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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Wii U / Switch


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I was thinking more along the lines of hiding Gold Skulltulas or Heart Pieces this way. Not revisit them as part of the main quest.


That's what I was thinking, and it's still just as bad. I can't imagine what the system would be like for selecting/switching out items before each dungeon but I can imagine it would get very boring very quickly for the sake of a few Skulltula etc. Not to mention the fapping around getting to them in the first place (This is going on a random assumption that the dungeon will reset itself when entered with a new combination)

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(This is going on a random assumption that the dungeon will reset itself when entered with a new combination)


Oh God, I hope not! The puzzles staying solved was vital to dungeons like Mermaid's Cave and the Spirit Temple (dungeons where one needed to leave before proceeding).

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I was thinking more along the lines of hiding Gold Skulltulas or Heart Pieces this way. Not revisit them as part of the main quest.


Sounds like frustrating backtrack gameplay. And what if you don't understand how some of the extra puzzles work and you keep having to go back and forth, back and forth, testing every possible item combination. Sounds like a right annoying hassle.

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Technology infiltrating the Zelda World seems like a very cool storyline if they were to take that route.


Some mad scientist as the main villian or something.


Regardless, the wait for this will be a long one...


Professor B. Badd?

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Really happy with the new Zelda look. It'll be cool if it's really properly open world like Skyrim or Red Dead. For me, Zelda has been lagging for a while with its continual use of a similar format. Maybe this is a sign of modernising?

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^ True. But fuck me, just look at that!!


When you think about it though it's not wholly something new.


Seems more like a continuation of a theme established in Skyward Sword with...










Can I just note that after seeing Skyward Sword again briefly, it's incredible how much better this new game looks (and I thought Skyward Sword was gorgeous to be honest).

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"Hello to everyone in the Zelda Community. I am currently visiting Los Angeles in the United States. This year’s E3 has begun! Did you already have a chance to watch the Nintendo Digital Event that aired yesterday?


Many people from the media kept asking me if the footage from the new Zelda game for Wii U is just a promotional movie, but that really is actual gameplay on Wii U. Also, I wasn’t kidding about how you will be able to reach the mountains that appear in the distance if you should choose to!


I also got to talk about Hyrule Warriors on Nintendo Treehouse Live at E3 on the live internet show from E3 with Mr. Hayashi from Tecmo Koei Games. If you’re interested in hearing what we talked about, the videos will be posted soon so please check them out!"



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I still don't believe it's truly an open world.


I have my doubts too.


When I saw this screen of TP back in the day, I imagined running across a huge landscape as far as the hills in the background. Without loading screens between areas.




That didn't come to pass.


I worry that even if it is a large world it'll still be segmented into little parts and wont really have that sense of exploration. For a game to feel truly open world, I think it needs to be consistently streaming and be one big area.

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But that's a rather blurry image showing an unclear section of landscape. This is a really clear image of the landscape with no visible nearby boundaries. There is no way this can have smaller sections without looking utterly stupid with completely random cut-off points that won't be visible.

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But that's a rather blurry image showing an unclear section of landscape. This is a really clear image of the landscape with no visible nearby boundaries. There is no way this can have smaller sections without looking utterly stupid with completely random cut-off points that won't be visible.


I know it's not directly comparative, I'm just suggesting that the initial illusion of openness isn't necessarily representative of the final game.


With TP it wasn't just that screen, I recall early gameplay footage of horseback fights seeming to suggest there was combat on open plains that were more vast than the sections in the final game.


Of course the Wii U's tech is far beyond the gamecube and large open environments are more possible now than ever. There's no reason why other games on other systems should be able to do it and Zelda not be able to. I just hope they stick with that direction though because it will require then staying true to their initial vision and not conforming to a traditional format as development continues.

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The thing is, with this game, it isn't "implied" or "assumed". The developer is telling us it is.


Of course, a developer's word is what it is (I remember half of his TP promises didn't come to pass), but it still holds more weight than a self-made assumption from the first trailer.

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I really can't see Nintendo doing a Watch_Dogs or Colonial Marines. Then again, both of those were mainly due to graphics and poorly made and not completely lying about the scope of the game, so it would be worse than those two.

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See I told you it was Link in the trailer but ye had your doubts. ;) Tut, tut, tut.


“Actually that comment I made jokingly. It’s not that I said that it wasn’t Link. It’s that I never said that it was Link. It’s not really the same thing, but I can understand how it could be taken that way.


“It seems like it has kind of taken off where people are saying ‘oh it’s a female character’ and it just kind of grew. But my intent in saying that was humour. You know, you have to show Link when you create a trailer for a Zelda announcement.


“I don’t want people to get hung up on the way Link looks because ultimately Link represents the player in the game. I don’t want to define him so much that it becomes limiting to the players. I want players to focus on other parts of the trailer and not specifically on the character because the character Link represents, again, the player.” - Zelda series producer Eiji Aonuma


That's stll a face in the arrow-head though.

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I believe Aonuma that the game is truly openworld and that you'll be able to move seamlessly to anywhere in the background you can see (ie. the mountains).


However, what I have my doubts about is how zoomed-out that screen is. Aonuma stressed that it was how the game looked when being played, and of course I believe him, but I hoped the camera would then zoom in and show us what it's like to traverse that world. Whilst I understand the point was to show how big the world was (and it worked), it's a bit frustrating to not have any more reassurance about the actual game.


My concern is that the game will be split into two types of area: overworld and sub-areas, so whilst you can travel to any mountain, it might become fixed-view areas when you get there. Going back to the "field" screen, on the other hand, it's so incredibly detailed that I find it very hard to believe you will be as much a part of it as you were in OOT/TP. You might be able to approach things from most angles, but can you actually view it from other angles? And are all the features of the map properly modelled, or are they just icons for you to press "A" when you're next to them? Will you be able to explore the nooks and crannies of that cottage? Will those trees in the background tower over you when you get to them, or will everything remain zoomed-out?


The new Zelda looks great, it really does, but its reveals tells us less about how it will feel to play than any other Zelda I can remember.

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Am I the only one under the impression that this looks kinda high-tech?


No, we had a discussion a few pages back:


* Slightly sci-fi (the bow)


I still can't get over the fact that this is Sci-Fi Zelda!


The monster was also firing lasers all over the place.


You're right though, the monster does look very sci-fi and machine-like. A mixture of nature and technology.


So that creature/golem......its basically a Beamos crossed with an octo rock, its not overly Sci-fi...but then the bow certainly was......



Technology infiltrating the Zelda World seems like a very cool storyline if they were to take that route.


Some mad scientist as the main villian or something.


As well as comparisons to SS's robots and lost technology.


It's actually the aspect of this game that excites me the most, right now!

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Am I the only one under the impression that this looks kinda high-tech?


The level of detail is phenomenal. I've been watching the trailer over and over for little clues and hints like the pattern on Links shawl as he throws it away. But I'm only noticing now that Link pulls the trigger on the arrow(almost like pulling the pin from a grenade) before he fires it.

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The level of detail is phenomenal. I've been watching the trailer over and over for little clues and hints like the pattern on Links shawl as he throws it away. But I'm only noticing now that Link pulls the trigger on the arrow(almost like pulling the pin from a grenade) before he fires it.


I didn't actually notice that. That's an amazing little touch.


I was quite indecisive in regards of the art style to begin with, but I've warmed up to it. The one thing that bugs me a bit is Links face. It seems kind of flat and undetailed. If you look at everything else, it's crammed full of tiny little touches, like the ropes on the arrow, the individual, not alligned planks on the bridge and the scales on the monsters legs. Links face just seems much, much more toony than anything else in that environment.

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I hope though that Epona doesnt have the same control mechanics as TPs horse - looks to be identical at the moment - just felt clunky.


The level of detail is phenomenal. I've been watching the trailer over and over for little clues and hints like the pattern on Links shawl as he throws it away. But I'm only noticing now that Link pulls the trigger on the arrow(almost like pulling the pin from a grenade) before he fires it.


Also theres the potential for joint Link & Epona attack moves - just before Link jumps, Epona gives him a boost. Seems like it may be a horse-heavy game.

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