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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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Is this absolutely confirmed then that Zelda will not be coming this year?


Pretty fucking annoyed, more than anything. I hated Skyward Sword, am not a big fan of the WiiU, but still was looking forward to playing Zelda. No Zelda for another year is shiiiiit news. I'm not counting Hyrule Warriors and the remakes because who in their right mind would count those?


Terrible news.

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The natural course of the 3DS being due a replacement first (being released a full 1.5 years earlier than the Wii U would mean that its successor would've been in development for that much longer - plus handheld games are quicker to make than console ones).


The NX appears to be something unlike what we've seen before. I wouldn't rely too much on what has happened before to try and use that as evidence as to what is going to happen (I know my series kind of does that, but really it's speculating). March could very well be both units.


Plus you seem to be working on the assumption that the NX is the handheld and thus the handheld will either be able to support cut-down versions of Wii U games or will suddenly leap from being ~GameCube power to Wii U power? A shared OS will only do so much if the internals are radically different. The fact they've said that a late-in-life Wii U title (i.e. should be making the most of the machine) is coming to the NX to me gives me credence to the idea that the NX is a home console because I can't really see them releasing a handheld with the same power as the Wii U.


You can run Android Marshmallow on phones from 2009 but you can barely run any modern games on it. I suspect the NX will be a shared architecture for the sake of porting, not because the hardware specs will be similar. Just seems like too much of a stretch.


Titles that are cross-buy on PS4 don't tend to be AAA titles (which Zelda is). They tend to be smaller games that can work on both. Outside of this its just remote play and I can't see them saying Zelda is coming to NX if its basically going to be remote play.


Furthermore, you're basing hardware life on the past. Nintendo has never done a hybrid machine(s) before and not been in this position (weak home console sales, dwindling third party support) so what worked in the past may not work now. They expect an increase in software sales for the 3DS in this financial year. It seems unlikely they would expect that if they were going to pull the plug soon after, even with Pokémon Sun and Moon.


The timeframe of the New3DS' release matching up perfectly with the DSi.


See above for "the past doesn't dictate the future"


The March release (which is completely unheard of for a console, but being normal for Nintendo's handhelds).


Looking at Japan half their consoles haven't launched at Christmas. We have too few examples to start really pinning down a pattern.


The Japanese market has changed so much since 2012, yet alone 2006, that the reasons for launching in that period may no longer be as valid as they once were.


The third pillar strategy in use with the NX (again matching the DS).


The third pillar was a get out clause in case the DS failed to take off. We never saw another Game Boy.


The fact that they skipped Pokemon Z and are getting Pokemon S&M out for November (exactly like Pokemon B&W, which came out mere months before the 3DS did).


They skipped Pokémon Grey and went with a direct sequel. Again, the past doesn't dictate the future.


The lack of internally developed releases being lined up for 3DS, while Wii U is getting more support from Nintendo's own internal developers. I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting as well...


Nintendo has made an effort to support the Wii U which might be why we know more about those games coming out than 3DS. Whose to say that E3 2016 won't be about Zelda and the 3DS?

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I think you're going to be disappointed there then - they will probably both be pretty identical as it's clear that they moved to dual Wii U/NX development for this a while ago. There's no chance of a Wii U version coming sooner, as great as that'd be.


Honestly, I think Zelda U development is a wrap. Atless Aonuma decided to scrap the game they had made and start over from scratch, you don't decide to add an additional 18 months to the development of a game that was four months from release.

No, realistically they took six months to improve the game, then porting it over to the NX might've taken another six months at most.

No, mark my words, Zelda U is probably either finished or at most a few weeks away from completion, then it's going to sit on a shelf for nine months so that they can release both versions at the same time.

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If Retro release a game on Wii U this year then Nintendo's software strategy team need firing.


It would be like releasing Metroid Prime on the N64 in 2001.


I could seriously still see that happening. Retro have to be making something, unless they're moving everything across to the NX as we speak.

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If Retro release a game on Wii U this year then Nintendo's software strategy team need firing.


It would be like releasing Metroid Prime on the N64 in 2001.


Not really. Nintendo have just confirmed that the Wii U is going to be their main console for another 10 months. That's almost a year. They have to throw their customers a bone, otherwise people may not trust Nintendo to support the NX until the very end.

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If Retro release a game on Wii U this year then Nintendo's software strategy team need firing.


It would be like releasing Metroid Prime on the N64 in 2001.


Didn't they do basically just that with Banjo Tooie, Animal Crossing (Japan only), Mario Party 3 and Conker's BFD?

Edited by Dcubed
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i cant see any games being released - not metroid, not anything. It's all getting ported to nx surely. And rightly so. I think it's hilarious that the people who seem to be wanting stuff for Wii u are the ones who slag the Wii u off the most :) And people saying they won't trust Nintendo etc. if they announce nx and it has Zelda, Mario, metroid, animal crossing, monster hunter 5, luigis mansion 3 etc etc all within a year I'm pretty sure everyone will forgive them. A lot of people have hated the recent Nintendo, they are clearly starting over and abandoning their current console, this says they know it's been a failure and I'm sure they'll know why. Let's see what a new Nintendo does!

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Let's see what a new Nintendo does!


Nothing seems new about Nintendo, still a company that seems to be walking with tangled shoelaces, tripping up all over the place after every step.


(I was optimistic after having no news, but when official news does surface Nintendo turn me into a pessimist)


Its actually quite hilarious to watch - Like watching Homer Simpson run a company. (Remember that episode where he designed that car making his brother's company go bust? Not too dissimilar).



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The ones I've spoken to (the more independent self-funding types) are not pleased...

Don't blame them. I was on the cusp of going too, since I wanted to get hands-on with the NX, and with Sun & Moon being there I have the justification. However, this just soured it completely.

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