 90% of them involved harpies guarding them. The slow operatic music kinda conflicts with the fact that they're trying to be Black Flag/Pirates of the Carribean. Plus it's either one song of the same lyric over and over, or a very short song of one lyric repeated over and over. Either way it makes me yearn for the shanties of Black Flag.


So I decided that the only question marks I'd check out were ones on islands or on the coasts. I found one Place of Power and the rest were all bullshit treasure areas, now with bandits instead of harpies. Over the course of my find and seek quest, I became overburdened twice and made a dump site at the Grotto, next to the fast travel sign so I could take it all to Novigrad (where my pimped out Blacksmith is in Hierach Square) and get my gold on. Becoming overburdened a third time I decided to tell the Skellige Isles to fuck their question marks and make the grand trip to fortune town. Imagine my surprise when both my previous deposits had disappeared. Which has pissed me off for a couple of reasons:

1. I've spent the best part of an hour searching for shit which has gone forever. With no payoff.

2. To lighten my load I left all my custom arrows behind also.


I would've hopped back and forth selling and returning if it wasn't for the bullshit synopsis playing EVERY FUCKING TIME you travel between regions. Yes, I know about Ge'els, move the fuck on already.

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That's weird. I had a drop spot at master armourer in Bloody Baron's town and it was still there long time after. I will check again now.


It seems my loot has also disappeared. But I just quoted someone from Gamefaqs. Blame them :p


Anyway, my master crafted witcher gear, feline, gives me the following stats.

Silver sword: 1719

Steel sword: 1270

Armor: 379

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Completed this last night and it has to go down as one of my favourite games ever! Most games these days I get around 3/4 of the way through and then just want them to end (even Far Cry 4 which I loved was like this), but with The Witcher 3 I was still doing secondary quests, hunting treasure and exploring right up until the end.


The Baron lived and took his wife to the hills. I found the side quest with the tree spirit before starting the Baron quest and so didn't know the significance. Was gonna release the spirit but tricked him at the end and killed him


Romanced Triss because redheads (and helped the mages escape Novigrad)


Missed out on completing the Radovid assassination (even though I wanted to) because I 'forcefully shoved' Djikstra which apparently means 'punch to the ground and break his leg'. This means you can't carry on the quest line.


Ciri survived and became a Witcher, although I really thought she was dead for a while in the epilogue!



I'm now getting a few trophies and then gonna restart it on Death March difficulty to get the platinum - that's how much I loved it!

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Completed this last night and it has to go down as one of my favourite games ever! Most games these days I get around 3/4 of the way through and then just want them to end (even Far Cry 4 which I loved was like this), but with The Witcher 3 I was still doing secondary quests, hunting treasure and exploring right up until the end.


The Baron lived and took his wife to the hills. I found the side quest with the tree spirit before starting the Baron quest and so didn't know the significance. Was gonna release the spirit but tricked him at the end and killed him


Romanced Triss because redheads (and helped the mages escape Novigrad)


Missed out on completing the Radovid assassination (even though I wanted to) because I 'forcefully shoved' Djikstra which apparently means 'punch to the ground and break his leg'. This means you can't carry on the quest line.


Ciri survived and became a Witcher, although I really thought she was dead for a while in the epilogue!



I'm now getting a few trophies and then gonna restart it on Death March difficulty to get the platinum - that's how much I loved it!


I made all the same choices apart from the romance one.


I romanced both and ended up all alone. :p


I was gutted at the end when i thought Ciri was dead, but it was awesome that she was still alive. :)


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Just did 'Through Time and Space'. What a totally unexpected, visually brilliant quest. What a game.


Oh my god, that is one of my favourite bits of the game.


That...alien poison swamp world looked amazing, but the white frost snowstorm section was just fantastic, utterly brilliant. I wish we had a bit more time to properly explore it, but the backstory for that part was great, too.


Also, how good did Tir ná Lia look? Or, at least, those few moments of what we saw of it from a distance. Fuark, this game is too good.



Ok, you all win. Just when I thought it was over and that I would have finished it last Tuesday...I was completely wrong. The problem is that I don't want it to end.




The Assassination of Radovid was...amazing. In the end, I had to kill Dijkstra, no choice really. That whole story arc is brilliantly done.


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The Assassination of Radovid was...amazing. In the end, I had to kill Dijkstra, no choice really. That whole story arc is brilliantly done.

I think that's one of the worst-written moments in the game. Dijkstra, who, up until that point has been an amazing character and a great frenemy of Geralt, just... tells Geralt to betray his friends or die with them? What did he think Geralt would choose? And then he just... comes at him with an axe. The fat, middle-aged man with one good leg, whose one great asset is his intelligence, thinks he can defeat a witcher in combat. :blank:


I think they must have had an intern write the end of that quest line.


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I think that's one of the worst-written moments in the game. Dijkstra, who, up until that point has been an amazing character and a great frenemy of Geralt, just... tells Geralt to betray his friends or die with them? What did he think Geralt would choose? And then he just... comes at him with an axe. The fat, middle-aged man with one good leg, whose one great asset is his intelligence, thinks he can defeat a witcher in combat.


I think they must have had an intern write the end of that quest line.


There's a bit more to it than that, though. Dijkstra has his heart in politics and, like many others in the game, just cares about power. He wanted Radovid (and eventually Roche and Thaler) out of the way. I think he expects Geralt to be neutral and leave at that moment. (which is an option, I think)


I loved Dijkstra, but he's a criminal and an expert at playing people off against each other. I thought it was fitting how that all came together at the end. Once Radovid is gone, someone has to take charge and naturally I think he assumed it should be him.



By the story arc, I mean the entire arc of it within the game, not necessarily just that ending. Including all of the quests which involve Dijkstra, Roche and Thaler.

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Started my second playthrough, this time on Death March difficulty, damn that's taken some getting used to!


Love that I've already done things differently and found some new stuff, although I forgot how slow levelling up at the start is, I seem to be mostly under levelled at the moment!

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If you think Dijkstra's the kind of guy who'd charge at a witcher with an axe, then that's fair enough, I guess.


Well, he's an idiot for trying to take on Geralt in combat, I agree with that bit. But, I guess he's not just going to stand there and let him give him his comeuppance. :D


Everything before that is fine though, imo. On a side note, I always find it a bit daft when "villains" reveal the entire plot/plan to the "hero" before supposedly attempting to kill them. I guess it's dramatic.




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I loved Dijkstra, but he's a criminal and an expert at playing people off against each other.

I think he expects Geralt to be neutral and leave at that moment. (which is an option, I think)


Not exactly smart as he could've simply waited for Geralt to leave and strike a little later.


Who used magic on the Iron Maiden side quest? I did, but luckily saved beforehand...

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I've...done it. I've reached the end of the game! Well, the story at least.


This is going to be a long post, but I have so much that I want to say that there is no way around this.


I was a teenager when I discovered what I considered to be the greatest game of all time: Ocarina of Time. Spending that first section roaming around Kokiri Forest and seeing such a beautiful world; this was videogame bliss for me. My jaw dropped when I encountered Hyrule Field for the first time. Going into the castle and hearing that iconic music, the time travel aspect (I thought the game was actually over once I got the three stones...how wrong was I?!) and it finally culminated in that boss battle against Ganondorf, in both forms. Epic, iconic, a journey that blew my mind. I longed to play a videogame that could surpass this for me and could introduce me to a set of characters that I cared about so much. Majora's Mask perfectly expanded on this and the two as a double-bill are on a different level to everything I've ever played.


I can safely say that, by some considerable distance, I have just finished my (new) favourite game of all time...The Witcher 3. This game is on another level in so many different ways. It's...vast. The world is so big, yet it never feels sparse, as there is so much to see, so much to do. Which leads me into that next part: world building. What you do in the game actually matters. I cleared certain areas of monsters, and the inhabitants came back to that specific village. I saved lives, yet I also took many more, sometimes to save others. I regret many of the decisions I have made within the game and there are a great deal which affect the ending...some of which I am still agonising over whilst typing this post.


The world is beautiful, yet ugly. Seeing bodies hanging from posts as you trawl across beautiful landscapes is...unsettling to say the least. Velen contains beautiful scenery, the best landscapes I've ever seen, yet the creatures within it are vile. Even Novigrad, a medieval Amsterdam type of location contains whores dotted around the place, guards carrying swords, people out to kill you or steal from you. It's a harsh world, but so god damn gorgeous to look at.


The voice acting in this is some of the best that I have ever seen. It's of a high quality, the script work is sublime and it must have taken fucking forever to animate and craft each of those cut-scenes that take place, of which there are many. Literally, every single quest has its own designated sequence of cutscenes. It's not completely bleak 100% of the time, as there are many moments in which I've laughed, or when I've despaired, or even came close to tears. A lot of love has gone into this game. Even the Gwent card game within it deserves a whole separate game of its own. I'm sure that I'm nowhere near completing my deck and have only begun to master the Monsters Faction deck.


I hear Majora's Mask get mentioned with regards to how sidequests should be done. Now, whenever we hear about how sidequests should be accomplished, we shall be talking about The Witcher and how it's done there. It has set a new benchmark in not only videogaming, but story-telling. I fell in love with this story...and also its characters. Geralt may be the hero, but he is also accompanied by a plethora of others who, at some point or another, give something tremendous to this story. I spent a great deal of time just finding new stories within this game, taking me to unexpected places and taking lots of twists and turns along the way. There is more than just the central story, there are lots of stories that intertwine...it's ridiculously well crafted and created.


I have put so much into this game because I want to explore everything. My breath has been taken away on so many occasions, whether it's seeing the sun's rays beam through the trees in White Orchard, the snowy peaks of Skellige, the hustle and bustle of Novigrad or when something unexpected has happened during a quest. I've already ear-marked what I'll be doing with the combat system when I go into my next playthrough, because there's numerous different approaches. The final section (I won't spoil it for those who haven't played it) has left a mark on me and I'll never forget it.


I don't think I can truly do it justice with my words, but I will say that it's been an absolute pleasure and a joy to go through this. I will be getting any DLC for it straight away and...I just can't wait to jump back into this world and see what else it can offer. Once again, the best video game I have ever played on any system. :)





The best game I've ever played. I love it. For me, it just got better and better.




The Bloody Baron quest...just fucking WOW.

The Reardon Manor quest. Finding the diary/letters and understanding what happened there before finding the body in the wall. I wasn't expecting that and it just reminds me of how grim this game is.

Helping Cerys become the Leader of Skellige. FUCK YEEEEAH.

Dandelion. Everything about Dandelion.

Oh god, Priscilla's storyline in Carnal Sins. It shows you how the characters can actually mean something to you when that quest gets you. I wanted to avenge her. Also, partly sad because we don't see her again in the game after this.

Keira. I fucked up and killed her! I didn't mean to. Ahhhh.

Yennifer and Triss...I tried to love both but think I ended up with none of them. Fuaaark.

The Fool's Gold Quest - Village of piiiigs. Haha.

Rock trolls!

The Cave of Dreams quest...really enjoyable.

The Morkvarg quest where the wolf keeps dying then being brought back. Kinda wish I could have saved him.

The actual, central storyline...it's awesome and that ending! Relieved that we see Ciri at the end, but apparently you can get multiple endings? HOW?!

The Last Wish quest...SHIP ON A MOUNTAIN.

The Battle at Kaer Morhen.

Time and Space...just when I thought that this game couldn't get more beautiful, they throw that in. :)

EREDIN - great battle.



That's enough for now. :p



I don't know what to do with my life now that I've finished this. DLC quick pleeease.

Edited by Fierce_LiNk
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I have heard plenty about this game (and really, I plan to play Witcher 1&2 for now, can't possibly play 3 on my current PC), but the most intriguing opinion is the one comparing the game to a detective story.



Not sure how accurate this is, but it's still an interesting video.

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When do the crashes happen? The only two I had happened during Gwent games(pressing triangle instead of pushing) but I thought that would have been solved by now. The loading screens I understand, but it gets easier as you level up and die less :p

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Credits are playing now. Not sure if I'm happy with how my story ended.


I didn't get to see the ship on a mountain (maybe due to poor exploration ¬_¬) and didn't get a chance to choose between Triss and Yen.


Shall see if there's any after game action I can be bothered to do, if not/afterwards, off to Grainger it goes.

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I didn't get to see the ship on a mountain (maybe due to poor exploration ¬_¬) and didn't get a chance to choose between Triss and Yen.

The only way to get to the ship on the mountain is to do Yennefer's romance sidequest, so it's no wonder you missed it.


Although I don't know how you missed Yennefer's sidequest.


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