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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Being the hazard that I am, I can't post this in the WiiU board so I had to come 'home' instead. You'd think several years' penitence would waive my ban but hey.





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Well, I was banned from the Wii board ages ago and it carried over to all things Nintendo I suppose because the establishment couldn't handle my witty game critiques (think along the lines of: 'Lol, ExciteTruck? more liek Ex-Shite Duck! Hehhh!!!'). Not sure why I would pose a problem now though because there aren't any WiiU games to speak of.


#NotDoingMyselfAnyFavours #OldHabitsNeverDie #PS4EliteCrew #Win


I can't say I've been sorely missing those crack-pots anyway.

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I've had my PS4 for a couple of days now and it really is a wonderful piece of kit. Light years ahead of what the PS3 is capable of. Tomb Raider looks really really good especially for what is essentially a port, Resogun is challenging but incredibly fun. While Infamous is breathtakingly beautiful, I keep suspending play to snap a pic :D. Still early on in all 3 games but safe to say the console was worth the wait and a delight so far. I'll probably give Killzone a start when I've finished at least one of Infamous/TR but by then I'll be drowning in Watch Dogs (saw an ad for it in London today :)) , TLOU and anything else on the horizon. Happy days to be a gamer.

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I've had my PS4 for a couple of days now and it really is a wonderful piece of kit. Light years ahead of what the PS3 is capable of. Tomb Raider looks really really good especially for what is essentially a port, Resogun is challenging but incredibly fun. While Infamous is breathtakingly beautiful, I keep suspending play to snap a pic :D. Still early on in all 3 games but safe to say the console was worth the wait and a delight so far. I'll probably give Killzone a start when I've finished at least one of Infamous/TR but by then I'll be drowning in Watch Dogs (saw an ad for it in London today :)) , TLOU and anything else on the horizon. Happy days to be a gamer.


Yeah the OS is very much out of the way. Everything is so much faster than the PS3. Liking the USB export for media. I hope they keep adding more of the missed PS3 features!

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In a very unexpected turn of events, I am now the owner of a PS4 as my girlfriend got me one for my birthday! Got Infamous - nice looking game but not seen anything that holds it head and shoulders over the previous gen yet though I suppose it'll be a few years before we see that.


Anyway, was just wondering - I've sussed out how to use the Share feature and can watch other gamers on uStream etc, but I remember when the PS4 was unveiled, Sony said that there would be a feature where you could actually take control of someone else's game. Can you still do that, or was it just another pie in the sky, bullshit feature like Nintendo TVii?

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Yeah, three months until Destiny. And then October there's Drive Club, Evolve, Arkham Knight, Alien Isolation and Shadow of Mordor.


It's not too bad between the sunny weather, Watch Dogs out next week, the Destiny Beta and The Last of Us remaster. Always means there's time to catch up on my Plus backlog, too.

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Use your phone as a mic with SingStar PS4


This is the kind of innovation Nintendo should be attempting.


Glad to hear they're working to get licenses carried across from PS3 to PS4, too. I have more songs than I care to admit.


That is cool. Driveclub also has cool smartphone features.


There are lots of updates to existing games as well. Dont forget the free to play or subscriptions based games.

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Weirdly I'm very pleased with the recent update meaning when you reconnect a controller (after time out) it no longer asks you to log in again.


Although less favourable of the fact that it seems Netflix accounts are linked to user profiles.

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