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Your Greatest Gaming Achievement?!

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Alas, I never managed to snag the elusive beast. I do remember I used to think I was quite an archery pro in the N64 Zeldas though - used to pick off guays in the distance of lake hylia and try to constantly beat my score/time in the MM scrub shooting gallery. Man, that's why those Zeldas were awesome, because they had so many little bits and bobs that sorta weren't neccessary but crafted the world.


In the days before online leaderboards, that scrap of paper in Link's tree house in OOT was the barometer of your gaming ability at my school. So when the fishing guy refused to put my Loach in the tank after telling me how much it weighed I was livid!

Could never get 2000 on the Gerudo archery until replaying it on the Gamecube WW bundle though!

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I used to think my greatest gaming achievement was beating Omega Weapon in FF8 as a kid, but it's not exactly that difficult looking back on it.


Let's see... I'm proud to have completed every chapter in Story Mode on Very Hard in F-Zero GX.


I was pretty good at Guitar Hero as well and completed GH3 on Expert (never could do 'Through the fire and flames' unfortunately).


I managed to catch all 150 pokemon in Blue. Thought I was going to get Mew but got the crappy certificate instead. Never bothered to "catch 'em all" after that!


This isn't really an achievement, but I'm quite proud to have achieved a certain level of skill at SSBM. I don't think I'll ever get that good at a video game again.

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As a follow-up, I just completed Caverns on 00 Agent as well. It wasn't actually nearly as difficult once you figured out how to get around the little tricky parts.


Now, Cradle on 00 Agent ... I have no fucking idea how to do that. :heh:

For England Dannyboy?...
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Getting the golden tools in Animal Crossing: Wild World was really exciting and so rewarding. Especially maintaining the perfect town layout for a month and getting that Golden watering can made me feel so good haha.


I'm also kind of proud I finished Mario Galaxy 100%.


BUT the achievement I remember best after all this time remains completing all the 3 files of Kirby's nightmare in dream land 100%. The game isn't that hard at all. But collecting all secrets, and unlocking the playthrough with metaknight was so awesome! I also loved the little "you are a STAR" screen you get when you clear all files perfectly. :p

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Actually, coming 1st in a game of Halo 4 the other day felt like a massive achievement. Got like 25 kills and 5 deaths, which might not be impressive to others, but i was pretty darned proud. Felt like all those years of playing Halo was finally worth it.

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I can't think of many really out there achievements as such.


I beat F-Zero GX Story Mode on Very Hard, beat every cup on Master with Captain Falcon and unlocked the ending for each character which requires beating any cup on Master difficulty. I also managed to beat one of the staff ghost with the Blue Falcon - that might not sound that impressive but the Blue Falcon just isn't very good for time trials, thanks to its middling boost, and there are much better vehicles (and that's before you even factor in custom ones) so I was always proud of that.


I beat Viewtfiul Joe on Ultra V Rated. The game is difficult enough on normal and the first time I faced him, I lost count of the tries it took me to beat Fire Leo in The Magnificent Five. I was playing the game and tinkering around with my computer at the time because it was playing up. I was playing and fixing all night long and I remember sitting being sat on the floor at about 4am, with the sun starting to come through the curtains, next to my computer that was in pieces next to me. But I beat that sucker and then proceeded to get my ass kicked on the last level.


So beating the game on normal was a challenge but the game offers two higher levels of difficulty - Ultra V-Rated being the most difficult. Not only do all enemies have obscene health bars, you lose health very easily, and all the pointers that tell you which way to dodge are removed. So the only way you can dodge is by watching every little move the enemies make, as some do little shuffles that tell you what what they will do, and by reacting using Slow. It was brutal. By the time I got into my rhythm against Fire Leo though, I don't think I even got hit on the attempt when I beat him - I was so far into the zone I was the zone and the game just seamed to bend to my will which is testament to the brilliant game mechanics and their implementation. When I faced him that very first time, I don't think I could have imagined myself beating him like I did.

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I think the game I'm most proud of completing to 100% may be Goldeneye with Banjo Kazooie as a close second. Goldeneye was a complete joy to play and the challenges to unlock all the cheats were really fun to try and beat. 00 agent mode was insanely hard at the time and finally beating that and having everything completely done was a really good feeling.


Banjo Kazooie is possibly my all-time favourite game and I just couldn't put it down even when I'd 'finished'. I had to go back and get absolutely everything (I think there was a different ending if you finished 100% or at least had every single Jiggy?) and even when I'd done that I was still doing play through after play through.


Competitive online games have given me some real achievements to be proud of too. I used to play medal of honour allied assault (and later call of duty) in leagues online and whenever my team would win the league (or even just win a game!) it was a fantastic achievement. The games were so tense!


Carrying on with online games... just playing casual multiplayer online will always give you some memorable moments. Getting any kind of kill streak in Halo makes you feel like a God and the objective game types especially allow for that sense of achievement when you storm a base and capture the flag etc.


Left 4 Dead 2 is the game I play most at the moment and playing versus mode online is the best. I can remember one time when my 3 team mates had been incapped by the Tank and they told me to run for the safe room (really far away). I could outrun the Tank easy enough but the common and special infected were constantly on me. I managed to make it to the safe room with the tank just inches away. Felt great :D


Another of my favourite l4d2 moments was when I was the Tank and I was chasing a survivor and realised I'd never catch up with him (tanks are slower) so I used the secondary attack option of throwing a rock. The survivor was running through a house and I tried to judge when he'd come out the back and how high to throw etc... the distance I threw that rock was unbelievable. I hit the survivor (who was on very low health) and incapped him to win the round. Best. Game. Ever.



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Diddy Kong Racing - Wizpig races. They were evil.


Took me half a day to do the last level in Super Mario Galaxy 2 as well, you know the special comet daredevil one. I've forgotten the name, but those bloody Hammer Bros near the end were a nightmare!


Confession: I've never completed the final level :woops:


I found it hard enough to do with 3 health, but with the daredevil comet, god damn. HOW!?!?

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[in reference to Donkey Kong Country 2 as favourite game of all time] I'd played and enjoyed a few games up to that point such as Super Mario All-Stars and Sonic, but it was when I first played, and finally completed, this amazing title that I become a true gamer.



Confession: I've never completed the final level :woops:


I found it hard enough to do with 3 health, but with the daredevil comet, god damn. HOW!?!?



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I've got many moments of gaming greatness, including catching the Hylian Loach, completing Goldeneye in 00-Agent mode (*the cheaty and non-cheaty methods) and getting all Jiggies in Banjo Kazooie. Even getting 100% in Ocarina was an achievement, again cheated first time for the Gold Skulltulas** but did it again without cheating. And of course, i've 100%'d dozens of games over the years.


But i suppose my greatest gaming achievement would be unlocking absolutly everything there was to unlock in Soul Calibur II. I spent hours upon hours playing that game, earning credits and doing all possible paths and all possible battles there were to do. I think it was in my Gamecube for months whilst i was getting everything. Some of them battles were tough as nuts to do, had to buy a new controller because i broke the "A" button and Control stick(s) from playing too hard. So when i finally got the last level and item unlocked, i felt a sense of completion run through me like i've not felt before.


*I recall seeing in N64 Magazine (memories) they printed codes to get the cheats and in-game cheats which didn't affect completing each level, so you got the "Mission Complete" message. First time doing Goldeneye, i did it with these codes.


** Again, in N64 Magazine, they said the Skulltula in the hidden hole outside Hyrule Castle could be collected many times as a Child. Simply by throwing the boomerang to collect the Token and backflipping into the teleport just as the Token came to you.

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