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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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@Blade It wasn't a question of people just wanting OOT/TP, a lot of people really hated the control scheme.



Yeah. With the last game, Skyward Sword, that was a game where you had motion control to use your weapons and a lot of different items, and I thought that was a lot of fun, but there were some people who weren’t able to do that or didn’t like it as much and stopped playing partway through it.


Skyward Sword Good Points





Skyward Sword Bad Points


Repeating boss fights

Motion controls

Bland overworld

Forgettable music outside of a couple of tunes

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@Blade It wasn't a question of people just wanting OOT/TP, a lot of people really hated the control scheme.





Skyward Sword Good Points





Skyward Sword Bad Points


Repeating boss fights

Motion controls

Bland overworld

Forgettable music outside of a couple of tunes


Forgettable music bar the Ballad of the Goddess I agree with and also the repeating of the boss fights (doesn't a few Zelda games do this? I know when I was in Ganon's Tower last night on ALTTP I was against a few bosses I had beaten previously).


The overworld wasn't bland, not by a long stretch. Granted, it wasn't what you would expect of an overworld in a Zelda game but the overworld in SS were a series of puzzles that everytime you visit had changed. Flying about around Skyloft wasn't particularly exciting though.

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Forgettable music bar the Ballad of the Goddess I agree with and also the repeating of the boss fights (doesn't a few Zelda games do this? I know when I was in Ganon's Tower last night on ALTTP I was against a few bosses I had beaten previously).


The overworld wasn't bland, not by a long stretch. Granted, it wasn't what you would expect of an overworld in a Zelda game but the overworld in SS were a series of puzzles that everytime you visit had changed. Flying about around Skyloft wasn't particularly exciting though.


Indeed they do repeat in older games but they go down much quicker as you are powered up by that point. The boss fights with the Imprisoned are flat out awful.


Yeah, by overworld I meant the sky. I agree, when on land the game was great and felt like one big dungeon.

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The motion controls were fooking awesome man!


I really hated them ( and from the looks of it, many others did ) and just waggled my way through the best part of the game. :D


They were always going to be a marmite thing and given the reaction from gamers, I imagine we will have either seen the last of them or at least two control schemes to please both sets of fans.

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The controls were fine I liked them apart from the never ending recalibration. It's about the only redeeming feature in the game. So much wrong with it.


  • Empty sky
  • brutal mini games
  • forgettable music
  • Fi
  • disjointed world
  • dowsing
  • repeated boss battles
  • crappy harp that you didn't play(wave left, wave right)
  • only one real village
    30 second end boss was so easy
  • the awful gratitude crystals sidequests with the lamest rewards for all that effort(a giant wallet, seriously wtf)
  • the rehashing of areas for the silent realm
  • actually rehashing in general throughout the game
  • no fishing
  • the constant non skipping of text bubbles(you've collected a tumbleweed for the 1,000th time, ya thanks for telling me)
  • poor leveling up mechanism of items


It goes on and on.

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To those that enjoyed Skyward Sword, can you please give me 3-4 reasons why you enjoyed it so much?


Here's my opinion at the time I played it.


There's a lot of good to be said about Skyward Sword. I honestly liked the motion+ controls, the music was great (I find it amusing that every person who says the music in SS is forgettable can still name at least 2-3 songs they liked), the story was rather well written, and new gameplay elements like sprinting and speech bubbles in sidequests really smoothed out the Zelda experience. Also, it was about time we found boss battles outside of dungeons.

Dowsing is optional, and Fi (slow text in general, really) was the only thing really bringing the game down.


I find it to be the game the most similar to Ocarina of Time in many respects, and a worthy entry in the Zelda series. Twilight Princess is the one I didn't like, now there's a Zelda filled with design flaws.

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Fi was staggerginly irritating. What was even more irritating for me was, when you started up again, every time you got a new item or whatever it came up with a box out (or something like that, can't remember now) telling you, I remembered that being really painful.

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Fi was staggerginly irritating. What was even more irritating for me was, when you started up again, every time you got a new item or whatever it came up with a box out (or something like that, can't remember now) telling you, I remembered that being really painful.


I forgot about that. :shakehead

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Oh yeah, the "forging" aspect of SS was also pretty good. Can't forget that.


Fi was staggerginly irritating. What was even more irritating for me was, when you started up again, every time you got a new item or whatever it came up with a box out (or something like that, can't remember now) telling you, I remembered that being really painful.


It was every time you found a forging item for the first time in each boot-up. I felt it was too small an annoyance to note.


Besides, nothing is worse than Twilight Princess doing the same with rupees. I mean, with every stretch of SS gameplay, you'll be bothered by this, what, 2 times (maybe 3 at most), with a stretch of time in-between? With Twilight Princess, you're almost guaranteed to find 3 or 4 types of rupees in quick succession every time you start it up.[/TP rant]


I do wonder why the developers thought it was a good idea to leave it there. Isn't that what menu descriptions are for?

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@Blade It wasn't a question of people just wanting OOT/TP, a lot of people really hated the control scheme.





Skyward Sword Good Points





Skyward Sword Bad Points


Repeating boss fights

Motion controls

Bland overworld

Forgettable music outside of a couple of tunes


I'm going to stick with your post layout and give my thoughts.


Good points


First of all, the game looks wonderful and the art style that they went with is a huge hit. It made the game look vibrant and beautiful.


The controls were fantastic in a lot of places. Probably the best usage that Nintendo has implemented outside of Wii Sports.


The gold coloured Wiimote that came with the special edition...hnnnnnnggg. Best Wiimote ever.


The item upgrade system is great and NEEDS to stay next time around.


I quite enjoyed the trials and it had my heart pumping at various moments.


Bad Points


The soundtrack is quite poor, imo. It's definitely the weakest out of the 5 3D Zeldas and is just poor on its own merit.


The overworld and gameplay structure is bland. The overworld and how everything is connected is bizarre and I don't understand why Nintendo went for that. At a time when Xenoblade was wowwing fans, this was a difficult pill to swallow.


No Sky at night. I was looking forward to flying on my loftwing and seeing beautiful sunsets and dawns, stars glistening in the night's sky. But, no. You cannae fly at night. I thought this was lazy, tbh. For me, Twilight Princess felt more mysterious and came alive at night.


The dungeons were...ok. Bordering on boring. There's only one memorable dungeon in the entire game. I didn't enjoy the theming and they were poor compared to its predecessor's offering.


There was a lack of story and cut-scenes for most of the game. You get a chunk at the start, some at the end and basically nothing in between. The whole Thunderdome or whatever it's called section contains no story...which is about a third of the game.


Poor choice of companion. Didn't like Fi and it was a huge step back from the characterisation that we had with Midna.


The Imprisoned - three times. Not going to discuss this as it's obvious. Same with Ghirahim.

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The only thing i disliked about Skyward Sword was the motion controls, some battles and bosses were needlessly hard, or rather they were hard until you learned the controls precisely, that first Girahim fight was far harder than it needed to be because of the learning curve on the controls.

Other bits were Moblins? specific ways to hit their shield, before damaging them got a little tedious in some areas, and the pirate battle later in the game just seemed unfair


other than that the soundtrack was not up to the same standard (but still good) and the over world whilst fun was at times bland, and disjointed, but still very good and different


If they ever did a remaster i'd only change the motion controls, i'm sure you could slash with the second stick instead and have an alternate controller only control scheme

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The dungeons were very boring, apart from the Ancient Cistern, nothing else was in any way remarkable. Compare them to Arbiter's Grounds, Snowpeak Mansion, Temple of Time, City in the Sky.... - Now think back to the bosses of those four dungeons










Skyward Sword is great but it has huge problems. No proper overworld, forgettable music, incredibly hand-holdy, annoying companion, poor dungeons, poor bosses. Every Zelda game has negatives but those are quite big ones IMO.

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The dungeons were very boring, apart from the Ancient Cistern, nothing else was in any way remarkable. Compare them to Arbiter's Grounds, Snowpeak Mansion, Temple of Time, City in the Sky.... - Now think back to the bosses of those four dungeons










Skyward Sword is great but it has huge problems. No proper overworld, forgettable music, incredibly hand-holdy, annoying companion, poor dungeons, poor bosses. Every Zelda game has negatives but those are quite big ones IMO.


For all of the criticism Twilight Princess received, at least it did various things really well. The dungeons and bosses are the pinnacle for the series, imo.


On those two things alone, Skyward Sword was a huge step back.

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I believe they didn't try their best with Skyward Sword because they probably thought why bother. The Wii is practically dead and it requires you to buy motion plus. That's why I kind of hope and believe it'll come to NX as well because it'll give Nintendo hope of getting good sales which probably wouldn't be that good on Wii U alone. Twilight Princess has the greatest sales of any Zelda game and that's partly because it released alongside the launch of the Wii.


Edit: My bad, I think OOT is still number 1, I'll find a chart.



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...Are you guys seriously arguing that ArmoGohma was a good boss? Miss "I'm going to stand under this hammer multiple times"? The giant spider that never attacks you? That's probably the most uninspired boss fight in the game, and I'm counting with the baboon.


I'd argue that the City in the Sky is one of the most boring dungeons in Zelda history. Needlessly so, because it is otherwise well designed.


I'd also argue that both the Sandship and the Lanayru Mines were both good dungeons that made good use of their themes (the Sandship in particular reminded me of the Temple of Time in design), despite the unimpressive bosses.

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Armogohma wasn't great, fair enough but still quite a good action setpiece. I personally found the Sandship boring. Then we had two poor fire dungeons for some reason and a forgettable forest one. The Mines and the Ancient Cistern were probably the strongest ones in the game.

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Armogohma wasn't great, fair enough but still quite a good action setpiece. I personally found the Sandship boring. Then we had two poor fire dungeons for some reason and a forgettable forest one. The Mines and the Ancient Cistern were probably the strongest ones in the game.


Fair enough.


I actually liked the first fire dungeon in SS. Mainly because of the whole "rolling on lava" thing, and the boss. I do agree that TP, as a whole, had better dungeons than SS. Definitely one of the few things that TP did well.

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I loved Skyward Sword! It's story, it's characters, the temples, the bosses, Skyloft and 'the land'.


Flying around the Sky was boring, it was stupid you couldn't go out at night, the spirit realm wasn't that fun and by and large yeah the music was forgettable. However the main theme is one if my favs in the series.


It's my second favourite Zelda behind OOT.

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I dk t get the skyward sword hate either. I'm playing through ocarina of time now, and I'd much prefer to be replaying skyward sword. The things for me which set it apart were the art style and the controls, loved looking at it, and the controls made it great to play. It wasn't perfect, but I absolutely loved it.


I think when all you can say about what set a Zelda game apart for you is the art style and controls, then you're doing an excellent job or pointing out why it wasn't neccessarily that great a Zelda ;)

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...Are you guys seriously arguing that ArmoGohma was a good boss? Miss "I'm going to stand under this hammer multiple times"? The giant spider that never attacks you? That's probably the most uninspired boss fight in the game, and I'm counting with the baboon.


I'd argue that the City in the Sky is one of the most boring dungeons in Zelda history. Needlessly so, because it is otherwise well designed.


I'd also argue that both the Sandship and the Lanayru Mines were both good dungeons that made good use of their themes (the Sandship in particular reminded me of the Temple of Time in design), despite the unimpressive bosses.


Generally speaking, aren't all Gohma-type bosses pretty crappy anyway? (bar WW's I guess) Armogohma still had a nice little twist at the end.


I appreciated the epic feel of TP bosses even if they were easy, it felt like a natural evolution from WW's enjoyable bosses. I mean dat epic Morpheel boss music doe.


I've just seen that Zelda is delayed. Am I the only one thinking this will become a launch title for the NX system?

Wii U has about 4 games coming this year and will be irrelevant by 2016.


You're not the only one - Im pro NX launch.

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Generally speaking, aren't all Gohma-type bosses pretty crappy anyway? (bar WW's I guess) Armogohma still had a nice little twist at the end.


I appreciated the epic feel of TP bosses even if they were easy, it felt like a natural evolution from WW's enjoyable bosses. I mean dat epic Morpheel boss music doe.


And ArmoGohma manages to be the crappiest of the Gohmas :heh: The twist at the end is the one redeeming thing about that fight.


I have mixed feelings about Morpheel. On one hand, it actually feels pretty dang awesome to swim up there and whack him. On the other hand, it's another boss that doesn't really attack you.


I'm not too fond of "style over substance" when it comes to bosses, even if that's less common for Zelda. What immersion can there be from a Giant Spider that doesn't really attack you? A menacing boss made too easy can easily ruin the entire set piece.

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Ah yes, I see it's that time when we're experiencing the Zelda-cycle in full force again :D


Also, this was some of the worst animation I had ever seen in a Zelda game and I couldn't believe what was happening.



What otherwise usually is a great moment in a Zelda game, learning a new tune on your instrument or what have you, was a complete let down in this game for me.


Unmemorable tunes and uninspired animation...

Seriously, SERIOUSLY!

Just look at that Din's Power performance (1:10) and tell me what you feel inside...




Ah, I love me a good Zelda discussion.

It is hands down the only series I am pretty much up to date with (haven't finished Adventure of Link nor have I played the Four-Sword games) and I love its universe!

I guess because the WindWaker being one of my most nostalgic experiences, it cemented my quest for experiencing the franchise to its fullest.


It it almost time to list our top 3 Zelda games again?

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