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General Gaming Sales/Charts Discussion

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That's why having a constant stream of games, as seen with the second half of this year, is a great thing.


This week in Japan


3DS LL 36,350

Vita 19,866

3DS 18,625

PS3 11,900

Wii U 11,373

PSP 6,024

Wii 1,442

Xbox 360 318


Lego City came in at #9 with 18,199. Top was Ace Attorney 5 with 250k. Dragons Crown on PS3 and Vita took #2 & #3. Pikmin 3 did a respectable 14,161 at #10

Edited by Serebii
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At least there's some good news today. AADD is off to a fantastic start! :D Pretty much exactly the same as Apollo Justice (the current best selling game in the series)


Surprised that it had no effect on 3DS hardware sales though.


M&L DTB and Pikmin 3 also held better than I had expected (the latter still selling almost perfectly in line with the 1st game - but of course, the lack of an Xmas bump for Pikmin 3 will put an end to that).


LCU = bomba. Not unexpected. While Wii U hardware sales trend back down to where they were before Pikmin 3 :(

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At least there's some good news today. AADD is off to a fantastic start! :D Pretty much exactly the same as Apollo Justice (the current best selling game in the series)


Surprised that it had no effect on 3DS hardware sales though.


M&L DTB and Pikmin 3 also held better than I had expected (the latter still selling almost perfectly in line with the 1st game - but of course, the lack of an Xmas bump for Pikmin 3 will put an end to that).


LCU = bomba. Not unexpected. While Wii U hardware sales trend back down to where they were before Pikmin 3 :(


Not sure Lego City bombed. When have Lego games ever been popular in Japan?


Wii U sales will be down to under 10k very soon

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Not sure Lego City bombed. When have Lego games ever been popular in Japan?


Wii U sales will be down to under 10k very soon


None of the Lego games have ever been released in Japan until LCU I believe, but the actual toys and brand are pretty popular.

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We can't under-estimate the value of supermarket sales. So many consoles and games are actually bought there, and considering none of them ever embraced the Wii U, it's not surprising that sales aren't that good


If people want a console, they will hunt it down. Okay they may choose to look in the typically cheapest places first (i.e. supermarkets), but if they're not there they will go elsewhere.


A lack of sales is primarily due to a lack of demand, not a lack of outlets.


But as been said, onwards and upwards eh?

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So sick of people dealing with absolutes.


Yes, the Wii U isn't selling well, but it is FAR from done.


I mean hell, Pikmin came in #1 in Japan's charts and #2 in the UK Charts...UK, a country that generally hates Nintendo.


When their actual big guns come out, it'll be a completely different matter. It's illogical to conclude that games such as the sequel to the fastest selling 3D Mario game, one which, joint with Mario Kart, saved the 3DS, will make no difference.


There are also dozens of games coming for the console this year.


Seriously, get over it. I get you may not like the Wii U, or Nintendo, but it's absolutely ridiculous to just ignore the fact that they are actually making an effort to change things, and that the quarter that has been reported today wasn't a part of that.


Acting as though Pikmin debuting at #2 in the UK charts was great news when it had around 8000K sales or so is absolutely ridiculous.

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If people want a console, they will hunt it down. Okay they may choose to look in the typically cheapest places first (i.e. supermarkets), but if they're not there they will go elsewhere.


A lack of sales is primarily due to a lack of demand, not a lack of outlets.


But as been said, onwards and upwards eh?


But if the prices are high to begin with, won't they just wait for it to drop?


So, it's a combination of a lot of things really.

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But if the prices are high to begin with, won't they just wait for it to drop?


So, it's a combination of a lot of things really.


Sorry yes it is a contribution, but how I (perhaps mis)read Serebii's thread it was "it's not selling because its not in supermarkets and that's where people buy consoles from", suggesting if they don't find it in Asda they will give up like Eeyore.


I also didn't realise there was about two pages of posts after that one :heh:

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Sorry yes it is a contribution, but how I (perhaps mis)read Serebii's thread it was "it's not selling because its not in supermarkets and that's where people buy consoles from", suggesting if they don't find it in Asda they will give up like Eeyore.


I also didn't realise there was about two pages of posts after that one :heh:


Eet's ok. Lol at the Eeyore bit. :geek:


It makes you wonder though. If there were a new gaming outlet on the high street, I wonder if they'd make a killing. I do think there's a gap there. People want exposure to games, but they also want decent prices. I cringe everytime I go into a supermarket and GAME store and see the new prices (not the deals). It's obscene at times. 45 quid for a new game is crazy.


Although, I am the first one to admit that the deals are amazing when they arrive. Like when ASDA had the Wii U for £199. It quickly sold out at that price, both times, so there are people there who do want it and are waiting for those prices to drop, I feel.

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Aaaand the crap sales of the Wii U just trended on twitter. Well, at least it's free advertising. #wellplayedNintendo


It's all part of the plan.




"If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a Microsoft console only sells 10,000 units, nobody panics, because it’s all “part of the plan.” But when I say that the Wii U doesn't even make it from the shelves, well then everyone loses their minds!"


Maybe it's their plan all along. Let the system fail, receive FREE publicity, then launch the greatest comeback of all time.


Starting with Pikmin 3...



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I'm increasingly astonished by how badly Nintendo are handling the Wii U, especially after what went down with the 3DS, you'd think that would've been a massive wake-up call. ::shrug:


Still confident they'll turn things around... again, but the fact that they got themselves into the position to need to do so once more is just bewildering. :wtf:

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I'm increasingly astonished by how badly Nintendo are handling the Wii U, especially after what went down with the 3DS, you'd think that would've been a massive wake-up call. ::shrug:


Still confident they'll turn things around... again, but the fact that they got themselves into the position to need to do so once more is just bewildering. :wtf:


Its the most frustrating thing for me. Nobodies learning from there mistakes.

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I'm increasingly astonished by how badly Nintendo are handling the Wii U, especially after what went down with the 3DS, you'd think that would've been a massive wake-up call. ::shrug:


Still confident they'll turn things around... again, but the fact that they got themselves into the position to need to do so once more is just bewildering. :wtf:


"Please understand.... we have learnt many lessons from the launch of 3DS."


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I thought the Gamecube days were laborious but this is worse...


The biggest face palm moment for me was watching E3 and seeing that Mario Kart wasn't coming out this year. Especially as that one-two MK and SML3D punch on the 3DS was really effective. That was just an epic fail right there.


I mean how many times have Nintendo made MK games? They should be able to absolutely rattle them out by now - HD or not.

And if it's taking a while (as they have said), why not appease your frustrated customers by releasing a retail digital/e-shop demo of Mario Kart worldwide - with a few tracks for christmas at least? Hell, you may even secure some sales from such a release. (even that E3 demo would have been nice Ninty...)

They could even release an e-shop D/L of Mario Sunshine for Summer or Mario Kart Double Dash in anticipation for the new Kart. just...something other than the usual drip-drip-drip of 8/16-Bit VC games.


I also think that the new Mario is an unknown territory in a similar vein to NintendoLand. Nintendo are brave releasing a title that isn't an 'epic' 3D Mario action game but I figure they are trying to unearth that wii sports 'gem' like last time. If they can't find it I figure they should...


Release Wii Sports 2 just before Christmas and go after the 100 million (can't be wrong) Wii owners. Even if most folk think those customers have moved on to Candycrush, if a minority of those consumers take the plunge for Wii Sports 2- sales should increase substantially. Nintendo should market the hell out of that saying 'it's the sequel you've been waiting for' and 'The biggest selling sports game in recent years returns in HD with added aspects including XYZ... (and bowling :P)


Hell, instead of Mario and Sonic at the winter olympics, make Wii Sports: Winter Edition.


And get NST working on racers instead of incremental web browser updates.

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@tapedeck Wii Sports Winter Edition would be pretty cool. I do find it odd that we haven't even heard about the next Wii Sports game yet (it's been 4 years already!), especially since both games were pretty innovative and fun to play, not to mention how many consoles they shifted. I mean just add HD graphics, new sports and a functional online mode with leaderboards and tournaments and there's your killer hit game right there. Online video game olympics = money.
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Sony's gaming division recorded a larger loss than Nintendo within the last quarter, three times larger at $175m




Most of their other divisions are profitable now. Kaz has done an amazing job sorting them out.


The games division loss is more than likely due to the R&D for the PS4, much like when Nintendo posted their loss in 2012 when they were developing Wii U.

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The Wii U may well be screwed. But Nintendo are still the greatest games company there will ever be. They've made the greatest games ever and shaped the industry. If they go out it will be the saddest thing to happen to gaming.


The world will simply be dominated by two consoles were the order of the day is FPSs and conventional sports games. What a sad state of affairs.

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Most of their other divisions are profitable now. Kaz has done an amazing job sorting them out.


The games division loss is more than likely due to the R&D for the PS4, much like when Nintendo posted their loss in 2012 when they were developing Wii U.

I know, I was being facetious :p


Though people were calling for Iwata's head back then, too

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