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Lots of pressure, no sharp pain. Only the needles hurt.


I had some tooth work done recently and the worst thing was the face numbness that sticks around for hours afterwards. Well, the massive headache I got as the numbness wore off was pretty bad too.

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Hehe, just messing around with a gif making program.


An UNREGISTERED gif making program :shakehead!

Pretty freaky stuff though, kind of hypnotic...

As for me today, not done much other than this, and given it's already on my clipboard cos I just posted it, I'm gonna put it here too.




it'll have to do til i can figure out how to resize it =(


I drop them into paint then resize them with the stretch skew thingy, just make sure you put the same %age in each box and it'll resize fine without losing the ration.

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Cool picture, and your mate on the right is hot. :)


Anyway, here are some pictures which link into this post in the post your meaningless post thread


First off, here is me and Caroline, who I'll be living with next year.




I quite like that picture, I don't look that disgusting in it, w00t.


Here is the next one. From left to right: Andy, Cat, Izzy and me. Cat is the only housemate I'll be living with next year who I haven't met. She's lovely. And Izzy currently lives in the house but will be moving out. She's lovely too, and we had a great laugh yesterday.




There were two people taking photos, and so I ended up looking at the wrong camera, hence the stupid face. I tried to look mean as well. :D


The next photo is of Kate and Caroline. I'm sooo gutted she's in a relationship, just look at her! Phwoar.



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For those that remember last wednesday I was annoyed at my friend but then went out, and it was someone's birthday up london, there are photos on facebook, but I'm putting a couple here. One is my current facebook display picture, because I think the photo is rather awesome. It's of me and the birthday girl.


Also, a rather awesome(imo) sign I found on entry to the mens at...London Bridge? It was at london bridge or victoria, I forgot what station we went to, but yeah;



(apologies to any ppl from the MPotD expecting something saucier)

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Haha. That had me laughing for a while. Nice one :heh:


Wow, but I can beat it :heh: I'll post a pic of my hottest freind laters :laughing:


C'man, give the guy a break, he's from Wales. You know how hard it is to find any talent (in every sense of the word) over there :heh:

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Haha. That had me laughing for a while. Nice one :heh:




C'man, give the guy a break, he's from Wales. You know how hard it is to find any talent (in every sense of the word) over there :heh:


Oi, Oi, OI! I find plenty of talent in Wales, all the time.


And also, right now, I am in Brighton. There's a hot woman who walks past every 10 seconds.

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Wow, you people reply fast! I went to get some more, but then realised I'd end up posting lots, so I settle for this one, which nearly made it to being my display pic



Haha. That had me laughing for a while. Nice one :heh:

Yeah, I was in creases when I saw it, I had to go and get my mate to bring his phone to take the picture(the guy in the above picture, who isn't very fat, is the one i refer to as fatman)

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