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The Swastika is like an ancient Hindu symbol...Until that bitch Hitler came and tarred the image with his Aryan irony.


That would be this one, it's facing the left, unlike the nazi swastika:



or in the case of it being facing right, this one:



There really is no confusing the two. Unless you're dumb.

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Yay, pictures of Coolness! =D

See, you really aren't ugly! For some reason though I imagined you would be Indian or something (so at least I was kinda right on the skin colour in my head). XD

But woohoo, now you can post pictures in here too now that people know what you look like. =P



And to kinda continue the trend, two pictures of me in a hat, half naked!

The hat I got for Christmas but have never worn yet! I'd also like to point out these were taken after just waking up at 7, with my hair unbrushed and my pyjama pants still on (not like you can tell). =D






I look stupid, but oh well. XD

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*checks to see whether Jamba is still online*




I'd have still hugged you out of costume! :grin:


*hugs* :heh:



Thanks! :bouncy:


Lol, that's the only picture your getting of me in glasses!!! : peace:



LMAO! You don't need to be scared of little old me CB. Not the jealous type anyway, don't you think I woulda said something before everyone found out she was going out with me? :p


Ahh Bears your picture is awesome! Even Be-Bluey hasn't shown me that yet.

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