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Xbox One Console Discussion


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Imagine Nintendo consoles without exclusives!


It's Iwata's worst nightmare.




But seriously though, i don't get why consumers would want exclusives.


Exclusives are what the CEO of Sony or Microsoft want, as it makes people more likely to buy their console rather than someone elses.


As a consumer, why the hell would you want a game that only plays on one console but not the other? You should want ALL games to play on ALL consoles, so you only have to buy one.


Obviously that is never going to happen, but that doesn't mean we should be hoping for games split down the middle so we have to buy both consoles.


I don't want to have to choose between the new Xbox and the PS4, i just want one of them, and not have to worry about the games i won't get to play on the other...

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Well, speaking personally, I'd rather have a lot of good exclusives on both consoles, rather than have a bunch of good exclusives on one console and then still end up having to get the other console because it has one or two exclusive games that I want to play.


But I have a hard time skipping out on games that I'm interested in.

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I have no faith in MS at all to survive this generation, they slowly killed the xbox for me due to all the things listed above, they never improved from launch all the while their perceived direct competitor (Playstation) achieved the same level and then surpassed them on most fronts (exclusive games ad their quality, PSN offering free retails games included in the same price as Live).


MS didn't learn this gen, they arrogantly believed the "gamer" side of xbox was perfect and plowed on with Kinect and casual stuff


so for the next box i expect more of the same, not to mention i suspect they will further alienate their core gamer audience buy concentrating on the casual market, they don't know it but they are positioning themselves into third place this gen and before the race truly starts!


As for always online, it may not be happening......now, i fully believe it was intended until the backlash in the media mainly because xbox this gen has positioned itself as an always online console by virtue of its applications; in that they encourage gamers to always play multiplayer online, then when not gaming they have set the xbox up as this media box connected to just about every internet based streaming software such as netflix etc so you can watch tv and films, now it (finally) has a web browser so it has everything needed for a living room, so the next logical step would be to fully integrate it to always be on and the only thing to use in a living room, as some form of unified hub.

It makes sense in that sense, but the DRM/olways on check is madness that is not feasible at all

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I find it laughable you think it's as simple as the PS4 putting people off Xbox.


Microsoft did that all on their own and have been doing so for a couple years now.


I don’t deny that but the way people were talking it was as if MS were out of the game before they even mentioned anything about their next console.


Like it or not you do not become the #1 selling console 21 months in a row in the US unless you know what you are doing. Are Gold Subs on the decline? Are masses of people leaving the xbox ecosystem? I don’t think so, so all this talk of MS losing the core gamer and they are in trouble due to the PS4 was silly talk simply cos MS had not even revealed anything about the 720. It was way too early for people to start making such predictions.

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I don't think I've switched on my Xbox for about three weeks... :p I have games that I could be playing on it, just... Idk. :hmm:


Then again my PS3 was the same until I switched it on the other day to update it and yesterday to watch a Blu Ray.


I do like owning all consoles but I tend to go through 'phases' of playing just one for a while, at the moment it's my Wii U because of Monster Hunter, Super Metroid and Lego City - when I get around to playing it - we'll see how the conference goes, if a load of games get announced for the new Xbox and I end up wanting one I'll probably be thinking 'hmm best clear some of that backlog on my 360 then' however if it's underwhelming then I'm more likely to think to myself 'PS4 for me then!' *switches on PS3 and finally plays inFamous 1&2*


It literally all depends on the games.

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Like it or not you do not become the #1 selling console 21 months in a row in the US unless you know what you are doing. Are Gold Subs on the decline? Are masses of people leaving the xbox ecosystem? I don’t think so, so all this talk of MS losing the core gamer and they are in trouble due to the PS4 was silly talk simply cos MS had not even revealed anything about the 720. It was way too early for people to start making such predictions.


from personal experience i'd say there is a mass exodus of xbox gamers, 5/6 of mates had xbox's on or shortly after launch and kept them for a while, other than them 3/4 waited for the PS3.

Flash forward to now and of those 5/6 people one still has his xbox....in a box in the loft, everyone else has sold them to buy PS3's and the reasoning being, more people had ps3's and the online was free....admittedly several of them now have PSN plus, but thats purely because it gives them free games, so the extra cost is justifiable as its money not spent on the games.


others on here have moved more towards PS3/PS4 because of dissatisfaction with MS and the direction the xbox is going in.


surely this can't be an isolated case, even on the net there is such a buzz over PS4 yet, there is only fear regarding the Xbox infinity


It literally all depends on the games.


And therein lies the problem with Xbox, its become a third party machine where as PS3/4 offers the same third party games but with exclusives games to boot

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I don't think I've switched on my Xbox for about three weeks... :p I have games that I could be playing on it, just... Idk. :hmm:


Then again my PS3 was the same until I switched it on the other day to update it and yesterday to watch a Blu Ray.


I do like owning all consoles but I tend to go through 'phases' of playing just one for a while, at the moment it's my Wii U because of Monster Hunter, Super Metroid and Lego City - when I get around to playing it - we'll see how the conference goes, if a load of games get announced for the new Xbox and I end up wanting one I'll probably be thinking 'hmm best clear some of that backlog on my 360 then' however if it's underwhelming then I'm more likely to think to myself 'PS4 for me then!' *switches on PS3 and finally plays inFamous 1&2*


It literally all depends on the games.


Well they wont be announcing many games tonight. They've already confirmed that theyre doing that at E3, tonight is for the hardware and a few games like Fifa and probably COD.

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I don’t deny that but the way people were talking it was as if MS were out of the game before they even mentioned anything about their next console.


Like it or not you do not become the #1 selling console 21 months in a row in the US unless you know what you are doing. Are Gold Subs on the decline? Are masses of people leaving the xbox ecosystem? I don’t think so, so all this talk of MS losing the core gamer and they are in trouble due to the PS4 was silly talk simply cos MS had not even revealed anything about the 720. It was way too early for people to start making such predictions.


It's all change when a new generation hits. Lest we forget the PS2 sold over 150 million unites.

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Well they wont be announcing many games tonight. They've already confirmed that theyre doing that at E3, tonight is for the hardware and a few games like Fifa and probably COD.


Hmm well... I guess it'll be something like, 'oh, that console looks... reasonable, what about the games?' basically the opposite of Sony's conference, 'oh, those games look... reasonable, what about the console?'


Even though it ultimately comes down to the games, I do like to actually see the proper hardware that's actually running them, with Sony I was seeing things, great things... (games) but not quite believing them so I expect Microsoft's conference to be more about believing what their machine can do but then wondering where all the games are.

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from personal experience i'd say there is a mass exodus of xbox gamers, 5/6 of mates had xbox's on or shortly after launch and kept them for a while, other than them 3/4 waited for the PS3.

Flash forward to now and of those 5/6 people one still has his xbox....in a box in the loft, everyone else has sold them to buy PS3's and the reasoning being, more people had ps3's and the online was free....admittedly several of them now have PSN plus, but thats purely because it gives them free games, so the extra cost is justifiable as its money not spent on the games.


others on here have moved more towards PS3/PS4 because of dissatisfaction with MS and the direction the xbox is going in.


surely this can't be an isolated case, even on the net there is such a buzz over PS4 yet, there is only fear regarding the Xbox infinity




And therein lies the problem with Xbox, its become a third party machine where as PS3/4 offers the same third party games but with exclusives games to boot


That’s purely anecdotal though isn’t it? The numbers from the US and UK show MS has been dominating for months and there has be no decline.


PS4 got loads of buzz and well deserved but this time tomorrow morning we could be saying MS delivered. On the flip side we could be saying they shit the bed but as I said I think waiting to see what they bring to the table first is better than the predictions of doom and gloom.

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That’s purely anecdotal though isn’t it? The numbers from the US and UK show MS has been dominating for months and there has be no decline.


PS4 got loads of buzz and well deserved but this time tomorrow morning we could be saying MS delivered. On the flip side we could be saying they shit the bed but as I said I think waiting to see what they bring to the table first is better than the predictions of doom and gloom.


Totally its just my own personal experience that has colored my views, i went off the xbox, the ps3 for me offered more, but i doubt i am the only one thats all


perhaps tomorrow we'll be singing its praises, i on the other hand may be nursing a hang over



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Same controller layout, same controller layout, same controller layout.


PS+ style Xbox Live service, no more bullshitty subscription for ads.


Everything else doesn't really matter. We all know what to expect here.

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So what are we expecting?


There are rumours that all of the EA game are exclusive to the 720 and that the new fps by the creators of COD is also an exclusive. the new COD also debuts at the show and so does the next BF3 trailer. So thats 3 fps already not counting the obvious Halo 5 teaser.


Hardware wise i expect the box to be shown. Probably designed by Alienware again?

HDMI In will be pushed hard.

Xbox app, their version of recording video etc. play off your tv

Changing from points to normal currency.

More apps and online features. Probably have special Skype integration.

Spec should be interesting. Either more powerful or less than PS4 going by rumours.

I dont expect much Kinect as this event is about the platform and their vision.

Google glasses competitor

Is BC compatible with 360 in some form...

Significantly cheaper price than the PS4. Perhaps even half the price going by rumours.


Basically I expect a ton of major PS3 and 360 franchise exclusives to the 720 along with half of Hollywood and the music industry to be there.

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Is the "HDMI in" thing something for the American market, with many different cable boxes? It doesn't seem like a particularly useful thing over here. Our TV boxes all have the recording built in, and freeview is generally built into TVs now.

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Is the "HDMI in" thing something for the American market, with many different cable boxes? It doesn't seem like a particularly useful thing over here. Our TV boxes all have the recording built in, and freeview is generally built into TVs now.


Yeah its a limited thing here in europe. Its more hassle to use an external device. Those DVD recorders with HDD's never took off.


I think the overlay aspect will be more successful. xbox UI overlayed on Sky for example. But its intrusive for some people.

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Is the "HDMI in" thing something for the American market, with many different cable boxes? It doesn't seem like a particularly useful thing over here. Our TV boxes all have the recording built in, and freeview is generally built into TVs now.
I have the standard package on Virgin cable, it would work quite nicely for me to feed that into my console. Also, presumably I could have one less remote :p
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Same controller layout, same controller layout, same controller layout.


PS+ style Xbox Live service, no more bullshitty subscription for ads.


Everything else doesn't really matter. We all know what to expect here.


Definitely. The Xbox 360 controller is simply the best controller there's been to date. It's so comfortable and the joysticks are in the right positions for your thumbs!

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