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Any fans of Settlers here? A new game called Valhalla Hills released yesterday and is basically The Settlers: Viking edition. It plays pretty much like the old ones I remember, just prettier. You play on a random, hilly island, and is essentially tasked with creating a supply chain that can support the soldiers needed to defeat the guardins of the portal at the top of the hill, so you can progress to the next island, eventually giving the vikings enough honour through fighting and building so they can reach Valhalla. It's a lot of fun. And it plays well with a controller, just like Tropico and Grand Ages, but you can get it on Steam too if you prefer that.














Ooooh, could be quite interesting for @Eenuh, as she's into this sort of stuff.


Was Grand Ages: Medieval any good in the end? I wanted to pick it up but decided not to. I've seen it flash up on PSN a few times at around £15.

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I had fun with Grand Ages. Took a while to get into, but once I got a grasp of the game mechanics I had a lot of fun building my empire. I wrote more about in the thread for the game.


Hmm, might just get it in the next sale then. I've got a craving for a game of that sort.


Tropico was great fun and I spent a loooot of time on that when it came out. We need more of those type of strategy games on PS4.

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Hmm, might just get it in the next sale then. I've got a craving for a game of that sort.


Tropico was great fun and I spent a loooot of time on that when it came out. We need more of those type of strategy games on PS4.


Agree, there's too few of them. More are coming though, hopefully that's a good sign :)


It's more of a god-game, but Birthdays the Beginning is out next month. Basically you experiment on a world by changing various paramaters and see how life would develop from early beginnings and through the milleniums.


Also there's a SimCity-in-Space game called Aven Colony that you can read more about here. It was funded on Kickstarter I think.

Edited by Tales
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I felt like that with the demo, I pre-ordered it nonetheless when I was last on my PS4...


Does this mean it came out today? I've been a bit blinkered when it comes to my other consoles currently thanks to Zelda. :p


Maybe I'll turn my PS4 on and give it a try today or tomorrow and will let you know. :)


Love me some Parappa the Rapper, so... I gotta believe! (that the remaster is good) :D



I was stuck on this bit for a while too, for whatever reason that stage is slightly out of sync, if you do every button press on that stage just a fraction quicker than you usually would then you'll be rappin' good!

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A couple more PS2 to PS4 games are being released this month. Both Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland and Resident Evil: Code Veronica X ( the game finally has a platinum ) will be making their way to the console very soon.


You interested in playing Code Veronica @Aneres11?


I most definitely am, yes!

Never played it before so thanks for the heads up.


Is CV a good entry?

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I most definitely am, yes!

Never played it before so thanks for the heads up.


Is CV a good entry?


I love it. I played it back when it first released on the Dreamcast and was blown away by it. The opening cutscene is amazing, the story is great and the villains are probably some of the best in the series.


It's the last of the classic style RE games meaning there is a lot of back tracking, limited ammo and puzzles to be solved.

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I love it. I played it back when it first released on the Dreamcast and was blown away by it. The opening cutscene is amazing, the story is great and the villains are probably some of the best in the series.


It's the last of the classic style RE games meaning there is a lot of back tracking, limited ammo and puzzles to be solved.



I'm sold :D.

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I was finally getting back into Code Veronica on Dreamcast over that weekend where my Switch delivery was late. Unfortunately, I haven't played it since :hmm:


Once again I'll have to figure out where I am, where I'm going and what I'm doing when I eventually return. I've never been in and out of a game as much as Code Veronica over the last decade, though. I haven't even been to disc 2 yet so I don't know if it's me being far too easily distracted or if, in fact, I'm just not that into it ::shrug:

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Code Veronica was the pinnacle of survivor horror. 11/10 would crap my pants again.


It has such a good atmosphere. It was really challenging, as well. If you weren't conservative with your ammo then you could really screw yourself over in the mid game boss fight. A lad I used to work with had to do that fight with a few bullets and a knife. :D

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What order would you suggest doing the Resident Evil games in? I've played REmake on PS4, RE4 on Wii and Revelations on 3DS so I'm a bit all over the place with it really, Code Veronica has always appealed to me so I'll definitely pick it up on PS4 but wondering if I should play RE0 first because I've got the origins collection.

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What order would you suggest doing the Resident Evil games in? I've played REmake on PS4, RE4 on Wii and Revelations on 3DS so I'm a bit all over the place with it really, Code Veronica has always appealed to me so I'll definitely pick it up on PS4 but wondering if I should play RE0 first because I've got the origins collection.


RE0 doesn't really have any bearing on the story of CV. Ideally you should play 1 and 2 before taking on CV. Playing through the first game is probably good enough though.

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What order would you suggest doing the Resident Evil games in? I've played REmake on PS4, RE4 on Wii and Revelations on 3DS so I'm a bit all over the place with it really, Code Veronica has always appealed to me so I'll definitely pick it up on PS4 but wondering if I should play RE0 first because I've got the origins collection.


1,2,3,CV and pretend the rest don't exist....


@Hero\-of\-Time Laser eye zombies. Pants. Shat.

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What is Capcom's obsession with 4 hour completions..!?



You'll prob have the platinum tomorrow morning, I'll try for about 6 weeks and then give up. :grin:


Haha. I'm not actually picking it up.


It will be a tough platinum. Getting an A rank is tough, especially as it's probably the longest and hardest of the old Resi games. There's also the battle mode to do, which can be pretty tough with certain characters.

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Haha. I'm not actually picking it up.


It will be a tough platinum. Getting an A rank is tough, especially as it's probably the longest and hardest of the old Resi games. There's also the battle mode to do, which can be pretty tough with certain characters.


Ooo you do surprise me! But I guess if you have played it before then there's not always the want / need.


I have never played it so am excited to give it a go.


Will download it later.

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Ooooh, could be quite interesting for @Eenuh, as she's into this sort of stuff.


Was Grand Ages: Medieval any good in the end? I wanted to pick it up but decided not to. I've seen it flash up on PSN a few times at around £15.


It's one sale now if you're interested, for almost half than the price you mentioned.


Stardew Valley is also on sale for those who still haven't bought it.

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Amazing! I always wanted to try the Mega CD game. There is a limited physical release being done that has a box like the Mega/Sega CD.


I've never seen or even heard of this but have had a fascination with these weird Mega CD games on YouTube. I'll be getting this as soon as it's on the store, it looks hilarious and corny as hell. I hope it paves the way for more of these types of games to arrive.


As for me, the PS4 has been blowing me away the last month or so. It was a slow burn when I got it in October, I had fun on Miku and stuff but there wasn't much in the charts that interested me but now that I've scratched beneath the surface and found all these indie games I'm loving it. Browsing the store takes me back to the wonder I'd have scrolling through masses of GameCube games back in the day.


Yooka-Laylee is what really warmed me back up to the PS4, a HD open platformer with all the humour and music of the Banjo games. It's something I've been wanting Nintendo to do for years but thankfully Playtonic do what Nintendon't. It has its niggles but its so up my alley that it's the most fun I've had with a game this year.


Snake Pass came out of nowhere but I really loved that. The controls didn't take long to get used to at all and it feels very theraputic just wrapping around wood and slithering from place to place, the only time I got frustrated is in the last few levels with that damn wind. All in all though it felt like a great mix of Super Monkey Ball and Octodad.


I got ABZU yesterday which seriously blew me away. The first few areas were great and looked beautiful and kind of what I expected the whole game to be like but it evolved so much more and become a lot more engaging than I could have ever expected with some seriously impressive scenes. It's short but fantastic and I can't wait to get back on it to find all the hidden shells and get some more of them trophies.


I'm tempted to get Loco-Roco but I'm not sure if I'm totally done with 2D games right now, though it does look just different enough to perhaps help me overlook that.


I'm fairly blind to a lot of releases on the store though, so if you guys have any suggestions fire them my way.

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It's one sale now if you're interested, for almost half than the price you mentioned.


Stardew Valley is also on sale for those who still haven't bought it.


I came home from work to see that @Eenuh had purchased both of these. (Grand Ages and Stardew Valley) Just got to find the time to get into them now.

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I got Grow Up! today. I hated the first 20 minutes, I was falling all over the place and it took me ages to climb back up things but I my love started to snowball, the more abilities I unlocked the more I enjoyed it and now I'm gliding around all over the place and spouting stuff everywhere. It's a nice art style and I love some of the gliding tasks, feels a lot like Pilotwings.


I'll see how I feel when I've completed it but I'm thinking of picking up the original too.

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As for me, the PS4 has been blowing me away the last month or so. It was a slow burn when I got it in October..


I've actually kinda been the opposite :red:


I opened my PS4 on Christmas Eve and had an enjoyable couple of months with it before the Switch arrived in March. Since then, my interest in it has dropped off a cliff with games I was previously thinking about, like The Last Guardian, no longer seeming so appealing :blank:


The console is on every day as my wife watches YouTube and other services, while it's also used as our DVD player in the living room. There aren't many games being played on it right now and my excitement for the future is with Switch rather than PS4. I'm sure my interest will return again sporadically, as it tends to do with any PlayStation hardware, but for now I'm just chipping away at The Evil Within..

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