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Pokemon X & Y


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LOL! My thoughts exactly :laughing:


Maybe they'll stick a boxing glove on its tail?


Kangaroo like pokemon?



Well colour me flabbergasted! honestly i thought we were going to get a spin off game and i'd be very disappointed. Honestly didn't expect it to be quasi 3D either! is it just me or does it look very similar to the animated series in its art style?


and a worldwide release in October THIS YEAR?!


i have a NSFW gif that fits this....but i won't post it i'm at work


October can't come soon enough!



Loving the water and grass starters.....not the fire type so much, looks like a big eared fox with lots of ear hair :shakehead


and since we saw several different main character designs we can only hope that it means customizable looks! no more stupid hats that look like hair! i can be who i want to be! a scantily clad warrior princess! wait no thats code of princess i'm thinking of again :P

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Junichi_Masuda was just in France, and his Twitter photo is him with the Eiffel Tower

We have what appears to be an Eiffel Tower like structure in the trailer, together with other classical European style architecture

Starters based on things stereotypically associated with France, including Chestnuts, Frogs and Fennec

The Cartesian coordinate system (you know, X & Y) was developed by René Descartes, a French philosopher


So yeah, France.

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So the Japanese logos show a double helix attached to the name and with the double helix typically represents the image for DNA, perhaps there won't be a Pokémon Z - so I'm going for the outside bet of predicting direct sequels in the form of Pokémon XX and Pokémon XY.


I know people complain about the grid system for movement but you have to take into account just how much an impact is has on the game. Step counting is used for so much stuff that it you couldn't just give the characters 3D movement and expect everything to work without rewriting a massive chunk of the game mechanics. It is also the reason for no diagonal movement.


Graphically it looks ok. Battles are nice but then very little is going on - you have two 3D models and 2D background, not particularly taxing on the system though the effect look nice. Still, I hope it doesn't suffer from the stadium games super slow combat and result in all the Pokémon having just two different animation patterns - one for contact moves and and one for none contact.


The overworld looks a bit rough too. Not sure if the framerate is bad or the animation is just wonky... I have the feeling it's both right now.


Still, I do like the new Pokémon designs which makes a nice change. I think the stag like X creature could have used a bit more work but the bird Y one looks really good.

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BTW, I'm starting to doubt that Pokemon Z...




The logo has a DNA Helix in there (very small, but it is there...)


Now I know what the logical thought behind it would be (Pokefusion), but there's no way it could be that; certainly not in the way we'd expect (they would have to make literally billions of variations of Pokemon!)


At the very least, it'll be related to the storyline (it's not like it's new to the series - [cough]Pokemon R/B, Pokemon B&W2[/cough] and perhaps integrated into the gameplay in a very limited fashion (maybe only a handful of Pokemon, or maybe even a new "Fusion" type!)

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DNA Helix? So, shall we assume that the third version will be split in two again in the form of XY/XX?


If there is a follow up at all. XX/XY looks nice for sequels where DNA is a focus of the story line instead of just slapping a 2 on the end and having done.


The only way I could imagine a Pokémon Z is if the story involved the discover of a new type of chromosome unique to certain Pokémon which just happens to be dubbed the Z chromosome.


People leapt to Z on the idea of the X and Y representing co-ordinates when there is much more evidence to suggest that they don't (it's still not much, but at least it exists).

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DNA (well Male and Female versions actually) came to my mind first with the X and Y, hadn't even thought of it as co-ordinates.


I thought Z could be about some new creational element/story. There are Pokémon from other worlds/dimensions after all aren't there.

Edited by Retro_Link
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