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Eevil, you always remind me of Charlie Brooker. This is a good thing.

I like being compared to Charlie Brooker. We have lovely swearing filled media related rants.


To be fair, I've been considering with the idea of making some form of blog where I rant about shit adverts/shit programmes/Shitty Kate Moss etc. Brooker Style.

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TIME TEAM!!!!! :grin:

find the tiny ancient underground walls! find them!!


Oh god I should apply for that just on the strengh of this photo screw the fact that I do history for an MA this will get me in by itself. God I hate that program though.

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Holy shit no.

That's right, I meant business.


T'was for a Emo/Chav party one chum was having. I spent little effort on the clothing, having "No one understands me" written on my Velcro Shirt. But the pr0 effort came in making trousers seem tight by using a large amount of paper clips.

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I went to a Suhshi bar in Osaka, I ate a fish seconds after it was swimming in a tank!!


Here is the vid of what was laid in front of me!!!




Firstly wow nice quality video is that from a cam?


Secondly what the fuck... the fish is still alive thats horrible! God sierously I couldnt eat that its been skewed and skinned and its alive!!! Its just because I have fish for pets lol but still ewww lol.

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