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New 3DS Deal - Register 3 games, get one new game!


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Wow, what a fantastic deal! I've got one of those and am interested in three of the others. Does it matter that I registered Luigi's Mansion 2 last week (before this promotion)?


It still counts, no worries.

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Wow, what a fantastic deal! I've got one of those and am interested in three of the others. Does it matter that I registered Luigi's Mansion 2 last week (before this promotion)?


Nope, it doesn't matter when you registered the games. It's retro-active.

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Wow, what a great promotion. I expected this to be another buy a XL get a free game deal, but this is better!


Got codes for Fire Emblem and Luigi's Mansion, and will be getting LEGO City later in the week too, so will probably go for Donkey Kong, as it's the only title from the list I haven't got, that I won't sell after completing it. :grin:


Btw, If anyone's struggling for a second or third game, keep an eye out on prices for Castlevania, LEGO and Pokemon Dungeon, as they're the only one's I think that are likely to drop in price, so you could buy, play and sell them if you want, and bag some codes :heh:

Edited by welsh_gamer
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Really awesome deal, when I got the e-mail through about it I thought it was download three, get one free, which I thought wasn't great as they cost more to download anyway. But now I see that it's retro-active and applies to physical stuff too, I'm a lot more interested!


I have Fire Emblem and Luigi, but I'm not sure what else I want of that lot. Not going to buy Donkey Kong again, Monster Hunter really wasn't my kinda thing. Pokémon, Castlevania or LEGO, and get Animal Crossing free maybe? Never played AC properly before, so if I get it as a freebie I'll be less annoyed if I don't like it :)

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Good promo, only....I can only see myself being interested in/buying three of those games - LM, AC and at a push FE! I might take advantage, but I don't know what I'd pick. As I assume the free game is a d/l, I might actually replace AC from my main purchase with something else and then get that as a D/L title - I very much like the idea of having it on my 3DS all the time.

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So if I downloaded one of these games from the eshop do I need to do anything else or is it automatically registered?


Well it will automatically show up on your Club Nintendo site, but it says on the wesbite to complete your 'claim your Stars' survey to register it, so I'd do that to be on the safe side.

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Personally, I've already got Luigi's Mansion 2 and will buy Fire Emblem: Awakening and Donkey Kong Country, choosing Animal Crossing: New Leaf as my free one. If Animal Crossing is anything like the GameCube original, I'll enjoy it at first, then start thinking "I could get some money back for this..." With the downloaded version, though, I won't be tempted to sell it!

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So if I downloaded one of these games from the eshop do I need to do anything else or is it automatically registered?


On the Terms and Conditions, it does say that after you download one of the eight games you need to go into your Club Nintendo account and fill in the stars survey to complete the registration process. So, yes you have to do something, but not much.

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Have castlevania and LM2 already, and was planning on getting fire emblem this month too so that's me sorted.


Now for the free game.... Donkey kong, Animal Crossing or Lego City? Suppose ill wait for the reviews. Animal crossing has never stuck with me, I just find it a bit pointless, but always open to try it again.


Would recommend Castlevania to anybody as a purchase. I've personally put 50 hours into two playthroughs

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