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Here is a picture of me at the emirates in Arsenal's changing room in front of the greatest mexican's t-shirt. :grin:


err...Coolness.. he isn't mexican...


SHHHHHHHH! yes he is secretly mexican.




Me looking odd. Something off putting about the way I'm sitting. It is saying I'm aroused but trying not to show it. :p (maybe it's the water bottle?) Also it is where Arsen Wenger sits during the matches


Oh and some dude in the background who is having way too much fun with a plastic chair!



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last night me and jamba went to a disney themed fancy dress birthday party for some of his family. it was... kinda surreal. we went as mary poppins and bert ~ i got TOTALLY outdone by some lady who rented her costume (she even bought sweets and medicine to give out O_o) but took solace in the fact that pat and i got our costumes completely from charity shops :grin:


pat and his mum, nikki ~ who went as maid marrian.


me and the other mary poppins. who's costume is undoubtedly better ~ but, as pat rather eloquently put it: my rack looked fantastic. :blank:

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I love how you could be in both your avatar and your sig, except it's actually Lily Allen.


Still, virtually the same faces.


Looking like Lily Allen? that is a new and welcome comparison. :heh:


I just love Coolness in most respects.


Seems ridiculously out of place there, but loves the fact he appears that way.


Yeh I'm not a big fan of football, I was a nerd out of water there. Everyone else looked like a cliched football fan which was quite funny. The tour was quite cool and I do support Arsenal plus it was a fun day out!



I always thought that lol.


haha, I didn't see it but as soon as Paj said I was like oh I kinda see it, yeah. :)


I'd say your reaction looks bored. Which is coincidentally the reaction I'd be displaying if I was sitting there.


My bored and aroused face are pretty much the same thing. :D There it was more awkwardly amused (which is the same face as aroused and bored) as I was complaining about my sitting stance.... :p

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I wouldn't mind going to the Emirates one day. It's one of the few places of my interest in London, and only one of two of the infinite number of footie stadia in London I would ever consider going to. (Wembley's the other one, btw.)


Why? Whats so bad about every other?

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@ Paj: I walked past that when I went to Barcelona! :) didn't have time for any kind of tour though. We have much to see. Barcelona is a great city in my eyes!


I wouldn't mind going to the Emirates one day. It's one of the few places of my interest in London, and only one of two of the infinite number of footie stadia in London I would ever consider going to. (Wembley's the other one, btw.)


It is a pretty cool and impressive stadium. :D I prefered the Highbury tour though and the stadium it had much greater feel to it. This felt a bit empty in comparison!

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It is a pretty cool and impressive stadium. :D I prefered the Highbury tour though and the stadium it had much greater feel to it. This felt a bit empty in comparison!


Because pretty much sod all historical events have happened at the Emirates in its young life. Highbury had been around for decases and had such an amazing history.



You can say exactly the same about the new Wembley: Impressive but empty.

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What's so bad about Stamford Bridge? Is it your hatred for the teams themselves or just that you really don't like the looks of the stadiums?


You could say it's that one. All of West Midlands' football clubs are united in a deep dislike for all the London clubs.


But yeah, the majority of football stadia in London are shitholes.

Unless you can give me a good reason to go to Selhurst Park or *shudder* Loftus Road. :shakehead

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BORED. Here are some old pics for your general amusement.



On the overnight train in Thailand:



Loving a Dutch guy in Australia:



On the boat to Fraser Island:



Me assumably thinking I can dance:

(I have the biggest nose in the world)



In Dublin for my birthday:



lolol a night known as the 'Engels Rave':



Not telling you where I am:


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