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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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So you have never played it before yet you are intentionally depriving yourself of playing a classic Zelda title due to it not being a "true Wii U Zelda title"


What do you intend to achieve by not getting it?


I believe in voting with your wallet. I have nothing against this remake per se. I am however against Nintendo doing something similar again. If the next Zelda will be done properly, then no harm done in buying this one.

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I believe in voting with your wallet. I have nothing against this remake per se. I am however against Nintendo doing something similar again. If the next Zelda will be done properly, then no harm done in buying this one.


why does it matter what visual style the game is made in, as long as the game is good? Wind Waker is widely regarded as the best/one of the best Zelda's ever, and your saying if the new game copies its style you'll not buy it regardless of how good it is, purely because its cel shaded?



We don't even have any idea what style the new Zelda will be in anyway? we just know they tried updating old engines/visual styles to HD to see how they worked, and while they were at it they saw the potential of re-releasing wind waker


I can't get my head around your reasoning/opinion darkjak, because how a game looks shouldn't matter, there are some beautiful games out there that are just horrible gameplay/storywise, it just seams like your cutting off your nose to spite your face.


sure if Wind Waker was terrible the vote with your wallet, but its not, depending on your view its either very good or the best Zelda, you rarely hear anyone say its the worst game.


And if the new zelda does go cel shaded and is a terrible game then vote with your wallet, but if it ends up as cel shaded and is critically acclaimed etc will you still refuse?

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I'm really tempted by this new Game voucher that brings the Ganondorf limited edition down to near enough £50, but then I remember I'm paying near enough £50 for a game I already have on my shelf and a very elaborate kinder egg toy. Can't bring myself to enter the card details on the order. The game on it's own will surely slip to £30ish within the next few weeks, right?


(Yes, I know everyone is saying the same thing, long hair don't care)

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I'm really tempted by this new Game voucher that brings the Ganondorf limited edition down to near enough £50, but then I remember I'm paying near enough £50 for a game I already have on my shelf and a very elaborate kinder egg toy. Can't bring myself to enter the card details on the order. The game on it's own will surely slip to £30ish within the next few weeks, right?


(Yes, I know everyone is saying the same thing, long hair don't care)


I'm hoping too, but i don't see it happening.


Looking forward to potentially using the Gamepad as a Pictobox to take the random pictures for the Nintendo Gallery, will be interesting.

Edited by Jimbob
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Exactly! Its not all about looks but its the personality of the game that counts! Haha!


Well Darkjak its you who will be missing out...again.


I think he's got a bit of a point.

Graphical style has a lot to do with the "personality" of a game. For me, Zelda, A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time all featured a vast world to explore with secrets around every corner. A story as well rendered as the technology allowed for. For the time, the world felt almost as vast as Skyrim does today, the story was as impressive as Mass Effect and the combat system was tenfold more impressive than any combat system in any game available today.


Sorry to say, I believe that after the N64, the Zelda series went kinda south. I know people whose favorite Zeldas are Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, A Link to the Past... even Zelda II. But noone has ever listed Skyward Sword, Wind Waker or Twiligt Princess. Wind Waker ends up "near the top" at best. It's like Nintendo dropped the concept of being perfectionistic with their Zelda games and instead decided to try and reinvent Zelda with each home console entry. Each time with a worse result.


I'm going to be a bit booring and say that I don't want Zelda to be DIFFERENT. I want it to be BETTER. The cartridge limitations are gone, you can add voice acting without a problem. Processing power and storage means you can create vast, truly open game worlds, like in let's say Red Dead Redemption. The Wii U has several gigs of fast-loading flash memory, Nintendo can add the persistent world they envisioned, but failed to acheive when creating Ocarina of Time. NPC's can go about their business during the day, like in Majoras Mask... potentially, if you create the persistant world, you can even make them change their daily routines dynamically, depending on what's happening in the world around them.



And of course, no need to create an artsy-fartsy art style to hide system limitations.

And before you say that more of the same would be a bad thing: look at Grand Theft Auto. GTAV is a natural evolution of the original GTA. Do you think anyone in their right mind will say it's worse than San Andreas?


Unlike Darkjak, I'll buy this game because I've wanted to own it for some time now. But I think Nintendo need to get their thumb out and make a tried and true, according to the book, looking at what the rest of the industry has been doing for the last 15 years and adapting accordingly, honest to god bloody terrific Zelda.

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Holy fuck those gifs are incredible. Give me this art style over bland, grey/brown "realistic" Zelda ANY DAY.


I guess I'll be the douche who refuses to bury the hatchet, but despite not buying it the first time around, I won't buy this until Nintendo show the true Wii U Zelda. If they do it properly, I'll buy both. If they don't, I won't buy either.


I won't go into what I want the next Zelda to be like, I'll just leave it as is so to speak.


By all means deprive yourself of one of the greatest games ever made, for some silly and childish reasoning or because you think you're taking a stand. Believe me it's completely and laughably, your loss.


I know people whose favorite Zeldas are Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, A Link to the Past... even Zelda II. But noone has ever listed Skyward Sword, Wind Waker or Twiligt Princess


Then you would be wrong. Grazza and I as just two examples consider The Wind Waker as our favourite Zelda, and in my case, it's my favourite game of all time.

Edited by Ronnie
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The visuals of Wind Waker are very nice, they're beautiful in fact. But I think if Twilight Princess or Majora's Mask got the HD treatment they'd be as equally impressive if not more so for me as I prefer that visual style and I think they're better games.


I don't know if this endeavor was really necessary as Wind Waker was perfectly fine to me and the time and resources should have been put to better use, namely into the next Zelda. We'll see if Nintendo will be rewarded for their efforts. It won't bomb by any means but at the same time I don't think it'll set the world on fire. I kind of feel like this is Nintendo trying to convince people second time around that Wind Waker was a great game and to be more accepting of the visuals.

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I think @darkjak has a point, and I think there are a lot of people who are patiently anticipating the first real details of the next Zelda. Don't get me wrong, the series has been absolutely stellar as a whole. We've had many great games and lots of life-long memories but now we're looking towards Zelda on Wii U.


This will probably be Nintendo's largest project to date and the whole world wants to see what a NEW Zelda will look, feel & play like. They want to see if The Legend of Zelda can actually break away from that classic formula, new ideas being thrown into the mix and a brand new world to explore. Heck, we all want to see a true next-gen Zelda and I'm not just talking about the visuals, motion controls or touchscreen play. This is has to be a Game-changer.

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I think @darkjak has a point too - I'm also a little suprised at some of the hostility expressed towards him for what is essentially his own personal choice. Sure, I've played WW before so I'm not picking up because I believe it's an extortionate price. I can't say what I would do if I hadn't played it before, because tbh I can't see that ever having been the case and me still sitting here being the same person I am. He may be missing out on a remake of what some consider the greatest game ever - but don't forget that this IS a remake. It ISN'T the original, which may have been one of the greatest games ever then, but it's also tainted by retrospecs from most of us.


Personally, I'd quite like to see reactions to this game from people who've never played Wind Waker - I love to see if games hold up and stand the test of time, and for that reason I'd love if darkjak got it. However, I don't think his current reasoning for not buying it is all that mad or disgraceful - he doesn't feel it's a fit product, and would rather see something new than something old. Is there really something so wrong with that?


No... the sea was a mystery to be explored with plenty of stuff kicking around try and attack you optional paths to explore. It's a much better balance of the concept of an open play ground rather than Wind Waker where you could hardly ever see anything to get tempted by.


Can you really not see how the Wind Waker "mechanic" was little more than a way of either controlling where you went in the early parts of the game or later an irritating barrier to going where you needed to. I don't mind there being mechanics that present an obstacle that I need to overcome. But changing the fucking wind direction? What, as a player do I get out of doing that? It's whimsically fun the first couple of times but you get no sense of achievement out of it and you don't get to feel like a badass wind master because there are hardly and times in the game where you actually use that mechanic outside of sailing.


It's not clever, it's almost functionless from a game design point of view and stops people from enjoying the game by wasting their time. I don't have the attention span of an 8 year old (but thanks for the petty inference) but I do prefer to not have to pay penance to a game before I can get to the bits we all enjoyed.


Again, I must agree with you. Whilst I did love WW, I'd forgotten how restrictive the sailing starts off; I just remember feeling it was a bit tediously annoying at the beginning of the game. I don't think the wind waker was a particular good idea/design, essentially funtioning as/mimicking the ocarina of OoT which they clearly wanted to emulate without straight up ripping it off - so they re-skinned it into this apparent magical item that was the wind waker. Short of its few sailing uses I don't recall it doing much else?

Edited by Rummy
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I dont think Darkjak has much of a point im afraid.


Fair enough preferring a realistic looking Zelda but just depriving himself of a great title to make a point is a little silly.


He might actually really enjoy the game if he tried it!


But whatever. Does not affect me in the slightest. I will be getting this game and then once completed be looking forward to the next instalment!

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They really really really have to bring back the Deku leaf in Zelda Wii U. Just seeing those gifs of Link floating as his magic metre pings down... stunning and magical in equal measure.


Actually the Forbidden Woods was my favourite dungeon in the game, so beautiful.

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