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Which game do you consider to be the best ever made? Is that your favourite game?

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There can only be one:




Without a doubt, the greatest game ever made. It's gaming perfection. It's nearly 20 years old and is a testament to its greatness that it has stood the test of time. Everything was sublime, the start, music, enemies, exploration, map, weapon upgrading, atmosphere, suit upgrades and the ending. I yearn for a Metroid game worthy of taking Super Metroid's crown.

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@Oxigen_Waste I'm confused.


Especially as to how your opinion between these two best and favourite must be so different for your favourite to not even make your Top 10 best.


I presume you must then be talking about the best technically made game?... the best achievement in video games, right?


The game maybe with the best AI, or story maybe, or the best gameplay structure that makes you feel like you're really achieving something; and makes a game shine out over it's rivals... but yet ultimately may not be your favourite?

Edited by Retro_Link
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One game that I don't think is flawed in any significant way is Metroid Fusion. It's got everything important: exploration, in-game storytelling, great controls, a full line-up of bosses... I prefer it to Super Metroid because I think it's better to have a little bit of direction and, if not "tutorials", exactly, it at least makes you aware of your abilities, unlike Super Metroid where you don't necessarily know what you can do and get can stuck very easily.

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@Oxigen_Waste I'm confused.


Especially as to how your opinion between these two best and favourite must be so different for your favourite to not even make your Top 10 best.


I presume you must then be talking about the best technically made game?... the best achievement in video games, right?


The game maybe with the best AI, or story maybe, or the best gameplay structure that makes you feel like you're really achieving something; and makes a game shine out over it's rivals... but yet ultimately may not be your favourite?


Well it obviously isnt that black & white, but yeah, that's kind of it. Not necessarily the game which is "technically best", but the one you feel is the best overall game you've ever played. In my case, my favourite game doesn't match that criteria, as even though it makes up for it's shortcomings with charm and personality, SotC still has some problems. The same thing applies to a lot of games which I love... my favourite 10 games and my top 10 games are very different lists... the only measures of favouritism are personal enjoyment and fun... Skies Of Arcadia is my favourite JRPG ever, by far... mainly because it was my first. But it's certainly not among the best games I've ever played, there's too much wrong with it. I can see through the flaws, but they're still there.


Super Metroid, on the other hand is my #2 favourite game, but there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that it's the best game I've ever and probably will ever play. It's absolutely perfect in every single possible way. No matter how much I preffer SotC to it, there's no denying Super Metroid is the superior game of the 2.


One game that I don't think is flawed in any significant way is Metroid Fusion. It's got everything important: exploration, in-game storytelling, great controls, a full line-up of bosses... I prefer it to Super Metroid because I think it's better to have a little bit of direction and, if not "tutorials", exactly, it at least makes you aware of your abilities, unlike Super Metroid where you don't necessarily know what you can do and get can stuck very easily.


Fusion is too damn short. It's also too linear, but that's not a bad thing, just a different one (in the context of other metroids).

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
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I honestly think there's a point to O_W's preference versus quality debate. There are things I like, that I know are shit, and things I dislike, that I know are good. Queen are undeniably better than One Direction, whichever one you prefer.


Although, I think you take it too far. You act as if it's set in stone, but it's much more fluid and vague than that. Quality needs to be defined, which, whilst having obvious features, is always going to be adjustable based on your perspective. So yes, there is a general ranking of quality, and some things are clearly better than others, but it's not black and white, and far from perfect.

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It is and always will be "The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker"

When I got my hands on it, the game was pure magic. I was blown away by the immersive and gorgeous 3D world, the lovely and very lively characters and most of all by the engaging story and the oh so polished gameplay.

Most people consider the game flawed because of speculated missing dungeons, and the triforce quest. To me it felt all right, the game had new challenges that weren't always very conventional, but it also very clearly built on the foundations of Ocarina of Time. The scale and impact of the game was so large, that anything that wasn't perfect just didn't matter anymore. And after all this time, this game still looks and plays perfectly. It is the most acurate example that a game can be developed to be withstand time and mere technical improvements over time. To sum it up I remember it as the perfect adventure I always wanted to experience. To me it is the best game made, and that also happens to make it my favorite.

Edited by M_rock
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It also works as the difference between what you personally enjoyed the most (bias or not) versus appreciating a game in its design.


Skies Of Arcadia is my favourite JRPG ever, by far... mainly because it was my first. But it's certainly not among the best games I've ever played, there's too much wrong with it. I can see through the flaws, but they're still there.


You've mentioned this before. Out of curiosity, in your opinion, what kind of serious flaws does SoA have? All I can think of are the easily abusable battle system (which most JRPGs have, anyway) and the high random encounter rate (which the GC version fixed, supposedly).

Edited by Jonnas
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Oh bloody hell not this silly argument again. :p


Chill, we're not debating anything this time, I'm basically just asking if your favourite game ever is also the one you consider to be the best game ever. Out of pure curiosity. :D


I honestly think there's a point to O_W's preference versus quality debate. There are things I like, that I know are shit, and things I dislike, that I know are good. Queen are undeniably better than One Direction, whichever one you prefer.


Although, I think you take it too far. You act as if it's set in stone, but it's much more fluid and vague than that. Quality needs to be defined, which, whilst having obvious features, is always going to be adjustable based on your perspective. So yes, there is a general ranking of quality, and some things are clearly better than others, but it's not black and white, and far from perfect.


Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and agree with everything you said, there. I know it's alot more fluid than I make it seem. :D


You've mentioned this before. Out of curiosity, in your opinion, what kind of serious flaws does SoA have? All I can think of are the easily abusable battle system (which most JRPGs have, anyway) and the high random encounter rate (which the GC version fixed, supposedly).


High encounter rate, too easy, way too slow, extremely by the book in it's gameplay design. It's undeniable that it's a great game, but I think's hard to argue it's anywhere near the top of the RPG genre. It's a very solid 8, imo.


Actually, I can't think of a single flaw in Link's Awakening. It's pretty much a perfect game.


True... but LttP is even better.

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Most of the Zelda games you could choose as 'Best Game Ever', but i would not have any of them in my favourites list because i don't like Zelda games.


I think Rockstar make some very well made games too, like GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.

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And the critics top 10?



2. Super Mario Galaxy

3. Super Mario Galaxy 2

4. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

5. Grand Theft Auto III


And this is why I don't read reviews.




The user reviews seem to be a bit better. I've always criticised the general population, but frankly, they appear to be doing better than the pro's.

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It just looks like Oxigen is trying to find people that agree with him and his definition of "best". I believe that "best" is entirely dependent on purpose and the purpose of video games for me are entertainment. And so the game I think is the best is the one I enjoyed the most. Single player-wise it was probably Tales of Symphonia, and multiplayer-wise it was probably Super Smash Bros Melee or Brawl.

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I think Rockstar make some very well made games too, like GTA 4 and Red Dead Redemption.


Hell no. They're good games, but they are the very definition of a "jack of all trades, master of none" situation. They're overall good at everything they do, but fail to impress in any single department. I enjoy "roaming" games as much as the next guy, and God knows there ain't anything better to play while high than a little GTA/RDR/Sain't Row (or even fucking better, Just Cause 2), but come on, they're ridiculously flawed games... Even RDR, which IMO represents the pinnacle of Rockstar's achievements in gaming (so far) is very fucking far from being anywhere near perfect.

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Hell no. They're good games, but they are the very definition of a "jack of all trades, master of none" situation. They're overall good at everything they do, but fail to impress in any single department. I enjoy "roaming" games as much as the next guy, and God knows there ain't anything better to play while high than a little GTA/RDR/Sain't Row (or even fucking better, Just Cause 2), but come on, they're ridiculously flawed games... Even RDR, which IMO represents the pinnacle of Rockstar's achievements in gaming (so far) is very fucking far from being anywhere near perfect.


It just looks like Oxigen is trying to find people that agree with him and his definition of "best". I believe that "best" is entirely dependent on purpose and the purpose of video games for me are entertainment. And so the game I think is the best is the one I enjoyed the most. Single player-wise it was probably Tales of Symphonia, and multiplayer-wise it was probably Super Smash Bros Melee or Brawl.


He didn't agree with me.....:cry:

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I'd only played Metroid on the NES back when it was released, somehow managed to miss Super Metroid. Any good?


Any good? Does Eric Cartman love cheesy poofs? Hell yes, it's phenomenal. It's to video games as Citizen Kane is to movies. Do yourself a favour and get it somehow. Either on VC on Wii or you can wait for the promotion coming up in a few months on Wii U for €.0.30. I still have my original cart for the SNES and I wouldn't sell it for anything.

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It just looks like Oxigen is trying to find people that agree with him and his definition of "best".


Not really, I'm genuinely curious here... There is a very big difference between the questions "which game is your favourite game" and "which game do you consider the best game ever". They're 2 completely different things, and while many times the answer to both is the same, many other times it probably won't be. The only purpose of the topic was to ask wether your favourite game was also the best game you had ever played... but it has clearly failed that purpose, as the only person who answered that were Jonnas and M_Rock, lol.


I believe that "best" is entirely dependent on purpose and the purpose of video games for me are entertainment. And so the game I think is the best is the one I enjoyed the most.


See, you're looking at it from a selfish POV... Sure, the only thing that matters to you (or any of us) is your personal enjoyment of something, but if you want to engage in discussion about that something (which you clearly do, since you're a member here) you have to be willing to look at it with impartiality, otherwise it's just masturbation.

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