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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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They need to somehow make the NX version definitive and hook all of us poor saps into buying a system and copy at launch.


Maybe include Ocarina of Time. It's been a while since they re-released(/gave away) that.

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Maybe include Ocarina of Time. It's been a while since they re-released(/gave away) that.


Maybe a Remastered, Game of the Year, Day 1, all DLC included Definitive Edition. The industry hasn't had one of those out in a few weeks...

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Really, I think most people will get it for NX anyway. I think most Wii U owners are likely Nintendo fans who'll be getting nx, but I also think many gamers will buy a console just for Zelda, and most people will buy the nx with the best version on (maybe) rather than an old dead console.


I'm not sure Zelda is enough. I'm as staunch a Nintendo fan as they come, but if they haven't fixed the 3rd party issue I won't be buying an NX anytime soon (unless it's a hybrid of course) when I can play Zelda on my Wii U.


Really, I think most people will get it for NX anyway. I think most Wii U owners are likely Nintendo fans who'll be getting nx, but I also think many gamers will buy a console just for Zelda, and most people will buy the nx with the best version on (maybe) rather than an old dead console.


I'm not sure Zelda is enough. I'm as staunch a Nintendo fan as they come, but if they haven't fixed the 3rd party issue I won't be buying an NX anytime soon (unless it's a hybrid of course) when I can play Zelda on my Wii U.

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You just won't let me have a lighthearted joke about how we get to enjoy OOT again every few years will you?


The 3DS remake is the best way to re-enjoy OoT.







I loved floating around on the Deku leaf in Wind Waker so to see this sort of gameplay return makes me very happy


Could be something on my end but the rocky vista isn't showing.

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Hey guys I was just wondering how you guys feel about stepping back to controlpad gaming from mote & chuck styled gaming for games such as Zelda and FPS's (and potentially games like Assasin's Creed, Star Wars, RISE, Football, Lylat Wars/Star Fox, Mario & Sonic Olympics, a potentially sick Mario Party etc)?


I remember as a kid playing Ocarina of Time fencing those skeletons during escaping the collapse of Hyrule Castle and in Wind Waker dueling all those enemies in the castle (I believe where The King of Red Lions revealed Zelda's true identity [forgive my poor memory]), I was always thinking at how much more immersive and challenging it'd be if there were a more greater way to enjoy the sword duels. And when the wiimote came out then I realized that that improved control method is that greater way. Indeed it could be perfected or at least edged-up. But stepping back to controlpad styled gaming... would that not suck enjoyment from the experience haha?


Any possibility that the new NX controller may return to mote & chuck styled gaming?

Like I saw the speculated horse-shoe controller haha, and further speculation imagined a screen. Now imagine that controller to be kinda... transformable? Assemble-able? Like able to slot the screen in the centre, and possibly disconnect the bended ' ( ' part at the bottom, so that you're holding to seperate controllers like the mote & chuck. An analog stick on both and such. This could enable the hybrid gameboy-home console concept thingy, plus high-end indoor gaming, potentially providing the additional option for controlpad styled gaming. I actually displayed my prototype of a similar control setup here a number of years ago (which was laughed at :D), but might it now be a possibility for the NX? Or is that too much of a farfetched fantasy?


And lastly, the art style of BoTW is nice and all, but does anyone feel a bit unwhelmed by the level of the visual graphics? Like it would be so nice if if the graphical potential were leaning towards that of The Last Guardian, ReCore or Horizon Zero Dawn. And perhaps even more grand if a mangafied style of the new God of War.

But the level of graphics combined with a backwards step to controlpad styled gaming is really making me feel underwhelmed. And to be honest, the title Breath of The Wild seems quite giddy about the open-world hype rather than story detail, but I could be very wrong.

There are lots of cool new additional features that I'd love to remain in the series, and I'm quite intrigued to see puzzles later in the game (because I'm currently unimpressed) and story details and new items and such. But I dunno, I just feel very underwhelmed. The main theme is awesome though, I cant wait to hear it orchestrated. xD


But guys, what are you guys' honests feelings -- are you guys genuinely excited for this game? Or a bit curious like me haha?

By no means am I saying it looks bad, I just mean that it looks incedibly typical. It looks like the Wii is capable of it. So to think it is going to the NX kinda doesn't go down well with me haha. But all early days, we'll see I suppose.

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And when the wiimote came out then I realized that that improved control method is that greater way. Indeed it could be perfected or at least edged-up. But stepping back to controlpad styled gaming... would that not suck enjoyment from the experience haha?


Speak to the majority of people who played Skyward Sword and they'll tell you the controls were ok, but they'd prefer to go back to traditional controls for future games. That's the impression I get anyway.


And lastly, the art style of BoTW is nice and all, but does anyone feel a bit unwhelmed by the level of the visual graphics?


I think the game looks like what it is. A gorgeous game on last gen hardware.


The main theme is awesome though, I cant wait to hear it orchestrated. xD


I wouldn't hold your breath on grand orchestrated tracks. I get the impression they're going for a very muted, isolated Metroid like soundtrack, which seems to suit the game perfectly.


Personally I'm blown away by what they showed at E3. I'm not fussed about the controls (I'd rather traditional ones), graphics (I think the game looks beautiful), and I'd much rather focus on the gameplay itself, which by all accounts from E3, is wonderful.

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I loved Skyward Sword and loved the controls but I'm ok if they go back to buttons. FPS games though were the dogs' bollocks with the Wiimote!


I'd certainly like the difficulty ramped up. I know it was just a demo but those Bokoblins could not fight for toffee!

Taking more damage isn't enough, they need the AI to be better, the fights need to be more tactical.

Edited by Kav
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Yah I understand @Ronnie , but like surely the controlpad and the motion sensing remote aren't merely different methods for the exact same commands? The motion sensing remote is capable of more input commands, no? Especially if a gyroscope is chucked in there to enable more accuracy in wrist positioning instead of just arm positioning (so in Zelda you could have improve defensive and offensive sword play).


Am I correct in saying that the wiimore is more of a pointer/quite basic gestural motion detector instead of an pointer/100% motion positioning detector?


I think even with the accelerometer, the software could possibly detect the force of a defensive parry (then calculating the correct animation for the the enemy to react to the force of that parry, creating an offensive opening). This would make weapon battles incredible!


Skyward Sword introduced the idea of 'magical sealing' with motion gesturing, just imagine exploring the Wild and discovering various magical sealing techniques and even magic summoning techniques, and memorizing the pattern of the simple gesture whilst holding the magic button. Heck you could even summon weapons and summon things to aid in puzzle solving. The sky is literally the limit. And some enemies has this ability too.

Perhaps the ultimate summoning technique could be to summon Fi. :D


Now whilst Skyward Sword's motion sensing wasn't perfect, it was a huge innovation. But now we go back to tapping on the 'A' button and letting it do all the work for ya.... there'a no fun in that, right guys haha? It was a cool idea in Wind Waker to spice up the battles, but going back to that from the endless skyward possibilities is just greatly unpleasing.

I was hoping this time round we could fully utilize motion to defend all angles humanly possible with the shields. Perhaps a new strategy of Ganon's could've been to shoot some powerballs at us at various angles and rhythms for us to block with percision (a little like Bit-Trip Beat haha), while simultaneously charging our forbiddon magical spin attack to redirect his epic powerball. And maybe alternatively use a magical sealing technique to temporarily catch a formiddable projectile and unleash it at a suitable timing (who knows, perhaps methodically shooting a reflective thing someplace, then unleashing the temporarily sealed energy beam at the reflective thing to hopefully reflect onto the enemy as apart of an attack strategy haha).

So many enormous things that could be artistically worked into gameplay yet we've stepped back to just tapping on 'A.' I wont say 'bashing' because Zelda has sick controls I give it that haha I love Nintendo controls most times.


But yeah guys, I kniw we all have huge imgainations and I know Nintendo cant go insane so as to keep their stuff accessible for kids and the average Blue Ocean gamer, but dang I hope BoTW has some fantastical gameplay, puzzle-wise and swordplay-wise since it is a sword game afterall.


Nintendo needs to live up to their name though man, I even thought Mario Kart U (8?) would be able to do upto 12 players on one console if everyone brought their own gamepads and synced it similar to the wiimotes with the Wii. Four player on one console online, since they were so for the 'togetherness.' I know this is slightly off topic but dudes Nintendo has so much potential in my eyes but never seems to even scratch the surface. I skipped the 3DS and Wii U, I am hoping that I can get my gaming fix on the NX darn it. Not expecting perfection, just a blooming decent compromise.

Like are you guys super satisfied with the Wii U? And this new Zelda? Or am I just expecting waaaaay too much?


Edit -- I forgot about Skyward Strikes! This could be innovated awesomely with thorough thought!

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I for one despise SS not just for its annoying controls, but also for its repetition and linearity.


Notice that there is no outcry that the new Zelda will going back to traditional buttons - that tells you there was nothing to fix in this area to begin with and people were happy "with just pressing A".


Because of how SS is setup, its not easy to return to unless you have all the wiimote and sensor bar stuff plus the motion plus. Its disgustingly inaccessible and will probably require too much effort to remaster on a traditional setup.


I'm perfectly happy with the new forward-looking Zelda, seriously the whole forest, fire, water temple cycles feel very toxic to me now.

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Ok yeah I hear you. Especially the recycled routines of the same temple types and even puzzles, seeing clones of Mario puzzles in Zelda was truly sickening for sure. But I noticed no outcry about returning to the controlpad, that's partly why I had to return here to seek some educated opinions on it haha.


But I wasn't saying to remake SS or the Wii or anything, I more meant have built-in motion+ in the new & improved motion remote, sensor bar with the NX and all the tech greatly refined so as to improve previous inaccuracies that caused nuisances to gameplay.


And just need to get it out there that I didn't mean to imply that SS was great haha, OoT and WW are my darlings. xD

I just remember Aonuma (and I think Iwata-san) saying a while back that it feels odd for them to downgrade from motion controlled gaming for Zelda down to the controlpad. And I know they share my fondness for OoT, especially for teh various originalities within that there game. xD

They are a money-making business afterall which is why the Blue Ocean audience is important to them which excessively compromises their games and such. :(


But yeah ok no worries, I see I'm on me own on this one. :red:

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Ok yeah I hear you. Especially the recycled routines of the same temple types and even puzzles, seeing clones of Mario puzzles in Zelda was truly sickening for sure. But I noticed no outcry about returning to the controlpad, that's partly why I had to return here to seek some educated opinions on it haha.


But I wasn't saying to remake SS or the Wii or anything, I more meant have built-in motion+ in the new & improved motion remote, sensor bar with the NX and all the tech greatly refined so as to improve previous inaccuracies that caused nuisances to gameplay.


And just need to get it out there that I didn't mean to imply that SS was great haha, OoT and WW are my darlings. xD

I just remember Aonuma (and I think Iwata-san) saying a while back that it feels odd for them to downgrade from motion controlled gaming for Zelda down to the controlpad. And I know they share my fondness for OoT, especially for teh various originalities within that there game. xD

They are a money-making business afterall which is why the Blue Ocean audience is important to them which excessively compromises their games and such. :(


But yeah ok no worries, I see I'm on me own on this one. :red:


Who actually wants a sensor bar with the NX?


My and a lot of others opinion is to burn all the Wii ties and peripherals to the ground and start a fresh - If the NX did come to market with backward compatibility for Wii stuff, I'll almost certainly not buy it.


The Wii is a toxic brand, and seeing how that toxicity has seeped into my most beloved franchise (Zelda via SS) is quite heart-breaking.

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Believe me I'm with you on that one bud, I dont want no backward compatibility at all. I'm talking all new and improved exclusive NX stuff. In my fantasy world anyhows haha. I'd like the remotes to be charge & play, none of this wired stuff like how the mote & chuck is. Analog sticks on both motes. All of it mate. Literally like a controlpad split in two -- motion remote style.

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Who actually wants a sensor bar with the NX?


My and a lot of others opinion is to burn all the Wii ties and peripherals to the ground and start a fresh - If the NX did come to market with backward compatibility for Wii stuff, I'll almost certainly not buy it.


The Wii is a toxic brand, and seeing how that toxicity has seeped into my most beloved franchise (Zelda via SS) is quite heart-breaking.


Want, no not really. I hate the sensor bar, always have its always been the most annoying part of the Wii to me.


That said, I wouldn't complain at all if the NX is capable of playing all the old games. More functionality is rarely a bad thing. Too much focus on the wrong functionality though is bad. Honestly if be happy if it could just play the games, but had literally no more focus than that. Don't even include a sensor bar, and don't allow dev access to motion controls. Anything beyond backwards compatibility, fuck it. Standard fucking controller for new games, allow old controllers to connect for old games only.


Actually I'd be happy with a revised GameCube controller. Normal right stick, sticks that click, bumper buttons, normal Dpad and analog triggers with a digital click. Sounds like a winner.

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Still hugely disappointed at the lack of Wii Remote 1-1 swordplay myself, but I can understand that it wasn't going to be the focus of this game; the world itself is.


The combat looks like a huge step back from Skyward Sword, but I suppose it was always going to be...


Still, Aonuma has said that he wants to work on other types of Zelda game in the future, so who knows? Maybe one day I'll get my 1-1 motion controlled ball and chain...

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I think my ideal controllear would be an enhanced Wii Remote Plus & Nunchuk combination. The Nunchuk would have a Control Stick, D-Pad, L-Button and ZL-Trigger while the new Remote would also have a Control Stick, A, B, X, Y, R-Button, ZR-Trigger, +, - and HOME button :smile: The Nunchuk would also have the same motion capabilities as the Remote :smile:


With this setup, you'd be able to play NES, SNES, N64, GC and Wii games as well as have the freedom to create whatever type of game you like, be it motion controlled or something more traditional.. or a combination of the two :hehe:


The next handheld, which I hope will have only one screen, can take care of any desire for Wii U games that require the Gamepad by connecting to the NX home console.


Let's have it all :yay:

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A lot of people were saying this game has a lot to live up to after Witcher 3, now that we've seen it, it's fair to say Witcher 4 has a lot to live up to after Breath of the Wild :grin:


It's going to be the longest 9 months ever

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A lot of people were saying this game has a lot to live up to after Witcher 3, now that we've seen it, it's fair to say Witcher 4 has a lot to live up to after Breath of the Wild :grin:


It's going to be the longest 9 months ever


I wish any comparisons to The Witcher would just stop :hmm: There will be people who prefer Breath of the Wild and others who like Wild Hunt better but who really cares.. ::shrug:


Just relax and enjoy playing games : peace: if people don't like the new Zelda because it doesn't do things The Witcher does, they can go play The Witcher!

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At the moment I think it is okay for some people to say "just another open world game", because we know so little about it.


I would say it's just the opposite. We know so little about the game that it's unfair to judge it as "just another openworld game".

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