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Me against my sister, X-Factor next year me thinks. Can't remember how old these photos are, was a long time ago.


Your talent shouldn't be wasted on X-Factor my friend!


Also, fancy room! Leather chairs, fancy lamp, fancy non-stained, clean walls!

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Me in 3rd year of uni (nearly 2 years ago) and this is more how I want to look when diet 2009 has worked some magic:




She wanted to test her husband.

She knew exactly what to do:

A pseudonym to fool him.








She couldn't have made a worse move.

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Daymn. A man takes a few hours to move a desk and watch a couple of DVDs of The Wire and misses 3 pages of this thread. Sheeiit.


in summary response:

Moogle: on stand up form as ever, you knave :)

Molly: daaymn girl. you fine :heh:

Flink: you have my endorsement for any scheme involving me and you getting scantily clad in any any way, yeah?

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lol, I was thinking that. Your hair is massive! :heh:


Meh, its only cuz im leaning to one side.


The problem is it being too long at the back and it keep covering my eyes.


Also chavs walking past whistling at me then going"OMG ITS A FUCKING CHAP HAHAHAHA"


But thats because I look a bit feminine I think. lol....

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Me in 3rd year of uni (nearly 2 years ago) and this is more how I want to look when diet 2009 has worked some magic:




I'll have to second the notion that you're quite cute in that pic! Though now I'm intrigued how different you could possibly look these days...


In all honesty, i'm probably more accepting of short hair than I have ever been before. It's probably down to almost every bloke owning a pair of straighteners nowadays, ruining the beauty of women with long hair.. What was wrong with a short back and sides?


Haha, it's funny you say that! I don't actually own any yet, but I do kinda want some. I shall follow with straight hair pics eventually, whenever the fuck facebook decides to stop dicking me about with all its shit.


The Pookster baby, he's whipping out Christmas cheer all over da place!


So that's what the kids call them these days eh? Also, random pic of me looking...something?




Looking slightly more normal(with kind of straight hair) with a very awesome girl I know;


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Obviously I fully approve of calander idea. Actually the best idea ever. There should be a link to it or it should be the background of the calander section of this site etc.


I don't even make a sexy guy, how on Earth would I be able to make a sexy chick? :p


*Insert gag about our regular sexy meetings and about how I make you be both the guy and the girl and both are equally sexy*

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Haha, it's funny you say that! I don't actually own any yet, but I do kinda want some. I shall follow with straight hair pics eventually, whenever the fuck facebook decides to stop dicking me about with all its shit.


It's probably more down to safety reasons in my case, I'd only end up horribly disfiguring my face :heh:

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Meh, its only cuz im leaning to one side.


The problem is it being too long at the back and it keep covering my eyes.


Also chavs walking past whistling at me then going"OMG ITS A FUCKING CHAP HAHAHAHA"


But thats because I look a bit feminine I think. lol....


LOL, really, don't even take a chavvy opinion into your head. You look lovely Tk. Everyones different - and so what if you look a little "feminine". That shouldn't be a bad thing!


The big hair is kinda cool tbh ^^;

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Meh, its only cuz im leaning to one side.


The problem is it being too long at the back and it keep covering my eyes.


Also chavs walking past whistling at me then going"OMG ITS A FUCKING CHAP HAHAHAHA"


But thats because I look a bit feminine I think. lol....


I think your hair is cool mate! : peace:


Ignore the chavs..unfashionable, ugly little shits...well most of em..

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