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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


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Yep, it's the secondary studio of Monolith Soft, the one that have often helped Nintendo on various games, like Zelda or Smash Bros.


Again, it seems like anything Monolith Soft does or even touches today, becomes a little piece of gold. Shame they aren't more popular.

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Different studio. Monolith Kyoto is what is listed. They are an art studio, away from the main development of games, with only two dozen or so staff
Yep, it's the secondary studio of Monolith Soft, the one that have often helped Nintendo on various games, like Zelda or Smash Bros.


Again, it seems like anything Monolith Soft does or even touches today, becomes a little piece of gold. Shame they aren't more popular.

Ah, ok. Good to know, cheers. :)
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Need a lil help. I've freed all the Sages but haven't found a way to get the treasure in the Dark Palace and get into the room on 1F on the bottom left.

That one got me too...

Use a bomb on the bottom switch and rush up to the top. Attach yourself to the wall and it will flip when the bomb goes off



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I also have a slight problem with this game. I can't find the Titan's Mitt anywhere (or whatever the stronger Power Glove in this game is called). I would really like to pick up big boulders already.
You get those in...


the Desert Dungeon.

Which was the last dungeon I did, so I spent the entire game being taunted by those boulders. :heh:


But in order to do that dungeon, you need to have done the...


Thieves' Hideout to get the Sand Rod.


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Sages numbers 4 and 5 rescued from Turtle Rock and Swamp Palace last night.


Started with Turtle Rock, lovely little dungeon...though was indeed little. Seemed to be over all too quick but as with others fully enjoyed it. Boss was good, didn't expect 2 stages to him but he didn't give me any trouble.


I also found a Heart Piece in Turtle Rock too, so 3 more pieces left...oh and the Hylian Shield.... :D For some reason I was thinking maybe it wasn't in this game and then it appears :D


I went on a little excursion then to give me something to do between Temples as I don't want to be rushing from one to the other. Remembered I hadn't yet done the Intermediate level on Treacherous Tower (is that the name? I forgetful) So went and did that, 15 rooms nice little challenge, got a bunch of rupees afterwards. Then checked to see how many rooms on Advanced, expecting maybe 25....but turns out to be 50!!!! Damn decided to leave that for another time.


Took the horde of rupees I had saved and tossed them to teh Rupee Fairy and got an unexpected 5th bottle! :D Still got one empty item space...maybe something inside one of the last two temples?


Did Swamp palace after that. Really enjoyed that, when I realised it was a Water Temple with rising and lowering water levels I had flashbacks to the one from OOT, but turned out to not be as bad. Nice medium length too, longer than Theives Hideout and Turtle Rock but a bit shorter than Ice Ruins (still my dungeon so far). Boss again while good didn't put up much of a fight. I'm wondering am I maybe too overpowered? (Had 17 hearts, 18 after I beat him, and maxed out weapons with upgraded Master Sword), had 3 Faires in bottles but didn't need any :(


Oh and found a Blue Tunic in there too which halves damage WOOT :D So with that thought feck it, nows a good time to try the Advanced 50 Rooms on Treacherous Tower :D Took me a little over 18mins (lot faster than expected) but did it without seeing Game Over :D Did use 2 out of 3 faires and 1 Blue Potion though :) Thought I'd get another Heart Piece for it but didn't but the girl said if I beat Advanced again I'd get an extra prize? Might try it again this evening so :)



So just 2 Sages left to find, one in Skull Woods and the other in Dark Palace...will prolly do those in that order, a place called Dark Palace feels like it should be the final one to be done :)

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That one got me too...

Use a bomb on the bottom switch and rush up to the top. Attach yourself to the wall and it will flip when the bomb goes off



with the two orbs on either side and a platform which goes up/down in the middle right?


Because I've bombed the fuck out of both switches in numerous times and attaching to various wall parts with no movement.


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Finished another palace.

Swamp Palace



My initial: "Woah, this game's good"-impression has now gone down to "well, it's ok".


The non-linear approach to progression is fine, but the dungeons are really boring, straight-forward and easy. :hmm:


Will finish it soon (I guess). Enjoyed it so far - at least for the first three hours.

Now it's getting old...


As soon as I'm done with it, I will trade it in.

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Well my Zelda XL finally arrived and it's only, what, 3 days late? I've already beat the game. :rolleyes:


All the tracking said The Hut so that explains it if there was any doubt at this point.


Ah well, at least it's pretty (Although the inside isn't quite as nice).

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Found the remaining Maiamais, so that's everything collected! :cool:



I love completed collection screens in Zelda games. :love:

Or so I thought... :woops:

Turns out I hadn't done the Advanced level of Treacherous Tower, which rewarded me with:



For the first run, and then:



My best time was 9 minutes and 29 seconds.


Anyway, pretty sure that's everything now



Also had a quick go on Hero Mode. Wow, even Buzz Blobs can almost 1 hit kill you! :laughing:

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Almost there, found the final two Sages I had left last night


Also found the last two heart pieces I was missing so now have all 20 hearts.



Did Skull Woods first, another very short dungeon, gotta say the size of dungeons has been a little disappointing, very short, wonder if that's due to them not having a new item to find?

Though the shortness is offsite a bit by the dungeons still being fairly entertaining. The Boss in Skull Woods though has to be the easiest boss ever, think he only hit me twice and that was due to me making silly mistakes like coming out of wall too earlier.


Dark Palace was next and last, now this one gave me some head scratching which I enjoyed. The room at the top with the switches but only one of the flips the walls took me ages to figure out. For awhile I was thinking maybe there wasn't something hidden there but I could see the chest on my map but took me ages to work out how to get in :D


Also one of the light beams took me awhile to figure out why it didn't reach the bottom room, was the top left one, I missed I had to bomb a cracked floor in one of the first rooms, didn't figure it out till I decided to try going back over all the rooms. Has to be my 2nd Fav Dungeon after Ice Ruins now :D Boss was good too, almost gave me a little trouble when he blows out the torches and goes into rage mode but I still managed to beat him without needing to heal.


Found two more Master Ore's too which surprised me, didn't expect the Master Sword to have another upgrade, the Gold blade looks so much better than the pink :D





Also tackled the Treacherous Tower again and completed Advanced for 2nd time... got 9999 rupees now and nothing to spend them on :heh:...


Got an upgraded Bug net too.... not sure what the point is but ok I guess.



Didn't go on to Lorule Castle, it was late and thought best save it for today so I can play through it this evening without rushing and take my time to savour the final act :D

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Just finished the game, WOW WHAT AN EPIC ENDING, now that was AWESOME :D


Ok first, final stats,


Rupees: 28,969

Times Defeated: 00000 (WOOT I R AWESOME)


Playtime: 21hours 48mins (I did a lot of side tracking :D)


Eastern Palace

Tower of Hera

House of Gales

Ice Ruins

Theives Hideout

Desert Palace

Turtle Rock

Swamp Palace

Skull Woods

Dark Palace

Lorule Castle




Lorule Castle, now that was a damned good dungeon, probably the longest one in the game, and beat out Ice Ruins to my fav dungeon of the game :D


Then came the twists in the story.


I had been wondering for awhile since first coming to Lorule why I only saw their Triforce on Royal Emblems but nobody mentioned it. I actually thought theirs was a black Triforce and my expectation before getting the game was I would encounter people in Lorule who had the parts of this Triforce (or have to find them myself). Coming towards the end thought maybe I'd never hear of the Lorule Triforce. Then reached the Throne Room (which oddly lacked a Throne :heh:) and the twist was epic, how did I never see that coming :D


Though thinking back didn't Yuga early in the game mention he was working with someone and refer to a "her"?


Anyway after getting over the shock of Hilda, I had Yuga to deal with. Good fight, he put up a good one, took some hearts from me but didn't need to heal, then came the next twist with Yuga turning on Hilda and absorbing the Triforce of Wisdom. I was waiting for him to declare "Yuga is no more, I am Ganondorf", sadly that never happened, but I will (unless it gets officially stated it wasn't) continue to assume that was indeed Ganon talking at that point and not Yuga (wonder though could we consider Yuga the Lorule version of Ganondorf, thereby making them one in the same anyway).


Anyway the 2nd fight was a bit harder, needed one Fairy to save my ass (but that is all), was nice to get the final Item space filled too, was thinking I prolly missed an Item somewhere? Beat him...actually expected a 3rd fight, prolly with Ganon resurecting fully, sadly that was it ....I DIDN'T WANT IT TO END :(


Then the final cut scene with yet another unexpected twist :D

Should have seen it coming, with the Vacant House I was wondering, surely there must be a Lorule version of Link too? How did I never suspect Ravio? Guess I was also expecting if there was another Link he would act like a Link :heh:





So yeah the adventure saddly comes to an end as all good adventures must. Hyrule is safe once more and another Hero will drift into Legend, his bloodline forgotten until a time should come when a Hero is needed once more. Overall great game :D Definately a Must have for any 3DS owner, if you do not own this game but have a 3DS then you are DOING IT WRONG!


Not without its flaws, mainly in that I thought the dungeons were a bit on the short side and I had to find things to do between dungeons as I didn't want to be rushing from one to the next where as in a "normal" Zelda framework you'd have problems to solve to before getting to the next dungeon.


But I did LOVE the freedom of being able to explore the world from the off with little to no boadries and to be able to choose which dungeon to do next :D


I would like to see them try something similar in the next home console but also if it were possible to still have "things to do" between dungeons in order to access the next. The Item rental thing was good too and of course needed for the whole "choose the dungeon order yourself" but if you don't die (like me, mwahahaha) then that system can be easily abused. Be nice if they could find someway to balance this (if such a system were to happen again). Is it possible to have it both ways, haha :D


Or hell just add more NPC's and Sidequests akin to the level you get in tradition JRPGs and have new one become active after each completed dungeon that'll keep the player busy between dungeons :heh:


It is a great handheld Zelda, and just a pure nostaglic trip for veteren gamers and I'm sure possible magical too for new Zelda players (would be interesting to get some views from someone who hadn't played a Zelda game before). As I said, a must have for any 3DS owners, criminal to own a 3DS and not have this game :D




On a side and personal note, had some interesting and and funny moments with my son while playing this game.


When I first got it and was playing it my son sat on my lap to watch, when he saw Link he recongised him right away (yeap he my son alright :D) and instantly said "HEY WHERE'S YOUR BOAT?" cause he used to sit down and watch me play Wind Waker HD


And at the end of the game....

When Ravio revealed himself and took off his hood my son was like "Huh! That's another you daddy...there's two daddys now" :D


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