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It's easy to see it as a saving of only £15-20 or so over some current bundle deals, but really, how much more fat than £50 is there for retailers left to trim without Sony cutting the price?


At the moment there just doesn't seem to be reason for them to do it. This seems like the best or joint best deal I can imagine we'll see for a while.

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It's easy to see it as a saving of only £15-20 or so over some current bundle deals, but really, how much more fat than £50 is there for retailers left to trim without Sony cutting the price?


At the moment there just doesn't seem to be reason for them to do it. This seems like the best or joint best deal I can imagine we'll see for a while.


2 days ago you said no way will it drop to 300. The next day it did. With awful sales in Japan and not loads of games planned this year, I can easily see a permanent sub £300 price before Christmas.

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2 days ago you said no way will it drop to 300. The next day it did. With awful sales in Japan and not loads of games planned this year, I can easily see a permanent sub £300 price before Christmas.


Pro tip: read and don't behave like a miscreant.


I said it would likely not be £300 with games. It is currently £300 at one retailer without games.


I don't see another £40-50 or so drop in a deal (by way of an included game) being on the cards, unless Sony officially cuts the price. ShopTo are selling it at £50 below RRP already - how much more can they trim? We can only guess, but I'm guessing 'not much'. I doubt it'd get too much better, if at all until a cut happens. People actually want the PS4, this side of the world.


Japan situation is also irrelevant for the purpose of UK deals.

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Pro tip: read and don't behave like a miscreant.


I said it would likely not be £300 with games. It is currently £300 at one retailer without games.


I don't see another £40-50 or so drop in a deal (by way of an included game) being on the cards, unless Sony officially cuts the price. They are selling it at £50 below RRP already.


Japan situation is also irrelevant for the purpose of UK deals.


Okay, but £300 without a game, could very easily turn into £300 with a game by Christmas, which I think it easily will. We'll see of course, but the prices are dipping pretty frequently.

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Okay, but £300 without a game, could very easily turn into £300 with a game by Christmas, which I think it easily will. We'll see of course, but the prices are dipping pretty frequently.


It hasn't so much been the console price dipping. PS4 deals have mostly been had through supermarket codes (codes which can actually be applied to near enough any product). This is the first I've seen of a really hot deal that hasn't involved some sort of discount coupon. To be honest, I'd also be surprised if lots of other retailers started selling it at 300 too.


Regarding a cut for Christmas...do they need to? They could, but they probably don't need to. The X1 has just dropped in price so it'd seem weird to get another so soon. So does PS4 need to be priced lower than its competition when it is technically the more powerful machine, especially when people want it more already? I'd say no. Could be wrong, but £300 with say a new game (ie. one with at least £40 or so extra value to be really worth holding off for a half year) seems a bit much.

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It hasn't so much been the console price dipping. PS4 deals have mostly been had through supermarket codes (codes which can actually be applied to near enough any product). This is the first I've seen of a really hot deal that hasn't involved some sort of discount coupon. To be honest, I'd also be surprised if lots of other retailers started selling it at 300 too.


Regarding a cut for Christmas...do they need to? They could, but they probably don't need to. The X1 has just dropped in price so it'd seem weird to get another so soon. So does PS4 need to be priced lower than its competition when it is technically the more powerful machine, especially when people want it more already? I'd say no. Could be wrong, but £300 with say a new game (ie. one with at least £40 or so extra value to be really worth holding off for a half year) seems a bit much.


I think with Xbox getting more competitive though they may need to do something. I don't think 300 with a new game. But 300 with kill zone at Christmas will be more than possible I reckon. Obviously have no idea, but it'd certainly be a sweet spot for me personally.


Like with all three consoles though, e3 will dictate I think. But anyone who can get together a great lineup of exclusives could do very well, and that could be any (or all) of them.

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Maybe 300 with Killzone, but Killzone is pretty cheap already, at least preowned. It's been around £12 used at various places before.


I think waiting an extra 6 months to just get that on top of a £300 console is hardly worth the wait over this (and probably not the 'deal' Flink has in mind to make him bite over this one). For a deal to be quite a bit better I'm thinking the same price but a game valued around £40 or so bundled with the console. Which I think is unlikely, but we'll see. ;)

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Well, I caved in and bought it. Sheikah's argument basically nailed it for me. Plus, I'm going to get it at some point, so may as well dive in now that there's a good deal and have a new console to play over the summer. WatchDogs looks like the title for me.

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Wahey. I heartily recommend the Tomb Raider remaster, Assassin's Creed IV (if you haven't already) and inFAMOUS. I bought ACIV for £23 the other day, so that's pretty cheap already.


Where from, brah? I've never played Assassin's Creed before.

I'm tempted by Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs are the two that stand out to me, as well as inFAMOUS. Gah, Wolfenstein has also caught my eye.


Really, really excited about this. Hope it lives up to expectations.

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Where from, brah? I've never played Assassin's Creed before.

I'm tempted by Tomb Raider. Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs are the two that stand out to me, as well as inFAMOUS. Gah, Wolfenstein has also caught my eye.


Really, really excited about this. Hope it lives up to expectations.


eBay. My copy was mint condition.


Here's one at £25 buy it now with free postage. I think you'll be very impressed with this game, I sure am. A lot of 9 scores from reputable places.



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If I hadn't played Tomb Raider, I would've caved too.


Flink, get Resogun and Transistor too.


If you were ever interested in Injustice (MK style fighter with DC characters) that's currently on offer for about £12.50 on PSN, Ultimate edition with the DLC.

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Your balls will be blown off. I remember being somewhat in awe when I got my PS3, it was just so damn slick.


I should bluddy hope so! :D


eBay. My copy was mint condition.


Here's one at £25 buy it now with free postage. I think you'll be very impressed with this game, I sure am. A lot of 9 scores from reputable places.




Is there much of a difference between this and the Wii U version? Think I can pick it up on Wii U for cheaper if there isn't. Is it really worth getting then?


Basically, I'm looking for that graphical wow...especially coming from mostly owning Nintendo systems for a long time (Wii and Wii U).


What's Killzone like? Battlefield?


If I hadn't played Tomb Raider, I would've caved too.


Flink, get Resogun and Transistor too.


If you were ever interested in Injustice (MK style fighter with DC characters) that's currently on offer for about £12.50 on PSN, Ultimate edition with the DLC.


I'm going to look at those. Should I jump on the PSN bandwagon now or wait a bit?


I've got Injustice for Wii U. If I hadn't, I would be right on that. Man of Steel skins included, right? Gah.

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I should bluddy hope so! :D




Is there much of a difference between this and the Wii U version? Think I can pick it up on Wii U for cheaper if there isn't. Is it really worth getting then?


Basically, I'm looking for that graphical wow...especially coming from mostly owning Nintendo systems for a long time (Wii and Wii U).


The Wii U version looks the same as the 360 version and runs at a lower framerate.


The PS4 looks absolutely amazing. It's lightyears beyond anything else available on the Wii and for a cross generation game it's absolutely beautiful. You will NOT regret it mate. Do it.

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I should bluddy hope so! :D




Is there much of a difference between this and the Wii U version? Think I can pick it up on Wii U for cheaper if there isn't. Is it really worth getting then?


Basically, I'm looking for that graphical wow...especially coming from mostly owning Nintendo systems for a long time (Wii and Wii U).


Definitely worth that £10 or so extra for the PS4 version. We're talking full HD 1080p and various other next gen improvements, vs a past gen version.


The environments are stunning, seriously.

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Why watch PlayStation’s E3 Press Conference on a puny browser window when you can see it on the silver screen? On June 9th, we’re inviting PlayStation fans in the US and Canada to experience the E3 press conference in a new way – live, on a massive screen in more than 40 movie theaters.


Join us and host Geoff Keighley for the PlayStation E3 Experience, featuring an HD simulcast of the PlayStation E3 Press Conference. Attendees will also see 30 minutes of extra content, including exclusive extended game footage and interviews with the world’s biggest game developers. And hey, if you show up, we might even cough up a few surprise gifts.

Best of all, it’s free. Space is limited, so make sure to register for the event soon here:


I would totally watch this at a cinema if it was over here.

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Alright, bitches. I've taken your advice into consideration and will pick up Assassin's Creed at a later date. I've decided to be a bit clever with my money and only purchase the one game for now. That game is...Tomb Raider. :D


I'll be looking at deals for Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed and whatever else takes my fancy at some point. Watch Dogs will be one of my summer games, so it makes sense for me to hold off for a few weeks for that and enjoy it properly when school finishes.


Will also look at Resogun and a few other downloadable titles.

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Well, I caved in and bought it. Sheikah's argument basically nailed it for me. Plus, I'm going to get it at some point, so may as well dive in now that there's a good deal and have a new console to play over the summer. WatchDogs looks like the title for me.


OMG I'm SO excited for you!! Make sure to get Plus at some point (I think you still get a two week trial with your console so that's already a few free games to start with - YAY!).



Dead Nations

Towerfall Ascension (I cannot express how STUNNING this game is, but you'll need more than one controller or a Vita because it's the local multiplayer that shines)

Injustice: Gods Among Us is like £13 on PSN at the moment (not sure how long that'll be for)


I still think Killzone is worth getting for the multiplayer at least, Cookie and I still play it. Might not be your cup of tea.


Avoid Need for Speed, it's really yawn.


ACIV, also great.

Tomb Raider, completed it on both PS3 and PS4 and it was a blast.



EDIT: Disclaimer, didn't read what everyone else recommended you because of excitement.


Also, add me on PSN: Daft.

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Towerfall Ascension (I cannot express how STUNNING this game is, but you'll need more than one controller or a Vita because it's the local multiplayer that shines)


Am I reading this right? You can use a PSVita as a controller for that game?


@Fierce_LiNk Add me: drahcon :)

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