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  Serebii said:
Not exactly XY related, but new 3DS model




Why did you show me that. Why Serebii. WHY?! :weep:


I love it.


Get me a Starmie one and we'll talk. :grin:


^Like that, the cameras and cartridge slot make a smiley face... A deliberate Nintendo easter egg? LOL.


I REALLY want this game, but I've not fully finished the last one. I gave up post main game when I realized my bro had given up on his White 2 copy a few gyms in, basically meaning I'd NEVER get the White 2 keys to complete everything (OCD). I've basically got a pad with everything left to do, bits to check etc. about 2-3 pages long. If I could get my AR to work I'd cheat the keys onto his game, then transfer them, but it broke the second time I used it.

  Serebii said:
To be fair, that smiley face will ever occur since they're on opposite sides :p


They still did it deliberately though, look at Eevee's face... then look at the cameras/cartridge slot.


Cannotbeunseen... :heh:

  S.C.G said:
They still did it deliberately though, look at Eevee's face... then look at the cameras/cartridge slot.


Cannotbeunseen... :heh:

I made that image :p The press kit had them as two separate images

  Serebii said:
I made that image :p The press kit had them as two separate images


So it was you!


In that case, come on Serebii... you did it subconsciously right? :heh:


Why is everyone saying the X box is the best? It's just stood there! The Y one is saying "come at me bro!"



  Ike said:
I think it's a horrible design. Sorry.


Well that's no way to encourage SCG!


But yeah, that front part is awful. Should be plain white, with either a tiny touch of brown or an off-white outline of Eevee.


Heh, there's some random American girl here who is absolutely infatuated with Eevee who I might show this to. She has spent a ridiculous amount of money on Eevee related stuff in the Pokemon Center despite her money woes.


Also, thanks for the event update on your website Serebii! We're going to go grab Empoleon this weekend.

  Debug Mode said:
Heh, there's some random American girl here who is absolutely infatuated with Eevee who I might show this to. She has spent a ridiculous amount of money on Eevee related stuff in the Pokemon Center despite her money woes.


Also, thanks for the event update on your website Serebii! We're going to go grab Empoleon this weekend.

No problem. Just note they're all in each Pokémon Centre with one each week. Lots to get!

  Serebii said:
No problem. Just note they're all in each Pokémon Centre with one each week. Lots to get!


Wait, so it's just representing each Pokemon Center location rather than being exclusive to them? That's fucking awesome then! Cheers for clarifying!

  Debug Mode said:
Wait, so it's just representing each Pokemon Center location rather than being exclusive to them? That's fucking awesome then! Cheers for clarifying!

That's what my translator told me, yeah

  Ashley said:
But yeah, that front part is awful. Should be plain white, with either a tiny touch of brown or an off-white outline of Eevee.


The depressing thing is that Eevee is exactly where the sweaty fingers are going to be. That Eevee aint going to last beyond six months MAX.


It's completely twisted. No one EVER looks at the underside of the console. It's like having a pretty design underneath your Gamecube*. You're not going to turn it upside down just to show it off. But if the alternative is wallpaper from a dentist in the 70's it might just be forgiveable.


*Or whichever part of your Wii/U faces the floor, they're so interchangeable.

  Serebii said:
That's what my translator told me, yeah


It just occured to me that I'm more than capable myself of reading it if I just went to the official website haha. But yeah, as expected, your translator is pretty damn good!

Nintendo holding Pokemon X/Y presentation at E3, is 1.5 hours long

May 23rd, 2013 Posted in General Nintendo, News, Posted by Valay


Update 2: Pokemon Company president and CEO Tsunekazu Ishihara and Game Freak director Junichi Masuda are attending.


Update: Kotaku editor Jason Schreier has a few more details. It’s a Pokemon X/Y presentation/Q&A. Time is set for 6 PM PT. Schreier also says that “Nintendo is doing a lot of different E3 events.”


Nintendo won’t be holding a typical press conference at this year’s E3, but the company has scheduled a number of different events for the show.


One happening appears to be a special Pokemon presentation. This will take place during the first night of E3 and will be 1.5 hours long, according to media reports.


HYPE :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:


Mildly related: watched some of the newer anime last night. The new voice actors are rubbish. Why has James got a butt plug stuck up his nose?

  • 3 weeks later...

Surprised these weren't posted -






















Stolen from Neogaf



Mother fucking Fire Bird.... I'm excite!:bowdown:

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