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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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The best Nintendo E3 for years was all about the software! They showed off Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Goldeneye and blew everyone away. It was just an avalanche of must have software and people went wild.


Ah, you must mean E3 2010. That was an epic.

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People are confusing there not being a big cringey opening presser with there being no games on show - there will be!


I don't think it's that. The main disappointing thing is that we don't have an evening of hanging out in the chat room, revelling in all the new Nintendo news.

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Still got Nintendo Direct, it's the same same thing really. ::shrug:


Not in the eyes of the media and the general public. THAT's the issue here.


The only way this can end well for Nintendo is that MS and Sony both have utterly disastrous E3 conference events (like, Sony 2006 levels of bad) - this would probably take the whole E3 event and format down with it, making 2013 E3's final year. That could potentially give Nintendo an advantage as they would have the upper hand when it comes to communicating directly to consumers, but it's an enormously unlikely outcome.


I don't see this ending well for them. They're basically publically bowing out of the mainstream industry narrative completely and sticking to their own little bubble they've created.

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Not in the eyes of the media and the general public. THAT's the issue here.


I don't think the general public cares about E3.


Media can still report about Nintendo Direct, Nintendo are still having conferences and press release so the media can still get info, I'm sure they aren't going to ignore the press.

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The best Nintendo E3 for years was all about the software! They showed off Skyward Sword, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Epic Mickey, Goldeneye and blew everyone away. It was just an avalanche of must have software and people went wild.


If Nintendo EVER needed to pull one of those press conferences again it's now!


Yes, totally agree, never said I didn't.


But from their own statement


First, we decided not to host a large-scale presentation targeted at everyone in the international audience where we announce new information as we did in the past.



This is how they now view E3 Pressers now.... would it be nice if they changed that opinion and just did a software blowout yes of course. But that is not likely what would have happened if they did do one.



And I'm pretty sure I still remember various sighs and misgivings about that E3 where they showed off the games you mentioned.



I don't see why we can't be excited bout the possibility to waking up 3 days straight to seeing new news on new (hopefully big and exciting) games getting announced/revealed.



I'd say a focus away from the mainstream and towards players (however the method) is potentially a great thing for the gamer.


I'd say a more interesting thing that could cause potential worry is the size of floor space they will have booked (don't know if this is made public yet?) as for this "no big presser" thing to work as well as blowing away people with the ND announcements they also have to get people playing in their booths too and this year they will need to have as many booths and as many games on show as possible.

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This is a retarded decision and history will prove it so. Nintendo will be back with a big conference next year.


And what's with this no win no win. Nintendo don't have to show sales and such. Why can't they see their conference as the software showcase they're planning on doing and show sales in a smaller to someone else.


They are proving everyone right by making themselves irrelevant, as marketing goes it's a disaster. Ultimately it may not effect long term sales too much, but Nintendo is surrounded by negativity, wii u launch has been a disaster, they need a big positive blow out. And I believe a conference showcasing mario, mario kart, retros game smash brothers etc would take attention away from ps4 and 720. They're just scuffling off into a corner and preaching to the converted, which is proven to be smaller than Nintendo realised.


@Mokong X\-C If that's "how they view them" then they need to change the way they view them, not just stop doing them!

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Bad idea.


This is a BAD idea.


This is the worst idea I've seen from Nintendo. By all means, do the Directs as well, but by dismissing the E3 conference, they're making themselves seem insignificant to the general media and stupid people around the internet. Even EA and Ubisoft do press conferences


I'm not going to lie, I came here as soon as I heard about this news and, like the judgemental bastard I am, expected to see you swarming in defending it. So I'd like to offer my apologies, because you have hit the nail on the head as to why I thought this was a terrible idea too!

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I'm not going to lie, I came here as soon as I heard about this news and, like the judgemental bastard I am, expected to see you swarming in defending it. So I'd like to offer my apologies, because you have hit the nail on the head as to why I thought this was a terrible idea too!

I'd never defend this decision. However, I am defending that people are assuming this means Nintendo isn't showing anything and have no presence at E3 when they have clearly said they will have press events there, while the information to the consumer away from E3 will be done via the tried and true Nintendo Directs.


Essentially: Same shit, different presentation.


It's just how people view it that screws it up

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I don't think the general public cares about E3.


Media can still report about Nintendo Direct, Nintendo are still having conferences and press release so the media can still get info, I'm sure they aren't going to ignore the press.


Mainstream newspapers and online media outlets like Wall Street Journal do report on E3 conferences. They won't report on Nintendo Directs however, so that readership is completely lost as a result of this move.

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I'd never defend this decision. However, I am defending that people are assuming this means Nintendo isn't showing anything and have no presence at E3 when they have clearly said they will have press events there, while the information to the consumer away from E3 will be done via the tried and true Nintendo Directs.


Essentially: Same shit, different presentation.


It's just how people view it that screws it up


Yeah, you're completely correct. And considering E3 has always been incredibly flashy and floods of journalists are invited who are almost obliged to write something about it on all of their respective websites. Nintendo Direct does do the same job, but the problem is in the name, it's direct. It relies on the very well informed segment of the fan base to tune in online and watch and reduces any impact to journalists because it's not actually live and in their faces.


The one thing I'm really disappointed about? We're not going to have the energy for the new Smash Bros reveal, unlike the last two. Part of the hype was all those fucking cheers, screams and laughs coming from the crowd accompanying the trailer.


And how about Zelda? I'm not a fan of the series, but man, I love the energy the crowd gives off. They've been waiting to see it, they're incredibly happy to see it and you can hear their reactions and feel their excitement. It's that one time you forget about how much competition there is in the industry, because you're just as giddy as a school kid waiting for a new toy. This is why when Nintendo have a good conference, it's usually the best conference of the event.


And to think they want to get rid of that..

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@Mokong X\-C If that's "how they view them" then they need to change the way they view them, not just stop doing them!


Again not denying that, but this is Nintendo, they like to do things differently/their own way. I can see their reasoning to an extent. Yes it would have more sense to just "change the way they now view the E3 Presser" and be easier too. And yes I am disappointed myself we won't be seeing them on stage of the Kodak Theater this year. As Debug Mode said above, it will be odd to see them reveal an new SSBM or Zelda and for there to be no crowd reaction, that will be the biggest loss.


But to assume whatever they are planning on showing/surprise us with has no hope of causing waves or being relevent because of the method it will be delivered in seems over-reactionary.


I'd rather wait for E3 and see how it pans out then berate or praise their decision.



To assume only gamers will watch/pay attention to Nintendo Directs is also wrong, gaming media will know about them obviously will be watching aswell, it will still get coverage (if they make the right announcements)


Mainstream Media maybe not so much, but if Nintendo play things right and generate enough word of mouth amongst the Gaming Media and Gamers at the event from their ND's the mainstream may then want to find out what people are talking about.



I'm not saying this is a good thing and I can see and understand this initial backlash coming from this announcement, but I can see the potential in it. Again though it is up to Nintendo to live up to the potential and expectation in order for it to ultimately work or not work.


As I said in my first post, it is a risky move

Edited by Mokong
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I don't think it's that.
Some people are taking this as "not at E3 at all". I'm pretty sure the demo units and new games will be on the show floor.

That's exactly what I was saying! :p


It's a shame the hype will be more fragmented now for sure. The only thing that really concerns me in all this is, as Zechs says, if it's an indication that there aren't enough games in a sufficiently 'finished' or decent state to fill out a whole conference.

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The only thing that really concerns me in all this is, as Zechs says, if it's an indication that there aren't enough games in a sufficiently 'finished' or decent state to fill out a whole conference.


Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Link to the Past 2, Wind Waker, Mario Kart Wii, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Mario Golf should be in a good enough state to show off by E3. They should also have enough for at least a teaser for Smash Bros, plus they can always create teaser trailers for the new Mario and Zelda games, even if they barely show anything on those two.


So they have enough to create a ton of hype (three Zelda games and a 3D Mario!), not to mention that they will have new game announcements before then.


They could do this:


- Teaser trailer for new Zelda

- A more in depth look at LttP2 and Wind Waker

- Mario Kart Wii U

- Other Wii U announcements

- Sales figures

- 3DS Miiverse

- Some 3DS games

- End on a teaser for new Mario

- Lights go out, everyone leaves.

- Teaser trailer for Smash Bros suddenly starts.

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They should have more than just a teaser for 3D Mario and Smash Bros, Nintendo said the former would be playable. I think it's unlikely we'll see anything of Zelda Wii U. They made it seem like they're a long way off with that and it would take the focus away from Wind Waker if they talked about it now.

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I can sort of understand the logic behind this, given the 'successes' of the Nintendo Direct events and Microsoft and Sony bringing their next-gen software lineups (which, at least with regards to Sony, are going to be rather considerable in size).


But having these behind-closed-doors events will ultimately hurt if they want to get the message out and reignite (or ignite for the first time) some interest in the Wii U, particularly from the masses and properly explain the Wii U to these people. Likewise, it could hurt certain games.


Some have questioned the importance of E3 (I'm sure you, @Serebii, were saying last weeks ND that E3 isn't necessary anymore, if I'm not mistaken (if I am, my apologies)) but it is important from a business standpoint to get information out about products to the masses to garner interest and thus appease shareholders.


Does feel like another example of Nintendo being Nintendo. That is to say they're doing something different just because they think they should do. I hope it doesn't backfire but given that they want to reposition and really push the Wii U this year, and I'm one of the people still very much on the fence about it, this won't exactly help push me towards putting my money down for one (as the likes of Mario Kart Wii U sure as hell isn't going to tempt me after the lacklustre Wii and 3DS versions).


Will be interesting to say the least to see how it all pans out and whether it works for Nintendo. After last year's 3 events at E3 not really panning out, it's probably damage control to prevent that happening again but perhaps speaks volumes for rather slim pickings in terms of new 1st party software that hasn't been announced (more so for the Wii U) and 3rd party support.

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I'm really conflicted about this, @Mokong X\-C is right though this move now will rely on what software they do show off, its going to have to be Amazing to make up for this, and as much as i hope it will be, i don't know if i have faith that they will announce anything spectacular enough to combat the inevitable media whitewash that they no showed because they have a lackluster line up compared to others.....


this can't really be anything but bad

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Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101, Link to the Past 2, Wind Waker, Mario Kart Wii, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and Mario Golf should be in a good enough state to show off by E3. They should also have enough for at least a teaser for Smash Bros, plus they can always create teaser trailers for the new Mario and Zelda games, even if they barely show anything on those two.


So they have enough to create a ton of hype (three Zelda games and a 3D Mario!), not to mention that they will have new game announcements before then.


They could do this:


- Teaser trailer for new Zelda

- A more in depth look at LttP2 and Wind Waker

- Mario Kart Wii U

- Other Wii U announcements

- Sales figures

- 3DS Miiverse

- Some 3DS games

- End on a teaser for new Mario

- Lights go out, everyone leaves.

- Teaser trailer for Smash Bros suddenly starts.


I agree there should be enough. Although I could already hear cries of "we've seen most of that already", "tired franchises/remakes". Maybe they feel they don't have enough show stoppers and are wary after the embarrassment of last year and the lack of current third party support? It's damn strange. Sometimes they just try to offer a third way and be different (and it backfires horribly). Hard not to be a little concerned with the Wii U in its current state. Hopefully we'll see all of those via Nintendo-Directs and on the show floor.

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Great Wobbuffet!


I guess Reggie's shennanigens on stage last year were the last straw, really.


He reached his highest status when he acknowledged his own meme and immediatly tried to start a new one with that Zombie stuff.


But, if they are still holding smaller conferences (like the 3DS one last year) then they are still holding conferences, right?



The one thing I'm really disappointed about? We're not going to have the energy for the new Smash Bros reveal, unlike the last two. Part of the hype was all those fucking cheers, screams and laughs coming from the crowd accompanying the trailer.


This is an extremely sad thing indeed. Extremely sad.


Unless, of course, NINTENDO has a grassroot strategy that means handing everyone a 3DS to watch the new Smash trailer on during Microsoft and Sony's pressers:D

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The one thing I'm really disappointed about? We're not going to have the energy for the new Smash Bros reveal, unlike the last two. Part of the hype was all those fucking cheers, screams and laughs coming from the crowd accompanying the trailer.



That was just from mentioning it...

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I'm not a fan of the Nintendo Direct format, I'm all for a bit of over the top E3 announcements. So today's news saddens me. Best part of E3 is the crowd/hype when a megaton is dropped. Twilight Princess announcement video is one of those standout moments.


Even if Sony and MS have consoles to unveil, Nintendo could have put on a killer software showing.

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