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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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Looking into it, they haven't talked about it much, but as the limit of 8 is still there (and the Skype limit is 25), I may be wrong about that - still, I don't think there's anything stopping people using skype while in a game on Xbox.

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Looking into it, they haven't talked about it much, but as the limit of 8 is still there (and the Skype limit is 25), I may be wrong about that - still, I don't think there's anything stopping people using skype while in a game on Xbox.


Lets see. I wonder what limitations the PS4 has?

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For some reason, I seem to be getting caught up in the PS4 hype. However, none of the launch games interest me, and I'm not really into futuristic war type stuff, and FPS shooters bore me to death.

I'm hoping there's a drop in the price of the PS3 after this launches though, so I can pick up GTA5.

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And it's free on Plus. BOOOOOOM! Love that the landscape shatters when you use the bomb.


Really cannot wait for Killzone, too. The more I see of it...NOM NOM NOM. That little chirp when you kill someone...drool. How Pavlovian.


What trailer are those gifs from?


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ResoGun? okay, thanks. :)

Just been checking some youtube gameplay footage of it, and it left me more than disappointed though. Sure it has pretty colours and stuff, but the bullet patterns look badly designed, and it sort of seemed boring? I do like bullet hell shooters though, but then again I also like some Gradius.. So I don't know, it just looked not as good as I was hoping after seeing that gif above.

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New Stardust is free? Fuck yes.


Really cannot wait for Killzone, too. The more I see of it...NOM NOM NOM. That little chirp when you kill someone...drool. How Pavlovian.


Back when I was cool I used that 'bleep' as my text tone. Playing KZ2 whilst in a text conversation made it feel like I was getting mega kill-streaks in the match! But that was only for one day when I got message offers from Vodaphone and Dominoes, it hasn't happened since.

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ResoGun? okay, thanks. :)

Just been checking some youtube gameplay footage of it, and it left me more than disappointed though. Sure it has pretty colours and stuff, but the bullet patterns look badly designed, and it sort of seemed boring? I do like bullet hell shooters though, but then again I also like some Gradius.. So I don't know, it just looked not as good as I was hoping after seeing that gif above.


Really? think you should have gone to Specsavers. To me it looks like Housemarque are putting their spin on Defender and I personally think it looks fantastic.


In other news I now have a PS4 preorder in - might not get one in the first batch but should have one shortly after. I'm getting Killzone (all DLC is free) and Drive Club (£20 PSPlus is too good to refuse).

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Is it me, or do the PS4 exclusives (like Killzone, Resogun, Drive Club and inFamous) just look way more polished in the graphical department than multiplatform and XBO games?


To be fair the developers are pretty experienced now and working well. PS4 is much more straightforward than the PS3. Ryse on the Xbone is pretty nice tech wise. I expect crytek to deliver on visuals.


Lets wait and see regarding the biggest 3rd parties(EA, Ubisoft and Activison). Some feel they are going to mess up badly on the tech front. Its ok to be have rough demos right now but launch will be very interesting.

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Really? think you should have gone to Specsavers. To me it looks like Housemarque are putting their spin on Defender and I personally think it looks fantastic.


Graphics look nice, and I'll admit, I've not seen later levels of the game. What I have seen however, doesn't impress. Bullets that shoot straight up, fading away near the top of screen, where all you need to do is stick to the bottom of the screen? Looks like bad design when viewed through my eyes.

Then the score system, a combo has a 3 sec limit. So does that mean there will be up to 3 second lulls in anything being on screen?

3 seconds in a huge amount of time in these kind of games, Dodonpachi for example is about half a second, before the combo breaks.

If the enemies were set up in a more Ikaruga based way, then maybe a 3 sec limit could work -- but I don't see anything that indicates the level design will be that intricate.

It did remind me of Defender, which was a great game in its day. The developer of ResoGun, is saying this is a shooter for the new era though. I see no evidence of that, other than pretty graphics.

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