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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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Once i got to Skellige, am i able to freely travel back to Velen when i wish?


Yeah. The game warns you at various points so you'll know when you hit a point of no return but the first time to Skellige isn't one of those.


How many hours? The last few times I've played I've done nothing but ? chasing I’m now 49 hours in and not touched the Baron missions although I have been to Novigrad and done some of the missions there. The thing about this game that is very different to say an Assassin's Creed is that you feel compelled to explore and find all those areas.


Over 50, not sure exactly

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Yes, by fast travel.


Currently sailing around Skellige myself and it's so beautiful. Especially during night. Having so much fun exploring the place by both land and sea, more so than Velen/Novigrad I'd say, and that place was awesome. Found a small, but great quest just now. I was looking at the map and there was no question mark. I exit the map and look around and in the distance I see a lighthouse on a top of a large cliff. That's odd I thought. Why is that not on the map? So I go and check it out. I'm not going to spoil what happened but I crapped my pants in the beginning :p


Currently on another island. Some peculiar tower caught my interest when I was sailing the waters in the southeast. Haven't checked it out yet as I got interruped by a quest and an ice giant but I will explore it tomorrow.


I find it a bit funny how Skellige not only takes inspiration from vikings, but literallly copies names from Norway. Lofoten, Narvik, Elverum and more are names obviously taken from Norway, no way it's a coincidence :p

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Yes, by fast travel.


Currently sailing around Skellige myself and it's so beautiful. Especially during night. Having so much fun exploring the place by both land and sea, more so than Velen/Novigrad I'd say, and that place was awesome. Found a small, but great quest just now. I was looking at the map and there was no question mark. I exit the map and look around and in the distance I see a lighthouse on a top of a large cliff. That's odd I thought. Why is that not on the map? So I go and check it out. I'm not going to spoil what happened but I crapped my pants in the beginning :p


Skellige is probably my favourite area in the game. When you first get there and are riding through the forests was beautiful. I was amazed at how different it felt from other areas. It would have been easy to make all the forests look the same.

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Thanks guys.


This game is just so huge. I put off going to Skellige for ages, because i wanted to do most of Velen first. I still have about 25 secondary quests and contracts to do in Velen, but i wanted to progress the main story more.


It's a very, very special game.

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Thanks guys.


This game is just so huge. I put off going to Skellige for ages, because i wanted to do most of Velen first. I still have about 25 secondary quests and contracts to do in Velen, but i wanted to progress the main story more.

It's a very, very special game.


This has without a doubt been one of the hardest things about this game is balancing out story vs secondary quests but it's a nice problem to have for sure!

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So, I visited the tower, went to help the ghost even though I suspected that she was...suspicious. Next thing I know, this Graham person turns up dead. I've been played.



My mind is blown how every quest has its own set of cut-scenes and it's own awesome little storyline. My favorite so far has still been the Reardon Manor quest:


It was a personal favourite mainly due to that moment where you find the body in the wall and the realisation over what happened.


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Bought that tasty deal I pasted a page or two back. You chaps were right, I've been absolutely hooked. I've been prancing about Novigrad of late and the world building there is just exceptional.


Loved tracking down all his ladies as a way of showing the different classes in the city. Had a good lol at this moment




Naturally disappointed the fencing date with one of the posho twins didn't lead anywhere




Can't believe you bastards killed her! Obvs banged her and send her off to Kaer Morhen. Good questline.



Rehashing what's already been said but I love how the sidequests all flow naturally, they all link together or branch off in unexpected ways.


One lvl 11 so will probably ship of to Skellige soon. Glad people have been praising the world there. - If there's one thing I've been a bit underwhelmed by it's been the map - landscapes in the Northern Realms seem a little plain to me, next to Skyrim's mountain ranges. The screenshots Tales posted have me psyched.


Found it a true slog getting into the game the first few hours though. Steep learning curve and a couple of frustrating instances of autosaving (one in a fistfight in courtyard that took about half an hour to win).


Aside from that: Completely loving it!


Also: I'm embarrassingly hooked on Gwent.


Edit - is there a quick way to export screenshots on ps4? I'm only given twitter or facebook as options

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Bought that tasty deal I pasted a page or two back. You chaps were right, I've been absolutely hooked. I've been prancing about Novigrad of late and the world building there is just exceptional.


Loved tracking down all his ladies as a way of showing the different classes in the city. Had a good lol at this moment




Naturally disappointed the fencing date with one of the posho twins didn't lead anywhere




Haha, yeah I was totally expecting more after the fencing class.



Also: I'm embarrassingly hooked on Gwent.

I didn't really like it in the beginning. I lost most of the time and it looked kinda simple. But after getting more and better cards it has become a lot more fun. Despite it simple appearence and rules, it's actually quite advanced strategic wise. Love finding different ways to use spies, decoys, medics and double up cards in an attempt to get the upper hand.


I have been playing the game since I woke up this morning, but has pretty much been collecting cards and battling merchants all the time. I have very nice collection so far, the Northern Realms is pretty much perfect and I can win a match or two with the Nilfgardian Empire. Still need more and better cards for the other two decks. Currently sailing around Skellige to collect more cards.


Edit - is there a quick way to export screenshots on ps4? I'm only given twitter or facebook as options


Usb maybe?


I use facebook and just copy paste the url link.

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Is there a quick way to get the camera behind you during combat? (on the PS4)?


Because during the whole fighting action and we're both zipping around I find myself facing the screen and having to move the camera around which then I have to move again because I've had to evade them trying to attack.

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Is there a quick way to get the camera behind you during combat? (on the PS4)?


Because during the whole fighting action and we're both zipping around I find myself facing the screen and having to move the camera around which then I have to move again because I've had to evade them trying to attack.


I don't believe so. Unless I've not discovered it yet either. I just manually move the camera.


In other news: I'm addicted to Gwent. I've won, like, three games now and totally know what I'm doing.


Plus, dat music:


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Glad you're enjoying it, @dan\-likes\-trees. What's your PS addy?


I still don't really understand what I'm doing in Gwent but I won my very first match earlier. Hurrrrrah! It is fun, I'd happily buy it as it's own standalone game, heh.


Added you... I think. Literally havent looked into anything on psn / the ps4 UI yet so couldn't tell you what my username is. So you can look forward to some snapchat-esque screenshots of my adventures, as currently my only psn contact..


Loved all the Triss missions in Novigrad. All the Novigrad missions in general are so propulsive and well scripted that I'm trying to do every one before I get too many levels above recommended.. but I'm definitely overlevelled now. Like someone a couple pages back said, not a bad issue to have, ultimately.


Also rocked over to Skellig for the first time today, finally. Blown away. Everything, music, scenery, feels so different and beautiful. Feels like I'm playing a sequel - I'm stunned I've ploughed in so many hours and am only starting the area now.


Also shoutout to the cinematography / camerawork in some the cutscenes, it's great! There was this fantastic tracking shot in one of the Ciri flashbacks I watched earlier, brings it all to life.


So yeah. Fully aboard the Witcher 3 hyperbole train!


Edit: Oh yeah and I'm chuffing enjoying the gore too, most satisfying!

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Working my way through the quests as well :D Not going to Skelige yet, mainly because I'm too weak (level 11 at the moment, the mission has a red skull)


Still not the biggest fan of combat yet, the evasion is terrible. But ploughing through the landscape to a mission is lovely. Bollocks to sticking to the roads.

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I'm a little worried i'll lose out on a secret trophy.


Assassin of Kings

Take part in the assassination of King Radovid.


Basically hours and hours ago I attended a meeting with Dijkstra and Roache about killing the king.


I've done a mission for the King so far, and a mission where I meet Roache and Vis. Since then I've gone onto many many adventures and have done a lot of stuff. But no coming back to this quest?


I'm about to take the weird little ugly dude from Baron's place and return to Kaer Morhen with him.


I've romanced up Triss and told her I loved her ages ago to stop her leaving and sent her to Kaer, and I've also told Yen I love her. I can only hope that just because I'm off to Kaer doesn't mean I've nearly finished the game.






Aside from that missable trophy I went on a trophy boost last night.


Picked up 4 of the secret trophies that are contracts

have all the places of power on at once

kill 2 contract monsters without mutagens, signs or potions

attack, counter, bomb and sign an enemy in 4 seconds

perform 10 counter attacks in a row



So total haul last night of 8 trophies. Not bad

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I thought I missed that one too, but according to someone on the Internet, the quest continues post game.


Almost done with the story now. Currently Lv 34. You level up crazy fast by doing story missions. I continued on with the story at lv. 26, and aside from a couple qwent quests I have been doing exlusively story missions and have levelled up 8 times. Twice during a dialouge scene!


And there's a lot more to the story. It goes on and on!

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As much as I love the graphics for this game I think I'm spending more time looking at the minimap to see if I'm heading in the right direction. It would be nice if they put a little marker/distance in front of you on the main screen.


I wouldn't mind this, but I can easily live without it. Think the screen would look a bit too cluttered with more stuff on it.


Welp, I finally ran out of Gwent players. Guess there's no point in beating the game now. :sad:


Had a panic attack reading this. I fucking love Gwent.


I wonder if somebody, someday will ever make a real life version of the game. Like, a board with the different combatant/infantry symbols on it and then the decks. Woodbuy.

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I wouldn't mind this, but I can easily live without it. Think the screen would look a bit too cluttered with more stuff on it.




Had a panic attack reading this. I fucking love Gwent.


I wonder if somebody, someday will ever make a real life version of the game. Like, a board with the different combatant/infantry symbols on it and then the decks. Woodbuy.


Got into Gwent right at the endgame, did one of the final quests and Ermion disappeared from the world map so I couldn't complete my card collection. Fucked off doesn't even begin to describe. Would love if Gwent was multiplayer.

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