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That's one awesome collector's edition :bowdown:



I've reached a point where the main quest is too difficult. I can choose between two fights, but they are both tough as hell.


That's not a problem, though. I will explore the world, play more Gwent (it's really great; simple mechanics, but depending on which cards you draw at the beginning of a round and how the opponent plays you have to develop a tactic on the fly and then it gets rather deep), hopefully find a Witcher's Contract which isn't 5 levels higher than mine :D and just enjoy the world.


The Witcher 3 continuously give me a sense of wonder, something I've missed in a lot of video games lately.

  Shorty said:
First game of Gwent, pressed pass and game completely crashed... Good start!


Same thing happened to me!


Luckily I only had to talk to a few people to get back to where I was.


Am enjoying it so far, only really played for a few hours though. The combat mechanics are a little tricky at the moment, seem to be button mashing but am sure I'll get used to it!

  Shorty said:
First game of Gwent, pressed pass and game completely crashed... Good start!


The game crashed if you tap triangle. Try holding it and hopefully it won't crash. Worked for me.


Interesting to see that even if you attempt to play as the good guy in this, decisions can turn around and bite you in the arse. I thought I was just doing a good thing in a side quest and it ended up getting a man executed.


Game crashed for me, too. I just wanted to read a letter... :D


Thank God I save after everything I do.


Won 3 horse races, got a nice Stamina boost for my horse and some coins. : peace:



Opened up several treasure hunts which are way beyond my level :shakehead


Currently on my way to continue a sidequest, but will definitely get sidetracked and do all kinds of stuff that can be found on the journey :)


Dis game...



Can't wait to see what CD Projekt will deliver with DLC. Not that it's needed right now..plenty of content.


I would love a performance/bugfix patch, though. But I'm sure they're working on it.

  Mandalore said:
Surprised how much stuff even the basic edition of the game comes with. Can't remember the last time a game came with a map.


I think GTA V was the last one I got. Maps with games were something I never actually used but always kind of appreciated that they went to that bit of extra effort to include.


The map is nice, but isn't very useful, unlike Skyrim.


Enjoying the game. I don't have a clear direction, just wandering around trying to find a quest or two appropiate for my level, taking the story quest by chance as I run into them.


I try to make choices based on what I know about Wither and the main lead. I always go for the reward, like taking the dowry for his daughter, or keeping the medicine from the wagon which went off road. But I also try to be good, like going out my way to save that girl who got injured by the griffin. But I accept to be rewarded!


Great game, really excellent intro, interacting with the world seems to feel reasonably natural, controls are fine, characters are interesting, setting is glorious but...



...the game crashed during the tutorial. :blush:



Just as well that I was able to continue from just before that point, clearly some patching needed but I shall not let this dampen my enthusiasm for what's sure to be a stunning game. :)


Time to make a cup of tea and then get straight back into it. : peace:


Found this on reddit:


  Reveal hidden contents

The detail in-game is immense, i love it.






I don't think these screens spoil anything major, just showing the detail in-game.


Reached level 4 earlier


  Reveal hidden contents

I feel left out I haven't crashed yet even alt-tabbing a lot.


I do however have to alt tab to adjust volume as the keyboard buttons don't work in game :/


What difficulty is everybody playing on? Would love to know how battles are on a lower setting.


Death March is tough. Not only the fights themselves, but resource management, too. Not being able to heal via meditation is not a small problem.


  Jimbob said:
The detail in-game is immense, i love it.




That moment...I was speechless and in awe.

Posted (edited)

Huh? Am I supposed to have seen that? :p Currently messing around in the marches. Lv 5. Is it at the palace with the emperor? Never went outside.


Anyway, I'm playing on default. And I die all the time. The loading scenes are starting to piss me off >_>


Btw, if you haven't played Witcher 2, there comes a time in the game where you are asked a bunch of question. They are basically all the important events of Witcher 2. The article below goes into detail of the significance of each choice so the ones who didn't play the game have a better understanding of the choices. I assume some of them will effect Wild Hunt. It was really useful for choosing a path that fit my ideals and for roleplaying purposes.


Spoiler for Witcher 2 only.




  Nolan said:
I feel left out I haven't crashed yet even alt-tabbing a lot.


I do however have to alt tab to adjust volume as the keyboard buttons don't work in game :/

I can only speak for PS4, but most people on the console will probably be experiencing the gwent crash. It may not happen on PC.

Edited by Tales

I've had one crash on the PC version, i was moving stuff around in my inventory.


I'm playing on the 2nd easiest difficulty and i suck really bad. How can i be good? :p


No crashes for me so far on the PS4 version.


I wish I'd had that article about the Witcher 2 questions before I did them. Only character I recognised from them was Triss. To be honest I thought those questions were poorly done.

Posted (edited)

Not sure if I've encountered a game breaking bug... :blank:


Every readable quest item is normally moved to the "usable items" tab after you read them. You also get a quest or quest update from them.


For example: Reading a map has always given me a new quest (treasure) hunt but now...whenever I read the map I have...nothing happens. It stays in the "quest items" tab and I don't get a quest.


Same with some "smuggler's notes" I found. They remain in the "quest items"...


Reloading an old save file/restarting the game doesn't help...


Well, this kinda sucks...will move on for now. If it happens with more quest items...no idea what I'll do then. 15 hours in, I really don't want to restart.



Edit: On the official The Witcher 3 forum I found a thread with two people having the same issue...hope it gets fixed soon.

Edited by drahkon

Well I'll raise my flame shield for this but...


I'm not completely blown away by the way the game looks visually. Controversial comment and I know these type of comments are made by people who want to be 'edgy'. But no, legitimately I've not played this game and thought "wow this is stunning" .... yet.


Character models, their clothes, the details within buildings and buildings them selves okay yeah they look great. It does look like a good game. But when out travelling to places. The environment and foliage and such just doesn't look that great to me. I mentioned to one of my colleagues that the environments remind me of looking at a water painting. All the colours of the trees, ground, bushes, sky etc all seem to kind of merge and blur into a water painting kind of look.


Again with more controversy but I think that AC Black Flag looks better environment wise than Witcher..


But I'm not out of white Orchard yet, so perhaps I'll enjoy it more out in the larger world with bigger built up forest areas and in more populated villages and such. As it stands, the open planes that I've seen so far in White Orchard are just okay.




But that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the game, I am, and can see me pouring hours into this game, and will do so.


Leveling up is taking ages, done a fair few side quests and killed a fair few random enemies just while walking around at still at level 0 after 3 hours of playing. Recommended to be level 3 before going further in one quest, going to take quite a while it would seem.



Just to go back to the visual appearance topic, I'm playing on PS4, and I would blame the output on my TV, but the likes of NBA, Killzone, Infamous, GTAV, AC4 have all looked incredible to me when playing on my current TV, So don't think it's a reason to why I'm not finding it particularly stunning visually.


Hm, I can see where you're coming from, but I can't share your sentiment. :p


After 16 hours I still get amazed by certain areas. Especially at dawn. I entered a larger village (well, it can be called a city) when the sun set and it looked incredible.


  Murr said:
But that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying the game, I am, and can see me pouring hours into this game, and will do so.


That's the best thing about The Witcher 3. Even if you don't find the visuals stunning, the world itself is amazing and the gameplay fits perfectly. : peace:


Leveling up is taking ages, done a fair few side quests and killed a fair few random enemies just while walking around at still at level 0 after 3 hours of playing.


I'm level 6...16 hours in :laughing: 80% of the quests in my log have a recommended level of at least 10...:D

  drahkon said:


I'm level 6...16 hours in :laughing: 80% of the quests in my log have a recommended level of at least 10...:D


Oh wow, Okay. So i guess they are still achievable then even if under the recommended level though? Just obviously you may struggle more with it than you should.


Friggin work, I just want to be at home playing it now.


Yeah, levelling is slow. Running into lots of areas with monster with too high level that I have to escape from, if I survive the escape. Currently in a story quest with the recommended level 5, but a boss deep into the cave is giving me trouble. Will try again once I come home from work.

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