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Graphics look nice, and I'll admit, I've not seen later levels of the game. What I have seen however, doesn't impress. Bullets that shoot straight up, fading away near the top of screen, where all you need to do is stick to the bottom of the screen? Looks like bad design when viewed through my eyes.

Then the score system, a combo has a 3 sec limit. So does that mean there will be up to 3 second lulls in anything being on screen?

3 seconds in a huge amount of time in these kind of games, Dodonpachi for example is about half a second, before the combo breaks.

If the enemies were set up in a more Ikaruga based way, then maybe a 3 sec limit could work -- but I don't see anything that indicates the level design will be that intricate.

It did remind me of Defender, which was a great game in its day. The developer of ResoGun, is saying this is a shooter for the new era though. I see no evidence of that, other than pretty graphics.


It's OK to be wrong.

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Only teasing.


You should try Stardust if you've got a PS3. It's not a constant bullet-frenzy shooter like you've got stuck in your head, instead the combo-building is about using a boost function to hunt down enemies and asteroids to score points, before changing over to a defensive style when a new wave of matter floods the planet and you just need to try and survive. It gives the stages more variety and it's weirdly cathartic. Methodically stripping down asteroids with a hose-like flame-thrower, with chilled bleepy music in the background, is not an activity to be sniffed at.

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Only teasing.


You should try Stardust if you've got a PS3. It's not a constant bullet-frenzy shooter like you've got stuck in your head, instead the combo-building is about using a boost function to hunt down enemies and asteroids to score points, before changing over to a defensive style when a new wave of matter floods the planet and you just need to try and survive. It gives the stages more variety and it's weirdly cathartic. Methodically stripping down asteroids with a hose-like flame-thrower, with chilled bleepy music in the background, is not an activity to be sniffed at.


But Stardust is an Amiga game?

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Only teasing.


No worries, it's all good. :)


You should try Stardust if you've got a PS3. It's not a constant bullet-frenzy shooter like you've got stuck in your head....


No not at all, that's why I mentioned Ikaruga, which I don't consider to be a bullet frenzy sort of shooter.

I'll most likely have either a PS3 by the end of the year, or a PS4, so I'll try this or Stardust then.

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Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer gives over full playlist control


Killzone: Shadow Fall's multiplayer component will focus on customizable game types that can be shared, promoted and played by the community at large, and the functionality was demoed during a Gamescom 2013 demo.


The customization features aren't so different from those offered by competing shooters; players are able to set a multitude of rules, parameters, usable weapons and equipment, maps and more for their game type. Like the Warzones of Killzone 3, each game type can include multiple objectives in one match. Teams of players could be competing to bomb each other's bases one minute, then taking part in an old-fashioned deathmatch the next.


After building and naming your game type, you can share it with not just your friends, but with the whole Killzone: Shadow Fall community. If the game type gets more popular, it can become applicable for matchmaking, or promoted to every player's feed of suggested Warzones from the multiplayer main menu.


"The idea literally is that you have a couple of tabs — the Guerrilla featured ones, the community favorites, for example — we can push content in there," game director Steven her Heide explained to Polygon following the demo. "So if we find stuff that's really fun to play, or interesting, we can push it in there and let people easily find it."


Rules can be tailored to require very specific builds for players, which affords a lot of creativity, given the number of loadout options available. Characters can choose one of three classes — a lightweight scout, a heavy assault soldier or a supporter — then unlock and upgrade primary and secondary weapons, gear, special abilities and more.


By making these choices for the player in a bespoke Warzone, some clever matches can ensue. One Warzone briefly demoed put one team in heavy armor with light machine guns, and tasked them with defending their base from the other team, equipped with invisibility powers and knives.


Creators are afforded with a lot of control, so it's almost certain that some of them will find ways to exploit the system, making clearly unbalanced game types and unfair match-ups. Even if those get promoted by the community, ter Heide said, Guerrilla's not going to get in the way of their growth.


"That's the cool thing, I think it's giving power to the people," ter Heide said. "Let them have the controls, and if they figure something out and we go, 'Well, this is way overpowered, what they've done is completely out of balance,' or whatever, but they enjoy playing it? Who are we to say that they can't? Better yet, let's find out what they find enjoyable about it and see if we can provide them with more options and expansion packs to customize it even further and get it to the state where they want it to be."




I'm actually really excited about this. Hope you can tweak stuff like games speed too, like on Halo.

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Graphics look nice, and I'll admit, I've not seen later levels of the game. What I have seen however, doesn't impress. Bullets that shoot straight up, fading away near the top of screen, where all you need to do is stick to the bottom of the screen? Looks like bad design when viewed through my eyes.

Then the score system, a combo has a 3 sec limit. So does that mean there will be up to 3 second lulls in anything being on screen?

3 seconds in a huge amount of time in these kind of games, Dodonpachi for example is about half a second, before the combo breaks.

If the enemies were set up in a more Ikaruga based way, then maybe a 3 sec limit could work -- but I don't see anything that indicates the level design will be that intricate.

It did remind me of Defender, which was a great game in its day. The developer of ResoGun, is saying this is a shooter for the new era though. I see no evidence of that, other than pretty graphics.


I wish I could judge a game after watching a miniscule amount of footage like you.


It's being made by Housemarque; that is stuff no one needs to worry about. SSHD is one of the purest games ever made.


Couldn't agree more with you Daft.


Obscure - if you'd bothered to look into who is actually making this game, Housemarque you'd quickly realise that they are one of the most respected developers on the Playstation Network. Super Stardust and Dead Nation are both fantastic titles (oh wait you don't have a PS3).


You did try though like this guy below.




Tempted to rename the board N-Australia.



Edited by Cookyman
Automerged Doublepost
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I wish I could judge a came after watching a miniscule amount of footage like you.


What's that? The quality of an orgasm, in a porno? Sorry, you have the wrong guy.


However, I wrote: "Graphics look nice, and I'll admit, I've not seen later levels of the game." Which should be enough to tell you that I was judging based on the released footage, and I've also read what the developer has said.

I don't see an issue in doing that, after all, everyone who's talking it up, are doing the same thing. Myself, I've played plenty of 2D Shooters, and based on that, this game so far doesn't appear to be that great.

So far, that is. Perhaps things improve a lot after the level that's been shown. I don't know if that will be the case, and neither do you. All anyone can do, is judge what has been released so far.



Obscure - if you'd bothered to look into who is actually making this game, Housemarque you'd quickly realise that they are one of the most respected developers on the Playstation Network.


Yeah, well I forgot that respected automatically equals quality.








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Sony have made deals with the following companies for "exclusive content"


  • Activision Blizzard – Diablo III content
  • Atlus
  • Bethesda Games – The Elder Scrolls Online exclusive PlayStation 4 beta
  • Bluepoint Games – “Bringing a Sony classic to current game systems”
  • Bungie – Destiny content
  • Capcom – Deep Down
  • Disney Interactive
  • EA
  • Insomniac Games
  • Konami
  • Level-5
  • Nordic Games
  • Rockstar Games
  • Sanzaru Games
  • Sega
  • Square Enix
  • Sumo Digital
  • Take-Two
  • Ubisoft – Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag content, Watch Dogs content
  • Warner Bros. – Batman: Arkham Origins cntent
  • Zindagi Games

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I think I speak for all sane people when I say fuck exclusive content.


Unless its the main characters dressed as Mario and Luigi. All 3rd party Nintendo games should have Mario and Luigi costumes for the main characters, would probably sell more Wii Us.

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Looks like there's going to be another bundle in Europe. No news on if it's coming to the UK yet, but it included the camera, a second controller and Killzone for €499 - the same price as the Xbox One.




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I'll definitely be swapping my order at ShopTo if that hits.




Sony’s Michael Denny Shares that Naughty Dog and SCE Santa Monica Will Debut on PS4 “a Little Later”


I think it's a good idea to rotate with devs you present as your leading ones. It's time for Sucker Punch to get their dues, perhaps Ready At Dawn too, with The Order: 1886.

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