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Looking good Molster. I don't think we can expect a Moldiculous thread though...because in this photo you are maintaining all your dignity. A specific requirement of "diculous" photos is of course a complete lack of dignity.


Speaking of which. I'll post other peoples costumes later.


The tatt.




Discussion about how awesome Kirkman is.






I forgot the over-pants.




Ugh. I really am offensively fat now. Roll on new year so I lose epic amounts of weight and pull off a sexy as hell Kraven.




Edited by ReZourceman
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You're no Tricia Helfer Molly ;)


You look much younger than I imagine you to actually be (I don't know your actual age but I'd guess at umm early-20s?).


Dannyboy, that's not a romantic comment. That's vomit-inducing.

(granted, my gag reflex is a bit more reactive than most)

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Personally I don't think that towl rack makes a very good hat.


Well it's Cowboys and Indians. I thought I'd combine the two with a rather fetching turban.


Sans glasses suits you.


In all fairness, it's easy to look good when half your face is covered, bandito style.


Just wait until Goafer comes back online, you'll see a Mollydiculous thread appear :p


You can all thank me later.







If this doesn't get tonnes of thanks from all the randy guys on here, I'm leaving. I'm not.

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Thank you for the lovely comments :)


I'm 23 not 30, you scallywag Pash! :P


ReZ, love the costume! And thank you, we both know it's a just a good camera angle though ;)


Goafer, goafer, goafer. Lol. I don't really know what to say. Other than, I wish I had a body like that.

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You are insanely beautiful molly.


god, 23, you are the same age as me, thats really shocking. You look about 19 if i had to guess.


I'm a bit like that too, but we'll be thankful for it years later and we still look youthful ;)


People tell me that I look younger than 23 (I actually had to think for a while there if I was actually 23 :heh:), then again I've also been told I look 38, but this was by some mental girl who ended up stalking me...


When I started my last job people tried to guess how old I was and most people said 19/20 (I was 22 at the time), tis awesome!

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Same here. People at work thought I was late teens despite being 24. I probably dress a bit younger, which helps. I also think I look younger if I'm clean shaven.


I think that, too. To me, I still think I look the same as I did when I was 12.


Two things that make you look a bit older are stubble and glasses. When I wear both, I look and feel older.


Molly, from your picture I'd say you were around 19 or something. Which is a good age to look, I think. Well done.

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I look younger than I am, but I don't understand why people around our age want to get told they look younger than they are? I can understand if you were 35, liking being told you looked 25/30, but why when you are 23/24 would you want to be told you look 18/19 or whatever?


I can understand it more for girls actually (still don't think it's something you should be that concerned with), but for guys, isn't it better to look a little older.

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I look younger than I am, but I don't understand why people around our age want to get told they look younger than they are? I can understand if you were 35, liking being told you looked 25/30, but why when you are 23/24 would you want to be told you look 18/19 or whatever?


I can understand it more for girls actually (still don't think it's something you should be that concerned with), but for guys, isn't it better to look a little older.


It's a compliment for girls. For us though, being in our 20s, we don't want to look like we're "too" young. We want to look our age, I think. I'd hate to be 30 and still look the same, haha. Hmm, maybe I won't be saying that when older.

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