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Things that people say that wind you up


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I realise that certain things that people say (certain phrases) are gradually beginning to annoy me. Particularly in the work-place.


The one that seems to be used very often where I work is "so we're all singing from the same hymn sheet". I haaaaate that saying so much. One of my friends uses it quite often and I told her it grinds, yet she still continues to use it.


The other one is "touch base".

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I realise that certain things that people say (certain phrases) are gradually beginning to annoy me. Particularly in the work-place.


The one that seems to be used very often where I work is "so we're all singing from the same hymn sheet". I haaaaate that saying so much. One of my friends uses it quite often and I told her it grinds, yet she still continues to use it.


The other one is "touch base".


The hymn sheet one annoys me too but what does "touch base" mean? I've not heard of that one before.


For me, it's whatever people say that is from TOWIE like 'reem' and stuff like that. Oh and the 'Keep Calm' stuff starts to get on my tits as well unless it's something particularly amusing like "Keep Calm and Fus Ro Dah" or something.


A guy at work constantly says "Just remember to keep calm and carry on" like he thought it up and it does annoy me not only because he thinks he imagined it but also because that saying alone is just too annoying for words.


Oh, and people who speak like they're something from the ghetto. Like "I was cotching in ma yard with ma pals when this hench beast walks on smacking his gums at us"...that just irks me!

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They use touch base in a way that means making contact with someone. So, touching base with a parent means making contact with them, speaking to them after school or organising a meeting.


I can only assume it has something to do with rocket launches into space. So, arriving back home would be touching base, or arriving home.



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"Touch base" is slang for "masturbate together in the break room, keeping eye contact the whole time". So you should feel free to run away screaming through plate glass windows when someone says "Let's touch base next week".


"LOL" written or said. Both are equally annoying.

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"LOL" written or said. Both are equally annoying.


I don't mind it written but I just hate it when they either don't find it funny or they just think it's okay to respond to it with that and only that. Like you'd send a text and then you get one back just saying "LOL" is annoying.


I hate it when it's said though. A lot of kids do it nowaday, what the heck is wrong with laughing?! It's like it's against the law to do it or something.

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This isn't really quite the same, but I hate when people say or do something totally dickish and when you respond in a negative way they suddenly become all defensive and bust out lines like "WELL, I guess I'm a dick for trying to help".


No, you're a dick because you were being a dick.



Another one: Swings and Roundabouts.


It took me ages to figure out what the hell people meant with swings and roundabouts. Absolutely ages. I remember hearing my little brother use it in conversation and feeling immensely jealous of his knowledge. I later learned what it meant and berate myself for being a dumbass every time it is dropped into conversation.





Wait, wait, I finally have one.





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Another one: Swings and Roundabouts.






WHAT was that UTTER, inexcusable BULLSHIT that came out of that GAPING SHIT CREEK that is your mouth?*


*Said by Yours Truly to someone who said that to Yours Truly a few weeks ago in the UK. Yours Truly had been having a pretty tough day. Yours Truly is unlikely to be invited back to that particular party next year.

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The only thing that generally bugs me is overused, currently popular phrases, like 'good times' from a few years ago, and 'amazeballs'.


Actually, now that I think about it, my best friend calls his girlfriend 'my sweet'. That grates on me. He sounds like a Disney villain.

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I find that a deadpan LOL is a good ironic reaction, actually :heh:


I know it's not exactly a saying, but the erroneous "I could care less" that has been getting more and more popular annoys me to no end. The original saying is so straightforward, so it boggles how come the people who use it don't notice/care that the lack of "not" completely changes what they're trying to say.


"You can't have your cake and eat it."


Then why the fuck would I have some cake?


*High Five*


Another one is "You've made your bed, now lie in it!"


Well...why else did I make my bed? For fun?


Actually, it just means that you have to deal with the consequences of something you did (the implication here is that the bed was badly made)

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Haha.. pretty much this ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHtRnOXXZ0w


But in all seriousness.. most of what really fucking gets to me happens at work. So... Mondayitis and Hump day (or anything to do with wednesday being the middle of the week) get an INSTANT exasperated sigh from me, be they colleague or customer.. I simply dont give a shit. If you have the spare seconds in your life to bring that shit with me, then you have the spare seconds beforehand to come up with something wittier or fucking worthwhile to talk about. (as you can see this actually really pisses me off).


Leaving work alone though... one of the ones that really makes me shudder inside is "the Lord works in mysterious ways".. especially when the person that says it is CLEARLY not in any way shape or form religious.

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We're not allowed to call our patients patients anymore, now we must call them service users, adding on to the already BULLSHIT opening crap we have to say


Good Morning/Afternoon call management Hannah speaking, *BREATHEEEEEEEEEEEE* may I take your service users name pls


OK now imagine saying that about 100 times a day...... 5 days a week....oh you haven't slashed your wrists yet?



I agree with the touch base/singing off the same hymn sheet, we have those crappy corporate sayings on a daily basis in my office.

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We're not allowed to call our patients patients anymore, now we must call them service users, adding on to the already BULLSHIT opening crap we have to say


Good Morning/Afternoon call management Hannah speaking, *BREATHEEEEEEEEEEEE* may I take your service users name pls


OK now imagine saying that about 100 times a day...... 5 days a week....oh you haven't slashed your wrists yet?



I agree with the touch base/singing off the same hymn sheet, we have those crappy corporate sayings on a daily basis in my office.


"Good morning thank you for calling Game Kidderminster where you can now pre-order Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training, Ashley speaking, how may I help?"



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