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Watch Dogs (Nov 21st)


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Yeeeeah, as a poor lad I used to fall victim to the GET IT NOW FO' FREE 'selling point'.


When will the other consoles get this special edition? Surely that would be a great opportunity to release simultaneously for the Wii U too?


I was under the impression that the Dedsec versions were out already. Pretty sure that they are.

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They're definitely out for the other consoles. Definitely remember seeing them when I bought the game on release.


I think it's pretty much guaranteed that the Dedsec version most likely won't hit the Wii U whenever they get round to releasing the game. Probably be a straight up standard edition with a smattering of DLC included as standard. They've no reason to put it out as they know it's not going to generate that much revenue for them so it would be unnecessary outlays by Ubisoft on top of releasing the Wii U version when they know they'll not get much from it.


It's why I think the talk of the game originally being somewhere between the PS3/360 and PS4/XBone versions is now moot and it'll likely be the PS3/360 version with one or two slight improvements but nothing major. Very likely that the effort is most likely going into optimising it for running within the confines of the 'smaller' CPU on the Wii U. So for those still waiting to pick it up on the Wii U (and really who is at this point) wouldn't expect much more than what it available on the PS3/360, which is by no means a bad thing (I played the 360 version and it still looks great at times, iffy at others and plays great).

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Ubisoft's Latest UK Release Schedule Still Shows Watch Dogs Wii U As "TBC"


Don't worry though, Just Dance 2015 is locked in next month


Ubisoft has revealed its latest UK release schedule, and a solid street date continues to allude the long-delayed Wii U version of Watch Dogs.

The open-world action adventure launched on other formats in May, while the Nintendo edition was held back until later in the year. Ubisoft has been curiously silent on the status of this title, and it has been "TBC" for most of 2014. We're now more than two-thirds of the way through this year, so Ubisoft needs to move pretty quickly if it's going to confirm an actual launch date for the Wii U edition.


Ubisoft's only other Nintendo titles are Just Dance 2015 — which will be hitting the Wii and Wii U on October 24th — and Tetris Ultimate, which is coming to the 3DS in Autumn of this year. However, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has revealed that the company has another secret Wii U project held in reserve until the console has a larger audience.


Do you think Watch Dogs will still see the light of day on the Wii U, or is Ubisoft's continued reluctance to commit to a date making you suspicious? Drop a comment and let us know what you think.




This better still come out or Ubisoft will have zero credibility in the future and it better not be a lazy PS3/360 port.

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I seriously doubt they'll release it now and if they do... well, that's a pretty terrible business decision. Piss off a few dedicated Nintendo gamers who haven't bought this already? Or possibly make a massive loss from what will no doubt be a huge flop?


Sure, it'd be good if this came out for us as Wii U gamers, but honestly, I doubt this will even surpass Wii Sports Club retail sales.

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It isn't coming out, we all know this. It's been delayed too long and will just quietly disappear from the schedule. This will then be noticed by eagle eyed Nintendo fans who will bombard the developers' twitter accounts. They will then, weeks later, confirm it in a tweet. Game over.


Still, if you have a PC this will turn up in a steam sale for £1.99 sooner or later.

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FFS it's been confirmed to be coming multiple times. The Ubisoft CEO even confirmed it a few weeks ago.


Sorry but until I see one single screenshot or video I don't believe it's coming out for Wii U.


It's been months since it was announced and still not a single screenshot of the game running on Wii U hardware.

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I started playing this on the PS4 over the weekend and if it doesn't come over to the Wii U then it's no big loss in my eyes.


I'm finding the game to be very bland and boring. It lacks the historical settings of the AC series, the not so serious tone of GTA and the super powers of something like Infamous or Crackdown.


I've only done a few main story missions, as I've been concentrating on doing a bunch of the sidequests ( there's LOADS of them ) first. This has me travelling all over the place and while the size of the world is impressive it doesn't really bring anything to the table.


I know a few people on the interwebs have questioned whether this needed to be an open world game. I'm now doing the same.


I'll continue to plug away at it but im not impressed with what I've played so far.

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@Hero\-of\-Time I haven't actually played this myself, I'm waiting for it to get dirt cheap on 360, but I've heard the side-missions are better than the story itself and a lot of fun, so maybe you should just forget progressing for a while and mess around with some of those?


If you still don't like it after that then... heck, maybe I won't bother getting it for dirt cheap and just skip it altogether :p

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@Hero\-of\-Time I haven't actually played this myself, I'm waiting for it to get dirt cheap on 360, but I've heard the side-missions are better than the story itself and a lot of fun, so maybe you should just forget progressing for a while and mess around with some of those?


If you still don't like it after that then... heck, maybe I won't bother getting it for dirt cheap and just skip it altogether :p


That's what I have been doing. As I mentioned earlier, I've only done a few story missions ( I think I've done 4/39 ) and have just been doing the side missions that are scattered around.


Most of the side missions has been standard stuff. Just the usual missions that are in open world games.


The best thing so far has been the online sections of the game. You're just going about your business and then someone invades your game and tries to tail or hack you. The cat and mouse chase that goes on during this period is fantastic. :D


I wonder if the online stuff will actually make it into the Wii U game?

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@Hero\-of\-Time I haven't actually played this myself, I'm waiting for it to get dirt cheap on 360, but I've heard the side-missions are better than the story itself and a lot of fun, so maybe you should just forget progressing for a while and mess around with some of those?


If you still don't like it after that then... heck, maybe I won't bother getting it for dirt cheap and just skip it altogether :p


Haha, did you even read his post?


If the side missions are supposed to be best and that's all he's been doing, the main game must be really bad!

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Haha, did you even read his post?


If the side missions are supposed to be best and that's all he's been doing, the main game must be really bad!


@Hero\-of\-Time haha sorry, I literally read it as the opposite, that you'd done loads of the story but not many of the side-quests!


I guess in that case I probably won't end up getting it :P And also shouldn't try posting on here so late :p

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If Watchdogs plays anything like Assassins Creed 3 it will be boring. A beautiful environment, but most of it was empty and collecting feathers, boring NPCs and no real important side quests made it dull.


If you want to see how to do open world properly, play Deus Ex, small but focused open world, interesting characters, you get to choose how things pan out and what decisions you make and you get to decide the fate of game world through your own choices.

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@Hero\-of\-Time haha sorry, I literally read it as the opposite, that you'd done loads of the story but not many of the side-quests!


I guess in that case I probably won't end up getting it :P And also shouldn't try posting on here so late :p


Haha. No worries.


To be fair, I'm not the best judge when it comes to open world games. I'm not a huge fan of them and to be honest I'm a little burnt out of the genre after just playing Creed IV.


I think it's just the lack of anything remotely interesting in the game that's putting a downer on things. As I mentioned before, no powers, no cool setting, it's just really bland.

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Was browsing the shop t'other day and saw this on the shelf for PS3 and got tempted. I can't help but feel like the longer this takes the more sales it loses, then think why even bother to release except to go 'aha! told you it wasn't worth us making games like this for you!', such a massive shame. I want to support it, but I don't think I'll be doing it at full price on WiiU now.

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Admit it, they're both average and it's made you realise how amazing Nintendo are?! :)


I know you're joking, however...I've not touched my WiiU since getting the PS4. If anything, Watch Dogs and The Last of Us do the opposite of what you just said; it shows how other companies outside of Nintendo can make great games, too. Although we often say that Nintendo make good games, they're not really alone in that regard. There's just as much variety elsewhere.


Even with Watch Dogs (which I loooved (although I don't normally play open world games, so have nowt to compare it to) and thought was really cool), the world feels big, there's a lot to do, plenty of longevity. The actual story missions are still good, but it's always fun to go offtrack and do the sidequests. The scale of it and content isn't really heard of on a Nintendo system since they can't get GTA, Saints Row, anything of that sort. I'm glad I've experienced it just to see how big and expansive environments can be, with so much going on. If this is average, then I can't wait to play the good stuff.


And The Last of Us is more than average. Coupled with the DLC, it's one of the best experiences I've had in years. It's also the type of game that you'll rarely ever see on a Nintendo system because of the game's content, the narrative, dialogue, soundtrack, characters, settings, etc. I've been craving a game with an "edge" to it and it delivered. An Oscar Winning composer behind the music really, really makes a difference. I've had this on spotify on repeat for days.


If Watchdogs plays anything like Assassins Creed 3 it will be boring. A beautiful environment, but most of it was empty and collecting feathers, boring NPCs and no real important side quests made it dull.


If you want to see how to do open world properly, play Deus Ex, small but focused open world, interesting characters, you get to choose how things pan out and what decisions you make and you get to decide the fate of game world through your own choices.


ACIV: Black Flag looks incredible from what I've seen of the other half playing it. Again, never played another AC before so can't compare it to owt, but from what I've been told by her, it's pretty fucking good.


Either way, it's bad that Watch Dogs still isn't here. It's depriving WiiU owners the choice of playing the game if they want to.

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I thought we weren't allowed to post images of Jenifer Lawrence on the net anymore? or was that not stolen from iCloud?



Watchdogs is a great game, i bought it for PS4 (needed another game to have more choice) and haven't been able to put it down, although i must admit the side missions aren't compelling, though they are nice timewasters

shame its hasn't (and wont) come to WiiU as it would streamline the game a little if the phone functions or the map were moved to the pad (why doesn't the second screen app on PS4 do this)

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Last of Us - average?




I was obviously joking. I love last of us.


Though in all honesty, getting the ps4 has made me appreciate Nintendo more and highlighted more so that's where my gaming sensibilities lay. Not once have I felt I'm getting a next gen experience with the ps4. Not close. Same games, a little prettier, with a very loud machine I can't put in my cabinet or the fan goes apeshit... Awesome!

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UPlay app on Wii U updates with Watch_Dogs content




Reader DiGiTaL let us know that the UPlay app for Wii U has updated and now it showcases Watch_Dogs. I don't use the UPlay app, but DiGiTaL claims that the Wii U version only showcases Wii U games. If you wanted a sign that the game is still alive and coming to Wii U, this might be it!



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