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The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds


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Haven't played it for two days due to a lack of time.


But I figured out one major reason why I don't think the game is that good (it's still an okay game, mind you):


Difficulty. While many reviews praise ALBW for being challenging, I find it to be incredibly easy (with the exception of one boss).


What they should've done: Scale enemy strength.

Finish a dungeon -> enemies become stronger -> you don't get too overpowered, or rather: You don't become almost invincible, because of too many hearts.

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Haven't played it for two days due to a lack of time.


But I figured out one major reason why I don't think the game is that good (it's still an okay game, mind you):


Difficulty. While many reviews praise ALBW for being challenging, I find it to be incredibly easy (with the exception of one boss).


What they should've done: Scale enemy strength.

Finish a dungeon -> enemies become stronger -> you don't get too overpowered, or rather: You don't become almost invincible, because of too many hearts.


True. It's not particularly difficult/challenging, but as said neither is LttP! I could do that in a day or two tbh. A scaling difficulty formula woulda been good in this though.


Btw, I'm not sure I want an answer but...where do I find the Pegasus boots that I presume exist? Spoiler it up for me...but I'm wondering if it'll be in a dungeon.

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Btw, I'm not sure I want an answer but...where do I find the Pegasus boots that I presume exist? Spoiler it up for me...but I'm wondering if it'll be in a dungeon.


Not in a dungeon. After you get the Smooth Gem back to the Queen Zora, the thief will show up in Kakariko Village. He will always run away when you approach him. He has the boots. Surprise him from behind by merging with the wall and he gives them to you.



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Not in a dungeon. After you get the Smooth Gem back to the Queen Zora, the thief will show up in Kakariko Village. He will always run away when you approach him. He has the boots. Surprise him from behind by merging with the wall and he gives them to you.



Haha omg cheers, I probably would never have figured that out! Spoiled by easyness of games!

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How did you manage to get the Gem but not the Boots? I got both at same time


Gem was on sale at the stall in Kakariko so i bought it there, i've only just read the pegusus boots spoiler! i've been trying to figure out how to catch him for ages, i thought you needed the pegusus boots to catch him, and that he'd then give you a heart piece


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As Gibbs said @moking x-c but you know the fucking rub? Just got them, used them a bit then realised strangely they don't work just anywhere.


Until they do. And I realise that in actual fact my fucking l button is still a dicky little cunt! Back to the noe tech support as soon as I'm done with this methinks. Hoping I don't get a system/os wipe this time though.

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Giving my view on yesteryeargame's issue, either send one copy back (the one without the extra content) with a note saying as i've not received my content, i wish for a refund. Or contact Trading Standards as they've failed to provide all of teh content described as what should be included.


With my progress, had some time waiting for my train home earlier, so i completed the 2nd dungeon and entered into number 3. Liking the art style, but i'm feeling like it's a little too easy for my liking.

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So, anyone finished Hero Mode yet? Was there a Majora's Mask reference in there at all, or was it just Aonuma talking for fun?


EDIT: Finished it with 100%, I think I got all the items and upgrades etc.


Rupees collected: 30198

Timed defeated: 2

Total Play Time: 19:42


Marvelous game.

Edited by Andyliini
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So, anyone finished Hero Mode yet? Was there a Majora's Mask reference in there at all, or was it just Aonuma talking for fun?


EDIT: Finished it with 100%, I think I got all the items and upgrades etc.


Rupees collected: 30198

Timed defeated: 2

Total Play Time: 19:42


Marvelous game.


It's in your house...


I was very disappointed that you couldn't merge behind the mask and come out wearing it. The real question is... is this canon? Does Ravio become the Happy Mask Salesman? :p



I've been playing this a bit erratically (I don't have a great deal of spare time and I have a lot of new games) but I've been enjoying it a lot so far. I definitely like it more than Spirit Tracks which I just couldn't be bothered to finish. I liked Phantom Hourglass but I do think this one is better so far. It might just be that I don't remember much of PH (only the one play-through) but this one does feel more zelda-y.


I was blown away by the graphics in the ice part of the dark world. Is it me or does that area just look a lot better than the rest of the overworld?

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Okay, I've been trying to figure this out for an hour or so but have failed: How do you get to the sanctuary / graveyard in Lorule?? I've done every dungeon bar Lorule Castle and got every item. I bet it's via the rift just above the graveyard in Hyrule but how do you get to it?

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Okay, I've been trying to figure this out for an hour or so but have failed: How do you get to the sanctuary / graveyard in Lorule?? I've done every dungeon bar Lorule Castle and got every item. I bet it's via the rift just above the graveyard in Hyrule but how do you get to it?


Go to the Sanctuary in Hyrule and use the rift there to go to same place in Lorule.


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I'm currently on the end boss, who keeps decimating me because I'm an impatient idiot who never bothered to upgrade any items to be super effective.


Might need to go back and do that actually.


One issue I have with the 2D Zelda games is a real lack of enthusiasm for the world and characters. I enjoy the gameplay and puzzles immensely, the ones in Link Between Worlds have been fantastic, but the world just never draws me in and the adventure aspect doesn't resonate strongly. I don't think it helps that the story in this is way more barebones than I'm used to from the more recent console entries.

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Got absolutely EVERYTHING. mades sure I had everything before Lorule Castle, which was a hassle since I didn't do the Desert Temple (or what it's called) until dead last, and didn't realise I could catch the thief in the village without the Pegasus boots for speed to catch up with him(for those who are past that point, you will surely get the irony of this). Of course that meant I didn't have two essential "item finding" key items until basically the end.


A lot of the extras are useless though. The 2 upgrades from Terror Tower (?) are essentially useless. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed all the extra "non-essential" items and such, but they could have been more useful.


I also did the final dungeon in one sweep only to load up after the end credits and found out the ENTIRE Lorule Castle was undone. Grrr... Just deleted the file and started up a HERO one, I know I did EVERYTHING and that's all that matters.


Now I'm done with the game. 0 deaths and 21,508 rupees, all hearts, all bottles. Still had two empty slots in the item menu, though.


Very good game but the lack of difficulty pulls it down.


Those two items may be the two fruits you can buy at shops.

Edited by Mr_Master_X2
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Didn't play it over the weekend (too much PS4'ing), got back into it today. Making tracks on the 3rd Dungeon, but have to keep backtracking to the exit to save as my train tends to arrive just as i open another route somewhere. And i will agree with many of you, i'm finding this a little easy. It's like i've played it before, but havn't.

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