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The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD


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I'd really love them to expand the Great Sea to include some new, bigger islands. Maybe a customisable island that other WiiU users can visit...


I would also love to see SS fighting controls but I think the confirmation that you can play it on the Gamepad sort of rules that out.


The Pictobox might be easier to use with the game pad as well!


Maybe they'll also be a Master Quest?

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No reason for me to buy a Wii U.


New Zelda should be...no...should have been the priority from the start.


I don't get developers and Nintendo in particular. Why don't they make...no...haven't they made a new Zelda/F-Zero/Starfox/Metroid? Everyone wants this.


Wind Waker HD looks good, though...

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No reason for me to buy a Wii U.


New Zelda should be...no...should have been the priority from the start.

I get the feeling Nintendo have somewhat been panicking a little with the move to HD Visuals...

and that's why release games and info in general has been a bit thin on the ground.


It seems from this that they've had to use tests on previous games to sort a lot of things out, and well if it means we get the best possible games from them in the end/as a result then it's the best thing for them to do.


This is really just a bonus whilst they work all that out and what they're going to do with Zelda Wii U.


Here's hoping they go through the same process with Metroid Prime 4! ;)

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I'll get it, but I won't pay full price for it unless it's added enough new stuff to it. Of all the zelda remakes I want, it'd be MM on 3DS and LttP done in a 3D engine(ie a 3D zelda, like OoT, MM, WW etc). It's certainly unexpected, and will do well to rope people in - but yeah today's solidifying my Wii U purchase a bit more.

Edited by Rummy
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You know what? I'll miss the cel-shading, but I hope they don't change this too much. The screenshots look absolutely outstanding and I think it would be disappointing if the final game didn't look as good as this.


So, extra dungeons instead of the Tri-Force quest? GamePad used for Pictograph-taking?


Sure, we all want a brand new Zelda, but they are always (by their nature) an unknown quantity. Remakes are a brilliant way to offer a top class game early in a console's lifespan - this is meant to be out by Autumn, right? That's at least a year before I'd expect a new Zelda. To me, they literally could not have announced anything better than this.

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I didn't buy Wind Waker first time around out of sheer protest. And by the time Twilight Princess was out and Nintendo thereby had made amends for their sins, I couldn't get a copy of WW. So, atless Nintendo make the next Zelda toony, I'll buy this. But if the next Zelda IS toony, I'll buy neither of them, yet again out of protest.


You honestly didn't buy Wind Waker 'out of protest' because it was 'toony'?


Oh dear. I didn't think ignorance like that still existed, certainly on this board.

Edited by Ronnie
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Maybe this time they can finish the game.


Looks great, Nintendo showing how a proper HD update is done. I wonder how much extra content will be added. Wasn't there rumours of dungeons being cut because of time constraints?


Tbh I'm not bothered about them adding extra dungeons, but I would like a little more freedom to run around Hyrule beneath the waves. That was the only thing that bothered me about the game.


I'd really love them to expand the Great Sea to include some new, bigger islands. Maybe a customisable island that other WiiU users can visit...


I would also love to see SS fighting controls but I think the confirmation that you can play it on the Gamepad sort of rules that out.


The Pictobox might be easier to use with the game pad as well!


Maybe they'll also be a Master Quest?


Yup it would be nice to see those two cut dungeon's added, but they reuse ideas from them in other games don't they? like the Temple of Time dungeon cut from OoT ended up in Twillight Princess


They will surely add some content, but i doubt it would be all the cut content, if were lucky they will do something like Alttp GBa and add a hero's dungeon ( i am thinking of the right one aren't i?) and i doubt SS controls will come in, "maybe" waggle wiimote controls and some touch control of instruments etc but its a controller game and i'd hate for them to force a new control system on us, if it was optional then hell yeah whack it in

but i cannot wait for this game seriously cannot wait, it was one of, if not the best zelda ever

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It seems from this that they've had to use tests on previous games to sort a lot of things out, and well if it means we get the best possible games from them in the end/as a result then it's the best thing for them to do.


Sort these issues out before you release a console + work on games before you release a console + release major first party title with console release = profit.


I don't know much about Wii U sales, but I hear they are not that good?

A new proper HD Zelda at launch. Only this. Wii U would've sold shitloads.


Well, I don't really care that much. I'll probably get a Wii U next year, anyway, unless Sony and/or Microsoft blow me away with their new consoles.

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I'll get the hate but seriously, it's depressing that an HD remake is massive news instead of a wholly new game. After all the crooning about constant sequels, this is worse - it's exactly the same game, but much pretty. Even though graphics aren't meant to be a big deal. Why this would make sone one pick up a Wii U when before they weren't is beyond me. If you already have a Wii U, yeah, it's awesome. Something new, though, please.

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Yeah but what he's saying is that this is getting a huge amount of hype. I agree with his sentiments as well, if I wasn't planning on getting a Wii U anyway I wouldn't get one just for this(and, I don't know at what point I *will* pick this up). I dunno if it's worse than a zelda sequel mind, at least with this we know what we're getting - and it'd be nice if the next generation get to experience what was a cracking game.

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I'll get the hate but seriously, it's depressing that an HD remake is massive news instead of a wholly new game.


This! But it's not only Nintendo that praises HD remakes.


Although in rare cases like Okami HD, remakes can be amazing. And from the looks of it Wind Waker HD has potential.


Still: New game > Remake

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I just don't think people should be negative about this. I mean a new game is coming, but it takes time, alot more time! I mean skyward sword is only a year old, you can't expect nintendo to already have a finished new title!


I don't mind replaying the wind waker in the mean time.

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You honestly didn't buy Wind Waker 'out of protest' because it was 'toony'?


Oh dear. I didn't think ignorance like that still existed, certainly on this board.

Consumers have the right to vote with their wallets and that's what I did. Why is it ignorant to dislike a game that takes half of the franchises identity and chucks it out the window in favor of a fad. Because WW was announced at a time when Cel Shading was a fad. Remember XIII, Auto Modellista, Cell Damage, Jet Set Radio etc?


Zelda isn't a franchise that should be influenced by dumb fads. If that were the case, Skyward Sword would've been grey and Link would've been running down a narrow corridor and have a cover system and regenerating health.


Further more, when choosing a graphical style reminiscent of modern TV-cartoons (which IMO is way more dumbed down than let's say Ducktales or Turtles that I used to watch), rather than let's say an anime style, reducing the difficulty and creating small isolated islands on which you can't get lost, they clearly indicated that they were aiming towards the new breed of dumb kids, rather than more mature gamers. I would've been fine with an animé style, like in their promo art or Valkyria Chronicles:


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I know I've said this in a few places but.....


Looks amazing... but I'll not be sold unless I hear confirmation that the Triforce Hunt/Fishing section is gone/shortened and/or (preferably) replaced by a dungeon or two.


I'd also like to see the size of the great sea tuned down a bit so travel doesn't take AAGEES. I'll never forget setting Link on a straight line to some destination, going to the kitchen, wait for kettle to boil, make cup of tea, return to Gamecube to find Link still hasn't reached destination :mad:


Or at the least add a few extra warp points to open up to make travel faster.

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Consumers have the right to vote with their wallets and that's what I did. Why is it ignorant to dislike a game that takes half of the franchises identity and chucks it out the window in favor of a fad. Because WW was announced at a time when Cel Shading was a fad. Remember XIII, Auto Modellista, Cell Damage, Jet Set Radio etc?


Zelda isn't a franchise that should be influenced by dumb fads. If that were the case, Skyward Sword would've been grey and Link would've been running down a narrow corridor and have a cover system and regenerating health.


Further more, when choosing a graphical style reminiscent of modern TV-cartoons (which IMO is way more dumbed down than let's say Ducktales or Turtles that I used to watch), rather than let's say an anime style, reducing the difficulty and creating small isolated islands on which you can't get lost, they clearly indicated that they were aiming towards the new breed of dumb kids, rather than more mature gamers. I would've been fine with an animé style, like in their promo art or Valkyria Chronicles:



I believe the contrary! It's not because the graphics were more suited for kids (I mean that in no bad way, it looked brilliant), that it also means that the gameplay was made simpler! The gameplay was far superior to previous titles like majora's mask and ocarina of time. The controls were perfect in this game. I also didn't experience the temples as being simple or smaller and the ocean was HUGE to explore.

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