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The best games of this generation

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In (somewhat) chronological order:

Company of Heroes

Gears of War

Half Life 2: Episode 2


Fallout 3

Left 4 Dead

Mirror's Edge

Street Fighter 4

Assassin's Creed 2

Mass Effect 2

Dead Space 2

Portal 2

Deus Ex: Human Revolution



Xcom: Enemy Unknown

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Ok then guys, how about the best looking games of the generation? Doesnt have to just be graphical prowess either.


I dont really have an order but some of my stand outs would be:


Ni No Kuni

Bioshock Infinite

Uncharted 2

God of War 3

The Witcher 2

Rayman Legends

Final Fantasy XIII

Red Dead Redemption

The Last of Us


Trine 2

Mass Effect 3


Probably loads I have missed as well, might add them later when they come to me.

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In no particular order.


Mario Galaxy 1 & 2

Skyward Sword

Metroid Prime 3 (Trilogy, if I can count it)

Xenoblade Chronicles

Monster Hunter Tri

CoD4 MW - also MW Reflex and Black Ops on Wii

Mirror's Edge

Batman AC

Battlefield 2 MC

Street Fighter 4


My pick for Game of the Generation would go to Mario Galaxy though for sure.


Some games I'm yet to play; The Last of Us, for some reason Bioshock and Mass Effect too, which of course I've heard nothing but good things about. For me, the Uncharted series, whereas good just don't quite make it in there. Then there's Fallout 3 which to be honest I just couldn't stand, it's just not my type of game!

Edited by Kav
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Easily the game of any generation ever.


Honourable mentions to (in no particular order):


The Last of Us

Bioshock Infinite

Fallout 3


Oblivion (Probably my most played game of this generation)

Project Gotham Racing 4 (Still the best handling racing game IMO)


Edited by Goafer
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My top three video is now up! Check it out!


I couldn't really watch all of this one for The Last of Us spoilers, but can't wait to play it when I do! A PS4 version would be godly!! Likewise I need to play Tomb Raider!!


Uncharted 3/Uncharted > Uncharted 2 for me though, but enjoyed seeing your choices!


Good video's man! :)

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I downloaded Journey when it was on offer a few months ago but felt like I maybe wanted to go through it all in a single sitting to become absorbed in the experience. Unfortunately, I kept putting it off and now my PS3 won't turn on :hmm:
Yeah I played it in a single sitting and in single player. Mind blown.


Ask Santa for a new one :santa:


I really should get on The Unfinished Swan at some point too.
Yeah do it!! It's only a few hours long, maybe double that of Journey, or a little longer depending on if you explore for collectibles, though you can go back and get those from the level select anytime.


Great artistic game, sweet story! Give yourself some time for it over Christmas :)

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