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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


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Really quick question, I just met Ravio and noticed Majora's Mask on the wall. Was that there before he turned up at the start of the game?


Yes it was.


Had no idea Bees were worth 50 Rupees. Easy money!

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Has anyone Orderd The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Collectors Edition from Game I got mine today and there is no Club NINTENDO Ticket in it


I can confirm that my copy from Game has a Club Nintendo ticket in it.


Was pleasantly surprised by the size of the poster. The thing is fucking huge (giggedy). Definitely getting it framed at some point. The chest on the other hand is a bit on the tiny, cheap side. my face still lit up when I opened it though.

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SO picked up the game today...ooohhh shiny gold boxart.... and was putting serious thought into saving it for Xmas especially when I found out this years i Ocarina of Time's 15th Anniversary... I got OOT for Xmas 15 years ago, I should honor that Anniversary and get a new Zelda game this Xmas.....



.... I lasted as long as it took for me to get home :heh:


Not sure entirely what happened.... one moment I'm walking into the house then next I blink and I'm sitting down with my 3DS, headphones on and starting the game.....WOOOT ZELDA!!!!!!!!!



I knew they were using the same overworld map as ALttP but I got a lol out of Link being in the same house his "ancestor" lived in.

Though a little disappointed there was no reference to this later when you are first learning of teh "histor" and the previous "hero" :(


After my first encounter with Yuga in the Sanctuary I followed the markers to Kakariko Village, met the elder who told me to find Osfala at Eastern Temple. It was at that point I decided to walk the ENTIRE MAP :D Just exploring walking around and loving it :D


Found the Cuccos mini game, bossed it one first two levels, 3rd level took me 2 attempts to beat but I did and got the heart piece :D Didn't yet manage to survive Endless for longer than 27seconds though :heh:


ANyway after a lot of exploring decided best get on with saving the world and headed for Eastern Temple where I go a little stuck on how to get in.

I saw the stones with the arrow marks but thought this was for a dungeon later in the game and ignored it for awhile till I randomly went back home and chatted with Ravio and he gave me the bow for free, bit of a facepalm moment when I realised the entrance way I was ignoring was where I had to go :heh:


Did the first dungeon then (Eastern Temple, was short but sweet. Boss fight was same, but enjoyable.


Then the turn to painting power, when Link came out of the wall at first I actually thought it was gonna be the Triforce that was saving him didn't realise it was the bracelet till the game told me :heh: Using the power for first time was fun too, sneaking outside the crack exploring the outer walls of the temple :D


Anyway find out then about Hyrule Castle and get two new dungeons marked on my map. Decide to investigate the southern one first, I knew already I needed the swim ability so went towards Zora Domain which I saw the sign for earlier. I see a Zora who mentions bout a broken bridge and seeing a guy do a running jump to get across.


So I'm now thinking "damn I need to find the Pegasus Boots firt then do I", I'm about to walk off when I suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks...USE THE PAINTING POWER!

So simple yet so new an idea I came very close to not thinking about it, haha


So found the Zoras heard bout the Queens plight, went looking for the Shady Guy and figured he'd be back at Kakariko and was right. Got the stone and the Boots and the flippers.....by the gods you get a TON of items early on in this game don't ya :D


Also found a bag that gave me access to my X button for item use.... I got a bad feeling something bad happened to that Gulley kid :(


Met Irene too, jesus a warp ability already too??? Starting to wonder if maybe this game might be on the easy side but it's still early and of course I've still got to learn about lowrule and explore there. Also not sure I like that the Bow usage is tied to the magic meter now instead of having a number of arrows and that the magic meter refills on its own...again makes it seem like they've set the game up on the easy side, that said I'm still fully engrossed and enjoying what I've played.


Got to the Windmill place to see which item I would need to get in then warped back to home to find this





MY HOUSE....WTF HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE!!!!!! Lol, I didn't know he turns Links house into his shop, I thought he'd leave after a bit and set up shop in Kakariko :heh:


Anyway went in, saw the item I needed and then I realised something.....




I had enough money to BUY EVERYTHING!

So I did :heh:


I know I will lose them all if I die, but sure all I had to do is not die... I thought the renting thing would only let you have one item at a time (which you could keep if you later found it in a dungeon)


Not sure how wise it'll be to give the player access to so many weapons so early but again as I said it is still very early, I got all these before doing a 2nd dungeon!


Had to finish there for dinner, gonna go back to playing now after I post this :D


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Fixup your spoiler tag @Mokong X\-C!


I've just tucked in a little, not done much just upto the point mentioned below. Quite liking it so far though, def a few nostalgia moments. Was really tempted to wait/watch the Title screen story but then didn't wanna be forced to sit through it in game...no chance! Gonna check it out now though.

nip in on old man sahasrahla


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So I'm now thinking "damn I need to find the Pegasus Boots firt then do I", I'm about to walk off when I suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks...USE THE PAINTING POWER!

So simple yet so new an idea I came very close to not thinking about it, haha

Yeah, same thing happened to me on that part. :D

Great feeling when you suddenly realise what to do. :)



Anyway went in, saw the item I needed and then I realised something.....




I had enough money to BUY EVERYTHING!

So I did :heh:

You mean enough money to RENT everything. ;)

You're able to buy the items eventually though, and doing so means you'll no longer lose them if you die, and enables you to power them up too. :cool:


So far I've only bought the Hookshot and the Bombs, as they're the most useful items IMO. Got 'em both powered up as well. :awesome:



I know I will lose them all if I die, but sure all I had to do is not die... I thought the renting thing would only let you have one item at a time (which you could keep if you later found it in a dungeon)


Not sure how wise it'll be to give the player access to so many weapons so early but again as I said it is still very early, I got all these before doing a 2nd dungeon!


Had to finish there for dinner, gonna go back to playing now after I post this :D

I don't think the game is too easy, although so far I've only died once, during a boss battle. It's heartbreaking seeing all of your rental items getting taken away from you. :heh:


Anyway, I've currently rescued 3 of the Sages in Lorule.

I really need to slow down, but as usual when playing an awesome game like this, I just can't stop playing! :grin:

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I LOVE the little musical chest! Hours of fun to be had with it! (It was the perfect accompaniment to my friend's birthday today :D - it's also fun for when people trip over :laughing: )


Not gonna touch the game yet though... Too many other games to finish first before I get stuck in... (Gotta avoid those spoilers like the plague, so don't expect to see me much here - Or in the SM3DW thread...)

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Didn't play much yesterday, so only just gotten the painting ability dealie. Despite seeing it coming, was still kinda cool! It's certainly a bit weird doing a dungeon but not actually getting an item, but nonetheless still loving this so far!

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Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!! :shakehead:bouncy::laughing:




So close to 100 seconds, but those damn giant Cuccos got me with their pincer movement. :heh:

Really fun mini-game though. :)


And has anyone else played the Baseball mini-game in Lorule yet? That one is even more awesome and almost got enough depth to be an eShop standalone I reckon! :cool:


Vid of the Baseball game for those not getting ALBW: *Reggie "what's wrong with you?".gif* :p

It's to the west of Link's (or rather, the vacant) house. ;)

It took me quite a while to get the 100 points needed for the piece of heart on that one. :hehe:

Yeah, I'm trying to slow my progress by playing the mini-games. :D

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Progess report: Got to Lorule!



So I got the other two Pearls, spent a lot of time exploring before doing a 2nd dungeon. Was gonna do the House of Gales first since I had the Flippers but thought "why not go explore Death Mountain first", so I did. Found the entrance to Tower of Hera but then remembered I previously found a Letter in a Bottle from a guy who was lost and injured on the Mountain so went looking for him, found him, had milk with me thinking I had this sorted then I realised he needed PREMIUM MILK, damnit, had to go back to Kakariko and hike back to the Guy (thank gods for Irene :))


Did a little exploring and found a few more heart pieces and completed my first set of 4 for my first extra Heart (not counting Boss Heart Container).


After all that I thought why not do the Tower of Hera first, figured House of Gales seems to be the easier to get to so maybe that is the one most people will do first and I wanted to be different :heh:


Found the Tower of Hera very easy to be honest, very short dungeon, but still enjoyable. The boss too was fairly easy and a type of boss that has been common in 2D Zeldas since forever, small bit of disappointment.


Went to House of Gales next and was very happy that this dungeon was a fair bit longer and the boss took me a while to work out (I was waiting ages for him to stop spinning, didn't realise I could knock sections off when he was spinning :heh:) So I wonder going by difficulty if I actually ended up doing them in "recommended order" when I was trying not to :heh:


Also found a mini game that involved racing from south east of map to the Miners House in 75 seconds...took me 3 tries finally did it with 1.4seconds left...but didn't reward me with a heart piece gggrrrrr


Off to the Lost Woods next to find the Master Sword....oh the nostalgia :D Nice little puzzle with the Poes too, when you had to keep track of 3 of them my eyes where popping :heh:


Onto Hyrule Castle next to break the barrier and see what happens next. Was not expecting a Boss like fight (did I get a heart container after that? can't remember) was a nice jump in difficulty compared to the first fight with Yuga. The resulting cutscenes after were awesome. I thought Yuga was doing the standard "revive Ganondorf so he can be king of Evil again" did not expect that Yuga would try to merge with Ganon to steel his power! Though I suspect at the end of teh game Ganon will become Ganon again and he'll be the final boss I guess.


Also finding out Gulley was a Sage I didn't expect, thought he'd be like the guy in ALttP who is in that same grove with animals who just vanishes/dies :heh:

Figured Irene was a Sage when her broom first appeared without her, that was a bit of a WTF moment alright, haha, at first I thought maybe she was just sick of picking me up and decided to send the broom in its own :heh:


Did a fair amount of exploring in Lorule then, found the 2 Dungeons in the Lorule Castle area, found teh Giant Bomb (annoying that it not a normal item, but oh well), found a bunch of new cracks between worlds and some heart pieces. Found the baseball mini game (love it...though I suck)...is there any way to direct where Link hits the ball? I know you can determine Low, Medium and High hits but direction seems to be random and after a few he keeps hitting at pots that are already gone.



Oh also I have fully bought 3 weapons now, The hookshot, the bombs and the Tornado Wand (still not died yet though :D) damn it is expensive now, I was only thinking beforehand that the game seems to give LOADS of rupees, kept finding chests hoping for Heart Pieces for them to have Rupees inside... guess good thing now with the prices in the game!





Gonna try explore everywhere for cracks between worlds and find the entrances to all 7 dungeons first before deciding which order I'll do them in :D Is there anyway to know which Sage will be saved in which dungeon? (Like in-game clues, don;t just go telling me who is where :heh:) If I know who was where that would help me choose the order to do them :D




Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!! :shakehead:bouncy::laughing:




So close to 100 seconds, but those damn giant Cuccos got me with their pincer movement. :heh:

Really fun mini-game though. :)


And has anyone else played the Baseball mini-game in Lorule yet? That one is even more awesome and almost got enough depth to be an eShop standalone I reckon! :cool:


Vid of the Baseball game for those not getting ALBW: *Reggie "what's wrong with you?".gif* :p

It's to the west of Link's (or rather, the vacant) house. ;)


Ouch n the Cucco game there Red, my best so far is just 37 seconds now :heh:


Also on teh baseball, do you have any control other than low, medium and high hits as to where Link hits the ball? Seems very random to me





Oh also @RedShell are you playing with your Wifi off, my friend list says you've not been online in 9 days, I see loads of people online playing this but not you, haha




Oh yeah, on the StreetPass, Shadow Link thing.


Does the game randomly give you some anyway? I turned on the game this morning and when to the StreetPass dude to update my Shadow as I got an extra Heart, and saw a sign saying there was a Shadow Link waiting for me at the Santuary...sure enough there was...and I KICKED his ASS :D

It took me quite a while to get the 100 points needed for the piece of heart on that one. :hehe:

Yeah, I'm trying to slow my progress by playing the mini-games. :D

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Yay!! :yay:


The prize wasn't worth it. :heh:


Also on teh baseball, do you have any control other than low, medium and high hits as to where Link hits the ball? Seems very random to me
Definitely not random, although yeah it can seem that way.

It's all down to timing, in combination with stance control via the Circle Pad. So basically, if you want the ball to go right, you need to be swinging early, and late if you want it to go left. The subtle difference in your timing will effect the variation of your shot.


Then pulling back/pushing up the Circle Pad, will effect the height. Up will hit low, back will hit high and neutral will be in the middle, so don't move the Circle Pad to go for the jars behind the Octorok or when trying to hit the bird. ;)


Takes a while to get used to it, but it's great fun once you do. :hehe:

Oh also RedShell are you playing with your Wifi off, my friend list says you've not been online in 9 days, I see loads of people online playing this but not you, haha
Yep, Wi-Fi off. Gotta save that precious battery life! :D

Plus, with Letterbox now dead, there's really no reason to use Wi-Fi on 3DS at the moment. :hmm:

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Taking it veeerry slowly, really savouring everything. 4 playthroughs and I've just finished the first dungeon. Really enjoyed it :) especially 'escaping'. Production values are really good. Some sound effects I'm not so keen on.


Is it explained later what the monster guts are for or should I have figured it out by now? No spoilers pls.


Back to basics Zelda, all action, great stuff!!

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Def second the back to the basics. Thought I HAD to go to a certain place first, later realised it was just me not clocking on to what I should/could do - and I kinda like that. You've got the different choices in front of you, if you get stuck on one, tackle another. I'm two dungeons down now, and very much still loving it! Really quite impressed. A few minor criticisms spring up, but I'm gonna wait til I've had the full experience to see how I feel about those in the grand scheme of things.

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Just did my 4th dungeon. This one was interesting... :woops:

If anyone thinks the game is too easy, or just doesn't want to make it any easier for themselves, then you might want to hold off from doing...


The one in the North East area of Lorule, the Ice dungeon.


Because it's different to all of the other dungeons I've played so far, in that it contains a 2nd Big Chest that gives you a certain something. ;)

No, not an item. But a scroll that increases your energy meter, so you can use items more often/for longer. :cool:




Nothing major I guess, but it will make a slight difference. :)






Just 3 more Sages to rescue now. :bouncy:

And I've got the Hookshot, Bombs, Hammer, Fire Rod and Bow all purchased and powered-up!

I'm also doing quite well on heart containers, acquired 14 already!

Don't think I've been this hooked to a Zelda game since Link's Awakening! :hehe:


In fact, looking back at the Zelda series now, I really think I much prefer it as a portable game. With the exception of ALttP and obviously OoT, all of my favourite Zelda experiences have been on handhelds.

Can't quite put my finger on it, there's just something about 'em... :love:

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I LOVE the little musical chest! Hours of fun to be had with it! (It was the perfect accompaniment to my friend's birthday today :D - it's also fun for when people trip over :laughing: )


makes me smile everytime, it's great!


I'm gonna keep this short. I've just reached Lorule and that Dark World remix....freaking amazing!!


Music in this is amazing. Can stay in the Milk bar all day. Best spend of 10 rupees ever!


Yay!! :yay:

The prize wasn't worth it. :heh:


I got 151 second earlier. :p It got easier once it hit 100 seconds. But yeah, not worth it. Though I suspected as much when the Rooster rank gave the Heart Piece.



Is it explained later what the monster guts are for or should I have figured it out by now? No spoilers pls.


You'll find out if you explore a bit.


Progess report: Got to Lorule!



Thought the boss fights with Yuga were great. Both times I thought they would be "magic tennis" style fights, like with Agahnim, so was pleased it turned out it wasn't. The second boss fight, I couldn't work out how to tell which was the real one though so it basically came down to luck.


Didn't expect the fusing with Ganon thing either. Also thought Yuga was female, turns out he's a guy.




I think this is the best Zelda in a looong time, excluding WWHD since that was a port/update. Really enjoying it, I think Anouma really nailed it. Between this and the changes to WWHD, I'm really looking forward to Zelda U. Seems he listened to the criticisms about Skyward Sword.


It does feel odd not getting the map and an item mid dungeon. After renting all the items there's still room so a load of items so wondering what they are and where they come from.


Also, has anyone done the Dark Palace?


There's a chest in the middle of 2F that I couldn't work out how to reach, anyone know how to get it? I know it's not important since I finished the dungeon.



They've been very sneaky about hiding hidden bomb-able walls. I accidentally dropped a bomb and then I got the secret jingle and I had no idea why. I worked out later that it was a bomb-able wall.

Onto Hyrule Castle next to break the barrier and see what happens next. Was not expecting a Boss like fight (did I get a heart container after that? can't remember) was a nice jump in difficulty compared to the first fight with Yuga.



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So I've been doing a bit of exploring, found the entrances to all but 2 Dungeons now (need to find North East and South West ones next)


Found an interesting cave in Lorule.... had a Cyclops inside who....


.... wanted to pay me to go away, gave me 5 rupees, to which I had a choice to ask for more or leave.... I extorted more from him and he gave me 20 this time.... tried my luck a 3rd time and got 50.... thought "maybe if I keep going he'll give me a heart piece", demanded more, he gave me 100...demanded MOOOORRREEE.... get gave me another 100...demanded MMAAAOOOOOORRRRREEEEE.....he got pissed off and raged and attacked me with a one hit kill...lucky I had 3 Fairies in Bottle, revived thought I could try fight him got one-hit-killed again, 2nd fairy revives me...this time I leg it outside RRRRUUUUNNNNNN


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I'm in Lorule now, just done my first dungeon there(so...third overall?) - hadn't intended to do it but sorta just stumbled into it lo(amusingly the one I'd earlier considering doing first in this thread)l. Died a few times now, usually on bosses, bit gutting as I went rent heavy just before the first time. Bought a couple items now though. I'm liking the sting of the deaths/item loss, even though they're not all that consequential in the long run.

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OK so I've located all dungeon entrances....


[spoiler=CHOICES! Which temple to start with :heh:]


Well 6 actually, the one in the desert area to the south east I can't get to the actual entrance, seems like I need another item to get there (guessing the Sand Rod.... so guess I have to find the Dungeon Osfala is in first before I can do this dungeon)


Not sure which one I'll do first yet still haha. Enjoyed the exploration SO MUCH :D Leaning towards the one North East on Death Mountain which looks like I'll need the Fire Rod for (which I just bought)


But also thinking of the one in Lorule's Kakariko since I accidently already walked into it when I was exploring (didn't realise the hideout was a temple till I went in and a dungeon name came up)


Maybe I should put the dungeon names into a hat/cup and draw out which ones to do :heh:



Oh and on one of teh side quests


This one is going surprisingly well considering I'm not actively looking for the things I'm just coming across them everywhere :D


Had another "duh" moment when it came to getting the ones stuck in walls, at first I tried pulling them off and couldn't thinking "maybe I need to upgrade my power glove?" then once again it hit me "merge into wall!" *facepalm* haha :D


Anyway got 68 of teh buggers now and only just realised for every 10 you return to the mother she will upgrade a weapon that you have bought :D

Have upgraded all my bought weapons now :D Bow, Tornado Rod, Fire Rod, Hookshot, Bombs and Hammer.


Gonna try find the 2 more I need to get another upgrade (and go money hunting)




Tried the Baseball mini game again, new high score of 77, getting better


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