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PlayStation 4 Console Discussion


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In my view, the PS4 has potential, some of the online features sound amazing, others are just horseshit that could ruin gaming.


Graphically, it's a nice step up, but my PC and laptop can do better and they aren't even top-range, and that's disappointing.


I will undoubtedly get one, but not at launch and definitely not at the rumoured price.


Nintendo don't have too much to worry about here. Their innovations are still key. Miiverse, although it lacks the video stuff, still trounces the Sony network we've seen here.


The Remote Play is ridiculous since you need to buy an expensive extra console to do it, rather than one packed in.


The problem here is that the majority of the games are third party and will be on other devices, INCLUDING Wii U and past gen consoles. As such, there's very little enticing to me at this time, and I hope that changes.


The PS Vita is a very neat unit, it's an intelligent way to boost sales of something that deserves to be boosted. It is superior to the 3DS in hardware and therefore doesn't limit game developers as much in the graphics department. It's kinda sad that the inferior unit gets more big hitter support.

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Graphically, it's a nice step up, but my PC and laptop can do better and they aren't even top-range, and that's disappointing.


Out of interest, what games are you playing? I haven't encountered any PC games that come close to the Killzone video.


Cheers dudes. Anyone got a pic of the console?


They didn't show it.

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I only saw up until Infamous or so but I never really saw anything for me :hmm:


I'm sure there are plenty of people excited by the potential of the device but what I saw of the presentation kinda underwhelmed me. Seeing Knack as the first game to be shown just didn't feel right at all, for whatever reason, and the controller looks a bit.. stinkin.. ::shrug:

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Out of interest, what games are you playing? I haven't encountered any PC games that come close to the Killzone video.




They didn't show it.




Out of interest, what games are you playing? I haven't encountered any PC games that come close to the Killzone video.




They didn't show it.


Yeah I figured he was BSing too, as we both have very high end machines yet nothing has come close to that.

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Controller details:




Hi everyone! It’s a special day at PlayStation, and I hope all of you had a chance to watch the livestream of PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York, where we just unveiled PlayStation 4.


One of the most exciting components of our next-generation platform is DualShock 4, the new wireless controller that combines with PlayStation 4 to deliver new gameplay experiences that have never been possible before.




I’d like to give you a tour of DualShock 4 and the features that will provide game developers the freedom to create brand new experiences that previously were limited to their imaginations.




DualShock 4 adopts the familiar form factor of the DualShock 3 wireless controller with some key enhancements:


  • Motion control is enabled by a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor
  • Dual analog sticks fine-tuned for better precision plus improved surface materials and shape for more delicate manipulation
  • L2/R2 buttons on the top of the controller employ a curved design for easier, smoother interaction
  • A new “Options” button combines the functions of the DualShock 3′s “Select” and “Start” buttons for operating in-game menus


New ways to play, share and connect


In addition to these features that build on the controls that you already know, DualShock 4 offers new features that enable new ways to play, a key part of the PlayStation 4 experience. One of the biggest innovations we’ve designed centres on the deep social interactions that will surround all games on PlayStation 4.


The “Share” button allows you to easily broadcast your gameplay in real-time through streaming sites such as Ustream, where fellow gamers can comment and even join your game in new ways. For example, if you’re stuck in a difficult level, your friends can offer health potions or special weapons that you can use during gameplay. You can also instantly upload images or video to Facebook by pressing the “Share” button.


As both a developer and a gamer, I’m personally excited about the opportunity to get help from friends when facing a challenge, and I can’t wait to see what my friends are playing in real time along with videos of their favourite in-game moments.




On the front side of DualShock 4 is a light bar with LED that illuminate in various colours to match the colour of the character in a game as a simple way to identify players. The colours can also provide useful information to players, such as when their character has taken damage during a game.


DualShock 4 was developed alongside a second peripheral, a dual camera, which can sense the depth of the environment in front of it and also track the 3D location of the controller via its light bar. The new camera incorporates four microphones capable of accurate sound detection and source origination, and it will support the PlayStation Move motion controller with more precision than ever before.




DualShock 4 also has a touchpad at the front of the controller as a new input method, offering more ways to interact with games. Additionally there’s a built-in speaker and headset jack to deliver high-fidelity sound effects from the games. A headset will be bundled with PlayStation 4, enabling gamers to chat with friends during online gaming and to hear sound effects from the controller.


There’s a lot built into DualShock 4, and the features were all thoughtfully designed with input from the development community (both our internal studios and third parties) and PlayStation gamers. Our goal was to give game creators an open canvas to express their ideas, and DualShock 4 combined with PlayStation 4 will help us achieve the future of gaming that we at PlayStation see ahead of us.


I serieously hope the screenshot/video isn't limited to Facebook - that would undermine the entire thing. It needs YouTube.

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'A new “Options” button combines the functions of the DualShock 3′s “Select” and “Start” buttons for operating in-game menus'


Call me old-fashioned but I'd still prefer to have a dedicated button for actually properly pausing games and not just merely 'suspending' them, of all the things to change I feel they perhaps should have had 'Start' and 'Select' on either side of the touch-pad and made all of the other newer functions accessed by touch, to me at least that would have made more sense.


Aside from that, what we have seen looks graphically impressive but I'm still skeptical being that we haven't seen the actual console yet, something just doesn't seem right. :hmm:

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That's not actually the controller, not sure where @Mokong X\-C got that from but it's definitely not the final design (admittedly it's close). I'll try to find the real image.


Here you go:






@Mokong X\-C, went and replaced the image in your post with this so as not to confuse people! That one was just a fan render from the rumours.





Cheers Shorty.... sorry for the mess up I just googled for it and that was the first result and never looked at it properly...... it was too early on the morning for me :heh:

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Call me old-fashioned but I'd still prefer to have a dedicated button for actually properly pausing games


Options = Start. They're essentially just getting rid of Select.


The suspend feature is probably in the PS button menu.

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I've just managed to watch the reveal.


I'm not overly impressed. It felt like they were just saying "Me Too!" to everything.


Can share things to Facebook from within games making the "first gaming social network with meaning". Which I'm guessing is trying to emulate Miiverse.

Can use the Vita as a game pad for games. Which looked suspiciously like how one would use the Wii U GamePad with games.

Has a camera which can detect depth. I know that Sony started the whole EyeToy thing but this looked like a "Me Too!" for the Kinect.


I also felt they focused too much on how the games looked. The PS4/new Xbox aren't going to be like the jump between previous generations, we know that.


And then, this is purely down to my tastes, none of their games interested me that much. No new Motorstorm (DriveClub doesn't count), no new Ratchet & Clank and no hint of a Gran Turismo 6 (even though GT5 did leave me massively underwhelmed).


Oh and the new DualShock. Finally they've curved it a bit! Now move the left analogue stick and we'll be sorted.


The PlayStation Move stuff was a bit cringe worthy but at least they'll still be supporting it! As little as the PlayStation Move was used on the PS3 it was still loads better than the Wii Remote on the Wii.


Edit: I should probably mention that I'll still be pre-ordering it. I know that they'll make the games I do like eventually!

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Call me old-fashioned but I'd still prefer to have a dedicated button for actually properly pausing games..


I'm with you :heh: If there's one thing that did slightly annoy me about the Wii it was that you didn't always know which button was going to pause each individual game..

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Graphically, it's a nice step up, but my PC and laptop can do better and they aren't even top-range, and that's disappointing.


my PC and laptop can do better and they aren't even top-range.


laptop can do better


...You have to be joking.




You're actually worse than Choze. Congratulations.

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