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I don't get it I have purchased half the games on the vc on my wii I have not done the system transfer ,



Mario 2 is on offer but gamea like excite bike. And pacman which I own on wii vc. Are not discounted ?


HAVEN'T done the system transfer? I think they need to be on the wii u for it to work, but really really don't hold me to anything - I haven't got much on my wii vc.

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Not having followed recent VC news I downloaded Super Metroid yesterday assuming it would be in glorious 60Hz.. So disappointed it's the Euro release!! Forced German/French subs, slow running/jumping, black borders and slightly dodgy scrolling. What are they thinking? Give us the damn option or make a hybrid rom with the best (and worst if you must) of all worlds.


This makes me wonder how LTTP will fare. :hmm:

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Was meant to play just a bit of Metroid before I settled into some hunting - @Fierce_LiNk would surely be happy to know it's already sucked two and a half hours of my evening away from me! As good as it should be, still after all this time. Can't believe I never played this before really.

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I'm going to side with the inexperienced gamers on this! Super Metroid is good, but obscure. In terms of action, I think it's the easiest one (I've completed all apart from Hunters), but the controls are a total mystery until you're told, especially some of the more complicated moves. I had trouble with Wall Jumping, Speed Boost and the move where you can boost vertically (whatever it's called).


I think it's great that newcomers have got a resource like Miiverse where they can (hopefully) get the explanations they need. Then, bring on Metroid V with loads of awesome sprite-scaling and animation!

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I got stuck on what's referred to as "noob bridge" back when I first played it on the Wii. Even forgot you can run on my current run, but some of those people are getting stuck at places they shouldn't be.


Love how I can't remember much about the game so it's like playing it for the first time all over again. I have no idea where I'm going. Bit surprised they give you super missiles right after the regular missiles.


Forgot how good the music is.

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Game's just an absolute gem, actually deserves its own thread imo! Music is beast, love the early brinstar(i think) funk rocking through my speakers.


My only real gripe so far is the...


the wall jumping. sucks major balls, did manage it where you first 'learn' it from the green thingies though it really wasn't that easy to pull off. Later broke some sprint blocks that lead to a really deep drop(with a weird green bird that sprints and flies up from where you fell) and it was so deep I just couldn't get a consistent string of wall jumps to get out. Think I was trying for about half hour before I finally gave up, restored my previous save state and decided to just ignore that chasm.


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Game's just an absolute gem, actually deserves its own thread imo! Music is beast, love the early brinstar(i think) funk rocking through my speakers.


My only real gripe so far is the...


the wall jumping. sucks major balls, did manage it where you first 'learn' it from the green thingies though it really wasn't that easy to pull off. Later broke some sprint blocks that lead to a really deep drop(with a weird green bird that sprints and flies up from where you fell) and it was so deep I just couldn't get a consistent string of wall jumps to get out. Think I was trying for about half hour before I finally gave up, restored my previous save state and decided to just ignore that chasm.


That's my only criticism of the game, too. Aside from that, it's a beauty. Can be fucking hard, too.

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the wall jumping. sucks major balls, did manage it where you first 'learn' it from the green thingies though it really wasn't that easy to pull off. Later broke some sprint blocks that lead to a really deep drop(with a weird green bird that sprints and flies up from where you fell) and it was so deep I just couldn't get a consistent string of wall jumps to get out. Think I was trying for about half hour before I finally gave up, restored my previous save state and decided to just ignore that chasm.


You need to do a shinespark at that point. Just do what the bird does, speedboost, duck, and jump while holding up on the control pad. Wonders do happen.

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You need to do a shinespark at that point. Just do what the bird does, speedboost, duck, and jump while holding up on the control pad. Wonders do happen.


Thanks, didn't realise it ducked! Worked a treat of course.


Doesn't help my current situation though - totally lost as to where to go next!

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This week



Kirby's Dream Course (Nintendo) - €7.99/£5.49 (Available for €5.59/£3.79 if you own Kirby's Adventure, Ends May 30)

Kirby Super Star (Nintendo) - €7.99/£5.49 (Available for €5.59/£3.79 if you own Kirby's Adventure, Ends May 30)


Both 60hz

Edited by Serebii
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Both games are must haves if you've never played them before (or only own PAL 50hz versions of them). Stone cold classics! :D


The discount is nice too. Nice to see that NOE are following in the Japanese eShop's footsteps :)

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Ahh yeah! Nice that it's got a discount for Kirby's Adventure, considering it was previously 30p! I had both on my SNES(and still do), but I think I'll have to be picking them up again at that price. Would they still have their multiplayer aspects, I wonder?

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Ahh yeah! Nice that it's got a discount for Kirby's Adventure, considering it was previously 30p! I had both on my SNES(and still do), but I think I'll have to be picking them up again at that price. Would they still have their multiplayer aspects, I wonder?

Don't see why they wouldn't

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Ahh yeah! Nice that it's got a discount for Kirby's Adventure, considering it was previously 30p! I had both on my SNES(and still do), but I think I'll have to be picking them up again at that price. Would they still have their multiplayer aspects, I wonder?


Course they will. No reason why they wouldn't.

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Yeah I had no good reason to think they wouldn't, just haven't been aware of any VC titles that use two controllers yet. When do these two drop, is it thursday?

Yep. Thursday at 2pm


There also are games which use two controllers. Super Mario World, for example

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