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Things that people say that wind you up


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I have to intervene here... As someone who likes alot of shit, what I/we really make fun of isn't that you like something, but that you (ie most people, not you specifically) can be so conceited as to immediately assume that because they enjoy something or find it to their liking, that immeditely makes it good and impervious to criticism. My most played and favourite album of 2012 was Lana Del Rey's Born To Die. It was simultaneously one of the worst albums to have come out this year that I was aware of. The music is soulless, basically it's just overly-dramatic classic pop revisiting in every song, with empty lyrics sung in monotone by a semi talented Nancy Sinatra impersonator. It's mediocre at best. I am aware of that. It's still my favourite album of 2012 and Blue Jeans (a shameless Wicked Game ripoff) is probably my favourite track of the year. I never criticize anyone for liking anything, I criticize them for being so self involved that they can't see beyond their own attachment to something. I enjoy alot of crap, and do so happily. But denying something is bad simply because you like it is childish abd ignorant.


The problem here is that when you tell a One Direction fan that OD are a crap band, the fan cannot fathom such a hipothesis to be within the realm of resaon. People act like they have supreme taste in everything and get offended when they get called/challenged on it. That's the most subconsciently self centered shit in the world, and it's annoying as fuck. People take their own opinions way too seriously when it comes to impartial debate. How much you enjoy something ≠ how good something is.


I get what you're saying, it does annoy me sometimes but sometimes it's not about what you mentioned. As Charlie said, it's because the item/subject/media/whatever is supposed to hit a certain demographic and yet someone outside of that likes it. Like with Twilight, I know it's mostly aimed at pre-teen girls but I like it and I don't care. I know it's shit and the writing isn't great but I still enjoy it (well, I have a love-hate thing with it). It's not because they can't take criticism or anything like that but because of the minority who 'aren't supposed to like it' like it.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, I got asked if I was gay because I enjoyed Les Misèrables and musicals in general because apparently, no straight men are allowed to like them. But fuck 'em, I like what I like.

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I get what you're saying, it does annoy me sometimes but sometimes it's not about what you mentioned. As Charlie said, it's because the item/subject/media/whatever is supposed to hit a certain demographic and yet someone outside of that likes it. Like with Twilight, I know it's mostly aimed at pre-teen girls but I like it and I don't care. I know it's shit and the writing isn't great but I still enjoy it (well, I have a love-hate thing with it). It's not because they can't take criticism or anything like that but because of the minority who 'aren't supposed to like it' like it.


As I mentioned in an earlier post, I got asked if I was gay because I enjoyed Les Misèrables and musicals in general because apparently, no straight men are allowed to like them. But fuck 'em, I like what I like.


Ah, I misunderstood it, then. I agree with you. Hell, I'm a Brony AND I love musicals. And I'm as straight as they come, too (though I wish I was bi...)!

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Ah, I misunderstood it, then. I agree with you. Hell, I'm a Brony AND I love musicals. And I'm as straight as they come, too (though I wish I was bi...)!


Was just about to say what @Animal said. If they don't like it and come up with a reason for that that's cool, everyone has an opinion. It's the making fun of people for their own tastes.


Apart from if it's Twilight, then it's cool. :p

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Ah, I misunderstood it, then. I agree with you. Hell, I'm a Brony AND I love musicals. And I'm as straight as they come, too (though I wish I was bi...)!


So are you, like, bi-curious? Or do you mean it would be easier if you were because of your tastes?


Was just about to say what @Animal said. If they don't like it and come up with a reason for that that's cool, everyone has an opinion. It's the making fun of people for their own tastes.


Apart from if it's Twilight, then it's cool. :p


@Charlie, hate goes to you! :p


But seriously, guys like us should be proud of themselves for sticking to their guns and not falling for the bullshit of 'straight men should like this and hate that'. Fuck that shit! I will sit there and watch The Wizard of Oz and I will enjoy it if I want to! It is a musical, it does not make me any less of a man!


But yeah, men like that irritate the shite out of me. I like Glee and I don't care who knows it. TV shows, movies or music do not make you gay, liking only the same sex does, when will people learn this?


One day, we'll be left alone...:D

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So are you, like, bi-curious? Or do you mean it would be easier if you were because of your tastes?


Nope, just regular straight. Happily with the same gf for 4 years and counting. Wish I was bi so I could fuck dudes. That's pretty much it. I find sex with other men repulsive and disgusting, but I wish it weren't so, so I could see what it was all about, you know? Everyone on the menu and all that jazz!! As it stands, I have total respect/comfort for/around gays and have many gay close friends, but alas, no gay impulses.

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Nope, just regular straight. Happily with the same gf for 4 years and counting. Wish I was bi so I could fuck dudes. That's pretty much it. I find sex with other men repulsive and disgusting, but I wish it weren't so, so I could see what it was all about, you know? Everyone on the menu and all that jazz!! As it stands, I have total respect/comfort for/around gays and have many gay close friends, but alas, no gay impulses.


Ah, fair enough. But surely if you find it disgusting and repulsive, you wouldn't want to know what it's like though, right?

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Ignoring the slightly bizarre direction this thread has taken - I just heard a girl on the phone say that she was 'just in the lib'. Since when did library need to be shortened!?


Lib? Ugh! Why do people shorten things? A couple of more syllables is not going to kill you!

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It's more of a thing people type that annoys me than something they say though maybe that's just because my friends aren't obnoxious enough to use it, but the phrase "I called it" should be outlawed and anyone caught typing it should be permanently banned from the internet and if spoken should be slapped. Mr Colbert has a lot to answer for...

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I have to intervene here... As someone who likes alot of shit, what I/we really make fun of isn't that you like something, but that you (ie most people, not you specifically) can be so conceited as to immediately assume that because they enjoy something or find it to their liking, that immeditely makes it good and impervious to criticism. My most played and favourite album of 2012 was Lana Del Rey's Born To Die. It was simultaneously one of the worst albums to have come out this year that I was aware of. The music is soulless, basically it's just overly-dramatic classic pop revisiting in every song, with empty lyrics sung in monotone by a semi talented Nancy Sinatra impersonator. It's mediocre at best. I am aware of that. It's still my favourite album of 2012 and Blue Jeans (a shameless Wicked Game ripoff) is probably my favourite track of the year. I never criticize anyone for liking anything, I criticize them for being so self involved that they can't see beyond their own attachment to something. I enjoy alot of crap, and do so happily. But denying something is bad simply because you like it is childish abd ignorant.


The problem here is that when you tell a One Direction fan that OD are a crap band, the fan cannot fathom such a hipothesis to be within the realm of resaon. People act like they have supreme taste in everything and get offended when they get called/challenged on it. That's the most subconsciently self centered shit in the world, and it's annoying as fuck. People take their own opinions way too seriously when it comes to impartial debate. How much you enjoy something ≠ how good something is.


I'm not going to start a debate on objectivity of media but I'd like to propose a reason why what you described happens. I believe it lies in an individual's personal definition of good. Let's assume there are 2: "I like it", "It has quality". The problem here lies that if you tell a OD fan that OD is crap and his definition is the first, then he will assume you're telling him he's not allowed to like it, and be annoyed. Now when people differentiate quality and taste like you do, then they're more likely to call OD a guilty pleasure and agree that they are not "good". The people that assume good = "I like it" likely don't care about your perception of quality, and judge music solely by their enjoyment of it, whereas you obviously do not. So instead of being annoyed, you could just accept that people don't care about music enough to be able to describe quality past their personal enjoyment.


That's just my opinion.

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It's more of a thing people type that annoys me than something they say though maybe that's just because my friends aren't obnoxious enough to use it, but the phrase "I called it" should be outlawed and anyone caught typing it should be permanently banned from the internet and if spoken should be slapped. Mr Colbert has a lot to answer for...


I've never heard the phrase with the "I" in it.

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I've never heard the phrase with the "I" in it.


Really? You don't see a million and one internet posts where someone states the bleeding obvious only to then prattle on about how they called it with their nostradamus like levels of future telling? Either that or so many wild ideas are thown out that amongst them all, every eventuality has been covered... and then you get people going on about it.


If you want to say you were correct in predicting something, that's fine but only if you came to your original conclusion based on logic and reason, and not because you had info that others didn't or because you plucked it out of thin air as part of your wishful thinking process.


Either way, just don't use that phrase.

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Really? You don't see a million and one internet posts where someone states the bleeding obvious only to then prattle on about how they called it with their nostradamus like levels of future telling? Either that or so many wild ideas are thown out that amongst them all, every eventuality has been covered... and then you get people going on about it.


What I mean is that whenever I've heard it, it's people saying "Called it", which is even worse.

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How much you enjoy something ≠ how good something is.


While I agree with your post, I also believe that nothing is objectively good (at best, there are things that most people find good).


I believe a better way to sum up things is that respect for other people's tastes is important. So if someone likes One Direction, others shouldn't think less or make assumptions about them, and the person that likes OD should also be able to accept criticism, and their opinion isn't shared by their peers (hence, admitting your "guilty pleasure").


But I'm really just rephrasing something we both already agree on :heh:

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Ignoring the slightly bizarre direction this thread has taken - I just heard a girl on the phone say that she was 'just in the lib'. Since when did library need to be shortened!?

Maybe it's because of the sexuality-related discussion before your post, but my first thought was that 'in the lib' was somehow slang for 'experimenting with lesbianism'. Lib/lesbianism/labia? Hmm.


I could see a girl saying, "Tracy, I was, like, totally in the lib during your party last night!"

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Well she was a bit lesbian-y...



With regards to the other topic currently going on in this thread (no, not men are disgusting):


Why would you feel the need to go up to someone and tell them their favourite thing is rubbish. Surely that's just being a dick.


Regardless on whether or not they can accept criticism, if they like it, and you don't, leave them alone!

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But it is helpful because it plays a tiny part in it. If you don't recognise it, how are you going to do something about it? It's a stepping stone. Start with something small and then work your way up. If you're told "You need to do this" or "You can do it", you psyche yourself until you do it. Someone said to me "You need to lose weight". To others, it may not seem helpful but it is because it's someone telling me the problem and it's me recognising it. It does play a small part but it's helpful. A person with OCD sometimes may not really realise they obsess and think it's normal until someone tells them "You need to stop obsessing". At first, they may not believe you for a while and they think it's normal right up until they have a panic attack because they forgot to do something. They realise the problem and that's all because of someone who told them that they needed to stop. From then on, it's up to them to decide what to do.


So you see, it is helpful to an extent to be told "Be more confident". They may know they're not but they may not know. It's just a matter of recognising the problem and someone telling you.


True, realising the problem is the first step. That's a good point. I just find it's somewhat lacking advice to give on its own. Like I said, it is good advice, I just think there's a lot more helpful advice to be given; simply stating "Be more confident!" isn't likely to just fix the problem. :heh:

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I'm not going to start a debate on objectivity of media but I'd like to propose a reason why what you described happens. I believe it lies in an individual's personal definition of good. Let's assume there are 2: "I like it", "It has quality". The problem here lies that if you tell a OD fan that OD is crap and his definition is the first, then he will assume you're telling him he's not allowed to like it, and be annoyed. Now when people differentiate quality and taste like you do, then they're more likely to call OD a guilty pleasure and agree that they are not "good". The people that assume good = "I like it" likely don't care about your perception of quality, and judge music solely by their enjoyment of it, whereas you obviously do not. So instead of being annoyed, you could just accept that people don't care about music enough to be able to describe quality past their personal enjoyment.


That's just my opinion.


I can pretty much agree with everything you said, but it still annoys me. Although not that much, if I'm honest... I live in a pretty accepting circle of people, and and all the "making" fun that happens around me is done in good spirits and never with true harmful intentions, so it's not really that big of a deal.

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True, realising the problem is the first step. That's a good point. I just find it's somewhat lacking advice to give on its own. Like I said, it is good advice, I just think there's a lot more helpful advice to be given; simply stating "Be more confident!" isn't likely to just fix the problem. :heh:


That's true, I agree with you there! I do think that "Be more confident!" is very helpful but I can see what you mean, there is more helpful advice out there but it all starts with you recognising the problem, which is why I rate that advice high.

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"It's always in the last place you look!"


Of course it is, fuckwit! Once you've found it, you stop looking and therefore by definition it is the last place you look!

Mother of god, my mum used to say that all the time... "Where'd you leave it?" ..............

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Mother of god, my mum used to say that all the time... "Where'd you leave it?" ..............




...did you find the knife? I left it in an obvious place...




Sorry, had a bit to drink.... it's been a rough day.

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