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Nintendo Ditching This Years E3 Presser


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Ok so some indication of what Nintendo plan on at e3, wasn't sure if this demanded a new thread or not yet...


Taken from nintendolife.com:


Nintendo's plans for E3 have become a little clearer today, after the surprising recent announcement that the company is skipping its annual major presentation — all while Sony and Microsoft merrily carry on. While we're still not sure what the big N plans to amuse the wider public with — assuming it plans to do so at all — we do now know of a media event that will incorporate a presentation and "unique" hands-on time.


It's all about Wii U, unsurprisingly, with the event being called the Wii U Software Showcase. Taking place on 11th June, shortly before the expo opens to the public, Shigeru Miyamoto and Reggie Fils-Aime will provide opening remarks for 30 minutes, before an hour that's scheduled for gameplay demos, hands-on time and Q & A. It's taking place at the Nintendo booth itself, so essentially sounds like a preview look at what's on offer in the show — Nintendo's previously confirmed that new Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D titles will be playable, while a first look at the next Smash Bros. was also promised during the recent Wii U Direct broadcast.


We can expect plenty of coverage out of that event, but now the curiosity turns to whether Nintendo will broadcast any Nintendo Direct streams during E3 to keep fans at home excited and in the loop. We'll find out soon enough.

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Pachter's view on Ninty skipping their Press Conference.

"I think it is a crappy decision because you don’t get many opportunities when you’re a console manufacturer to have the entire world focused on games. So it’s the one time a year that you can be certain that everybody cares...I think that from just a basic decision it’s an opportunity for Nintendo to really show off a lot of stuff.


But you asked was it a good business decision and, from your basic economics, it’s a profit deal. If you’re expected revenues from spending money are bigger than the amount you have to spend to generate those revenues, then it’s a good business decision.


I think that Nintendo gave this a lot of thought – they said we don’t really have anything new to show...we don’t really have any new Wii U games that are going to shine that are playable and, oh by the way, the reason that Fox News, ABC, etc, are all here is to look at the next Xbox and PS4, then we’re just going to look bad next to them.


I think not doing it, probably, is a good business decision. I just think, as a gamer, and as someone who is interested in the industry, I would prefer to see everybody represented at every show. Nintendo made a business decision, and ultimately, it is probably the right one."


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They will be showing more of their games, and less talking. so either way its good.


and in the Nintendo direct, i hope they will show alot videos, (and some of the new smashbros) the new Zeldas (windwaker and the Epic Zelda)

and more info about the new anounced Xenoblade game, an awesome trailer from Mario 3d, all those games are the big sellers.

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Mario Kart WIi U, Mario Universe and Retros project and it looks fucking incredible.


This would be enough!! Show a video of Smash Brothers to get everyone wet for next year and NINTENDO ARE BACK!!!!


I think it depends on when they are launching these games, although all signs point to at least Mario U and Mario Kart U arriving before the year is out.


They had better be voice chat in Mario Karts online mode!

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Mario Kart WIi U, Mario Universe and Retros project and it looks fucking incredible.


This would be enough!! Show a video of Smash Brothers to get everyone wet for next year and NINTENDO ARE BACK!!!!


Not to mention X, Pikmin 3 again, Wonderful 101, Yoshi's Yarn, Wind Waker HD, etc.


It's all good.

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I can't believe no rumours have turned up about Retro's project other than that Metroid X Star Fox cross-over from way back when (which sounded pretty damn awesome).


You guys think it will get leaked the way DKCR got leaked?


If not, then they've managed to keep this one very tight to the Retro chest!


Imagine the dissapointment if they are working on an HD-remastering of the Prime Trilogy...that would be a damn shame, a damn shame I tell you!

Edited by Fused King
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They had better be voice chat in Mario Karts online mode!


This should be the case in all games. I can understand if they don't in random matches, but private lobbies need voice chat.

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I can't believe no rumours have turned up about Retro's project other than that Metroid X Star Fox cross-over from way back when (which sounded pretty damn awesome).


You guys think it will get leaked the way DKCR got leaked?


If not, then they've managed to keep this one very tight to the Retro chest!


Imagine the dissapointment if they are working on an HD-remastering of the Prime Trilogy...that would be a damn shame, a damn shame I tell you!

I'd love that Metroid/Starfox crossover...but what I'd want to see is three games, all running together with crossovers throughout...basically the same story from three perspectives (Metroid, Starfox and maybe F-Zero) with crossovers of the other characters in between. For example, in Metroid you may get Fox joining you on a mission and in StarFox, Samus' Gunship can be controlled for a mission or two, or as an ally.


But one development studio couldn't really do that

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Aaah I really hope it's not a crossover, I don't like crossovers haha. Don't get me wrong, I love Metroid, I love Starfox and I love F-Zero, but I would hate to see them mixed up. Star Fox games are generally funny and allow for a more playful atmosphere, but Metroid is very tense and serious. I just don't think it would work out very well together.


I'm really looking forward to see Nintendo's press conference this year, even though it's different. After all it's the content that counts, and as long as that is good I'm pleased. :)

I'm really curious to see more of the xenoblade game, it looked so amazing.

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No more Star Fox crossovers and spin-offs please, but a proper sequel to Lylat Wars. They've messed around with the license long enough:


-Star Fox (1993): Just wow.

-Lylat Wars (1997): Brilliant.

-Dinosaur Star Fox Planet (2002): Otherwise good, but shouldn't really have been a SF game in the first place. Or at least they should've kept the original end boss(es), now it's just a horribly cheap, tacked-on mess which basically ruins the whole story of the game.

-Star Fox Assault (2005): Haven't played, but didn't fair that well in reviews, 71% average at gamerankings.

-Star Fox Command (2006): Storylines are ok, but gameplay is garbage.

-Star Fox 64 3D (2011): A remake.


Seriously Nintendo, step it up.

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Yeah, in THEORY I like to think about a crossover; but actually an awesome shoot em up; on rails; proper star fox game would be incredible in HD. get some online battle mods thrown in. Like Donkey Kong Returns; pure unadulterated and unashamedly old design for the modern age.


Personally I think Metroid Prime 4 is a shoe in - need a more adult FPS exclusive on the console; the potetnial to show the visual quality of the console in the variety of worlds; the use of the gamepad as visors; it all fits too well for them not to do it.


Saying that; a brand new more adult IP from Retro could also be spunkelicious and maybe that's what the wii u needs...

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I'm really starting to agree that Nintendo's ditching of the big press conference is part of the policy of "Seeing isn't much, but playing is awesome".


I know it's pretty anecdotal, but I have several friends who weren't interested in the Wii U at all, but once they got their hands on it, they went out and bought instantly. Now I learn that they're showing it to their friends, loaning their console out for a night and bam, those friends are now buying the console.


Having the press play the games Nintendo wish to show straight out. As such, there are no pre-conceived ideas about the game, they're revealed the press at the same time they can play it.


People don't get the Wii U until they play it. It's as simple as that

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No more Star Fox crossovers and spin-offs please, but a proper sequel to Lylat Wars. They've messed around with the license long enough:


-Star Fox (1993): Just wow.

-Lylat Wars (1997): Brilliant.

-Dinosaur Star Fox Planet (2002): Otherwise good, but shouldn't really have been a SF game in the first place. Or at least they should've kept the original end boss(es), now it's just a horribly cheap, tacked-on mess which basically ruins the whole story of the game.

-Star Fox Assault (2005): Haven't played, but didn't fair that well in reviews, 71% average at gamerankings.

-Star Fox Command (2006): Storylines are ok, but gameplay is garbage.

-Star Fox 64 3D (2011): A remake.


Seriously Nintendo, step it up.


You should try Assault, I really liked it. But then I also loved Starfox Adventures.

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You should try Assault, I really liked it. But then I also loved Starfox Adventures.

Starfox Assault was great fun, not entirely sure why people didn't take to it.


Its multiplayer just screamed "Make me online", though

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Yeah, in THEORY I like to think about a crossover; but actually an awesome shoot em up; on rails; proper star fox game would be incredible in HD. get some online battle mods thrown in. Like Donkey Kong Returns; pure unadulterated and unashamedly old design for the modern age.

I'd like a Starfox that would be a good mix of on-rails and "all range mode". Imagine the fairly large and free levels of the Rogue Squadron games, mixed with Lylat Wars.

Personally I think Metroid Prime 4 is a shoe in - need a more adult FPS exclusive on the console; the potetnial to show the visual quality of the console in the variety of worlds; the use of the gamepad as visors; it all fits too well for them not to do it.


Saying that; a brand new more adult IP from Retro could also be spunkelicious and maybe that's what the wii u needs...

Has MP4 been confirmed?

I personally am going to repeat: it'd be a GOD SENT, if Nintendo would buy back the Perfect Dark IP and give it to Retro. Or if Retro were to create a brand new IP.

And of course, Retro could potentially make Nintendo GT :santa:

Yes, I know I nag about it a lot, but seriously, why have Nintendo waited 15 years, when Sega and Microsoft waited two-three years each? Do they not realise that there's money to be made and Wii U sales to be improved?



Speaking of racing games, Project Gotham Racing 5 is being rumored, and everyone's talking of an Xbox 720 release. But rumors last year was that ex-Bizarre developers making a racer for the Wii U. Is it possible for PGR5 to be a Wii U game, or do Microsoft somehow own the IP?

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Speaking of racing games, Project Gotham Racing 5 is being rumored, and everyone's talking of an Xbox 720 release. But rumors last year was that ex-Bizarre developers making a racer for the Wii U. Is it possible for PGR5 to be a Wii U game, or do Microsoft somehow own the IP?


The rumours started because MS renewed their trademark on the franchise earlier on in the year but it could just have been routine house keeping. Most of Bizzare's staff have ended up at Playground Games, who co-developed the last Forza game, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to think they would have them developing a new PGR for the next Xbox rather than a spirtual successor that goes thrid party, like Blur was coined as being (despite the differences). One of the two brands will likely turn up sooner rather than later on the Xbox and it might be time to give PGR it's spot back in the limelight - especially closer to launch where it can get greater media attention.

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And of course, Retro could potentially make Nintendo GT :santa:


To raise another debate back up again - if only they had put analogue triggers on the gamepad I'd agree, but unless the Wii U gets some decent steering wheel support I currently won't be buying any realistic racing games for it!

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Rockstar will not be attending E3, parent company Take-Two has confirmed.


Instead, the publisher intends to reveal more details about GTA 5 at events dotted throughout the summer.


"This year, our labels will not have a booth on the show floor," said Take-Two president Karl Slatoff during the company's financial results last night (via Seeking Alpha).


"Both Rockstar Games and 2K have instead decided to focus their marketing and PR efforts on a series of events throughout the spring and summer. Our team, however, will be present at the show, and we look forward to seeing many of you there."


"Our philosophy on the show is that we like the show, we participate in a meaningful way in the show," he later added. "It's a great place for the industry to get together, and we're highly supportive of it. This year it just didn't make sense for us at the same level."


Rockstar's E3 absence joins sister company 2K, which confirmed last month that it would not be exhibiting at the show.


E3 begins in just a few short weeks on June 11, where the majority of publishers are expected to offer more details on their next-gen line-up.


Source: Seeking Alpha



Alright alright, I know it's got nothing to do with Nintendo, but still, if Rockstar ain't turning up, Nintendo were waaay ahead of the curve by pulling out... ;)

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